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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Though I have not played 3rd, from what I've understood from some of the tidbits I've read about it & the way people comment on its importance & connectedness to pretty much everything, isn't the best way to describe it that it acts as a kind of bridge between Trails in the Sky FC + SC and pretty much everything that comes afterwards, rather than being "just" an epilogue? So while it expands on some stuff that's already talked about in the first two games, it also introduces quite a lot of completely new plot threads that will be more or less important in both the Zero + Blue duology as well as the Cold Steel trilogy. I mean, epilogues can and often do set up future storylines in fiction, but isn't 3rd kind of too far removed from FC & SC (i.e. focuses on different main characters, whole new setting) & the new story stuff a bit too significant that calling it an epilogue doesn't quite do it justice? To me it sounds like rather than Trails in the Sky 3rd, the game should've been called something like Trails to the Future with just how much it is seemingly focused on setting up subsequent games.

That's just the impression I've gotten without having played the game, though, so maybe I'm not one to listen on this subject. :p

It sets up a lot of plotlines that are explored in the later games, but it isn`t that removed from the FC+SC duology.

From what I played, it acts as a epilogue to a lot of characters, explaining what happened to them after SC.It also goes deeper on the relationships and influence of a lot of secondary characters too, people that were important in the duology, but didn`t had their proper time in the spotlight.You get to know more about Mueller, Kilika, Rin, for example, and they influence future games in some considerable ways.

I think it`s too bad that people only recently took notice of this series and now there`s this big elephant in the room about what to do regarding The 3rd and Zero/Ao. If XSEED does not localize, I guess the better solution will be making a traslated walkthrough like what RGG Subs does with Yakuza games or what BlackRaen has done with Ciel nosurge.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
It sets up a lot of plotlines that are explored in the later games, but it isn`t that removed from the FC+SC duology.

From what I played, it acts as a epilogue to a lot of characters, explaining what happened to them after SC.It also goes deeper on the relationships and influence of a lot of secondary characters too, people that were important in the duology, but didn`t had their proper time in the spotlight.You get to know more about Mueller, Kilika, Rin, for example, and they influence future games in some considerable ways.

I think it`s too bad that people only recently took notice of this series and now there`s this big elephant in the room about what to do regarding The 3rd and Zero/Ao. If XSEED does not localize, I guess the better solution will be making a traslated walkthrough like what RGG Subs does with Yakuza games or what BlackRaen has done with Ciel nosurge.
I don't think 3rd/Zero/Ao are necessarily an elephant in the room as much as they are a room on fire. I know a lot of people avoid this series specifically because they know there's a giant missing link and that its future is mostly uncertain. Before SC came out, I wanted nothing to do with a series that would leave me burned and unfulfilled, but with the recent release of that game and the localization of Cold Steel I/II a lot more people are willing to jump in. Now that people are willing to commit themselves to the franchise there's a lot more buzz about the missing link games. I have no doubt in my mind they'll get translated eventually, in some way or another, officially or unofficially, through a patch or a video walkthrough. Really, really hope it's officially, though.


I don't think 3rd/Zero/Ao are necessarily an elephant in the room as much as they are a room on fire. I know a lot of people avoid this series specifically because they know there's a giant missing link and that its future is mostly uncertain. Before SC came out, I wanted nothing to do with a series that would leave me burned and unfulfilled, but with the recent release of that game and the localization of Cold Steel I/II a lot more people are willing to jump in. Now that people are willing to commit themselves to the franchise there's a lot more buzz about the missing link games. I have no doubt in my mind they'll get translated eventually, in some way or another, officially or unofficially, through a patch or a video walkthrough. Really, really hope it's officially, though.

With the release of CS 1 and 2, more people will know about the missing link and the chances of an unnoficial localization increases.

