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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN

maharg said:
Yeah no. Also with Star Wars. It's called Expanded Universe for a reason.

Okay. I don't see how that counters my statement. A book exists into the mythology until its denied by movies or another official piece.


That's not how it works with Star Wars either...

G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.

T-canon[1] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[2]

C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.

S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.

N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.

"The only relevant official continuities are the current versions of the films alone, and the combined current version of the films along with whatever else we've got in the Holocron. You're never going to know what George's view of the universe beyond the films at any given time because it is constantly evolving."

"Anything not in the current version of the films is irrelevant to Film only continuity."


Morn said:
That's not how it works with Star Wars either...

Yes, I referenced the ridiculously complicated canon of the Star Wars EU earlier, and all of that doesn't actually matter since Lucas can, and does, flat out deny certain things and the EU authors are left scrambling to retcon and fix the resulting contradictions.


Wait there was a live action star wars series?

Tried watching some more DS9 again. Just not my style. It fails for me in the same reason that SG Universe and BSG were completely uninteresting to me because of forcefully injected drama in a limited setting.


MrBig said:
Wait there was a live action star wars series?

Tried watching some more DS9 again. Just not my style. It fails for me in the same reason that SG Universe and BSG were completely uninteresting to me because of forcefully injected drama in a limited setting.

you could try one of the comedy episodes like Take me out to the Holosuite. Or just skip to Improbable Cause in season 3 for some great acting & action.


Zenith said:
you could try one of the comedy episodes like Take me out to the Holosuite. Or just skip to Improbable Cause in season 3 for some great acting & action.
I really didn't care for that episode, and I consider myself a huge DS9 fan. I'm not sure that it would be the best to bring someone around.
jaxword said:
Lucas is reportedly making one now, but there've been...others that tend to be forgotten.
He was talking about the live action show for yeeeears, but I think the latest word is that it just wasn't looking feasible on a TV budget and was thus shelved indefinitely.


JoshuaJSlone said:
He was talking about the live action show for yeeeears, but I think the latest word is that it just wasn't looking feasible on a TV budget and was thus shelved indefinitely.

After Lucas makes another couple of million off the Star Wars 3d Rerereleases, I'm sure he'll be able to afford it.

Which, in a way, will likely lead to more Star Trek, as it will revive interest in the genre.


Kills Photobucket
jaxword said:
Lucas is reportedly making one now, but there've been...others that tend to be forgotten.



jaxword said:
After Lucas makes another couple of million off the Star Wars 3d Rerereleases, I'm sure he'll be able to afford it.

Which, in a way, will likely lead to more Star Trek, as it will revive interest in the genre.

They won't do another TV series for Trek until there's a regime change at CBS. They had the option of doing a new series or movies, and the current head of CBS feels that Trek works better as movies so he has no desire to allow a new TV series as long as he's in charge.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Morn said:
They won't do another TV series for Trek until there's a regime change at CBS. They had the option of doing a new series or movies, and the current head of CBS feels that Trek works better as movies so he has no desire to allow a new TV series as long as he's in charge.

A bigger question I have is what the hell would the new TV series be doing? Would it be a reboot? Or a continuation of the "Romulans are destroyed" timeline or the new movie timeline? I used to be a massive Star Trek fan but I really don't know what direction a TV series would take.


industrian said:
A bigger question I have is what the hell would the new TV series be doing? Would it be a reboot? Or a continuation of the "Romulans are destroyed" timeline or the new movie timeline? I used to be a massive Star Trek fan but I really don't know what direction a TV series would take.

There are people who still want a USS Titan series, and the key actors aren't really doing much and are up for it so...
industrian said:
A bigger question I have is what the hell would the new TV series be doing? Would it be a reboot? Or a continuation of the "Romulans are destroyed" timeline or the new movie timeline? I used to be a massive Star Trek fan but I really don't know what direction a TV series would take.

I'd set it a few hundred years after TNG, just as that show set a large period of time between itself and TOS.

They should look to Doctor Who for inspiration - a distant continuation that isn't mired in continuity but nonetheless pays homage to it. Its accessible for new audiences but rewarding for the fans when nods to the past come up. No complex pilot episode with big political space shit going on, just instantly jump to the adventures of one ship. We can cover any story megatons about what happened between the past series and the new present as the show goes on.

Anyone who touched Voyager must not be allowed to go near it in any capacity, with the exceptions of Bob Picardo and Dwight Shultz.
ErasureAcer said:
They should do a mirror universe Star Trek series where everything is f'ed up.

Unless its a miniseries we'd get bored quick. There's only so much scenery chewing and cheesy villiany we can put up with until it wears out its welcome.

DS9 had it right, a quick glance into the evil universe every season or so and done. It didn't overstay its welcome that way.
industrian said:
A bigger question I have is what the hell would the new TV series be doing? Would it be a reboot? Or a continuation of the "Romulans are destroyed" timeline or the new movie timeline? I used to be a massive Star Trek fan but I really don't know what direction a TV series would take.

