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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


aka ThreeOneFour
DrForester said:
All will be answered when this is released later this year.

Holy shit. Is that fucking real? Day one if so. :lol


maharg said:
Since it seems to be a ceremonial 'honor' thing more than anything relevant to command structure, I don't see why they couldn't have gone 2-3 years without it. Was there actually a lag, though? They never say so in the movies, but it's usually in the unofficial backstory that the ships that take on the enterprise name are originally intended to carry a different name. So it could have been commissioned pretty quickly, presumably.

There was a pretty long lag between C and D, though, for sure.

And yeah, TMP and Wrath of Khan are really the only times an Enterprise is a flagship in the classical sense. But the idea of the Enterprise being a flagship at all was only ever brought up in TNG, I think, so it would only apply unquestionably to Ent-D and maybe to Ent-E.
JJ's ST film also explicitly called out the Ent being the fleet flagship. No admiral on board of course.
Teh Hamburglar said:
And there is a lag time between Ent D being blown up and Ent E being commissioned so I doubt they went 2-3 years without a flagship.
If on-screen time mirrored off-screen time pretty closely, it wasn't quite THAT long. Generations came out late 1994, First Contact late 1996. In First Contact it's mentioned they've been on the E for about a year, so that would put about 1 year between D's destruction and the launch of the E.
XiaNaphryz said:
JJ's ST film also explicitly called out the Ent being the fleet flagship. No admiral on board of course.
If the need arose they'd just promote a lieutenant to admiral.


JoshuaJSlone said:
If the need arose they'd just promote a lieutenant to admiral.
Well, they did promote Pike to Admiral. Meaning we'll see Admiral Kirk, Captains Spock and Sulu, and Commander Chekov once again after 2 movies or so.
XiaNaphryz said:
Well, they did promote Pike to Admiral. Meaning we'll see Admiral Kirk, Captains Spock and Sulu, and Commander Chekov once again after 2 movies or so.

You can receive a field promotion that is temporary. But for the movies sake we moved things along so people wouldnt be confused as to why Kirk wasnt Captain Kirk, etc.

Fox Mulder

I'm in Season 3 of TNG, and it's getting better, but when do they get rid of these shitty two seat hatchback shuttles?

I mean, I saw a bigger one a few episodes back, but I guess Q stole it.


aka ThreeOneFour
bkfount said:
I'm in Season 3 of TNG, and it's getting better, but when do they get rid of these shitty two seat hatchback shuttles?

I mean, I saw a bigger one a few episodes back, but I guess Q stole it.

They stop using the shuttle pods around season 4.
Seen Enterprise a while ago, watching TNG at the moment, finishing 2nd season. Will watch DS9 and then Voyager but I want to know about movies, or rather an order in which I should watch them and when.


Nolimit_SS said:
Seen Enterprise a while ago, watching TNG at the moment, finishing 2nd season. Will watch DS9 and then Voyager but I want to know about movies, or rather an order in which I should watch them and when.
You could just watch them in order, the original crew ones form an arc in II-III-IV.

Watching them in order also gives you a weak-strong alternation so you aren't watching all the weak ones or all the strong ones in groups.
Nolimit_SS said:
Seen Enterprise a while ago, watching TNG at the moment, finishing 2nd season. Will watch DS9 and then Voyager but I want to know about movies, or rather an order in which I should watch them and when.
Whatever you do, for the sake everything that is right in the world, DO NOT watch Star Trek V.


I'm watching through DS9 right now. About to finish season 2.

I used to think Star Trek episodes involving Ferengi were annoying filler but Quark is easily the best character on the show and his episodes are amazing.


Kills Photobucket
Nolimit_SS said:
Seen Enterprise a while ago, watching TNG at the moment, finishing 2nd season. Will watch DS9 and then Voyager but I want to know about movies, or rather an order in which I should watch them and when.

You can watch the TOS movies any time (though if you can,t rack down a copy of the episode "Space Seed" for some nice background info on Star Trek 2, but the movie is plenty enjoyable without it.

TNG Watch the first TNG movie (Generations) after the series. Wait till you get to season 4 (or any time after) of DS9 then watch the next two TNG movies (First Contact and Insurrection). Wait till you finish Voyager to watch the last TNG movie.

You COULD watch the TNG movies immediately after TNG but you'd get spoiled on a few things in Voyager and DS9. They aren't part of the plot to the movies, just fan Easter eggs but noticeable spoilers non the less.


What do you need from the first four seasons of DS9 to not be confused by the TNG movies? I can't think of any important interactions.


Kills Photobucket
maharg said:
What do you need from the first four seasons of DS9 to not be confused by the TNG movies? I can't think of any important interactions.

Defiant and Worf on DS9
Not massive spoilers, but you'd mis out on some fun surprises in DS9


I thought the last 4 seasons of Voyager were acceptably watchable.

The whole Maquis/Kazon storyline at the start made me want to kill myself.


Kills Photobucket
JoeMartin said:
I thought the last 4 seasons of Voyager were acceptably watchable.

The whole Maquis/Kazon storyline at the start made me want to kill myself.

