The Hill: Trump to roll back protections for transgender students

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The Trump administration on Tuesday will reportedly rescind guidance to schools that bars discrimination against transgender students.

The Washington Blade reported that President Trump has approved a plan for the Justice and Education departments to send a letter to schools rescinding guidance that transgender students be allowed to use the restroom consistent with their gender identity.

The story quoted Mary Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, in reporting that the guidance would be changed on Tuesday. She cited "reliable sources" in saying that President Trump had "green-lighted" the plan.

“This is the first day of the president’s second month in office and he is now fully coming after LGBT people,” she told the Blade. “I’m angry; I’m outraged. This is about kids who just want to go to school who just want to be themselves, and to hear the president a week or two ago talk about how supportive he is of LGBT people, it’s just outrageous that he go after trans kids this way.”
A White House spokesperson did not confirm Keisling's allegations in the story.

“We have nothing to add to this report right now, but will keep you posted if anything changes,” White House spokeswoman Kelly Love said.

The Obama administration last year issued a guidance to all public school districts in the U.S. instructing them to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. The letter was signed by officials at the Justice Department and the Department of Education.

“No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” then-Education Secretary John B. King Jr. said in a statement at the time.

“We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

The move from the Obama administration came as North Carolina faced a legal battle over a law that required people to use public restrooms that corresponded to their biological sex assigned at birth.

Last month, the White House said it would continue to enforce an Obama-era executive order protecting the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community in the workplace.

The administration said Trump is "determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community."

"President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of LGBTQ rights, just as he was throughout the election," a White House statement said last month.

Impeach me if old.


Beaten but still. Not much to be said that hasn't been many times already.



What a fucking piece of shit.

How about you ask the kids what you should do instead of the parents?

I have a very very strong idea which direction that would go.


My spouse is a trans male and just got accepted into a PHD program at a major university. Fucking Trump has to shit on us there too I guess.

All those conservatives who said they'd stand up if Trump actually started coming after LGBTQIA+ individuals, now's the bloody time.


I feel like Spicer basically confirmed it without confirming it earlier. Gave the old "state's rights" excuse.

The Washington Blade reported that President Trump has approved a plan for the Justice and Education departments to send a letter to schools rescinding guidance that transgender students be allowed to use the restroom consistent with their gender identity.


Certainly doesn't sound like the states are being given the right to decide from that wording.


but Ivanka and Jared talked him out of the anti-LGBTQ EO! forces for good in the administration

n o p e. it's not sticking up for the rights of everyone if you're really only concerned with the most popular ones.
My spouse is a trans male and just got accepted into a PHD program at a major university. Fucking Trump has to shit on us there too I guess.

All those conservatives who said they'd stand up if Trump actually started coming after LGBTQIA+ individuals, now's the bloody time.

What conservatives said that haha.


What conservatives said that haha.

The ones who said during the election that they weren't voting Trump because of bigotry and would not stand for it if he actually started making bigoted policy decisions.

Oh, I know that most of them were lying, mind you.
It's both sad and funny (in a grim, dark and depressing way) that there are people who genuinely thought that Trump wasn't going to go after LGBTQ rights just because he held up a flag and didn't go after them as aggressively as Mexicans and Muslims. Rude awakening for some of those people, even more ruder when they start going after the LG and B part of the equation. Buckle up, because they don't give a shit about the backlash they will receive, it's going to happen.
I hope that people on here and elsewhere who suggested Trump would be a better president for LGBT rights than Hillary realize their special brand of delusion. Especially those who identify as LGBT. They decided they'd rather stamp their feet and refuse to believe Hillary might be anything better than this neoliberal Satan in their minds.
Buckle up, because they don't give a shit about the backlash they will receive, it's going to happen.

Do you HAVE to constantly spam this rhetoric in every single Trump thread? Can you please stop trying to force everybody to feel the same way as you do as a means of confirmation of your own nihilism you're feeling right now?

You can say they don't care about this and that until the cows come home. The backlash can MAKE them care. And even if it doesn't, they'll make people around them care on the local level. Don't underestimate the power that public backlash has.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but man, it really seems like you're trying to MAKE everybody feel just as depressed as you are now. No matter what your intentions are, saying: "They don't care" over and over again will only end up having that effect and making things worse.

In times like this, your attitude and that rhetoric is not the right one to have.

You don't know what's going to happen, and neither do I. Stop acting like you do.
Do you HAVE to constantly spam this rhetoric in every single Trump thread? Can you please stop trying to force everybody to feel the same way as you do as a means of confirmation of your own nihilism you're feeling right now?

You can say they don't care about this and that until the cows come home. The backlash will MAKE them care. And if not them, they'll make people around them care on the local level. Don't underestimate the power that public backlash has.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but man, it really seems like you're trying to MAKE everybody feel just as depressed as you are now. No matter what your intentions are, saying: "They don't care" over and over again will only end up having that effect and making things worse.

In times like this, your attitude and that rhetoric is not the right one to have.

This isn't about nihilism or whatever, I am stating a fact. The Muslim Travel Ban was defeated in court, it was never at any point rolled back by the administration outside allowing green card users through, and that was more a miscommunication issue than a backlash.

I never said anything about people not caring locally, don't put words in my mouth just because I'm not shining rainbows up everyone's ass. There are still people who think the Trump administration aren't going after gay rights due to the backlash, and moves like this is just paving the way slowly but surely. Sorry that's too real for you, but it is what it is.
I can't wait until the day I am actually able to come out without fear that I will actually be murdered.
lol it'll never happen
This shit is fucking sickening, and the the fact that more of a spotlight isn't being put on how transpeople are treated in this country (aside from token liberal bathroom rhetoric) is just sad. I'm getting fucking tired of it.


I've seen a lot of middle-class white people who are very pro-LGBT but don't give a shit about any of Trump's other bigotry because they know other white, middle-class people who are LGBT but don't know blacks or Latinos or Muslims personally, and that stupid flag meant the world to them. Completely sold them on Trump. They couldn't see that a bigot towards everyone else is going to be a bigot here too, and he's lying to you just like he's lying to everyone else.
I've seen a lot of middle-class white people who are very pro-LGBT but don't give a shit about any of Trump's other bigotry because they know other white, middle-class people who are LGBT but don't know blacks or Latinos or Muslims personally, and that stupid flag meant the world to them. Completely sold them on Trump. They couldn't see that a bigot towards everyone else is going to be a bigot here too, and he's lying to you just like he's lying to everyone else.

And he's been surrounded by anti-LGBTQ people since the beginning. It blows my mind how blind people made themselves on so many levels.
This isn't about nihilism or whatever, I am stating a fact. The Muslim Travel Ban was defeated in court, it was never at any point rolled back by the administration outside allowing green card users through, and that was more a miscommunication issue than a backlash.

I never said anything about people not caring locally, don't put words in my mouth just because I'm not shining rainbows up everyone's ass. There are still people who think the Trump administration aren't going after gay rights due to the backlash, and moves like this is just paving the way slowly but surely. Sorry that's too real for you, but it is what it is.

There were a number of executive orders that were dropped after the muslim ban backlash. They did pay attention to the protests, it made them scared to go ahead with certain things.
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