The best thing for them to do is to wait some more years and basically "reboot" the franchise in a similar manner than TNG did. Set it in the Prime universe but wait some time, set it further into the future and aim for bringing in a new generation of fans along with having the nostalgia factor.


MrBig said:
Wait there was a live action star wars series?

No. Back when Episode III came out, Lucas announced plans to make a 100 episode live-action tv series based around secondary characters from the Star Wars universe that would take place between Episodes III and IV. The project is dead though. It never got beyond the writing phase. Lucas says the scripts are finished, but it would be too expensive to make.
BattleMonkey said:
The best thing for them to do is to wait some more years and basically "reboot" the franchise in a similar manner than TNG did. Set it in the Prime universe but wait some time, set it further into the future and aim for bringing in a new generation of fans along with having the nostalgia factor.
Agreed, but they could also do a cartoon set in the 2009 Verse and retelling TOS story's.


I definitely think the best setting for a new series would be TOS-era in the new movie universe. Obviously, since it'd be unfeasible to get the movie cast for a series, it'd focus on another crew around the same time.


It's been discussed in here recently, but Conspiracy is actually pretty amusing as an episode within the context of the whole season.

It got a setup in a prior episode. (And tried to make one for a later episode and I can see it as a pretty awesome "OMG WHAT IS COMING" ending if I was back in 1988.) It could be seen as a fairly suspenseful episode before you understand the ruse since it's Starfleet/humans (same thing?) acting weird. The part where the other captains come in under the parasites influence is pretty well done for the first season, probably most seasons. They eat worms/bugs, and they shoot a bunch of people and blow a guys face/chest off with phasers. The fake out with Riker is also done well, you don't know about it and it's plausible he could be "taken" and saved later.

First season TNG disclaimers as always.

Actually. Symbiosis, Conspiracy and The Neutral Zone are a pretty good finish to the season. It'd be interesting to see how they'd have been done in the third or fourth seasons. Although, they probably wouldn't have been.

Second season starts Friday in the Syndication Runs, can't wait for Pulaski! From Mem-Alpha:
beyond brief references in TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers", TNG: "Ship in a Bottle" and VOY: "Endgame", she was never heard from again

Confession: I like The Royale.
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
Agreed, but they could also do a cartoon set in the 2009 Verse and retelling TOS story's.

I figured doing a new series on the new style in the reboot universe would be a good idea. I really don't know if they would ever attempt to go back to the Prime universe especially if they will want to get in a new generation of viewers. The reboot movie largely worked because of nostalgia factor that was very open to all viewers and not just fans, not sure how well a TV show with different cast would do though truthfully.


It occurs to me The Original Series, and the new movie, take place a bit over 200 years from now.

We really better move fast to get to that level of peace and stability in the world.

Davey Cakes

I've really been enjoying Season 6 of DS9. Maybe more than Season 5. "Far Beyond the Stars" is just a beastly episode. It's fun yet powerful.


TNG fan here, really enjoying I, Q currently, and wondering what books I should get my hands on within TNG series. There's a ton, but I'd prefer stuff that can be read as a one-off sort of adventure, as I, Q seems to be. Recommendations?
Petrie said:
TNG fan here, really enjoying I, Q currently, and wondering what books I should get my hands on within TNG series. There's a ton, but I'd prefer stuff that can be read as a one-off sort of adventure, as I, Q seems to be. Recommendations?
Not to make a specific recommendation, but pretty much anything before the late 90s is going to be a one-off adventure. Once they got into the movies and had less official content to conflict with, the books started becoming more self-referential. Most of the first 50-ish numbered ones would seem pretty safe.

Though to make at least one specific recommendation, if you're digging I, Q maybe you'd like Q-Squared. I haven't read I, Q, but it's co-authored by de Lancie and Peter David--David alone wrote Q-Squared, and he's one of my favorite Trek authors anyway.


DrForester said:
The Ewok tv films were okay for the most part. Not the greatest thing but passable. The girl was even included in one or two of the novels as a minor character (she was an adult by then). The Special on the other hand... Well there is a reason why it's not possible to find any video footage of it. It's as if Lucasfilm scrubbed or is trying to scrub the world clean of it.


I don't know why but the warp nacelles on federation ships always bothered me. Seems like a design flaw when you consider they have to stretch out the shields to cover them.


Slayven said:
I don't know why but the warp nacelles on federation ships always bothered me. Seems like a design flaw when you consider they have to stretch out the shields to cover them.

tech explanation is that they have to be clear of the hull to generate a warp field.
Anyone have any of the Diamond Select Enterprise models? Was interested in picking up one the Enterprise-E versions but was wondering if they are pretty sturdy feeling ships and stand well on their base. Seen the playmates ships and many of them besides looking overly plastic are very light and wobble a lot on their bases.