Kazon were stupid, no argument there. I think they missed some really good roads to travel with the half Maquis crew. That was a great idea, just poorly executed They threw in an episode now and then but pretty much they were totally accepted and integraded jsut a few episodes into it. Seska and Ensign Sutter were also some great characters they totally wasted.
benjipwns said:
You could just watch them in order, the original crew ones form an arc in II-III-IV.

Watching them in order also gives you a weak-strong alternation so you aren't watching all the weak ones or all the strong ones in groups.
I could, but since I'm watching almost whole franchise I'd like to keep it in proper time order. I will however watch them all anyhow.

Dax01 said:
Whatever you do, for the sake everything that is right in the world, DO NOT watch Star Trek V.
Haha, why not?

DrForester said:
You can watch the TOS movies any time (though if you can,t rack down a copy of the episode "Space Seed" for some nice background info on Star Trek 2, but the movie is plenty enjoyable without it.

TNG Watch the first TNG movie (Generations) after the series. Wait till you get to season 4 (or any time after) of DS9 then watch the next two TNG movies (First Contact and Insurrection). Wait till you finish Voyager to watch the last TNG movie.

You COULD watch the TNG movies immediately after TNG but you'd get spoiled on a few things in Voyager and DS9. They aren't part of the plot to the movies, just fan Easter eggs but noticeable spoilers non the less.

Will do, thanks!

maharg said:
I don't think watching all of voyager is an acceptable price to pay in order to watch STX.
I'm going to watch whole voyager anyway so np ;)


Well, you could just watch the first part, which is where the row row row your boat bit comes from. That's really the only good part. Some classic character moments between Kirk/Spock/McCoy.

The moment they step on the Enterprise, though, it's shittacular.
DrForester said:
It really is an absolutely terrible movie, but it really should be experienced. Watch it.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...
I often image what Hell would be like, and being forced to watch Star Trek V over and over again comes as close as any other description.

Honestly the only good part of the movie is that
campfire scene


I actually really love that shot haha. It's missing the awesome without audio though. "I know this ship like the back of me hand, sir!"
maharg said:
You say that now. Wait until you get 50 hours in.
Well good thing I can multitask and read forums while watching, or skip boring parts heh
Also while googleing for timeline on some forums people were saying Voyager was the best :D
DrForester said:
It really is an absolutely terrible movie, but it really should be experienced. Watch it.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

Looking forward to it! lol, sounds awesome


Nolimit_SS said:
Well good thing I can multitask and read forums while watching, or skip boring parts heh
Also while googleing for timeline on some forums people were saying Voyager was the best :D

There's always a few. And they're very loud about it.


Kills Photobucket
benjipwns said:
And ones I've seen tend to have a visceral hatred for DS9.

I can understand some Trekkies hating on DS9 though. It's my favorite show, but for people who grew up on the original and then TNG, DS9 totally went the other way from Roddenberry's vision.


Very true, I didn't stop to think about some comments I've read from people saying Roddenberry would have hated it.

That was probably part of why Berman hated the way it went in season three and beyond.


Those hilarious mashup videos has inspired me to return to the roots and watch TNG again. Been watching episodes randomly on Youtube, I'm surprised that I forgot how much I have actually watched a good majority of it. Back in college, I used to watch a lot of the reruns on UPN. It's still fun to watch.


TNG has some really good, maybe "third tier," episodes that you can nitpick and such but are just a good hour to enjoy.

It also had some absolutely unwatchable episodes.

But is it truly Star Trek if it doesn't?


Never watched Star Trek before , but I decided to give it a shot recently. I'm on the third season of TNG and I'm finally starting to love it. The last episode I saw was "Yesterday's Enterprise" which somehow became one of my favorites so far.

I want to ask, is there any plot connection or cameos between the series? Something like Data being on DS9 or something? I want to watch this in order but I don't want to miss a cameo or an event because it was in another series. So, should I stick with TNG till the end or should I watch DS9 or whatever alongside with it?



The Enterprise is featured in the first episode of DS9, and then halfway through the season, the Enterprise visits DS9 a second time, so the station is featured in a season six episode of TNG. Neither one has any particular continuity issues that reflect on the other show. When you hit season six, you can either start watching DS9 in parallel, or finish watching season six and seven to end TNG before moving on to DS9.
ruby_onix said:

The Enterprise is featured in the first episode of DS9, and then halfway through the season, the Enterprise visits DS9 a second time, so the station is featured in a season six episode of TNG. Neither one has any particular continuity issues that reflect on the other show. When you hit season six, you can either start watching DS9 in parallel, or finish watching season six and seven to end TNG before moving on to DS9.

There is the episode with
Thomas Riker and Kira on the Defiant
but like you said no real affect on continuity of the show.


Kills Photobucket
Dizzy-4U said:
Never watched Star Trek before , but I decided to give it a shot recently. I'm on the third season of TNG and I'm finally starting to love it. The last episode I saw was "Yesterday's Enterprise" which somehow became one of my favorites so far.