Due to the circumstances with the Evolution versions, I doubt we will se those localized anytime soon. A patch for the game is perhaps too big since those games are massive. I think the simplier route would be a guide so that people can play the japanese games without understanding the language. Like this: http://khhsubs.com/projectsrggishin.html
I don't think 3rd/Zero/Ao are necessarily an elephant in the room as much as they are a room on fire. I know a lot of people avoid this series specifically because they know there's a giant missing link and that its future is mostly uncertain. Before SC came out, I wanted nothing to do with a series that would leave me burned and unfulfilled, but with the recent release of that game and the localization of Cold Steel I/II a lot more people are willing to jump in. Now that people are willing to commit themselves to the franchise there's a lot more buzz about the missing link games. I have no doubt in my mind they'll get translated eventually, in some way or another, officially or unofficially, through a patch or a video walkthrough. Really, really hope it's officially, though.

Yeah I agree with you. I would not want to play this series if its going to leave me hanging. I would def be salty if CS2 was the last Trails game to be release in English. Honestly if that does happen I will be very hesitant to pick up series like this in the future.


Ao no Kiseki Evo

Post ch.2, pre-ch.3

This series has some funny/odd/awkward morality when it comes to intelligent monsters. Just did the sidequest on the beach with the swimsuit ripping bird and Lloyd chases the pranking bird down and beats him up but doesn't kill him and then the bird's buddies show up power ranger team style and LLoyd MURDERS THEM ALL.

Then Lloyd says the birds were probably ripping swimsuits because their land was taken in the development of the island and they're annoying people to get back at them. The other character says "awww, I feel bad for them" (you know, because they're all DEAD NOW) and then Lloyd replies "Yeah, oh well let's get back to the hotel".

Like these are the same characters who would never murder a person, especially for a prank, and yet they have no problem murdering a bunch of goofy land-stolen birds while on vacation in between beach hanging out and theme parking adventures.


Let's not have every discussion end on a "I hope more titles will be localised" note; I understand it's a constant fear, but rather than being bitter for having to wait: spread the love! (O Aidios, does that me sound like Olivier?)

Comfort yourself with the idea that XSEED has put so much faith in the series that they not got the mammoth SC localised and at the same time also started working on the localisation of both Cold Steel I and II. And we all know that Hatsuu is admirably working insane hours to get these games out in the high quality the series is known for, not to mention the zealous efforts of the translators involved. Getting the games localised is one thing, but getting that same high level of localisation is a whole different beast.

Until Falcom themselves decide to port/localise Ao no Kiseki for PC, it's unreasonable to expect XSEED to work on the Crossbell duology; there simply are no feasible versions for XSEED out there right now. The best thing to do is wait for the next announcement from XSEED while you yourself inform more and more people about this series. Steam and PC gaming is virtually dead in comparison to the West, so if you want to get that Ao no Kiseki PC port, make it your mission to have FC and SC continue to sell here (oh, and stop spreading unrepresentative Steamspy numbers).
haha fair enough, pretty sure the regulars here have been hearing similar complains for awhile :p

Just finish Chapter 3 of FC. Damn I wish I had time to continue binge playing nonetheless I have classes again in 3 hours :| might be a slow burn trying to finish SC. O well. Its been a blast playing thro Cold Steel and FC the last 3 weeks. Dont want it to end D:

Edit: wish I took Japanese during undergrad course instead of Latin now :p


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
FC Evo arrived. Actually not a fan of Estelle's Japanese voice. This let's play is a good reference for someone with middling Japanese skills like me.
Having loved Trails in the Sky so much, I figured I'd give FC Evolution a try, to have a better looking version on my Bita, and despite not liking the new portraits.

It's nice to see some quality of life features like speeding things up ported to these games, but I was genuinely surprised by the inclusion of new AT bonuses. In particular, Zero Craft seems to apply to S-breaks, which sounds crazy to me.
Damn the last
boss battle in FC is a pain without the ability to save in between and being very long as well. Feel like I am underlevel at level ~33 range.
Oh whoops must of missed that.
What's so bad about the PC ports of the crossbell games?