Kills Photobucket
Simon Pegg is awesome. his enthusiasm of being part of Star Trek is fantastic.

From recent interviews.

Q: Obviously Scotty was the last one to join the crew in Star Trek. Obviously you don’t know what the next script will be yet but are you excited to be there from the beginning?

Simon Pegg: Absolutely. I can’t wait. It’s a great crew. We all got on very well and I can’t wait to get back into that thing of getting to know each other. I think they’ll pick up the story from where we left off and we’ve all only just met so there’s a lot of mileage I would imagine dramatically in us all sort of getting to know each other.


Q: Is there any possibility that Nick will appear in the next “Star Trek” movie with you, Simon?

Simon Pegg: Probably not. We like working together but we don’t come as a pair. We’ve done as much stuff apart as we have together. We’ll always work together if we can though.

Nick Frost: I’m happy that Simon goes off and does his little things on the side. I like “Star Trek.” I like watching him in “Star Trek.” I wouldn’t like watching me in “Star Trek.” But if somebody offered me a million dollars to do it, maybe I’d do it.

Simon Pegg: I think he’d make a terrific Harry Mudd from the original “Star Trek” series.


I hope he gets more screen time in Star Trek 2. I was a bit disappointed that Scotty had such a small party in the story.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I have been watching Star Trek Voyager and TNG.

First episode of TNG was good. I love the concepts explored in just one episode. I never realized it was this good.

Voyager is also right up my alley.


Kills Photobucket
Veidt said:
I have been watching Star Trek Voyager and TNG.

First episode of TNG was good. I love the concepts explored in just one episode. I never realized it was this good.
Voyager is also right up my alley.

Fair warning. You won't find many friends here with talk like that...

I will say that if you've seen all of Voyager that you have no real clue who Q is. He was really neutered for the Voyager episodes. He can be much much more menacing (though never quite as much as that first TNG episode)


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
DrForester said:
Fair warning. You won't find many friends here with talk like that...
Really? And why is that? I know it's incredibly serial, with some episodes that don't really mean anything. But I can tolerate that. And as much as people don't like Janeway's way of speaking, I love it. It reminds me of those old films, Casablanca and such.

TNG just oozes awesome though. I honestly loved the first episode.

"TASHA: I must! Because I grew up on a world that allowed things like this court. And it was people like these that saved me from it. This so-called court should get down on its knees to what Starfleet is, what it represents. "

So good.


jaxword said:
It occurs to me The Original Series, and the new movie, take place a bit over 200 years from now.

We really better move fast to get to that level of peace and stability in the world.
Well that peace and stability only came after a global nuclear war that killed 15% of the world's population, so maybe their path isn't the best model :p


Zenith said:
tech explanation is that they have to be clear of the hull to generate a warp field.

I could have sworn the tech explanation also explains the entire general structure of nearly all Federation ships, that is the secondary and primary hulls with some sort of saucer or sphere in the front. It was probably in the TNG Technical Manual (that I've got somewhere at my mom's house) or something. Had something to do with the inherent shape of a warp field.

Of course, that doesn't really explain other species' differently shaped ships, unless the "inherent" shape has to do with the fact that Fed ships generally use dual nacelle designs.


Kills Photobucket
Veidt said:
Really? And why is that? I know it's incredibly serial, with some episodes that don't really mean anything. But I can tolerate that. And as much as people don't like Janeway's way of speaking, I love it. It reminds me of those old films, Casablanca and such.

TNG just oozes awesome though. I honestly loved the first episode.

"TASHA: I must! Because I grew up on a world that allowed things like this court. And it was people like these that saved me from it. This so-called court should get down on its knees to what Starfleet is, what it represents.

So good.

Here's the great Mama Robotnik Rant.

As for myself, I thought it was a missed opportunity. They totally ignored half their cast, making them little more than background characters. Chakotay in particular was a huge missed opportunity. The only characters teh writers seemed to care abotu were Janeway, The Doctor, and Seven.

The stories were weak. They relied too much on old TNG stuff, and by the very nature of the story it was supposed to be new. Most the villains were recycled TNG villains with new names (though I will give them credit for the Videans, who I think are one of the greatest aliens ever created in Trek).

I will also argue that Voyager had one or two episodes that stand up with the best episodes of TOS and TNG. The problem was all the terrible episodes in between. TOS, TNG, and DS9 all had their share of stinkers, but with Voyager it was par for the course to have a stupid episode.
Veidt said:
Really? And why is that? I know it's incredibly serial, with some episodes that don't really mean anything. But I can tolerate that. And as much as people don't like Janeway's way of speaking, I love it. It reminds me of those old films, Casablanca and such.

TNG just oozes awesome though. I honestly loved the first episode.

"TASHA: I must! Because I grew up on a world that allowed things like this court. And it was people like these that saved me from it. This so-called court should get down on its knees to what Starfleet is, what it represents. "

So good.
I always disliked Tasha.
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