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The hype train is permanently decommissioned


I've never understood why people ever get excited about racing games' graphics, to be honest. To me, they all look the same: Quite nice cars, and then absolute-dogshit everything-else.

Here are some pictures I just grabbed from the current racing-graphics face-off thread. I found the best screenshots I could find, in about a 3-minute search. All I did was remove the cars from the images; and not even all of them.
(Mind you, I find these shots to look absolutely awful, but others seem to be fawning over them, so to each their own.)

But, seriously, though... Somebody please explain how these games look good?



I just don't understand why anybody would ever be hyped about these sorts of games, in terms of being graphical powerhouses.
Basically any other genre would be a better option.

You hit the nail on the head. I think that's why Driveclub looks so good even to this day. Look at the environments. It was an experience just driving through the tracks in Driveclub. The environments in GT and Forza look like shitty toy dioramas in comparison.


Forza has been the final nail in the coffin.

From this point forward, I just don't see me getting excited about game releases anymore. Every AAA developer is full of shit. Graphical downgrades, dishonest information, predatory mechanics, blah blah fucking blah, and every release is a shit show. I'm over it.

When your game goes on sale for a third of what you sold it for, and everything is patched up to the point where it actually resembles what was promised, I'll buy.

Short of that, get bent. AAA gaming is a lost cause. Fucking burn it.
Stay strong brother. Still havent played TLOU2 nor GOT for that exact same reason.

They can shove there false advertising up there ass.
I've never understood why people ever get excited about racing games' graphics, to be honest. To me, they all look the same: Quite nice cars, and then absolute-dogshit everything-else.

Here are some pictures I just grabbed from the current racing-graphics face-off thread. I found the best screenshots I could find, in about a 3-minute search. All I did was remove the cars from the images; and not even all of them.
(Mind you, I find these shots to look absolutely awful, but others seem to be fawning over them, so to each their own.)

But, seriously, though... Somebody please explain how these games look good?

I just don't understand why anybody would ever be hyped about these sorts of games, in terms of being graphical powerhouses.
Basically any other genre would be a better option.
Granted both those games are shit, but if you're looking to graphics as a sign of quality of a racing game, you're doing it wrong and missing the point.
The best sim racing games out currently have been released 10+ years ago and although you can modify and improve the graphics, it's all about what happens on track, not outside.
Excellent force feedback, realistic AI, good competitive scene with safety and skill rank based races, laser scanned tracks, VR, etc.

No one cares what the grass or trees look like, if possible deactivate that shit so you can better render the cards, asphalt, curbs and keep constant (high) frame rates.


Can’t Git Gud
I never got the hype train thing. Just wait until the release, then wait until the dust settles and read honest opinions. Buy it later at a discount with patches and fixes. You've got literally millions of other games to play in the meantime instead of playing unfinished games day 1.
Impossible. To be a video game hobbyist on a video game forum and be excited for a new video game? How strange

Why can't the guys be buff? Why can't the women be sexy?

Another problem is that games in the latter category routinely get lambasted by lousy reviewers and most journalists in the gaming press. They'll screech about how "its 2023! get with the times!" and only push one, singular acceptable standard. Everything else gets floored. Its frustrating, especially how these chumps ironically parade around "diversity" as a core value.

Games like that don't stand a chance in the current landscape. You have to look them up yourself because the press will definitely not carry the word forward.
I think halo MCC was when I stopped getting hyped. I booked 2 weeks off work for that and it was quite literally unplayable. Never booked time off for a game again and rarely preorder.
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Forza has been the final nail in the coffin.

From this point forward, I just don't see me getting excited about game releases anymore. Every AAA developer is full of shit. Graphical downgrades, dishonest information, predatory mechanics, blah blah fucking blah, and every release is a shit show. I'm over it.

When your game goes on sale for a third of what you sold it for, and everything is patched up to the point where it actually resembles what was promised, I'll buy.

Short of that, get bent. AAA gaming is a lost cause. Fucking burn it.
Yeah... that is almost no reason to buy games at day 1 anymore IF you are able to control yourself and wait 6 to 12 months, you more than probably will play a cheaper, more polished and more complete experience.

