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The Karl Malone Retirement/Depreciation Thread

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Blackace said:
So after a whole career of being an ass.... fans should forgive because he had class for once?

Are you really this dumb? I said last night, after the loss, he was a class act. Nothing more, and nothing less. I don't give a shit what you thought I implied about a statement of FACT.
Meier said:
Well Lonestar is a big Barroid Bonds fan after all -- at least he's consistent in supporting assholes!

This is DM's best thread ever btw. :lol

Huh? I was HalfPastMidnight on the old boards. Sure, I'm familar with that Sonic's lunatic, but I'm not him, and he's not I. He's right about Barry Bonds, though. Best baseball player ever.


I glad he's leaving, I'm so sick of the "Karl deserves a ring" bullshit. The NBA basically gave him a free pass this year. Nail Derrick Martin, no suspension. Poke a fan in the face, not even a peep from the NBA. Malone's a loser, the league is better off without him.

BTW, being considered the classy one on this year's Lakers team doesn't mean much. Besides, Malone has had plenty of practice at being the bridesmaid, he should be pretty good at it.


Good job Pistons. Not only did you keep the Lakers from winning the title..you kept KARL MALONE from doing so. The pistons will always hold a special place in my heart after keeping Malone away from a championship ring. (Jordan and the Bulls are there too...well, only Jordan really)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
HalfPastNoon said:
Are you really this dumb? I said last night, after the loss, he was a class act. Nothing more, and nothing less. I don't give a shit what you thought I implied about a statement of FACT.

If you have to been an ass we can go there...

you replied to DM about his thread.. and added that Karl was a class act... if you meant that game you reacted very strongly to a thread which was about Karl and his career..... So you left yourself open... if the thread was about Karl and how he acted in his last game.. then you'd have a leg to stand on...

Besides you quickly forgot he was poking a fan in the face two games before... a real stand up guy...


Seth C said:
The pathetic thing about his daughter is that she came to the games in a LAKERS jersey. Have some RESPECT, bitch. You play for a Detroit team, a team that has the same owner as the Pistons! I hope the cut her.

Eh, the owner also displayed the Stanley Cup in Detroit, where the Red Wings play and have had cup success themselves. Was he dissing the city for doing so? Nope. He was clearly dissing the franchise though, as apparantely he and Wings owner Mike Illitch have no love for each other (not unlike most of the Laker players

Meier said:
Well Lonestar is a big Barroid Bonds fan after all -- at least he's consistent in supporting assholes!

Hey, at least Barry Bonds stepped up in championship finals...batted .471 (with a ridiculous OBA of .700), 4 home runs (one of 'em is still going), 13 walks, and slugged 1.294. He raised his game in that series, and was robbed of the World Series MVP as he was clearly the most dominant player on either team.

Payton on the other hand got lit up like a Christmas tree by every point guard he played against in the playoffs, and got completely and utterly punked by a journeyman point guard in Chauncy Billups, to the point where he was named the finals MVP. That's just silly.

crumbs said:
I glad he's leaving, I'm so sick of the "Karl deserves a ring" bullshit. The NBA basically gave him a free pass this year. Nail Derrick Martin, no suspension. Poke a fan in the face, not even a peep from the NBA. Malone's a loser, the league is better off without him.

Don't forget his elbow on Steve Nash.

Malone was a great player, but he was also dirty as sin. I'll never understand why people kissed Malone's and Stockton's ass, while ripping on people that might be punks but at least don't try to rearrange a person's face or knee when on the court. That said, I do have a bit of respect for the way he played this year...seemed to be one of the few that gave a damn on that pathetic team (Fisher is another player that I have a ton of respect for from this past year). Still, I can't say I'm sad that he didn't get his ring...cheaters shouldn't prosper.


bishoptl said:
Screw Malone!

Why does Payton ALWAYS look like he's sneering? Does he sleep with that expression on his mug? Good grief
LOL! There was an interview on ESPN and they asked why he always looked angry, his response was something like, "growing up in Oakland (?), you had to look mean to survive." So lame.
I remember Karl Malone was against Magic making a return to the NBA in 92 after Magic announced he was HIV positive? There were some other players, but Karl was one of the more outspoken. Magic eventually decided to not come out of retirement because of the controversy surrounding his return. I’m sure Magic is disappointed that the Lakers didn’t win another championship, but somewhere deep inside he’s probably smiling.
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