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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
DrForester said:
Here's the great Mama Robotnik Rant.

As for myself, I thought it was a missed opportunity. They totally ignored half their cast, making them little more than background characters. Chakotay in particular was a huge missed opportunity. The only characters teh writers seemed to care abotu were Janeway, The Doctor, and Seven.

The stories were weak. They relied too much on old TNG stuff, and by the very nature of the story it was supposed to be new. Most the villains were recycled TNG villains with new names (though I will give them credit for the Videans, who I think are one of the greatest aliens ever created in Trek).

I will also argue that Voyager had one or two episodes that stand up with the best episodes of TOS and TNG. The problem was all the terrible episodes in between. TOS, TNG, and DS9 all had their share of stinkers, but with Voyager it was par for the course to have a stupid episode.

After reading all of that. I kind of feel bad about enjoying the episodes of Voyager. Should I continue watching it? I'm not so sure any more.

Dax01 said:
I always disliked Tasha.

Really? What becomes of her? I kind of dug her swift kung fu moves to be honest. And she was pretty passionate in the first episode.
Veidt said:
Really? What becomes of her? I kind of dug her swift kung fu moves to be honest. And she was pretty passionate in the first episode.
I haven't watched TNG in awhile, but I remember I was so glad to see her go. Maybe because she was hogging the spotlight from Worf.


Kills Photobucket
Veidt said:
After reading all of that. I kind of feel bad about enjoying the episodes of Voyager. Should I continue watching it? I'm not so sure any more.


Don't let that stop you from watching I'd still recommend watching it for Trek fans, and like I said before. There are some really really good episodes in there.


teiresias said:
I could have sworn the tech explanation also explains the entire general structure of nearly all Federation ships, that is the secondary and primary hulls with some sort of saucer or sphere in the front. It was probably in the TNG Technical Manual (that I've got somewhere at my mom's house) or something. Had something to do with the inherent shape of a warp field.

Of course, that doesn't really explain other species' differently shaped ships, unless the "inherent" shape has to do with the fact that Fed ships generally use dual nacelle designs.

yeah, it says how hull geometry affects entering into subspace or something. You don't need primary & secondary hulls, just something "smooth" like a disc. Course there are dozens of ships contradicting this.


The one time they gave Tasha any kind of plot (re. her history as an orphan on a less-than-federationy colony), they demonstrated some potential for her. She didn't deserve the Jossing (used retroactively) she got, though, that's for sure.
Veidt said:
After reading all of that. I kind of feel bad about enjoying the episodes of Voyager. Should I continue watching it? I'm not so sure any more.
That would be a waste. Either continue enjoying it for what it is, or continue deriving enjoyment from nitpicking it.


The Royale is so bad it's good and I love it.

Data playing craps is god mode.

EDIT: From the writer:
"I've completely disowned the piece. I suppose skeletally it's my story, but when I started to reread the rewrite, I got ten pages through it and I got sort of a cold chill and had to put it down. An interesting thing is that the cast, the crew and even secretaries went out of their way to tell me how much they liked my draft, and they asked me in a totally puzzled manner, what on Earth had happened and why we had changed it. All I could do was shrug. Of course this is all my opinion, and you'd probably hear something different from the other side...I felt like a lot of the comedy was taken out. A lot of the surrealism was taken out. I feel that it's very heavy-handed now, and it's gone from being a strange episode to being a stupid episode."


benjipwns said:
The Royale is so bad it's good and I love it.

Data playing craps is god mode.
I think I've seen The Royale so many times it's grown on me. It's like I consider it a shining example of that period when TNG was still doing crazy things you'd expect to see on TOS.


"I felt like a lot of the comedy was taken out. A lot of the surrealism was taken out. I feel that it's very heavy-handed now, and it's gone from being a strange episode to being a stupid episode."

If The Royale that was filmed & aired had a lot of comedy and surrealism taken out, I'm not sure I can fathom what script this guy wrote. I love that episode because it's so stupid hilarious. Certainly better than holodeck gangsters.


Man I rewatched "In the mirror darkly" and "Terra Prime" today and damn it made me kind of mad about Enterprise getting the hatchet.

Davey Cakes

I'm ALMOST done with Season 7 of DS9. Down to the last three episodes. I've been watching this show for the last few months, and it really feels ridiculously long, like it's never going to end. But, soon it will end and I'll be a bit sad, but also ready to move on.

