I haven't seen any talk here as of yet, but Dragon Momoko posted colored pictures of their MG Testament. Looks pretty good! I think some of the silver might be too much, but I'll judge when I get the final product.
Semi-related, I went to a group build yesterday. My friend started the DM Deathscythe Hell I bought him.

Things we've observed so far: The majority of pieces are
tight, the elbow has this really need locking mechanism that secures the arms in a few positions, and the wrist is laughably weak - Enough to hold itself but probably nothing else (and no polycap inside

), although, since this is the Deathscythe and because the arms are so strong this probably shouldn't matter in the final result. Also, DM very thoughtfully provides a curved handle for the scythe so you can make your action poses look extra dynamic.
At said build, I started my MG Nu ver. ka HWS. Never built a Nu or a ver. ka before, but having finished the torso, I am entertained (and splurging for the sky blue psychoframe and pastel recolors was totes worth it). Also,
so many runners. I took pictures before but haven't uploaded yet.
GundamGAF, you should know: I find almost all the BF designs gaudy. There's like a handful of cool designs, but most of them are too flashy, busy, and/or uncoordinated.
PS: Looking at the Deathscythe Hell's torso alone, I realize that it bears a striking resemblance to Giratina.