Early adopters have literally become betatesters. It has been this way for somr time now.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
What, you don't like paying extra for the exclusive 1 week final beta test?

What, you don't like paying full price for blatantly unfinished products?

Wait till people finally get the penny drop moment that subscription services optimised development and distribution further encourages this approach despite the coffers of those that own the IP…


It's rare that games don't meet my expectations either good or bad. I'm able to ballpark what a video game will end up being generally. It's rare that I'm blindsided by a bad release that I expected to be good.

Movies are an entirely different matter. I used to get head faked by Hollywood all the time. I genuinely thought that transformers revenge of the fallen would be a good movie. After that piece of shit, I don't get hyped for movies anymore.


advanced basic bitch
Clearly life hasn't beaten you down enough yet. I have low expectations of absolutely everything in my life including videogames so I'm rarely disappointed!

Sad Devestated GIF by Corporate Bro


Seriously, where is this overreacting even coming from? You get one game that turned out to be below expectations and you're suddenly breaking down in tears and cursing the entire world, as if this year didn't have a whole bunch of great games released already.

News flash, not everything can be a winner. You're not gonna be winning in life all the time either. In fact, it will mostly feel like you're losing and everything is shit. Because that's what an adult life looks like. And from the sound of things, you're yet to experience it, OP.


Seriously, where is this overreacting even coming from? You get one game that turned out to be below expectations and you're suddenly breaking down in tears and cursing the entire world, as if this year didn't have a whole bunch of great games released already.

News flash, not everything can be a winner. You're not gonna be winning in life all the time either. In fact, it will mostly feel like you're losing and everything is shit. Because that's what an adult life looks like. And from the sound of things, you're yet to experience it, OP.
It's not one game, it's many, particularly over the last 18 months. This is something that's been building steadily over time.

But thanks for the news flash. I'm so glad you could divine the true nature of my life based on my frustration with the AAA games industry. You're a treasure for us all.

Here's a news flash of my own: If your adult life mostly feels like you're losing and everything is shit, you probably shouldn't be giving anyone life lessons.


Granted both those games are shit, but if you're looking to graphics as a sign of quality of a racing game, you're doing it wrong and missing the point.
The best sim racing games out currently have been released 10+ years ago and although you can modify and improve the graphics, it's all about what happens on track, not outside.
Excellent force feedback, realistic AI, good competitive scene with safety and skill rank based races, laser scanned tracks, VR, etc.

No one cares what the grass or trees look like, if possible deactivate that shit so you can better render the cards, asphalt, curbs and keep constant (high) frame rates.
One of his "absolutely awful" screenshots of these two games is in fact a real life photograph which just goes to show that they're not awful at all if he can't tell the difference.
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It's not one game, it's many, particularly over the last 18 months. This is something that's been building steadily over time.

But thanks for the news flash. I'm so glad you could divine the true nature of my life based on my frustration with the AAA games industry. You're a treasure for us all.

Here's a news flash of my own: If your adult life mostly feels like you're losing and everything is shit, you probably shouldn't be giving anyone life lessons.
Point is that the way you're malding over this seems like a massive exaggeration when it's 2023 a.k.a. one of the best years for gaming in recent memory. No one will relate to this when we have so many awesome games to pick from.

And if you genuinely mean to say that none of those games are for you then you should probably look for a different hobby because what's the point in wasting time on something that you just don't enjoy?


Point is that the way you're malding over this seems like a massive exaggeration when it's 2023 a.k.a. one of the best years for gaming in recent memory. No one will relate to this when we have so many awesome games to pick from.

And if you genuinely mean to say that none of those games are for you then you should probably look for a different hobby because what's the point in wasting time on something that you just don't enjoy?
Dunno if you're being obtuse, or just didn't read my post.

I'm talking about the shit state that the majority of AAA games release in. I'm not talking about gaming as a whole, and I'm not saying that there aren't good games, or that no good games released in 2023.

