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The Halo 3 Thread of Review Scores


Lets get ready to cancel those pre-orders bitches!....or not


●IGN.com: 9.5/10 (not an average)
---Presentation: 10: An amazing replay editor, four-player online co-op, map editor, and community support make this the most robust feature set ever in a videogame.
---Graphics 9.0. : Despite a few moments of slowdown, this is a gorgeous game, especially considering the demands of the replay function. And it's to die for in 1080p.
---Sound: 10: This is the reason God created Surround Sound. Halo's theme is a futuristic anthem that inspires the troops. The chatter during combat is fantastic.
---Gameplay: 9.0: There are a few questionable design choices in the campaign, but this series remains the most fun first-person shooter on the planet. Multiplayer and the Forge are fantastic.
---Lasting Appeal: 10: The campaign won't take you long to complete, but this is a game that can be played for years. There are so many things to do, and it's so much fun to do them.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Hilary Goldstein

●Gametrailers.com: 9.8
--Campaign whilst linear has very little backtracking or repetition; Every locale is unique and memorable; 10 - 15 hour average playtime depending on difficulty; The deployable items aren't ground breaking; Best enemy AI in the business; Visuals are not the best on the system, poor character models; Audio trumps the visuals. (thanks to Opus Angelorum for the quotes)
--"Look behind the sofa, in your car and in your pockets. Do whatever you can to get hold of Halo 3. The chief is back and he's no thief."
--Full video review (apparantly no story spoilers, but footage of cutscenes and campaign)

●1UP.com: 10/10
--It's hard to imagine a feature of this game that someone won't love (we didn't even get to talk about the robust file sharing, where you can swap gameplay screenshots, edited game films, game setups, and maps). Or you can just look at it as a sum of so many quality parts, that value-wise, Halo 3 is as sure a thing as it gets. Sure, not one aspect of the game is life-changing on its own, but perhaps the package as a whole is. After all, Halo 3 has enough content to keep you stuck to your controller for weeks, if not months or even years.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Dan Hsu

●GameSpot.com: 9.5
--Halo 3 builds upon the concepts of Halo 2 in ways that you'd expect, but there are also new modes and options that send the series in exciting new directions.
--The Good: Satisfying storyline that simultaneously provides closure while making you wonder what will happen next ; Four-player online co-op is a lot of fun; Forge mode map editor lets you do some extremely crazy and unexpected things; Web integration makes sharing new maps and custom modes easy.
--The Bad: Rewinding saved films doesn't work quite like you'd expect it to; AI-controlled Marines can't drive to save their lives (or yours); Inevitable flood of prepubescent online players sure to hamper your enjoyment of the online modes.
--Merits: Get More Than Your Money's Worth, Great Sequel, Great Sound Effects, Great Story, Outstanding Gameplay, Plays Well With Others, Strong Competetive Multiplayer, Terrific Voice Acting.
--Full Review: Text | Video (Video review is apparantly full of spoilers)
--Reviewer: Jeff Gerstmann

●Edge: 10/10
--"The total lack of compromise in each and every single detail is breathtaking. Everything works with precision, everything is set up the same way, every barrier within reason has been lifted, and you never need to do any of it alone. Halo 3 was built to be used, built to be shared, built to be loved and built to last. It's a safe bet that it will still be enjoyed by a thriving community years from now. In substance it's nothing new, merely a magnificent, beautiful monster if an FPS sequel. In concept and execution, though, Halo 3 is the future."
--Full review (not online yet)

●Eurogamer: 10/10
--And yet, hype machine aside, cutting through the crap about console wars and the like, what we find in Halo 3 is quite simply this - the best game yet in one of the best FPS franchises of the era. Better than either of its predecessors, Halo 3 still can't quite escape the category of flawed masterpiece - but this time around, the flaws are so minor that even the most churlish of reviewers would be hard pressed to mark the game down.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Rob Fahey

●Gamespy.com: 5/5
---Pros: The Forge; four-player co-op over Xbox Live; brilliant storyline finishes the fight.
---Cons: Single-player campaign is somewhat short; wishing you'd pre-ordered a Legendary Edition.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Gabe Graziani

--SP: All in all, for such a mainstream series, Halo 3 feels surprisingly tailored for the hardcore player. The least interesting part of the game is its basic single-player campaign, which at first sounds like a damning complaint--but the reality is that there are so many ways to experience that campaign, and its best battles are simply so much fun to play again and again, that the package still feels like a great value. Despite its flaws, the Halo series' fundamental gameplay has always been top-notch and this game is no exception.
--MP: Halo 3 is a game that would be destined for Xbox Live permanence regardless of its quality, which makes it all the better that Bungie has truly gone above and beyond any reasonable expectation to deliver as complete a multiplayer offering as possible. It is genuinely an achievement within its realm.
--Full review: SP | MP
--Reviewer: Chris Remo

