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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE

Nyoro SF

All I can make out is what looks like a short ponytail and books in the lap.

She's either kneeling or sitting, and looking down or towards. I think that's a bag in her lap that's she putting things into and she's getting ready to holster her weapon too.
The Evolution games? It's not coming.

You can play them on PC's if you want. Any PC will do

The Evolutions games are different than the HD editions:

Which has a sliiiightly more chance of coming over than Evolution, but not by much.

I don't have a Windows PC and I've read the controller support is mediocre at best.

The controller support is fine, now. Though if you didn't have Windows PC, your only alternative is the PSP/Vita version. Even if they'd translate any other version of the game, it wouldn't come in a very long time.


Sorry to break up the hype train, but is there any chance we'll see the HD remasters for Trails in the Sky in NA. I'm just starting Trails of Cold Steel and trying to figure it when and where to begin my Trails in the Sky playthrough.

If you want to play the third Trails in the Sky one you will probably need a PC. First two are on Steam and PSN for PSP. The Evolution Vita version seems to be out of the realm of possibilities because of licensing issues with all the companies involved. If they wanted to get the PS3 version out they would have done it by now so I would think there is some issues with Sony for PSP remasters.
I believe the main thing that blocked the HD versions from being considered was that SCEA didn't allow straight PSP to PS3 ports to be released in the US.

At this point, it's probably moot either way.
There would be a better chance if Falcom decides to do a collection for PS4 leading up to CS3 in Japan. Otherwise, yeah, PS3 is dead in the US.

Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals


So I just beat Trails in the Sky FC last night and I'm still processing it.
They just yank that rug right out from under you, don't they? I already really liked the game and that ending blew my expectations away. I'm glad I already had SC bought and installed.

I'm 4 hours into the sequel and this might be one of the very few times I'm excited to see reused locations. I want to go to all the places from the last game and see how all the characters are doing. I'm also glad they gave me the choice to hang out with Schera again, she's rad.

Also, most important improvement in the sequel: the recipes have pictures now!
Not really. End of the PS3 cycle, plus a PSP remaster. I don't see it being likely.

When I say slightly I meant that it at least has less obstacles, not that it is remotely likely, haha.

Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

We already got what's presumably a character render in CS3. It does look improved.
Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

Depends on if there's a Vita version of CS 3 holding it back or not. Even if there weren't, I highly doubt the games would look significantly better due to the smaller budget that goes into them. You'll get better, but not by much.


Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

I'm not that hung up on the visuals, tbh, but if there's a place I really, really want them to improve it is the animations. Both ToCS suffer from terrible animations and not that much variety. I remember playing the Tokyo Xanadu demo a while back and animations weren't its strong point, either, and that's an action RPG (which should have more animations)


Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

CS3 will in all likelihood be on the Vita as well. So while I'm sure the PS4 version will be improved, expect performances improvements rather than some huge leap in content and assets I guess? Idk.


Unconfirmed Member
Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

I might be wrong but I think the baseline of what we can expect are visuals on the level of Tokyo Xanadu (ex) or slightly better.

Honestly isn't the Alisa screenshot from a while back a pretty damn good indication of what to expect?
what if they announce a PC version of Ao?
would that basicly guarantee the crossbell games getting localized because Xseed would finally have something to work with?


Do you think if CS3 is on the PS4, that the graphics might be improved? I've been playing the first game on Vita and I love it but I kind of wish they could have put more into the visuals

I'm hoping we'd get some fancier cutscenes. At least ones that compares to the pre-cold steel ones.
(I mean, this is apparently supposed to be the magnum opus of the series; I want them to go all out)

Graphics (A character model, at least) do look improved looking at that one screenshot of the game


So I just beat Trails in the Sky FC last night and I'm still processing it.
They just yank that rug right out from under you, don't they? I already really liked the game and that ending blew my expectations away. I'm glad I already had SC bought and installed.

I'm 4 hours into the sequel and this might be one of the very few times I'm excited to see reused locations. I want to go to all the places from the last game and see how all the characters are doing. I'm also glad they gave me the choice to hang out with Schera again, she's rad.

Also, most important improvement in the sequel: the recipes have pictures now!

Weren't you the one that had around 11 hours in TitS FC and I said to buy SC with your 20% discount code ? If it is, I am impressed with how fast you finished it

I recommended TitS to a lot of people in the past 24 hours.

EDIT: Nope, different guy. I answered one of your posts in the emotionally invested topic. You're gonna love SC.


Weren't you the one that had around 11 hours in TitS FC and I said to buy SC with your 20% discount code ? If it is, I am impressed with how fast you finished it

I recommended TitS to a lot of people in the past 24 hours.

EDIT: Nope, different guy. I answered one of your posts in the emotionally invested topic. You're gonna love SC.

It's so good already!
Estelle's changed so much from the beginning of the first game! Character development!


Unconfirmed Member
So I just beat Trails in the Sky FC last night and I'm still processing it.
They just yank that rug right out from under you, don't they? I already really liked the game and that ending blew my expectations away. I'm glad I already had SC bought and installed.