The issues that were there with Zero aren't really there anymore since Falcom went back and did a port of it themselves. Ao on the other hand is full of drm and is only in Chinese, which last time anything was said on it, Xseed doesn't have someone that could translate it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Having loved Trails in the Sky so much, I figured I'd give FC Evolution a try, to have a better looking version on my Bita, and despite not liking the new portraits.

It's nice to see some quality of life features like speeding things up ported to these games, but I was genuinely surprised by the inclusion of new AT bonuses. In particular, Zero Craft seems to apply to S-breaks, which sounds crazy to me.
That surprised me too.

I guess when they meant full voice, they weren't kidding. Even minor sub-story events like talking to people after story events (like going to talk to Aina at the counter after she tells you to meet Schera on the second floor) are voiced. The amount of VA in the game is staggering. What's the deal with Cassius sounding like an old man, though? His voice seems way off.
That surprised me too.

I guess when they meant full voice, they weren't kidding. Even minor sub-story events like talking to people after story events (like going to talk to Aina at the counter after she tells you to meet Schera on the second floor) are voiced. The amount of VA in the game is staggering. What's the deal with Cassius sounding like an old man, though? His voice seems way off.
I haven't moved past the prologue but yeah, so far the amount of voice acting is really surprising. I had the exact same surprise with Cassius, he does sound like an old guy who tends to drawl a bit. Looking at the VA's other roles, he also played Cao Cao in the Musou series, where he doesn't sound like that. I assume they did this to match Cassius' easygoing nature and speech
and when things get rough and he gets all badass, they'll exploit the actor's range.

That last part could probably apply to Joshua as well, as his voice actress makes him sound very mild mannered (which is in line with his portrayal).

Mind you, AFAIK, they reused the voice actors from the original versions.


Oh wow they sped up the gameplay/battles in Sora FC/SC Evo? If I ever feel like replaying that series after I catch up I might go that direction because going back to Vanilla FC's combat speed is so slow after Zero/Ao. And I'm not surprised if some of the voices come across as weird. I feel like when playing the game's silently in your head the voices they get later don't necessarily match up. Oliver's voice actor is spot on as Koyasu, I mean he's completely a Koyasu character. Otoh I really expected Kevin to have Masaya Onasaka's voice since Kevin is basically Vash the Stampede with Green Hair and was a little bummed when he didn't.

Ao no Kiseki Evo

Chapter 3 about halfway:


I love the sidequests in this game. It's crazy how with all the speed improvements of non-stop fast travel everywhere, hardly any dungeons/battles, the game is still going to be like 50-60 hours+ by the end because it has just an insanely large number of quests and main story. It's almost exhausting just from pure content, but I'm real glad there's barely any filler. Between the two games of Zero/Ao and the smaller world of Crossbell, they really do flesh out every part of it.


Oliver's voice actor is spot on as Koyasu, I mean he's completely a Koyasu character. Otoh I really expected Kevin to have Masaya Onasaka's voice since Kevin is basically Vash the Stampede with Green Hair and was a little bummed when he didn't.

I'm kind of the opposite, I'm not entirely sure I could ever hear Onosaka playing Kevin, simply because I've been hearing Ryohei Nakao playing him since 3rd first came out.

SC Endgame Spoilers:
One of the drama CDs actually does play out the scene between Weissmann and Kevin at the end of SC. It's utterly chilling to hear it from their two voice actors, too. D:


So, today I did Sherazard door in TitS 3rd, the one about
how she and Aina met
. Damn, that was a very long and very cool story.

Can someone check if I got mostly right ?

Before, was Aina`s past even hinted at in FC or SC ? Really liked how she wasn`t your regular spoiled lady.

If I got the story right, Aina`s grandfather was a rich man (from the military too, I think) and his death wish mentioned that only she could inherit his things. She ended up being frowned upon by her family and ended up running away because she was fearing what people might be capable to do to her in order to get the inheritance.

