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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


So what's the over-under on tonfa girl being the new main character? Just realized Rean's nowhere to be seen in that screenshot of the battle. And while Trails is fond of separating the MC from their party, I can't recall any instances (except for some really specific ones) where the game perspective moves from the player character completely.

I guess it could be the sword dude too, but I'm leaning towards tonfas since she was the featured silhouette?
So what's the over-under on tonfa girl being the new main character? Just realized Rean's nowhere to be seen in that screenshot of the battle. And while Trails is fond of separating the MC from their party, I can't recall any instances (except for some really specific ones) where the game perspective moves from the player character completely.

I guess it could be the sword dude too, but I'm leaning towards tonfas since she was the featured silhouette?

I believe Rean was confirmed protagonist again
So what's the over-under on tonfa girl being the new main character? Just realized Rean's nowhere to be seen in that screenshot of the battle. And while Trails is fond of separating the MC from their party, I can't recall any instances (except for some really specific ones) where the game perspective moves from the player character completely.

I guess it could be the sword dude too, but I'm leaning towards tonfas since she was the featured silhouette?

you do know you dont have to have Rean in the playable party right?
i just use him cause hes the MC
prob just a random battle and their fucking with us


infact i have an interesting question for you guys
would you rather
Never play the crossbell games at all(assume learning japanese or xseed localizations wont happen)
or play using a fan translation
im legit curious

Former, probably. If the translation is horse shit and the game isn't enjoyable in the least due to it, what's the point of playing it? If I was so desperate to know the overall story and events of the Crossbell games, I'm sure I could find a story summary.

If the fan translation is good then of course I'd play it. I haven't been a massive fan of Xseed's localizations anyway.

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
Hey stop spamming.

Sorry just spreading the love.

I find it crazy that despite the very sad news, at the same time we get these new screens dropped and they kind of cheered me up seeing how much they have improved not being limited on Vita/PS3 hardware.

I am still praying to Aidios for XSEED to save us.
Oh, never mind then.

EDIT: Wait, not that I doubt you or anything, but I went back and didn't see anything explicitly stating that. Is there a quote?

I don't have a source. Just something I heard 2nd hand from someone getting info on the meeting. I'm 90% certain this is the case

Rean is still the protagonist and I suspect the new characters are his subordinates aka new head pat victims.

Pretty sure those are Thors uniforms they're wearing, which is why I came to the conclusion I did on the last page


So what's the over-under on tonfa girl being the new main character? Just realized Rean's nowhere to be seen in that screenshot of the battle. And while Trails is fond of separating the MC from their party, I can't recall any instances (except for some really specific ones) where the game perspective moves from the player character completely.

I guess it could be the sword dude too, but I'm leaning towards tonfas since she was the featured silhouette?

Tonfa-chan definitely feels like she'll be the main focus of the game, at least in the early going. She and these other newbies will be the "Dawn Brigade" of CS3, eventually getting pushed to the side by god-hero Rean and his harem.
Tonfa-chan definitely feels like she'll be the main focus of the game, at least in the early going. She and these other newbies will be the "Dawn Brigade" of CS3, eventually getting pushed to the side by god-hero Rean and his harem.

i wonder what theyll give Rean next to make him more OP
he already has a
and a
Devil Trigger


Tonfa-chan definitely feels like she'll be the main focus of the game, at least in the early going. She and these other newbies will be the "Dawn Brigade" of CS3, eventually getting pushed to the side by god-hero Rean and his harem.
Is that really Kiseki's style, though? The series is generally really good about not tossing characters away in a Dawn Brigade-esque manner. I feel like it'd be jarring to spend twenty minutes inside one character's head before being like 'and now back to our main feature'.

I'm trying to be realistic about things, of course. But I like the idea of Rean taking a step-back to provide a support role as the experienced veteran and the idea of another female lead in these games too much not to hope, at least.

edit: The more I think about it, the more it's just sort of hard to rationalize how they fit Rean in as a 'normal' character. He has (CS1/2 spoilers)
an all-powerful robot that he's only gotten better at using, a no limits demon form, and two games worth of new techniques
. Starting him at like level 30 and trickling mechanics back in starts to make less sense.
lets compromise and the Calvard arc protag can be a female chinese martial artist yea?
edit: also Kevin starts at lv 90 in The Third



Rean "I thought I was the Protag" Schwarzer


Altina looking like she's about to crash right into the sharp bits of Rean's sword, lol.

edit: okay I just realized the dude is wielding TWO big swords and it looks just a little ridiculous

lets compromise and the Calvard arc protag can be a female chinese martial artist yea?
edit: also Kevin starts at lv 90 in The Third
I'm being optimistic!