To be clear: The state of AAA game releases has made it impossible for me to get excited about upcoming titles. It's driven the enthusiasm out of me.

And judging by the number of likes to my original post, and quite a few of the replies, I'd say there are plenty of people who relate to this.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
You're trippin'

There have been plenty of games this year that were pretty good. Some were even pretty sick.

High quality AAA bangers worth full price :

Zelda TOTK
Final Fantasy 16
Phantom Liberty
Baldurs Gate 3

Lots of other great AA and indie games, plus ones where mileage may vary to be worth full price or not.

Been an incredible year and it isn’t over yet.


Dunno if you're being obtuse, or just didn't read my post.

I'm talking about the shit state that the majority of AAA games release in. I'm not talking about gaming as a whole, and I'm not saying that there aren't good games, or that no good games released in 2023.

To be clear: The state of AAA game releases has made it impossible for me to get excited about upcoming titles. It's driven the enthusiasm out of me.

And judging by the number of likes to my original post, and quite a few of the replies, I'd say there are plenty of people who relate to this.
Cool, do you want a pat on the back or something? My post-to-like ratio is better than yours so by your logic my arguments are more valid anyway. Check-mate.

Anyway, what I said still applies. A few bad apples don't spoil the bunch. I may not be the biggest fan of modern triple-A gaming either but it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. And it's not worth malding over. Just focus on the good stuff and your life will become so much happier.
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I lost most of my hype for new games long ago, i wait until a game is out then decide if it's worth buying, i'm not spending much in recent times.


Cool, do you want a pat on the back or something? My post-to-like ratio is better than yours so by your logic my arguments are more valid anyway. Check-mate.

Anyway, what I said still applies. A few bad apples don't spoil the bunch. I may not be the biggest fan of modern triple-A gaming either but it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. And it's not worth malding over. Just focus on the good stuff and your life will become so much happier.
Zzz Ok GIF by Jim Gaffigan
I just try not to get hyped or fall for the fomo trap. It saves me a lot of time and energy, and when I come to the games (albeit a bit late) there has usually been enough time to discern between reality and hype. I didn't play botw until summer of 22 and had a great time and, to be honest, wouldn't have traded theel experience for playing it day 1. It is probably the only game that I would say "got me through hard times" (my child almost died and I had to stay up all night to break his fever with cold compresses for about 2-3 months, so I played a lot of botw) - if I had played day 1, things would have played out differently.

Hype is just delusion fueled by corporate advertising. That doesn't mean there aren't absolutely phenomenal games that still come out, it just means that corps lie to sell products and people fall prey to it a lot.


Sorry, can someone give me the Cole’s notes in the major stuff? I read through some of the link on the first page and seems to be mostly aesthetic stuff or no?


I just try not to get hyped or fall for the fomo trap. It saves me a lot of time and energy, and when I come to the games (albeit a bit late) there has usually been enough time to discern between reality and hype. I didn't play botw until summer of 22 and had a great time and, to be honest, wouldn't have traded theel experience for playing it day 1. It is probably the only game that I would say "got me through hard times" (my child almost died and I had to stay up all night to break his fever with cold compresses for about 2-3 months, so I played a lot of botw) - if I had played day 1, things would have played out differently.

Hype is just delusion fueled by corporate advertising. That doesn't mean there aren't absolutely phenomenal games that still come out, it just means that corps lie to sell products and people fall prey to it a lot.
I'm glad to hear your child made it through


Snake Oil Salesman
Hype is a tool they use to generate revenue.

They spend insane amounts of their budget on creating hype when everyone knows those resources would be better served on the game itself.

60% game development + 40% marketing


100% game development + 0% marketing

The latter is objectively superior. AAA is dead.


Granted both those games are shit, but if you're looking to graphics as a sign of quality of a racing game, you're doing it wrong and missing the point.
The best sim racing games out currently have been released 10+ years ago and although you can modify and improve the graphics, it's all about what happens on track, not outside.
Excellent force feedback, realistic AI, good competitive scene with safety and skill rank based races, laser scanned tracks, VR, etc.

