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The joys of making Shakshouka alone


How many times is she going to say “I am 29 single and I don’t have kids” to make it sound like she is happy being 29 and single and not having kids??


Having kids sucks. But what many miss, is that you don't just make kids, you make new people. It is all a cycle. Generations should be 25 years apart. Having kids in your mid twentys should be the norm. Beeing an awesome parent at 40 is no problem, but that comes with a lot of hurdles. A womans body lose fertility on an accelerated way beginning in her late twentys and that is just one part of the problems down the road.

Why do you need to still find yourself in your 30s? Why do you still need to party hard and travel freely? What did you do in your teens and twentys?

Many friends and people I know, never looked for life partners in their early 20s. They either don't find someone or go through partners a lot. It is frightening out of the perspective as a married with kids 34 year old.

And with the right partner, you can still build a career and have hobbies, while bringing up kids.

Having kids is not a peaceful life, but they are worth the trouble.


Eh as a parent I can say it definitely isn’t for everyone.
If she wants to do this instead of be a parent more power to her. There’s enough people as it is.

She didn't need to go make a video about it, but you could say the same thing about most internet videos.
If you hate society due to the horrible people in it and want to reduce suffering the best thing you can do is not have children.

You reduce the suffering of those who will never be born and you don't have to be responsible for their suffering by playing a hand in creating them. Also you get to payback the horrible people in society by not creating more wage slaves. Couldn't be a better move by showing mercy to the unborn.

If someone's already here it's not like you can easily not be here but you can do your part by not bringing more here. Literal guardian angel mercy lore out of compassion.


She probably got tired of people telling her that she should start her life sooner rather then later.

I know 3 girls that all where like her, they are 37+ now and misserable as fuck.

It's all fun and dandy, once u are 29, guys are still lining up, your parents are healthy and your friends could still be in this early stages of relationships.

However once u get 10 years older, no guy wants you anymore, your parents are probably going down the drain because getting older, your friends moved on because they are busy with there own family's now. lonely life.

40-100 is a long time girls.
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Gold Member
What she fails to realise is the fact that if she learns how to make a great shakshouka then it will make her an infinitely more attractive woman than she is right now.

Waking up to a ready made shakshouka after a night at it.

Episode 8 Nbc GIF by America's Got Talent

We should support her on this quest and provide her with more activities that will enable her to find a loving life partner.
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I had a neighbor that never got married or had kids. She is now close to 60, so way past the age of having kids.
The says she doesn't regret not getting married. But she regrets never having kids, that is the one thing she wishes she had done while she was younger.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Why... would you post that on Twitter or TikTok or whatever? I don't understand. What's so special about being 29 and single and not heaving kids?

I genuinely don't understand.

One of the things that I didn't realise until relatively recently is how much more pressure women are under to have their life in order by a certain age. Obviously, biological drivers feed into this - women are considered "geriatric" if they have a child at 35, but there are various societal pressures that are different here too. It's far, far, far more common to expect women to have a fully formed opinion and an answer to the question "are you going to have children?" for example, let alone with how common it is for women to be asked this versus how common it is for men to be asked this. There are other things to consider here too, women who choose not to have children are regarded differently to men, as if being a parent is female a role but not a male one.

I think it's totally fine to take to social media to say that you're feeling ok with your life choices, if you've been asked about those things many times and are a bit tired of it or are just aware of the narrative and want to have your say on it. I'm not the kind of person that wants to blog my life and opinions on tiktok etc (but I guess I'm doing it here) but it's very, very, very popular so it's not necessarily a strange thing to do in 2023. Also, there's something to be said for wanting to say to other people that "it's ok" because some women may well be stressing out about getting older, not having fulfilled the criteria that they feel they need to live up to.

The post above appeared just as I typed that last line and it is as sad and depressing as might be expected. Maybe not in the way that other people around here might think, but basically it's a woman saying that the world was incredibly shitty to her because she told the world that she was happy with her choices. Glad that she doesn't seem to give a fuck about the way those people choose to spend their lives, but I wonder why they care so much about the way she spends hers, wasting time doing things she likes to do and not having children and not sending threats or abusing people.
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Gold Member
Thank you for your answer
women are considered "geriatric" if they have a child at 35, but there are various societal pressures that are different here too. It's far, far, far more common to expect women to have a fully formed opinion and an answer to the question "are you going to have children?" for example, let alone with how common it is for women to be asked this versus how common it is for men to be asked this. There are other things to consider here too, women who choose not to have children are regarded differently to men, as if being a parent is female role but not a male one.
I find that really sad. Not having children is as valid of a choice as having children. I have two female colleagues who decided to not have children and I have never looked at them any different for it.