Season 7 has really been fantastic, though. This and Season 4 are really the standout seasons, in my opinion, because of how the change things up. The final 10 episodes of S7 are probably going to end up as the greatest 10-episode cluster of the series. They're just full of awesomeness in my opinion.

Otherwise, the series has come off as extremely consistent, in my opinion, so it's hard to gauge exactly which season is best. I'm not one of those people who hate on the first three seasons; I enjoyed those heavily and enjoyed the series when it seemed to get a budget increase and focused more on war during the latter half.


Slayven said:
Man I rewatched "In the mirror darkly" and "Terra Prime" today and damn it made me kind of mad about Enterprise getting the hatchet.

Season 4 of Enterprise was really good.

Except for These Are the Voyages...
Slayven said:
Man I rewatched "In the mirror darkly" and "Terra Prime" today and damn it made me kind of mad about Enterprise getting the hatchet.

Watch Bound or These Are The Voyages to remind you why the hatchet was needed.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
So I have been an extremely casual Star Trek fan and I decided recently that I was going to watch every episode of Star Trek in release order over the next year or two and am almost done with the first season of TOS and really enjoyed it for the most part. There were a few clunkers and am aware that the next couple of seasons saw budget cuts, and will probably be worse. Looking forward to getting into TNG and a little less excited about DS9 and Voyager and especially Enterprise.


Spider from Mars said:
So I have been an extremely casual Star Trek fan and I decided recently that I was going to watch every episode of Star Trek in release order over the next year or two and am almost done with the first season of TOS and really enjoyed it for the most part. There were a few clunkers and am aware that the next couple of seasons saw budget cuts, and will probably be worse. Looking forward to getting into TNG and a little less excited about DS9 and Voyager and especially Enterprise.

? Season 2 and 3 of TOS are definitely better than S1. Budget cuts can't get in the way of a show finding its feet.

Davey Cakes

I can understand the reservations about Voyager and Enterprise, but honestly, DS9 is great and will likely be the change-up you'll need after going through TNG.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
maharg said:
? Season 2 and 3 of TOS are definitely better than S1. Budget cuts can't get in the way of a show finding its feet.
I have heard nothing but season three is terrible and season two is worse than season one. I guess I will just see for myself. Hopefully Netflix delivers a decent amount if not all the seasons on watch instantly.


Rash said:
I can understand the reservations about Voyager and Enterprise, but honestly, DS9 is great and will likely be the change-up you'll need after going through TNG.

IMO Deep Space 9 is the best Star Trek. It's got a continuing story arc from start to finish and it's got a lot of character development not only for the main cast, but a host of regulars. It explores a lot of morally difficult problems, politics, and has iconic bad guys that actually seem threatening.

Davey Cakes

Finally finished DS9 today. What a journey. 176 episodes over three months.

Basically, it was the only show I really dedicated myself to, except for NBC's Thursday comedy shows. It served as a "comfort show" for me, honestly. I would come home from class and eat lunch to it on many days. On "stay-in" days, especially those where I was sick, I could run through 3-5 episodes if I felt like it. Sometimes I really couldn't get enough.

So yeah, I was fast to go through it, but really, this kind of show-watching makes up, well, 95% of my show-watching time. I pick one show, get into it, and dedicate myself to it over a period of time. Though, again, some of my favorite comedy shows were there to break things up.

And I actually went into this as a sort of fair weather/off-and-on Star Trek fan. I never cared much for TOS or the TOS movies (though I did see the most recent movie and thought decently of it). Didn't even care to glimpse at the likes of DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Star Trek novels, or much else. I was mostly into TNG stuff, but even then I wasn't dedicated to that show; I would just catch some of it whenever it was on TV or I'd watch the TNG movies. But after my brother recommended DS9 to me, I decided to jump in. Something about the universal acclaim + the premise made me more interested than usual. I'm really glad I started watching.

Favorite of the main cast? Probably Odo, Quark, and O'Brien. But honestly, I can't help but love 'em all in some way or another. As for supporting cast, Garak really took it.

My least favorite episodes were, honestly, the mirror universe ones. Just didn't care much for the evil universe and its plots. I prefer even the weakest of the early DS9 episodes.

The best use of an alternate universe in this show was undoubtedly "The Visitor." I mean, wow. Powerful stuff.