The family, wanting the inheritance, planned to use the fact she ran away as if she was dead and divide the amount between themselves. Her uncle also hired hunting corps thugs to capture her in exchange for some of the money.

Aina wanted to go to Grancel castle in order to receive her inheritance, but she had a deadline to do it because the family could use her disappearance as if she was dead and seize the inheritance.

In the end, she managed to get it and donate everything to the state.

The only thing I didn`t understood very well was Shera`s motivation. She was dead set into finishing this job quickly so that she could become a full fledged bracer.

This happens after her circus group split up and, as far I could understand, she wanted to become stronger in order to never go back to the life she had before the circus. About the life before the circus, she gave some details, but I couldn`t understand some of the details very well. What I got is that she made a lot of jobs that made she hate herself and was essentially left to die once unneeded.

In the end she got her head right and became a full fledged bracer without that thirst for power.

The only thing left unexplained is Aina`s steel liver =P

Is that all correct ?


Ao no Kiseki Evo

Major Chapter 3 end/Chapter 4 start spoilers:

Wow, Iria dying suddenly out of nowhere was pretty shocking and fucked up. And then the town gets ransacked, Fran and the police crew get blown up by a grenade, and the IBC building explodes? Holy shit. None of that was really predictable so it was really effective at kicking the 2nd half's plot into gear.

Too bad the series is PG-13 and basically outside of flashbacks, non-named NPCs, super phoned in trope sacrifice deaths (Loewe) and final bosses, it seems like despite being about war and calamity, no one actually dies in Kiseki games. When the newspaper said after the attack that Iria was in the hospital in critical condition I was kind of @_@ because she totally fucking died and it was a great unexpected death scene out of nowhere, so kind of lame to keep her alive, and Fran and everyone else's fine, but that was kind of expected since it cut away. But that's just a small pet peeve and I've learned to accept it in certain Japanese mainstream audience series.

Game is going great now. Chapter 3 was good, and introduced the pieces once again, but the end stuff with Randy to the final end of the chapter was amazing. Here I was expecting the chapter to end after meeting the Ouroborous crew in the swamp and fighting another illusionary monster. So the "Oh crap Mercenary attack!!" -> tons of Randy development all out of nowhere included in the chapter was darn good.

Got a dozen sidequests to do now. Will enjoy them and looking forward to all the main story stuff when they're done.

I like Lloyd a lot in Zero/Ao. They did a good job making a completely different lead than Estelle, yet just as endearing. He's like super plain on the outside; nice normal polite guy. Yet he's smart and kicks ass; he's very underestimated. I hope Sen's lead character can live up to Estelle & Lloyd.


Ao no Kiseki Evo

Major Chapter 3 end/Chapter 4 start spoilers:

Too bad the series is PG-13 and basically outside of flashbacks, non-named NPCs, super phoned in trope sacrifice deaths (Loewe) and final bosses, it seems like despite being about war and calamity, no one actually dies in Kiseki games. When the newspaper said after the attack that Iria was in the hospital in critical condition I was kind of @_@ because she totally fucking died and it was a great unexpected death scene out of nowhere, so kind of lame to keep her alive, and Fran and everyone else's fine, but that was kind of expected since it cut away. But that's just a small pet peeve and I've learned to accept it in certain Japanese mainstream audience series.

There is actually absolutely a plot reason for that. You have actually made a very good observation about that scene.

I like Lloyd a lot in Zero/Ao. They did a good job making a completely different lead than Estelle, yet just as endearing. He's like super plain on the outside; nice normal polite guy. Yet he's smart and kicks ass; he's very underestimated. I hope Sen's lead character can live up to Estelle & Lloyd.

I love Lloyd, for a lot of the reasons you've already mentioned- and I definitely liked him more than Rean. Lloyd is up in my favorites of the Kiseki characters- especially when seeing how he manages through Ao.
I hadn't checked the trophy list for FC Evo before starting, I just did.
There's one for clearing the game with 0 KOs (and one directly opposite for resurrecting a character). 0 retries is one thing, but 0 KOs sounds like a tall order TBH.