Eh as a parent I can say it definitely isn’t for everyone.
If she wants to do this instead of be a parent more power to her. There’s enough people as it is.

She didn't need to go make a video about it, but you could say the same thing about most internet videos.
And this is where people are wrong. Demograpics are on a very dark path in most countries in the world (for example).

Population growth will eventually stall and then decline. Companies have already big problems finding workers.

Many developed countries are growing old and having a hard time financing the elderly population.

On top of that, people you want to have children have less or none, compared to people you don't necessary want to reproduce.
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Perpetually Offended
Saw her response video. It's weird how some men will be so angry about a woman's choices in life that have nothing to do with them. Her life choices don't pay my bills or feed me! Hence, I'm not angry or mad. We're different people who have different wants... But she brought up a lot of good points... Points some in this thread didn't consider.

And why would anyone be concerned about companies not having enough workers? TF?! "Oh think of the poor billionaires!"

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Thank you for your answer

I find that really sad. Not having children is as valid of a choice as having children. I have two female colleagues who decided to not have children and I have never looked at them any different for it.
No worries, I did some work on programmes for women a while back and it was quite eye opening to be there while women talked about their experiences of what are quite overt pressures that I hadn't even considered or noticed. Neither I nor my sister have decided to have children, but I know she's been asked about it many, many, many more times than I have, and I know that she made the decision based on personal reasons that she might not want to reveal every single time someone asks what is a very casual conversation point to many.

I genuinely think that men don't realise how different women's experience of the world is and how normalised so many of those differences are.


Population growth will eventually stall and then decline.
I wish Australia had this problem.

I get it, this is an issue in some countries.
Immigration can play a part but from my smooth brain perspective those countries declining aren’t getting huge immigration numbers like some others do.

And it also doesn’t necessarily come from people not wanting to, but rather people not being able to.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
And this is where people are wrong. Demograpics are on a very dark path in most countries in the world (for example).

Population growth will eventually stall and then decline. Companies have already big problems finding workers.

Many developed countries are growing old and having a hard time financing the elderly population.

On top of that, people you want to have children have less or none, compared to people you don't necessary want to reproduce.

Meh, AI, robotics and automation will mean that fewer people will be needed anyway.

I think it's ok for this woman to not have kids at 29, I don't think her decision is going to lead to the fall of civilsation.


Gold Member
I genuinely think that men don't realise how different women's experience of the world is and how normalised so many of those differences are.
Probably. I admit that I am ignorant in that regard as well, in terms of what the day-to-day experience must be like for women.

In fact, I remember a conversation back in my student days in university with a girl (who I had a crush on but she already had a boyfriend and I am not one to try to mess things up) where I kinda said that I like to go for a walk at night sometimes because you tend to see things that you wouldn't at daylight and that I like that "city night noise" to calm my thought. And she essentially said that her being alone at night and going for a walk makes her feel uncomfortable. And while she didn't say it directly, she heavily hinted that the reason for that is her being worried about whether some guy(s) might follow and do something to her. And in fact, there was apparently one guy who followed her to her apartment building while she went home from a party.

And I somehow felt like complete shit because while I wasn't surprised at that fact, it just was not tangible enough for me to really "get it". And how her day-to-day life is tangibly impacted by these things. And I didn't know what to answer to that. I vividly remember her bitter smile when she said all that. I somehow carry that conversation with me still. It was one of the last conversations we had. We both got our Master's in our fields shorty afterwards and she went on to work for a company.


Its just sad, this woman has been brainwashed to believe her own bullshit. Eventually she'll settle into reality and will lash out god knows against who.


Meh, AI, robotics and automation will mean that fewer people will be needed anyway.

I think it's ok for this woman to not have kids at 29, I don't think her decision is going to lead to the fall of civilsation.
Everybody who doesn't want to have children should be respected. Nobody should be forced or feel an obligation to have them either.