I don't think so XSEED would announce Zero/Ao before launch the 3rd. I am positive to think 2017 will be a good year to Trails fans.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I like this new dude a lot. He looks like a weird mix between Jusis and Joshua with a cooler hair color


So Dual Sword-kun looks the stuck-up and refined sort, possibly Erebonian nobility? And Tonfa-chan is clearly a commoner with her choice of weapon seemingly being a nod towards the hero of Crossbell could mean she's a native Crossbellan transferring into Thors. Two positions ripe for conflict, hence them seemingly having at it in the released key art.


I think that's a pretty good guess. I initially figured both of them would be from Crossbell, but the dude definitely gives off an air of nobility. I'm pretty convinced that the girl is from Crossbell, anyways. The tonfas evoke Lloyd, of course, but I mean even without them, I think it's pretty natural to assume that any new, major character they'll introduce at this point will have a personal stake in what goes on in what's probably the most important location in the storyline.

edit: Okay, to further argue the point on Tonfas (or maybe even Swords? I'd like to believe the former, though) being the protagonist, I can buy Rean starting the game at level 90 and having full access to everything he had in CS2 (and more). Maybe Falcom has enough confidence to give players all those tools at the very start, but how do you put that in line with him working with a bunch of newbies who will presumably be just as fast and experienced as he is in game terms. It'd be super weird for these new Thors students to be on par with anyone in Class VII by the end of CS2 and I really doubt they'd set it up so Rean is level 90 or something and everyone else is 30.

Or there's some other thing they come up with but if they do it comes at the cost of creating a lot of dissonance between the narrative and what you play.
So Dual Sword-kun looks the stuck-up and refined sort, possibly Erebonian nobility? And Tonfa-chan is clearly a commoner with her choice of weapon seemingly being a nod towards the hero of Crossbell could mean she's a native Crossbellan transferring into Thors. Two positions ripe for conflict, hence them seemingly having at it in the released key art.

Wait! I thought they are fighting Rean. Both have their eyes trained at him, after all.

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
Oh fuck! Things just got interesting, just saw a new topic posted @ the translation project forum for Zero no Kiseki:

I'm taking over that Zero fan translation of yours
Post by Gu4n » Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:25 am

Hi again,

By now, it should be evident that zeromonkey_g bailed out on all of you, those who have worked very hard to hack and translate this game.

To not let your efforts be in vain, omgfloofy, Yotaka and I have decided to team up to finish the editing on Zero no Kiseki, using the translation as our basis. I already downloaded most of the files to a folder only we three can access and we started working on it earlier today.

Please look forward to it.


Wait! I thought they are fighting Rean. Both have their eyes trained at him, after all.


Tonfa's eyes line up with Swords, Swords isn't really looking at anything, but his eyes are in the only place that would sort of make sense given the angle he's drawn in and the position his head is in. Rean is sort of doing his own thing between them, and Altina is... also kind of doing her own thing.


Tonfa's eyes line up with Swords, Swords isn't really looking at anything, but his eyes are in the only place that would sort of make sense given the angle he's drawn in and the position his head is in. Rean is sort of doing his own thing between them, and Altina is... also kind of doing her own thing.

Tonfa is not looking straight ahead; she's glancing to her right.


Her eyes seem consistent with her angle. I think the pose would be really weird if she's jumping forward but she's aiming for her right.


Tonfa's eyes line up with Swords, Swords isn't really looking at anything, but his eyes are in the only place that would sort of make sense given the angle he's drawn in and the position his head is in. Rean is sort of doing his own thing between them, and Altina is... also kind of doing her own thing.

I think you're overthinking things lol

Pretty sure that image is meant to depict the 3 students sparring vs Rean 3 v 1 in a training room similar to the one on the Courageous


I think you're overthinking things lol

Pretty sure that image is meant to depict the 3 students sparring vs Rean 3 v 1 in a training room similar to the one on the Courageous
I probably am overthinking things in general, but my point about drawing the lines was more just to say I don't think where they're looking suggests that they're fighting Rean.

If anything I don't think the artist was thinking it through that deeply.

Her pose is weird either way, but she could be falling sideways instead of jumping forward.
Maybe, but falling sideways doesn't sound like leaping into combat. I don't think she's glancing to the right, though. She's facing the left so perspective demands that her eyes look like they're facing the left. Same with Swords. Their eyes are just following the direction they're facing.


We can just compromise and say they're all fighting each other: the teacher mentoring the students ala Sara, the students too horse-headed to work together and butting heads when they should should aiming for the target a.k.a. Rean.
Real talk:

It's just a highly stylised key art with the intention of highlighting the team of 4 you'll be playing as, but with a more zoomed in look at the new characters instead of the returning 2.
Gu4n and co could intentionally sabatoge the zero translation and make it worse and as long as it enabled me to play through zero in some kind of broken English I would play it. Obviously I have far more faith in those names to gives us a hq version when they finish which leaves me opimistic. Even if Xseed down the road releases zero/ao I'd buy their version and replay them in a heart beat.