●GameInformer: 9.75/10 (second opinion: 9.75/10)
--CONCEPT: Somehow live up to the hype of Halo in the series’ first next-gen outing
--GRAPHICS: Vehicles, enemies, and most environments look fantastic, but human faces and some textures are just plain embarrassing
--SOUND: There’s nothing like hearing Halo’s signature “da-da-da-duuum” as you rush into a squad of brutes
--PLAYABILITY: Some of the tightest console FPS controls in the biz
--ENTERTAINMENT: Deep feature set will keep multiplayer and campaign fans alike playing well into 2008 and beyond
--REPLAY: High
--Full review
--Reviewer: Bryan Vore

●Teamxbox.com: 9.7
---Gameplay (9.7):
It’s definitely Halo, but that’s definitely a great thing. The campaign is hands-down the best in the series’ history, and the multiplayer is as addictive as ever. Our only knock is with the difficulty, which wasn’t quite as tough as we had hoped.
---Graphics (9.5):
Aside from a few slowdown issues here and there, this is an excellent looking game in both the single- and multiplayer arenas. We particularly loved the HDR lighting, which is the best we’ve seen in a game to date
---AUDIO (9.7):
Marty O’Donnell’s score is better than ever, perfect setting the tone for each of the levels while never being too overwhelming. The sound effects are stellar, too, as is the voice work (the battle chatter never gets old).
---Longevity (10):
You finally have a reason to stop playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live, as this takes the cake as the most customizable multiplayer game of all time. Throw in Forge and you’ve got the makings of a true addiction.
---Innovation (9.8):
From Forge to Saved Films to the Bungie.net integration, this game has something to wow everyone. Best of all, it’s only going to get better with time.
SCORE: *9.7* "...the best Xbox 360 game to date"
--Full review
--Reviewer: Will Tuttle

--Frank O'Connor: "Halo 3 is good."
--Luke Smith: "It's the best Halo game yet."

●Kikizo: 9/10
--The Final Word: It would be foolish for any Xbox 360 owner not to pick up Halo 3 as soon as possible this year - before the online opponents you'll be fighting get even tougher...
--Full review

●ComputerVideoGames: 9.7
-- Halo knows what it does best and it's done it. If you're one of those that is physically sick when even the world Halo is mentioned, we feel a little sorry for you. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face, as ours mums would say. You're genuinely going to miss out on an incredible gaming experience that offers many different ways to play it, alone with your mates, or against the global community.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Gavin Ogden

●WorthPlaying.com : 9.6/10
--Halo 3, in short, deserves the amount of press and exposure it's getting. It's the product of a team that's on the top of its game and has been given the time they needed to make the game they wanted to make. If you've ever enjoyed an FPS, this is something you'll probably want to check out.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Thomas Wilde

--Denmark: 10/10 - Full Review (by NeXuSDK)
+ Epic and varied campaign with great replay value, extremely comprehensive multiplayer, exciting and well-told story, best Halo game yet
- The end of a fantastic trilogy

--Sweden: 10/10 - Full Review
--Norway: 10/10 - Full Review

●OXM Australia: 10/10

●OXM Germany: 93/100

●OXM Brazil: 9/10

●Famitsu: 10; 9; 9; 9

●PressStartOnline: Gold (highest score)
--"Everything has come together in Halo 3 to form a comprehensive product that has been developed without fear of failure; a game that corrects the vast majority of the mistakes of the past; a game which combines user creativity and interaction across the campaign itself and Bungie’s own website to an extent never before seen in a console release. It’s not a Return of the Jedi, then, but a triumphant Return of the King".
--Full review
--Reviewer: Mike Grant

●SavingProgress.com: A
--"Halo 3 is a triumph for Bungie. The game exudes so much quality from every facet of the design that it is nothing but groundbreaking. Featuring a mind-blowing campaign, a satisfying ending, and a cavalcade of impressive multiplayer options and longevity, Halo 3 will satisfy fans of the series and gamers alike in every possible way. This game is a truly remarkable achievement and a showcase for the Xbox 360. Halo 3 is exceptional in nearly every regard and is the conclusion to the trilogy that the first two games deserved."
--Full Review
--Reviewer: Aaron Bayley

--Full review
--Reviewers: Dan Hsu, Greg Ford, Jeremy Parish

●Gamespot Korea: 9.7
--Strong point: It associates a block bus sprouting movie beautiful [su] toe [li], until fine material feeling the graphic and the realism which are expressed well the sound which verflows, will become worse the fun of game and the mote play
--Weak point: The [thyu] toe [li] will freeze and not to be FPS it comes in contact to it is adapted to this [me] ramyon opening initially, it is difficult a little degree?
--Full Review

