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The history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is fascinating


I'm 37 and it generally takes me about 2-3 days before the pain eases off after rolling
44 and practising bjj since I was 40, there was a span of about 6 months where I wasn't nursing some wound or another but now there is always some ache or pain.. The problem is I'm addicted and if I take time away from class I feel depressed and lonely so I push thru the pain and keep going.
I have chronic insomnia which makes healing at my age that much harder. I wish I hadn't wasted my thirties being fat and an alcoholic and been on the mats instead.
44 and practising bjj since I was 40, there was a span of about 6 months where I wasn't nursing some wound or another but now there is always some ache or pain.. The problem is I'm addicted and if I take time away from class I feel depressed and lonely so I push thru the pain and keep going.
I have chronic insomnia which makes healing at my age that much harder. I wish I hadn't wasted my thirties being fat and an alcoholic and been on the mats instead.

I feel you, I spent my 20s and early 30s doing nothing but boozing and eating. I didn't do so much as a minutes exercise between 1998 and 2012. Wish I had gotten into fitness/BJJ a long time ago.
The insomnia sounds awful tho. I kinda have the opposite problem. I can barely stay awake most days. I'll straight up fall asleep at my desk in work sometimes. And once I sit down after I get home from work its a battle to stay awake at all.
Beautiful butterfly sweep, long step pass, and a clock choke finish.

Good reminder for me to work my long step pass.

Beautiful pass indeed. Nothing makes me love watching jiu jitsu more than a beautiful pass. It's so easy to appreciate after you've actually trained the art. Without training it looks like a regular thing, but with training - especially after having competition under your belt - you know that doing a beautiful pass during 100% resistance is one of the most amazing things in this art. I like it more than a beautiful takedown.
That clock choke was beautiful. We drilled those a few weeks ago for the first time, and it was cool cause last week a guy was trying to get past my turtle guard and couldn't, and he was like "damn, I just had no idea what to do", and i showed him how to do the clock choke on a turtled opponent his eyes lit up lol. Even though I'm still just a shitty white belt, when you can show someone a move like that and see on their face that "holy shit!" look it feels awesome.

I was so jazzed for this week. "I'm feeling ok, foot feels good, gonna get in some good sessions before holiday next week", and now I've got a god damn stomach bug. Feeling shitty all day. FML.
Im just getting over a rib injury that kept me away from hard training and I had a nightmare about my rib last night. Frightened me so much I skipped training and went to a fitness gym instead. Really hoping I can up my training to 5 days a week from 3.
Im just getting over a rib injury that kept me away from hard training and I had a nightmare about my rib last night. Frightened me so much I skipped training and went to a fitness gym instead. Really hoping I can up my training to 5 days a week from 3.

If it makes you feel better, I had a nightmare aliens invaded while I was on holidays last night. I go on holidays next week. So there's a good chance we could all be toiling in our alien overlords sugar mines in a few weeks anyway.


I rolled with my coach recently.

Guy has a blackbelt in judo and BJJ and he's also a top coach in Greco Roman wrestling.

Really goes to show just how much higher that mountain goes for me to get better.
I rolled with my coach recently.

Guy has a blackbelt in judo and BJJ and he's also a top coach in Greco Roman wrestling.

Really goes to show just how much higher that mountain goes for me to get better.

I just rolled with my coach tonight. First time ever rolling with anyone higher than blue belt. He handled me with fucking ease and I probably have a foot height advantage on him. Shit was awesome, I got rekt and loved it


I just rolled with my coach tonight. First time ever rolling with anyone higher than blue belt. He handled me with fucking ease and I probably have a foot height advantage on him. Shit was awesome, I got rekt and loved it

I wound up trying to shoot for takedowns the entire time.

Guard pulls are not allowed at my gym and when you are trying to take down somebody with more experience and muscle mass its fucking tough as hell.
I wound up trying to shoot for takedowns the entire time.

Guard pulls are not allowed at my gym and when you are trying to take down somebody with more experience and muscle mass its fucking tough as hell.