Given that the announcement and the small blurb selling the game says their new story will begin

...as opposed to stay tuned for the epic grand finale of the Sen no Kiseki story of Rean. There's also a huge lack of
in the promo pics considering the end finale for the Erebonia chapter is going to be
Team good + church vs. Osborne + Oro

I'm still going by my prediction this is going to be a two part SC game like how CS1/2 was a two part FC game. CS3 will be the school part and setting up stuff, CS4 will be the epic finale a year later for the Erebonia chapter. If that ends up being the case hopefully CS3 will be a lot less boring than CS1 since the plot is moving. But yeah I can see all the crazy epic moments being saved for CS4 if they split it.
Given that the announcement and the small blurb selling the game says their new story will begin

...as opposed to stay tuned for the epic grand finale of the Sen no Kiseki story of Rean. There's also a huge lack of
in the promo pics considering the end finale for the Erebonia chapter is going to be
Team good + church vs. Osborne + Oro

I'm still going by my prediction this is going to be a two part SC game like how CS1/2 was a two part FC game. CS3 will be the school part and setting up stuff, CS4 will be the epic finale a year later for the Erebonia chapter. If that ends up being the case hopefully CS3 will be a lot less boring than CS1 since the plot is moving. But yeah I can see all the crazy epic moments being saved for CS4 if they split it.

Well keep in mind everything we're shown is labeled "Prologue" in the scans someone posted in the other thread.

So it's all presumably from the opening chapter of the game, despite featuring 2-3 different locations.


I feel like they just don't wanna get into too many details over all the stuff that goes down in CS2. I'm still pretty confident the Erebonia chapter ends with CS3.

Real talk:

It's just a highly stylised key art with the intention of highlighting the team of 4 you'll be playing as, but with a more zoomed in look at the new characters instead of the returning 2.
It could be that, but it could also be rife with hidden meaning we can only begin to scratch the surface of.


Oh fuck! Things just got interesting, just saw a new topic posted @ the translation project forum for Zero no Kiseki:

Good stuff. We're still probably a couple months off 3rd so no need to rush.
With the fanbase the series has cultivated in the west we'll find a way to eventually get the missing games. If only they weren't so huge I'm sure people would have already worked on the older ones.


I feel like they just don't wanna get into too many details over all the stuff that goes down in CS2. I'm still pretty confident the Erebonia chapter ends with CS3.

It could be that, but it could also be rife with hidden meaning we can only begin to scratch the surface of.

One thing worth noting is that Falcom does not give a shit about hiding spoilers like say, Persona team. CS's trailers gave away all kinds of major scenes that don't occur until 50 hours+ into the game and their OP movies love to show the end events. It's so bad that I'm not even going to watch any trailers for CS3
or CS4
and I skip the opening movies until I beat the games.

I feel like if
Osborne was the major antagonist, he'd be in the key image.
But we'll see. If it is a 2-part game I don't expect them to say anything about it until right after the game launches when they pull a CS1 and immediately re-assure their fans that it will only be a year wait until the followup to the cliffhanger ending.
One thing worth noting is that Falcom does not give a shit about hiding spoilers like say, Persona team. CS's trailers gave away all kinds of major scenes that don't occur until 50 hours+ into the game and their OP movies love to show the end events. It's so bad that I'm not even going to watch any trailers for CS3
or CS4
and I skip the opening movies until I beat the games.

I feel like if
Osborne was the major antagonist, he'd be in the key image.
But we'll see. If it is a 2-part game I don't expect them to say anything about it until right after the game launches when they pull a CS1 and immediately re-assure their fans that it will only be a year wait until the followup to the cliffhanger ending.
They will lose me, I think. Fans will be pissed.

Bladelord Loewe

Neo Member
This is why I don't watch too much trailers. Gotta love the article written by no other than Jason Crier from Kotaku, who whined in an article about how too many trailers for Final Fantasy XV may have ruined the experience for him, which is just... ugh.

Self control people, learn how to use it. I am avoiding every Persona 5 video from here on out because I had seen enough to be convinced and based on Atlus' track record, they rarely disappoint on their main series. For me personally, I've been sold ever since they revealed the battle system and that actual demon's were back as enemies, no more random generated crap.
This is why I don't watch too much trailers. Gotta love the article written by no other than Jason Crier from Kotaku, who whined in an article about how too many trailers for Final Fantasy XV may have ruined the experience for him, which is just... ugh.

He can't really avoid them considering his job and all...
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