●Gamepro.com: 5/5
--Full review
--Reviewer: Tenacious Moses

--GamePro Germany: 9/10

●Pro-G: 10/10
--It's Halo, but on a much larger scale; Multiplayer modes to die for; Some of the best audio to grace a video game; Incredible end to the trilogy
--Full review
--Reviewer: Wesley Yin-Poole

●ars technica : 7/10
--The score that follows is solely for the single-player campaign and not the product as a whole. Those picking up the title to play alone and offline are missing much of what makes Halo 3 a compelling product. More coverage of the remaining pieces of the puzzle will follow.
--The Good: Solid and well-paced campaign; Well-told story completes the trilogy, albeit with a rather mundane ending; New weapons and vehicles expand on past games successfully; Level design is well-conceived and varied; Interesting A.I. and enemy design keeps fighting interesting
--The Bad: Environments are deceivingly small; Graphics won't blow you away; Not all of the vehicles and weapons are used throughout the game; Relatively short campaign on Normal difficulty
--The Ugly: The fact that there are people actually buying the game solely for the single-player campaign
--Full review
--Reviewer: Frank Caron

●Gamedaily.com: 9/10
--Despite Halo 3's overall greatness, we can't help but feel somewhat let down by the narrative's lackluster conclusion. But don't dismiss this game as Halo 2 in high definition. Microsoft and Bungie deliver a quality gaming experience that'll outlive its competition. Gamer, prepare to meet your new obsession. (apparantly only a review of the SP Campaign)
--Full review
--Reviewer: Chris Buffa

●Games Radar: 10/10
--What's left to say? The single player is bigger and brawnier than anything that's been attempted on a console before. The multiplayer, which already shadowed the competition, has improved to the point of ridiculousness. The new features - Forge, Saved Films, Coop - are frighteningly addictive. And if you don't like any of that, you're always welcome to edit it until you do.
The wait is over. The anticipation was justified. Halo 3 is here.

--Full review
--Reviewer: Charlie Barratt

--Halo 3 takes every positive aspect from the first two Halo games, perfects them, puts them in a shinier and better looking package, tosses in wonderful community-driven content for a console game, establishes some awesome environments, and does it so damn well it's impossible to not have fun while playing -- unless you keep losing to some random 12-year-old on Xbox Live, that is.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Brendon Lindsey

●Gamer2.0: 8.....ok...8.8/10 ("Great")
--Full review
--Reviewer: Alex Quevedo

--I never intended to write a review filled with nothing but praise for Halo 3, but it's just damned hard to criticize. Sure, there are things I could point out that are disappointing. The graphics aren't perfect. You can't save clips in campaign. The story will be confusing to newcomers. Yeah, I can pick nits all day if I wanted to, and doubtless many Halo detractors will do just that, but the game is good. The conflicts are huge, the levels are vast, and the gameplay is solid. Not only that, but the extras ensure that players will still be playing Halo 3 for a long time to come. Love it or hate it, Halo is back on top, and it's probably there to stay.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Richard Mitchell

--Full review
--Reviewer: Brian Crecente

Game Rankings: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926632.asp
Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/xbox360/halo3


Image made by giga
here we go!

●GameSpot.com: 9.5
--The Good
* Satisfying storyline that simultaneously provides closure while making you wonder what will happen next
* Four-player online co-op is a lot of fun
* Forge mode map editor lets you do some extremely crazy and unexpected things
* Web integration makes sharing new maps and custom modes easy.
--The Bad
* Rewinding saved films doesn't work quite like you'd expect it to
* AI-controlled Marines can't drive to save their lives (or yours)
* Inevitable flood of prepubescent online players sure to hamper your enjoyment of the online modes.
--Full Review: Text | Video
--Reviewer: Jeff Gerstmann



gamespot summarizes the bad:

# Rewinding saved films doesn't work quite like you'd expect it to
# AI-controlled Marines can't drive to save their lives (or yours)
# Inevitable flood of prepubescent online players sure to hamper your enjoyment of the online modes.

what a shitty reason to put as "bad"

Coming into this review and as I started to play the finished version of Halo 3, I was critical. The game should not be granted a free game of the year ticket off the back of its hype; after the letdown of Halo 2's campaign it had a lot to prove. Thankfully, Halo 3's campaign mode feels dramatic and satisfying (if a little short), while all the new features ensure an overall package that has definitely won me over.

Eric WK

woodchuck said:
gamespot summarizes the bad:

# Rewinding saved films doesn't work quite like you'd expect it to
# AI-controlled Marines can't drive to save their lives (or yours)
# Inevitable flood of prepubescent online players sure to hamper your enjoyment of the online modes.

what a shitty reason to put as "bad"

Agreed. That's the first thing I noticed.