Haha I didn't even get a chance at a takedown. It was just a blur of choking and being sat upon. Tho I did last maybe a minute in between each submission so hey I'll chalk that one up in the win column for me
Tough rolls this morning as some competitive young blue and purple belts came through.

My first roll, the guy was extremely sharp and precise with his hand fighting. I basically lost the roll on the initial grips he got. My guard was passed and he controlled my hands during most of the round and shut my grip heavy game down. He eventually got in spiderweb position in the last minute, I had a good padlock to defend but he broke that down and arm barred me. I'm really disappointed in myself because once my padlock was breaking down i could have exploded with a hitchhiker escape. Instead I remained on my back and allowed the arm bar.

Next roll, I worked my way to top half guard. I love to attack from this position but my opponent was doing a great job defending my chokes while working his escapes/sweeps. Looking back, there were some openings that I didn't see at the time.

Oh well, lose and learn right. I also had a late dinner and stuffed my face with incredible Mexican food last night. Felt really heavy and sluggish this morning during class so I'll attribute my poor performance to that.

Today - today was hard.

Roll 1 vs purple belt - I feel like a baby against him. He's coaching me along the way and I feel like this is my first class. I felt so out of my element today and couldn't move well. He helped me with my grips and gave me pointers and just felt as if it was my first week not my, how many months, I've been doing this. Really embarrassing and humbling but also frustrating. I know I'm a white belt but still. Fuck.

Roll 2 vs Blue belt - Okay. I kept getting caught when we grip fought. My balance wasn't steady and he managed to pass my guard. I didn't even have enough time to apply a good guard. I bridge, hip escape out, put that knee out, and try to get him in my guard. He sweeps me somehow (I don't even know how) and I'm in his guard. I'm like, ah shit. So I'm trying anything to stabilize his hands so I can pass because he keeps grabbing my sleeve and going for an omoplata from closed guard (what we drilled today). I'm trying desperately to lay his hands down on his stomach and press them with my weight so I can pass. No dice. I tap. We end the roll with me giving him knee on belly and him showing me a neat sub. Again I'm being coached at the end of it and I just felt soooo bad.

Roll 3 vs Blue belt - I feel like a baby again. Guy completely destroys me. I'm going for bad reads. I see a stray limb and I'm getting desperate so I try to kimura. He fucking...reverses it? And does a kimura to me? I'm attacking way too much this roll and feel like a complete idiot after.

Roll 4 vs same Blue belt - This guy is monkeying all over me, takes my back, I turtle and maintain in that position for a while. He tries to choke me but my defense is on the ball, he manages to get me though. This roll I concentrated more on defense. Again I feel just all over the place.

Awkward, awkward class. Very frustrating.

I had to watch Rocky 2's montage when I get home to ease my frustration.

Basically, today sucked.


But even a bad class is a good class.


I had to take a break from jits because of illness. I lost like 100 lbs and then bounced back for a net loss of about 60 lbs. Holy cow, it's like learning jiu jitsu all over because my body geometry is all new now. Also, have to get over some other post-illness fears as well. I'm loving snuggle struggle in a totally different way now.

Also, is the 10th planet flat too?


It's so hard. Seeing my sweat drip off my face on to the mat, I know I'm working hard. I'm doing the best I can, and it's not enough.


You didn't say your partner's sweat is dripping into your mouth, so no one is getting full mount on you!

But yeah, I have often shown up the class ready to play checkers and everyone else is a chess grandmaster.
Eddie Bravo is a flat earther.

Chemtrials in the gi weave and stuff.

I respect Eddie. I love EBI.

But, he's on some massive Kool-Aid. I have to say that for some reason I don't like seeing pictures of a black belt smoking weed in magazines. I don't know, it just doesn't feel right. I find it sad that Eddie is often more known for his crazy shit than his Jiu JItsu.

I feel like he has a platform to make Jiu Jitsu more positive like what Rener and co are doing, but he's talking with Alex Jones yapping about crazy shit.

Hopefully he makes EBI an even greater success.


Meh. there are kooks in all facets of life.

Eddie Bravo, I don't see him as that harmful. Yes, he believes some eye-rolling things, but he doesn't really bother me. He amuses me more than anything.