But, we know she will turn her head around or will whine at a later point anyway. And if she is happy with her situation in the long term, power to this woman.

I just see a bigger picture in general. If I stop paying my taxes, we won't have a problem. If the general public won't pay their taxes, our system collapses.
In most areas in life, we know what inactions will result in, but with demographics, most seem not to care or don't even know the status.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Probably. I admit that I am ignorant in that regard as well, in terms of what the day-to-day experience must be like for women.

In fact, I remember a conversation back in my student days in university with a girl (who I had a crush on but she already had a boyfriend and I am not one to try to mess things up) where I kinda said that I like to go for a walk at night sometimes because you tend to see things that you wouldn't at daylight and that I like that "city night noise" to calm my thought. And she essentially said that her being alone at night and going for a walk makes her feel uncomfortable. And while she didn't say it directly, she heavily hinted that the reason for that is her being worried about whether some guy(s) might follow and do something to her. And in fact, there was apparently one guy who followed her to her apartment building while she went home from a party.

And I somehow felt like complete shit because while I wasn't surprised at that fact, it just was not tangible enough for me to really "get it". And how her day-to-day life is tangibly impacted by these things. And I didn't know what to answer to that. I vividly remember her bitter smile when she said all that. I somehow carry that conversation with me still. It was one of the last conversations we had. We both got our Master's in our fields shorty afterwards and she went on to work for a company.

I don't think you should feel bad about it at all, but yeah, I think that's a good example of how women need to make sure that they are safe in a way that men don't have to. It's just not spoken about enough that all men realise the vulnerabilities and how that can play into everyday life.

You can see the attitudes from some of the people here are out and out hostile and that they feel entirely confident that they've got the right point of view on the subject.
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Good for her! But she needs to watch better shows.

Real Housewives? Really?

Exactly what I came back to say having seen her rebuttal.

Like, her message isn't intrinsically wrong, but was this really the best way to deliver it? Real housewives? No wonder everyone thinks you're miserable and gonna die alone.

The very definition of "you do you"...
I'm loving the amount of judgement being thrown on this women for against the norm lol. Maybe she doesn't want a heap of kids and will probably settle for one in her late 30s/40s? That would make her a parent and having a single child is much less stressful than having a boatload. You have children when you're ready, not everybody's circumstances are the exact same. Quit the virtue signalling.
It's weird how some men will be so angry about a woman's choices in life that have nothing to do with them.
Most of them are unhinged but I do think it's an issue we need to take seriously - and it's one facing both men and women.

The question is, how will the U.S. support large swaths of single people when they're too old to work? Are we to assume they'll all have saved the money needed to pay for their remaining years? We know this won't be true.

With no family or dual income savings, the burden of care will fall on society - which is currently untenable.


Every video made by a weird person means there's like a hundred or a thousand people who feel the same way but just didn't make videos to let everyone know. It's not just one person's opinion at that point. Then it becomes a chunk of the society that you're part of.


I honestly couldn't fathom being single at my age (early 30s, just the thought of going back to the dating game makes me shudder.

However, I also cannot fathom having kids, its just not something me or my wife want. I'll be super happy being a good uncle to my future nephews but that's about it. She doesn't want kids or a husband (or wife lol) and thats her choice to make.
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Doomer culture is going mainstream!

She is unmarried and childless because she is clearly a self obsessed, crazy woman whose only company is derived from talking to her phone and putting it up on the internet for all her pretend internet friends to see.

And here's a tip, If you ou want some of that Shalamar or whatever it's called, save your time and just poach a few eggs and chuck some ketchup on them

"Harsh but fair" 51 year old male, Dad of three who goes to bed at TWO am most nights.
Rock and Roll.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It's very telling that she says "I dont have kids yet" versus "I don't have kids" means she knows her clock is ticking and her loins are burning. I think some unfortunate gaffer should take one for the team.
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I'm loving the amount of judgement being thrown on this women for against the norm lol. Maybe she doesn't want a heap of kids and will probably settle for one in her late 30s/40s? That would make her a parent and having a single child is much less stressful than having a boatload. You have children when you're ready, not everybody's circumstances are the exact same. Quit the virtue signalling.
The judgement is quite mild, compared to what the response likely would have been, had it been a guy making a video like that.
Incel! Misogynist!
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