I hadn't checked the trophy list for FC Evo before starting, I just did.
There's one for clearing the game with 0 KOs (and one directly opposite for resurrecting a character). 0 retries is one thing, but 0 KOs sounds like a tall order TBH.
It's no retries for the entire game and no KO's for one chapter. I got that one during the Prologue on Hard, so it's fairly doable.
It's no retries for the entire game and no KO's for one chapter. I got that one during the Prologue on Hard, so it's fairly doable.
My bad, thanks, I hadn't noticed this and the fleeing one were for a chapter. Yeah, that seems fairly easy. The hardest trophies would probably be not missing any chest or recipe, as given their raw number, it's easy to miss one.

Looking at SC Evo though, I'm curious about finishing SC below level 90. I remember gaining a crapload of levels toward the end and being 91 or 92 without any kind of effort. Then again, the level balance has been changed with the introduction of x1.5 and x2 multipliers, so my PSP experience might be moot anyway.


My bad, thanks, I hadn't noticed this and the fleeing one were for a chapter. Yeah, that seems fairly easy. The hardest trophies would probably be not missing any chest or recipe, as given their raw number, it's easy to miss one.

Looking at SC Evo though, I'm curious about finishing SC below level 90. I remember gaining a crapload of levels toward the end and being 91 or 92 without any kind of effort. Then again, the level balance has been changed with the introduction of x1.5 and x2 multipliers, so my PSP experience might be moot anyway.
The ones I missed out on in FC Evo are the victory against Lorence and beating the game under level 39. I have no interest in going Platinum, but if I'm re-playing a game anyway, I might as well try to tackle some additional challenges.


Sorta curious to see how those trophies compare to XSEED's Steam achievements, as we sorta had two different groups make their own set of achievements on the same game.


Sorry to interrupt the discussion, but is Zero the only vita game that needs an update in order to be playable? I'm asking this because I'm interested in importing the physical versions and playing on my western account and vita, but I do not want to go though all the formatting and etc to switch to my Japanese account (if the process was easy like ps3/ps4 changing users I'd have no problems...)


Sorry to interrupt the discussion, but is Zero the only vita game that needs an update in order to be playable? I'm asking this because I'm interested in importing the physical versions and playing on my western account and vita, but I do not want to go though all the formatting and etc to switch to my Japanese account (if the process was easy like ps3/ps4 changing users I'd have no problems...)
You can update regardless of region. I played through the Evolution games on my European account.


You can update regardless of region. I played through the Evolution games on my European account.

Oh, really? I was under the impression that I had to switch to the Japanese account after popping the cart in my american vita account so that it could update. I understand that's how import dlcs work, anyway. Well I guess I'll be getting all evo games after all. Thanks for the clarification!


Oh, really? I was under the impression that I had to switch to the Japanese account after popping the cart in my american vita account so that it could update. I understand that's how import dlcs work, anyway. Well I guess I'll be getting all evo games after all. Thanks for the clarification!
Just refresh the screen and the yellow update icon should appear in the top left corner. DLC is region locked, updates aren't.
All those juicy spoilerculations at the Cold Steel thread makes my warm and fuzzy~

On the whole Ouroboros thing though...

[CS & SC End Game Spoiler]
Cold Steel doesn’t do a very good job at highlighting how whimsical Ouroboros can be at times, in terms of human resource management and well, overall rigidity of the organisation. In fact, no single game among those I played/spoiled myself with (3rd) do a good job at it, and it’s really spread out across multiple games that Ouroboros kinda allows their Enforcers and Apostles to do whatever the heck they’d like in their free and spare time, and Sharon is an example where that freedom literally also means the freedom to “be a thorn in their own colleagues’s plans.”

I mean, [3rd Spoiler]
Renne is still treated like as a Legion amongst the Anguis, and that means that despite the likelihood that Renne could’ve defected or no longer be a part of the organisation, Ouroboros will not move against her or attempt to force her back/return Pater-Mater to them, because it’s the “rules” of the Grandmaster.