Better him that Lloyd Irvin.
Meh. there are kooks in all facets of life.

Eddie Bravo, I don't see him as that harmful. Yes, he believes some eye-rolling things, but he doesn't really bother me. He amuses me more than anything.

Better him that Lloyd Irvin.

I know but still.

Have you seen those pics?


Like, I know black belts are people but at the same time, they have this aura. Someone you can look up to. I'm pro-weed and everything, but something about a professor molding weed with jiu jitsu just turns me off.


Maybe its different in BRazil but in the US I feel like half the fucking people at grappling events are into the stoner culture thing.


It doesn't really bother me at all.

I'm not a 10th Planet guy, so I can't really say it affects how I view my jiujitsu. Or Eddie to be honest. The only thing I'd have to say about 10th Planet is that, I don't understand their terminology, not as a critique, I just don't know the names.

Also, I've had to use marijuana for what I guess would be considered legitimate medical reasons, and to an extent I credit it for saving my life/recovery, so I could work my way back onto the mat. So, I'm not really in a position to criticize anyone for their marijuana usage.

My instructor is a good person. I've met his professor, one of them, and he is a good person as far as I can tell. The affiliation I am in seems to be full of stand up people, as I've encountered them. My team/school is great, so I don't get worked up about much else in jiujitsu beyond that.

As far as the bonkers things that Eddie believes, he's not running a weird rape cult, seems like a decent guy and teaches good skill. I guess, my initial impression of him was that he is such a talented natural grappler, that it might be difficult for him to express his skills in a more teachable format.
Like, you could say it's just a weed thing, but it isn't. When Kurt Osiander walked down a ramp chugging a bottle of Jack, drinking it while on the mat, I cringed there too. Maybe I'm putting the black belt on a pedastal, but there's something about a black belt who thinks it's okay to do these things pubicly, as a role model, as someone people look up to, as an instructor that bothers me. I know many don't care and it's just one thing that's part of their lives but still. I try not to judge though!
Well, if nothing else, at least were all getting our asses kicked this week lol
That's what makes jiu jitsu great. There's always someone better than you. You will always be humbled. I already can't wait until tomorrow and look forward to sharpening my skill set and filling the holes exposed yesterday.
That's what makes jiu jitsu great. There's always someone better than you. You will always be humbled. I already can't wait until tomorrow and look forward to sharpening my skill set and filling the holes exposed yesterday.

Yeah I've made notes on all I did wrong today and I'm looking forward to Saturday when I can work on them. Hopefully I move better on Saturday.
So let's talk positions. After all, position before submission.

Kesting rates the positions listed here from best to worst.


Rear Mounted on your opponent
Mounted on your opponent
Knee Mounted on your opponent
Side Mounted on your opponent
Your opponent Turtled beneath you


In your opponent’s Guard
Opponent in your Guard


Turtled underneath your opponent
Side Mounted by your opponent
Knee Mounted by your opponent
Mounted by your opponent
Rear mounted by your opponent

I have a similar stance to Kesting but I make a slight adjustment for leglock positions:


Back mount
411 position aka: Inside Sankaku
Side Control/Knee on belly

The worst positions would be being on the receiving end of any of those positions.


To me the only truly neutral position is both people standing up.


Closed guard. If it's a pure grappling competition, the guy on the bottom has a clear but not huge advantage IMO.

Half guard. Guy on top has the advantage but he's very vulnerable. I'd say it's 55/45

Anytype of open guard except for spider and maybe DLR, I'd give the advantage to the guy on top.
A new guy signed up to the gym, a 220 pound professional strongman​. Like those dudes who compete on ESPN tossing cannonballs and pulling trucks. Scary strong but the guy is extremely humble and has the right attitude. Said he wasn't there to use his strength, he wanted to work on his balance and flexibility. He held true to his word and rolled with a lot of respect. Far different from my experience with wrestlers trying jiu jitsu.


does anyone work within the progressive guard system and if so what are your opinions on it? From what I understand it is a thing within S. Behring affiliates.
I've been doing martial arts for five years, jiu jitsu for maybe 4, but very gingerly. Great martial art for sure.
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