I want to ask, is there any plot connection or cameos between the series? Something like Data being on DS9 or something? I want to watch this in order but I don't want to miss a cameo or an event because it was in another series. So, should I stick with TNG till the end or should I watch DS9 or whatever alongside with it?

There were a few small cameo's (more the occasional recurring character from TNG than a major cast member) but nothing all that big, well except one big one on DS9, but if you don't know about that already, I'll let it surprise you.

Mostly, TNG just included a few episodes in the last two seasons that helped set up DS9 (Few episodes focusing on The Bajorans and Cardasians, who's races play heavily in DS9). They even introduced a new character who was intended to move on and become a major cast member on DS9 but the actress decided not to do it.


it's ok, you're all right now
Finally got around to watching TNG, about midway through season 2. I didn't remember it was this decent. Such a refreshing pace from the disaster that was Voyager.


benjipwns said:
And ones I've seen tend to have a visceral hatred for DS9.

I have love for Voyager if only because of the Doctor. The show may have been lackluster on the whole but I still believe he is one of the better characters in Trek history.

And I'm enjoying DS9 just fine - I've just started into season 4. Garak is probably the best played character on the show. Actually a lot of the Cardassians tend to be - they do a good job with Dukat as well. I've found the whole Dominion thing pretty boring so far, the Jem'hadar espeically. I'm assuming it'll pick up, but really it's just been GRRRR WERE WARRIORS WE LIKE TO KILL, and oh look another shapeshifter impersonating someone important to try and disrupt the balance of power, I didn't call that 5 minutes into the episode.


The Jem'Hadar are entirely disposable cannon fodder and were only put there as an excuse to get Sisko/Worf in the Captain's seat of a warship. And they're still twice as good as any Voyager villians. The Founders are an Odo yawnfest. Odo was a much better character before they came along. The Vorta are the interesting ones of the group.

The Ferengi and the Cardassians really came into their own in DS9.
ruby_onix said:
The Founders are an Odo yawnfest. Odo was a much better character before they came along.

I concur - in the first series or so Odo is a mean-spirited grump whose only passion is enforcing his own brand of justice, but with each progression of his character they make him less intimidating, cold & isolated until he's just some sickeningly lovey dovey, whiney, homesick annoyance.


JoeMartin said:
I have love for Voyager if only because of the Doctor. The show may have been lackluster on the whole but I still believe he is one of the better characters in Trek history.

You won't find much bigger of a hater of Voyager and everything it represents than me, and even I can agree with this. He's pretty much the only thing that ever had a hope of making it watchable.


The Doctor was awesome (and I certainly put him in my top five, if not higher, Garak is at the top, but The Doctor has to be involved), but Voyager DOES have some good standalone episodes. (The Doctor focused ones for example!) Even some ones I'd call really good or great. And if intoxicated I might even consider a few to be pretty brilliant.

But, the problem with Voyager, as I and so many others have said probably in just this thread, is that none of it mattered. Every episode reset 99% of everything, including damage to the ship, character development, relationships, etc. The second season is basically the only time the show has any kind of arcs and even that's ruined by how lame the Kazon are. The Maquis problems? Gone by the end of the first season after accounting for nothing. The Equinox crew? Meh, who? Even with the lousy Borg children, they tried to bail out of them as fast as possible. I don't even remember what happened to them and have to look it up, and I've seen every episode about four times.

The show should have been more like Year of Hell than what it was. I mean in the insane Hirogen Holodeck two-parter they literally blow a fucking hole in the middle of the ship and the next week nobody even handwaves it away, it's like it never happened. Hell, Harry Kim and Noami Wildman come from another universe or whatever and nobody gives a shit even in that episode.

It had a brilliant premise and they don't do shit with it. We never think the ship is actually struggling to survive 70 years away from the Alpha Quadrant because nobody really dies, everything is fixed by the next week (or the end of the episode) and almost everyone acts just like they did six months into getting lost. They did DS9 on a station so they couldn't warp away from their problems every week and it wound up working fantastically. When you consider that the shows were mostly running concurrently, it hurts Voyager. Hell, Enterprise did Voyager better than Voyager did considering how they were similarly "in the unknown" (even if we already knew a lot of the races) especially during the Xindi arc.

Despite all this, I've started watching the reruns on Spike TV again. I LIKE much of Voyager, it's just so far away from what it could be and that's what makes me harsh with it.

It's kinda like the recent Star Trek movie. I think it's pretty crappy, the plot is mindbogglingly stupid, it did things it didn't need to do at all that make it even worse, and I still consider it a generic sci-fi film with a "Star Trek mod." But I've seen it five times and I'm sad I don't get a sequel until 2012 at best because I have that silly hope that with the junk out of the way something great can be done with it.

Clearly something is wrong with me. I need The Doctor to evaluate me.

Did I mention I've read about 75% of the Star Trek comics and novels despite how absolutely shitty some (most?) of them are? (And continue to read ones I haven't as time goes by.) That probably explains more than anything I wrote above. Some of them are amazing though, A Stitch in Time and I, Q need to be made canon for one thing. Double Helix too, among others.
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