Apparantly a game is only as good as the people who play it.


Tieno said:
Lets get ready to cancel those pre-orders bitches!....or not
?Gamespot Korea: 9.7
--Strong point: It associates a block bus sprouting movie beautiful [su] toe [li], until fine material feeling the graphic and the realism which are expressed well the sound which verflows, will become worse the fun of game and the mote play
--Weak point: The [thyu] toe [li] will freeze and not to be FPS it comes in contact to it is adapted to this [me] ramyon opening initially, it is difficult a little degree?
--Full Review



Junior Member
IGN: 9.5

An amazing replay editor, four-player online co-op, map editor, and community support make this the most robust feature set ever in a videogame.
9.0 Graphics
Despite a few moments of slowdown, this is a gorgeous game, especially considering the demands of the replay function. And it's to die for in 1080p.
10 Sound
This is the reason God created Surround Sound. Halo's theme is a futuristic anthem that inspires the troops. The chatter during combat is fantastic.
9.0 Gameplay
There are a few questionable design choices in the campaign, but this series remains the most fun first-person shooter on the planet. Multiplayer and the Forge are fantastic.
10 Lasting Appeal
The campaign won't take you long to complete, but this is a game that can be played for years. There are so many things to do, and it's so much fun to do them.
Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)



Fry Daddy
Jel0man said:
IGN: 9.5

An amazing replay editor, four-player online co-op, map editor, and community support make this the most robust feature set ever in a videogame.
9.0 Graphics
Despite a few moments of slowdown, this is a gorgeous game, especially considering the demands of the replay function. And it's to die for in 1080p.
10 Sound
This is the reason God created Surround Sound. Halo's theme is a futuristic anthem that inspires the troops. The chatter during combat is fantastic.
9.0 Gameplay
There are a few questionable design choices in the campaign, but this series remains the most fun first-person shooter on the planet. Multiplayer and the Forge are fantastic.
10 Lasting Appeal
The campaign won't take you long to complete, but this is a game that can be played for years. There are so many things to do, and it's so much fun to do them.
Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)


So basically it's worse than Halo 2.


iconoclast said:
Any spoilers in the Gametrailers review? I know they like to throw some spoilers around from time to time.

Knowing gametrailers, there's likely going to be some spoilers in their review, so I'm just skipping it.


woodchuck said:
gamespot summarizes the bad:

# Rewinding saved films doesn't work quite like you'd expect it to
# AI-controlled Marines can't drive to save their lives (or yours)
# Inevitable flood of prepubescent online players sure to hamper your enjoyment of the online modes.

what a shitty reason to put as "bad"

that just negates the review for me.


The Inside Track
KyotoMecca said:
Nope. Definitely was today 8pm GMT, in black and white... we were told this is the universal global embargo.
MS France, how I love thee.
We still didn't even get the game yet, no online site here in France has it (officially from MS that is). And we were told the European embargo was on the 25th.
Tomorrow, they'll dine in hell.
Dan Hsu said:
Halo 3's campaign is better in every way imaginable. Subtly beautiful, rich and lush graphics, a heart-pounding orchestrated score, new weapons, vehicles, and enemies...and even better enemy and teammate A.I. Everything is now pretty much a known quantity, however, and a bit of going-through-the-motions gameplay numbs the excitement (it doesn't help that some repetition and backtracking still taint this series, though they're not as bad as in the predecessors). Here, you won't recapture that feeling you got when you first met and fought the Flood, first drove a Scorpion tank, or first played as the Aribiter.


Ace 8095

Blimblim said:
MS France, how I love thee.
We still didn't even get the game yet, no online site here in France has it. And we were told the European embargo was on the 25th.
Tomorrow, they'll dine in hell.
I need my high quality HD videos. Break the embargo.


Son of Godzilla said:
IGN and Gamespot are all "lookz at us, we can not give Halo 3 a 10, wez credible."
And basically 1up is all "tenz, tenz and mor tenz! Give us more excluzivez for halo 4 plz"
Tieno said:
●1UP.com: 10/10
--It's hard to imagine a feature of this game that someone won't love (we didn't even get to talk about the robust file sharing, where you can swap gameplay screenshots, edited game films, game setups, and maps). Or you can just look at it as a sum of so many quality parts, that value-wise, Halo 3 is as sure a thing as it gets. Sure, not one aspect of the game is life-changing on its own, but perhaps the package as a whole is. After all, Halo 3 has enough content to keep you stuck to your controller for weeks, if not months or even years.
--Full review
--Reviewer: Dan Hsu

The fact that it's Halo is enough to keep me far away from it, and stay very close to Serious Sam: The Second Encounter Fragmatch.
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