With that being said, [Zero spoiler]
I don’t know if that changes for Renne post-Zero, because it’s clear by the end of Zero that Renne will never return to Ouroboros, since she’s now part of the Bright Family. (most overpowered family in Zemuria?)

In some ways, all these irrational aspects of Ouroboros is literally a plot crutch to
prevent them from steamrolling the protagonist, because a serious, unhinged Ouroboros that effectively utilises their resources at all times would pretty much mean that they win 99/100 times
, but that is how the cookie crumbles when any story has a secret organisation that is membered by some of the strongest characters in the series and possess technology beyond anything capable by regular people.
And also crazy mystical stuff like Loewe’s sword and Weissman’s staff

Tldr; Ouroboros is
Employer of the Year, All Years.
So now that I've finished cold steel and seen how certain characters are only temporarily playable
Sarah and Angelica being the big 2, I guess debatably Crow since he's now useable in the finale. Then there is the optional fight where Alan is a guest

I know CS2 has a butt load more playable characters and someone did tell me the list but I'm curious who ends up being fully playable at the end and who ends up being only available for a small temporary portion of the game? Not looking for story reasons why they join or only stay temp just a list of who's fully playable at the end and who's temporarily playable.


All those juicy spoilerculations at the Cold Steel thread makes my warm and fuzzy~

On the whole Ouroboros thing though...

[CS & SC End Game Spoiler]
Cold Steel doesn’t do a very good job at highlighting how whimsical Ouroboros can be at times, in terms of human resource management and well, overall rigidity of the organisation. In fact, no single game among those I played/spoiled myself with (3rd) do a good job at it, and it’s really spread out across multiple games that Ouroboros kinda allows their Enforcers and Apostles to do whatever the heck they’d like in their free and spare time, and Sharon is an example where that freedom literally also means the freedom to “be a thorn in their own colleagues’s plans.”

I mean, [3rd Spoiler]
Renne is still treated like as a Legion amongst the Anguis, and that means that despite the likelihood that Renne could’ve defected or no longer be a part of the organisation, Ouroboros will not move against her or attempt to force her back/return Pater-Mater to them, because it’s the “rules” of the Grandmaster.

With that being said, [Zero spoiler]
I don’t know if that changes for Renne post-Zero, because it’s clear by the end of Zero that Renne will never return to Ouroboros, since she’s now part of the Bright Family. (most overpowered family in Zemuria?)

In some ways, all these irrational aspects of Ouroboros is literally a plot crutch to
prevent them from steamrolling the protagonist, because a serious, unhinged Ouroboros that effectively utilises their resources at all times would pretty much mean that they win 99/100 times
, but that is how the cookie crumbles when any story has a secret organisation that is membered by some of the strongest characters in the series and possess technology beyond anything capable by regular people.
And also crazy mystical stuff like Loewe’s sword and Weissman’s staff

Tldr; Ouroboros is
Employer of the Year, All Years.
If you played The 3rd, you know that
the freedom the Grandmaster offers to the Legion is part of the 'Law' she imposed on her organisation
. Ouroboros has a clear goal in mind and diligently works toward that goal. I like that. You're inclined to think of Ouroboros as an evil organisation because of (SC spoiler)
Weissmann's rash actions prior to the Hundred Day War and the start of FC, but he really was the rotten apple of the club
. In Ao,
Arianhrod helped the protagonists during a sidequest (!)
and again in Cold Steel's fifth chapter. At the end of Sen II,
at the moment Vita realises her plan has failed, she rushes to action to prevent the Awakeners and Class VII
. No, I no longer believe that the Ouroboros is any more 'corrupt' than the Septian Church or the Bracer Guild.