I'm going to take a break from Star Trek for a while, but next I'm likely going to give TNG the full run that I think it deserves.
Rash said:
So yeah, I was fast to go through it, but really, this kind of show-watching makes up, well, 95% of my show-watching time. I pick one show, get into it, and dedicate myself to it over a period of time.
Yeah, this is my preferred way of watching shows, too. There's something to be said for the experience of watching shows as they arrive new and having a chance to discuss it with likeminded people, but as far as the watching the show portion, having it all there and not crazily spread out is the way to go.


Kills Photobucket
Rash said:
My least favorite episodes were, honestly, the mirror universe ones. Just didn't care much for the evil universe and its plots. I prefer even the weakest of the early DS9 episodes.

I think it was a great idea at first. A very clever revisit to an original episode, dealing with the consequences of that episode.

It just got too silly, The first two were pretty good. The 3rd one where they need Sisko to help them with their defiant just got a bit to out there, then fully downhill after that.
I like the way they got Rom to take the piss out of the concept.
ROM: This is suppose to be an alternate universe, but their Captain O'Brien seems as nice as our Chief O'Brien.
ROM: Don't you see? It doesn't make any sense. It's not alternate.
QUARK: Go back to sleep, Rom.
ROM: Right. But it's all very confusing.

QUARK: Better hope he didn't poison them.
ROM: Maybe in our universe he'd do something like that, but not over here. Over here, everything's alternate. So he's a nice guy. Which means the tube grubs here should be poisonous, because they're not poisonous on our side. But if Brunt gave us poisonous tube grubs it would mean he wasn't as nice as we think he is. But he has to be nice because our Brunt isn't.
QUARK: Rom, you're driving me crazy.
ROM: It's not me, brother, it's this alternate universe. It just doesn't make any sense.
BRUNT: More tube grubs?
ROM: Yes, please. No. Yes!


I know the EU is frown on here, but I squeal with girlish glee when I heard about the new Trek series.


There’s likely no more of a thankless job in the Federation than temporal investigation. While starship explorers get to live the human adventure of traveling to other times and realities, it’s up to the dedicated agents of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations to deal with the consequences to the timestream that the rest of the Galaxy has to live with day by day. But when history as we know it could be wiped out at any moment by time warriors from the future, misused relics of ancient races, or accident-prone starships, only the most disciplined, obsessive, and unimaginative government employees have what it takes to face the existential uncertainty of it all on a daily basis . . . and still stay sane enough to complete their assignments.

That’s where Agents Lucsly and Dulmur come in—stalwart and unflappable, these men are the Federation’s unsung anchors in a chaotic universe. Together with their colleagues in the DTI—and with the help and sometimes hindrance of Starfleet’s finest—they do what they can to keep the timestream, or at least the paperwork, as neat and orderly as they are. But when a series of escalating temporal incursions threatens to open a new front of the history-spanning Temporal Cold War in the twenty-fourth century, Agents Lucsly and Dulmur will need all their investigative skill and unbending determination to stop those who wish to rewrite the past for their own advantage, and to keep the present and the future from devolving into the kind of chaos they really, really hate.


Kills Photobucket
Qwomo said:
Wait, that's from actual Star Trek? Bleeugh. Eugh. The nineties were the worst.

It's from the Trial and Tribbleations episode of Deep Space Nine. They're the two agents sent to investigate Sisko's time breach. Again, it was a line they just glossed over, and was pretty subtle.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Tasha never got a chance. Everyone sucked in season 1 and Denise only got 16 episodes.

She's the one who bailed. Not her fault a movie career never magically materialized.


Junior Member
Also she was quite a bad actress. Or, at least, worse than the others. LeVar Burton was pretty bad too but at least his character was interesting.


Rash said:
Finally finished DS9 today. What a journey. 176 episodes over three months.

Basically, it was the only show I really dedicated myself to, except for NBC's Thursday comedy shows. It served as a "comfort show" for me, honestly. I would come home from class and eat lunch to it on many days. On "stay-in" days, especially those where I was sick, I could run through 3-5 episodes if I felt like it. Sometimes I really couldn't get enough.

So yeah, I was fast to go through it, but really, this kind of show-watching makes up, well, 95% of my show-watching time. I pick one show, get into it, and dedicate myself to it over a period of time. Though, again, some of my favorite comedy shows were there to break things up.