No one cares what the grass or trees look like, if possible deactivate that shit so you can better render the cards, asphalt, curbs and keep constant (high) frame rates.
I guess my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough, but we're agreeing with each other.

I agree with everything you just said. The simulations come first, of course (if the goal is realism).
My intended-joke was about people who use racing games as some sort of graphical metric, which is precisely what's happening in the thread that I quoted.
Yet, as we both seem to agree, racing games are a far-cry away from graphical masterpieces.

(Though, there's a bit of truth in what I was saying. Racing games look kinda pathetic, especially given what other genres are doing.)

This is too funny. The irony.
With this one, I feel like I missed your point, or you missed mine. Apparently, I wasn't very clear, so I don't blame you, if that's what happened.
I haven't read your other posts in this thread, so I have no idea what type of meme I walked in to, if I did.

You hit the nail on the head. I think that's why Driveclub looks so good even to this day. Look at the environments. It was an experience just driving through the tracks in Driveclub. The environments in GT and Forza look like shitty toy dioramas in comparison.
I would say that Driveclub probably isn't aiming for quite the same level of realism, so it's a mildly apples-oranges comparison. But still, you're pretty much saying what I'm saying.

We're at a point where a racing game should be able to be realistic and also look nice. It's kinda silly that we can't have both; especially, as Setsuna Mudou Setsuna Mudou said, the simulations were already excellent many years ago.

Racing fans (Which includes me),

I understand the need for simulations, and realism. I totally get that.
But... c'mon now. The games don't need to look like ARMA 3, in this day and age.
And, if we're being honest, ARMA 3 is probably still doing more simulations than modern racing games, and it came out (literally) a decade ago.

Developers can clearly do better, especially with the budgets they have available.
If I was a betting man, I'd wager that most of the budgets go to paying for royalties, rather than actual gameplay/graphics upgrades.

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I would totally be down for fewer cars for improved gameplay and graphics; and especially graphics. I feel like the gameplay is already quite nice in most racers.


Maybe I'm alone in this, but I would totally be down for fewer cars for improved gameplay and graphics; and especially graphics. I feel like the gameplay is already quite nice in most racers.
I suppose if racing games had proper damage physics (including structural/engine damage) then idiots online would think twice about ramming into people if they knew their car might get totalled and they'd be out too. Only reason they do it now is because it's like pinball.


With this one, I feel like I missed your point, or you missed mine. Apparently, I wasn't very clear, so I don't blame you, if that's what happened.
I haven't read your other posts in this thread, so I have no idea what type of meme I walked in to, if I did.

The one picture that I left remaining in the quote is a real picture.

You mistook it for a videogame screenshot. I hope you can see the irony in that considering the point you were attempting to make.


I never got the hype train thing. Just wait until the release, then wait until the dust settles and read honest opinions. Buy it later at a discount with patches and fixes. You've got literally millions of other games to play in the meantime instead of playing unfinished games day 1.

Those millions of other games are nothing compared to the few I love.


I get super-hyped for games all the time. Love that feeling! Like now, I can't wait to get started with Lords of the fallen, which looks amazing.
If it doesn't live up to my hype, no big deal. There's always another great looking game to be hyped for around the next corner.
Hype and expectations is a huge part of what makes this hobby so satisfying and entertaining for me, and that won't change.
Lately many games don't seem to live up to some universal hype, but i've enjoyed most of those titles.
A good 8/10 game is brilliant!


Some games need to be played day one and others are fine getting down the line. I never preorder a gaas game ever tho
This is a boogeyman argument that people use, which quickly falls apart once you realize that people also make bad big budget video games outside of America.
Oh don't worry, western Europe, in particular the UK and France, are fucked too, like the Fable reboot for example.

I was never talking about just NA, only Eastern Europe and Japan are still producing games worth a darn, the western world has suffered bad brain rot and don't kid yourselves that the source isn't the obsession with diversity, equity and inclusion.

They're loud and clear with the agenda, if you think it's just a "boogeyman", you're asleep.
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