So now that I've finished cold steel and seen how certain characters are only temporarily playable
Sarah and Angelica being the big 2, I guess debatably Crow since he's now useable in the finale. Then there is the optional fight where Alan is a guest

I know CS2 has a butt load more playable characters and someone did tell me the list but I'm curious who ends up being fully playable at the end and who ends up being only available for a small temporary portion of the game? Not looking for story reasons why they join or only stay temp just a list of who's fully playable at the end and who's temporarily playable.
Everyone temporarily available will be made available at the end.

Or do you rather have an exhaustive list with names, including the risk of spoiling yourself?
I didn't play 3rd. I'm one of those terrible people who assumed that 3rd was just a lame dungeon crawling side story with the meat of it being the doors and just watched like 7 or 8 doors and spoiled myself on some Kevin storyline.

Biggest mistake I made with this series.


I didn't play 3rd. I'm one of those terrible people who assumed that 3rd was just a lame dungeon crawling side story with the meat of it being the doors and just watched like 7 or 8 doors and spoiled myself on some Kevin storyline.

Biggest mistake I made with this series.
In my post, the spoiler for The 3rd contains information specifically from Door 14.
Don't want to quote the full post since it has spoilers

But Gu4n I already know about cs2 playable spoilers
crow, sarah, towa, toval, claire, elise, sharon, and the princess girl being playable. Again the context of why they become playable is more important in terms of me not wanting to be spoiled. Just knowing they'll be playable doesn't concern me hence asking.


Don't want to quote the full post since it has spoilers

But Gu4n I already know about cs2 playable spoilers
crow, sarah, towa, toval, claire, elise, sharon, and the princess girl being playable. Again the context of why they become playable is more important in terms of me not wanting to be spoiled. Just knowing they'll be playable doesn't concern me hence asking.
Okay. Below each spoiler tag is a list of names:

Only available for a temporary portion (length varies between one fight up to one chapter) during the game
Elise, Toval, Claire, Sharon, Alfin, Angelica, Towa, Lloyd, Rixia and Ordine.

Fully playable in the final-final dungeon
The ten members of Class VII, Valimar, Toval, Claire, Sharon, Sara, Elise, Angelica, Towa, Alfin, Lloyd, Rixia, Crow, Clotilde and Altina.
Okay. Below each spoiler tag is a list of names:

Only available for a temporary portion (length varies between one fight up to one chapter) during the game
Elise, Toval, Claire, Sharon, Alfin, Angelica, Towa, Lloyd, Rixia and Ordine.

Fully playable in the final-final dungeon
The ten members of Class VII, Valimar, Toval, Claire, Sharon, Sara, Elise, Angelica, Towa, Alfin, Lloyd, Rixia, Crow, Clotilde and Altina.

So what I'm getting from this is
Ordine is the only true temporary character in CS2. I know Lloyd and someone else is from ao/zero the way Estelle and Joshua show up for the finale of zero, others are all new characters like Kevin correct? I only ask because I know it may be years before we get ao/zero and I kinda want just a vague idea of who I'm already supposed to know assuming I played these games like Japanese players in release order

Young Magus

Junior Member
Yo I have a question for those who played SC in Japanese:

How did Kevin`s speech pattern come across in the ending scene where he killed Weissmann? I know/heard he spoke with an accent in the Japanese version and he kinda drops his normal speech patterns in english when the scene occurs. Just wandering.


So what I'm getting from this is
Ordine is the only true temporary character in CS2. I know Lloyd and someone else is from ao/zero the way Estelle and Joshua show up for the finale of zero, others are all new characters like Kevin correct? I only ask because I know it may be years before we get ao/zero and I kinda want just a vague idea of who I'm already supposed to know assuming I played these games like Japanese players in release order
Exactly. Assuming you played the games in order,
only Lloyd and Rixia are characters you've played with prior to Cold Steel
. Because the Crossbell and Erebonia arc take place simultaneously, there is little margin for characters to be at two places at the same time. I expect a lot more familiar faces in Sen III, though.