And I actually went into this as a sort of fair weather/off-and-on Star Trek fan. I never cared much for TOS or the TOS movies (though I did see the most recent movie and thought decently of it). Didn't even care to glimpse at the likes of DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Star Trek novels, or much else. I was mostly into TNG stuff, but even then I wasn't dedicated to that show; I would just catch some of it whenever it was on TV or I'd watch the TNG movies. But after my brother recommended DS9 to me, I decided to jump in. Something about the universal acclaim + the premise made me more interested than usual. I'm really glad I started watching.

Favorite of the main cast? Probably Odo, Quark, and O'Brien. But honestly, I can't help but love 'em all in some way or another. As for supporting cast, Garak really took it.

My least favorite episodes were, honestly, the mirror universe ones. Just didn't care much for the evil universe and its plots. I prefer even the weakest of the early DS9 episodes.

The best use of an alternate universe in this show was undoubtedly "The Visitor." I mean, wow. Powerful stuff.

I'm going to take a break from Star Trek for a while, but next I'm likely going to give TNG the full run that I think it deserves.

But what about me?


Rash said:
Finally finished DS9 today. What a journey. 176 episodes over three months.

to be 100% complete you should watch First Contact as the Defiant gets a cameo and the events are mentioned in DS9.

DrForester said:
It's from the Trial and Tribbleations episode of Deep Space Nine. They're the two agents sent to investigate Sisko's time breach. Again, it was a line they just glossed over, and was pretty subtle.

I never noticed it until now.
The Star Trek Online book had an interesting bit with Lucsly and Dulmer. Dulmer is hospitalized due to temporal psychosis--something gone wrong on one of their missions leads to him remember things from other timelines--such as the one the other novels use, and that of Star Trek 2009.
DULMER: All right. Let's look at the bigger picture, then. Let's see, I have a vivid recollection of the Borg completely devastating Deneva and Risa around twenty-five years ago.


There's one thing I can't quite figure out, though: how the Borg managed to attack Vulcan over a century after the planet had already been blown to smithereens...


I was directed here from the stupid questions thread.

I'm watching 3 episodes of the original series first season with some friends. Which ones should we watch?
cntrational said:
I was directed here from the stupid questions thread.

I'm watching 3 episodes of the original series first season with some friends. Which ones should we watch?

Space Seed, The City on the Edge of Forever, Balance of Terror
Instigator said:
Space Seed, The City on the Edge of Forever, Balance of Terror
Just want to second that these are very solid choices.

And incidentally for the discussion going on a few pages ago about season vs season, those are all from season 1.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Just want to second that these are very solid choices.

And incidentally for the discussion going on a few pages ago about season vs season, those are all from season 1.
He specifically asked for three episodes from season 1.

Otherwise I'd consider booting Space Seed and adding a season 2 great like Amok Time or Trouble With Tribbles.

Those are still some great any-season choices though. They're great any-Trek choices.


"Up The Long Ladder" is just a weird episode. It's like two different ones mashed together. And polygamy winds up as the solution.

Also, I read this:
Frakes recalled at a convention that Roddenberry said it had an appropriately "nautical" look-- and the beard became a permanent part of Riker's character. The executives had some reservations, however. As Frakes tells it, they told him to shave off "eighteen percent" of the beard! The only explanation behind a number of such bizarre precision is that each exective chose a percentage (ten, twenty, twenty-five, etc.) and the average number was chosen.
Since I'm mentioning second season stuff, feel free to share opinions on Pulaski.


It's always so weird to watch the one or two TOS episodes the actress was in where they'd inevitably do the soft focus, light stripe across the eyes romantic pose with her. Just... weird.


benjipwns said:
Since I'm mentioning second season stuff, feel free to share opinions on Pulaski.

By far the worst doctor in Trek ever. Only think she does was insult Data (and this is post-Measure of a Man). She just grates no matter what scene she's in.


benjipwns said:
Since I'm mentioning second season stuff, feel free to share opinions on Pulaski.
McCoy wannabe. And McCoy was entirely reliant on being a part of the Kirk/Spock dynamic, which doesn't exist in TNG.

She was a capable doctor who stood in for Dr Crusher for a while and the crew didn't die. Crusher had better relations with pretty much the entire crew. I can't think of anyone who clicked with Pulaski. They tried to make Data her Spock, but even that just seemed annoying and insulting.
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