I'm 4 hours into the sequel and this might be one of the very few times I'm excited to see reused locations. I want to go to all the places from the last game and see how all the characters are doing. I'm also glad they gave me the choice to hang out with Schera again, she's rad.

Also, most important improvement in the sequel: the recipes have pictures now!

Because I'm a mean person I want you to imagine the reality where people had to wait 4 years for SC on that cliffhanger. I still remember the pain :-x
In all serious always happy to see people getting hooked on this great series. It has some of the best characters in JRPG of recent years.


Because I'm a mean person I want you to imagine the reality where people had to wait 4 years for SC on that cliffhanger. I still remember the pain :-x
That sounds grotesque. I refuse to believe such a cold world could exist.
Estelle. Beast. Mode. Bright.
...I am intrigued.

As a sidenote, because I don't know where else I'd get to talk about this: one of my favorite world building details from the first game is that
the gas combustion engine was invented in this world too, but isn't used since it's so much less efficient that orbal energy. So many settings would just leave it at "magic crystal bullshit" and wouldn't even mention the real world technology it's replacing.
That sounds grotesque. I refuse to believe such a cold world could exist.

...I am intrigued.

As a sidenote, because I don't know where else I'd get to talk about this: one of my favorite world building details from the first game is that
the gas combustion engine was invented in this world too, but isn't used since it's so much less efficient that orbal energy. So many settings would just leave it at "magic crystal bullshit" and wouldn't even mention the real world technology it's replacing.

I'll get back to you once you're done.

And yeah, that is continually not only explained but utilized. It is fantastic, not fantastical.
i forget but FC and SC have NG+ and usable with Nightmare right?
im thinking of doing what i did with the Cold Steel series(nightmare NG+ run before the sequel) with FC and SC before Third


Unconfirmed Member
Being up way early for any hope of CSIII news and getting the Studio Zero bomb while waiting for this, man good stuff. Even if this won't have anything to get excited about it's already a good morning.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I just wanna know who we play as in CSIII
Playing through Trails FC right now, and I missed Chapter 3 of the Cornelia thing. I'm about an hour past that point in my save, should I reload?
Just about time for the thirty minute trailer of CSIII, followed by combined 17,000 page blowout in Famitsu and Dengeki revealing all of the party members, showing off Eastern Erebonia, returning characters from every game, new Ouroboros members, simultaneous global release, and more brief development update, confirmation of the systems, and revealing who the main character is.


Oh! Another thing I liked (FC spoilers):
Early in the first game you hear about "The Empire" and how they caused a war in the past and I was like "Ah, we have our villains." But then, like, they weren't? I mean there's still time for that to happen I guess but so far everyone I've met from the empire has been alright. The situation with them seems far more interesting than I was expecting.

Nyoro SF

Oh! Another thing I liked (FC spoilers):
Early in the first game you hear about "The Empire" and how they caused a war in the past and I was like "Ah, we have our villains." But then, like, they weren't? I mean there's still time for that to happen I guess but so far everyone I've met from the empire has been alright. The situation with them seems far more interesting than I was expecting.

Yes, one of the best parts of Kiseki is that it doesn't oversimplify places and cultures.


Playing through Trails FC right now, and I missed Chapter 3 of the Cornelia thing. I'm about an hour past that point in my save, should I reload?

It gives you the best weapon in the game when you have all the volumes but its not mabdatory. The story is quite nice you can read them online. Depend if you wanna see you back an hour or not but it's far from mandatory.
It gives you the best weapon in the game when you have all the volumes but its not mabdatory. The story is quite nice you can read them online. Depend if you wanna see you back an hour or not but it's far from mandatory.

Thanks, I think I'll probably reload and hopefully I can trigger tower before heading to Bose, so I can do it with 4 people in my team.
Oh! Another thing I liked (FC spoilers):
Early in the first game you hear about "The Empire" and how they caused a war in the past and I was like "Ah, we have our villains." But then, like, they weren't? I mean there's still time for that to happen I guess but so far everyone I've met from the empire has been alright. The situation with them seems far more interesting than I was expecting.

Look forward to Cold Steel


Unconfirmed Member
Ouroboros is obviously the actual main villains
dude that music when their first introduced is fantastic and tells you that shit just got real

Maybe I'm crazy but I'm not so sure about that. Cold Steel really made me feel like that their goals aren't evil like the feeling I got in Sky but more like they "require" sacrifices.
Yeah I'd heard that takes place in the empire. After I beat SC is there any reason to wait for the third one to come out, or should I go right into Cold Steel?

It depends on how long the wait is. I mean, if you beat SC in the next week or so, then it would probably make the most sense to just go ahead into Cold Steel if you wanted to.

If the 3rd's release was closer, though, it might make sense to wait. There are references to events from the 3rd in the CS games (although mostly minor), and a couple of characters who first showed up in that game appear in the Cold Steel games. It's up to you.
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