I mean, [3rd Spoiler]
Renne is still treated like as a Legion amongst the Anguis, and that means that despite the likelihood that Renne could’ve defected or no longer be a part of the organisation, Ouroboros will not move against her or attempt to force her back/return Pater-Mater to them, because it’s the “rules” of the Grandmaster.

Pretty much.

This actually is something that comes up in the stuff I'm working on for tomorrow's Translation Tuesday.

3rd spoilers:
Renne has definitely left. The Anguis are not going to do anything because of the fact that they're bound to a law that demands that the Legion act by their own free will.

'We are higher ranked, but we can't force her to do anything.' --I think that's the line said by the First Anguis.

However, the Sixth Anguis then convinced the first that he will still need to observe Renne because Pater-Mater is important to research with the Thirteen Factories.

I suspect they'll always treat her like a Legion, as a result- and they won't be able to force her to come back to them.


I got questions about The 3rd, Star Door 7 which is about
Orbments and the Epstain Foundation

1. As I could understand, Epstain Foundation is the group that essentially created or began development on the orbal energy and almost any other application that could be used with it. The foundation has it`s base is the Leman State, which was the hometown of Professor Epstain.

2. Prof. Epstain had a lot of pupils, but three of these had a bigger importance in the development and spread about orbal machines. The first disciple, went from country to country explaining the advantages of orbal energy in order for the technology to be quickly accepted. The second disciple wanted focused on getting the technology to remote areas and enlisted the help of the bracer guild for this.

3. The third disciple, which apparently was the most important, went to his home country and created what would become the Central Factory. After receiving a big amount of money from someone which I can`t remember the name, Liberl developed orbal technology at a much faster pace than any other country. Unfortunately, this made other countries jealous and apparently the technology wasn`t available to the general populace (I think).

Am I wrong in any of these three ?

Then the door continued to Epstain Foundation three rules/guidelines:

- Create technology that will be the foundation of the company and provide funds, however Epstain Foundation isn`t a business directed company, thus profits aren`t the most important.

- Spread orbal technology with the help of the bracer guild and the Septian Church, also teaching the general populace about the correct ways of using orbal technology

- Maintain World Peace, this one which led to the creation of battle orbments.They also mentioned the creation of the Orbal Network which I first saw in Zero no Kiseki Any details here that would be of much importance ?


Hi All.

I have completed Sen no Kiseki I and II for sometime now (one of the best rpg I have played), the jrpg kick is back and I really wanted to dive into FC/SC/TC triology.

Now, I have bought PSP - FC back in the days but remains as backlog. I have also learnt that there is a "Evolution" version available on the Vita. Given I don't care about voice acting in general, should I just go back to my PSP copy or is it worth the cash to buy the evolution? They said there are numerous improvement on the evo but I don't know details of the change.


Hi All.

I have completed Sen no Kiseki I and II for sometime now (one of the best rpg I have played), the jrpg kick is back and I really wanted to dive into FC/SC/TC triology.

Now, I have bought PSP - FC back in the days but remains as backlog. I have also learnt that there is a "Evolution" version available on the Vita. Given I don't care about voice acting in general, should I just go back to my PSP copy or is it worth the cash to buy the evolution? They said there are numerous improvement on the evo but I don't know details of the change.

Animation skipping, being able to hit enemies on the field like in later titles, GUI update, new soundtrack, new character art.

That being said, I think the new portrait art is worse, and the new soundtracks aren't as good as the originals imo - some tracks are 'overarranged' in even worse fashion, far worse sometimes, than the FFX Remastered 'new soundtrack.'

To be honest, it's a mixed bag for me.


Animation skipping, being able to hit enemies on the field like in later titles, GUI update, new soundtrack, new character art.

That being said, I think the new portrait art is worse, and the new soundtracks aren't as good as the originals imo - some tracks are 'overarranged' in even worse fashion, far worse sometimes, than the FFX Remastered 'new soundtrack.'

To be honest, it's a mixed bag for me.

Got it.
I guess I will stick with my old PSP copy for now, thank you.
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