Finally some God damn boobs
Thy probably fucking rectangular or some shit to appease these bozos tht say you can't look at a nice pair of breasts and admire them bcus of sexualizing, being a rabid dog, etc

Finally some God damn boobs
Well, hopefully some internal pressure will loosen up the censorship at WWS.... it really takes away from the 'games as art' concept.
The only thing taken away is fappage material for latent weeaboo pedophiles whining about the covering up of their fav underage waifus cleavages.Well, hopefully some internal pressure will loosen up the censorship at WWS.... it really takes away from the 'games as art' concept.
Im sure they will leave all women intact goddesses. After all they need to show the power of females.
I don't know what's the big deal about nudity that triggers people...
Now I'm remembering RDR2 and there's not
a single female nipple in that game, and you can't have sex. And it's a R* game.
Pretty disappointing.
I don't know what's the big deal about nudity that triggers people...
Now I'm remembering RDR2 and there's not
a single female nipple in that game, and you can't have sex. And it's a R* game.
Pretty disappointing.
The fact that this is even news shows how immature this industry still is. So what ...
The Last of Us Part II is Naughty Dog First Game to Feature Nudity and Sexual Content.
Now if only the game had somewhat attractive characters...![]()
Your PronHub search history says otherwise.
Xvideos bro get with the times![]()
I don't think there will be tentacles in this game.If you want to success in Japan...
Naughty Dog has had nudity/Sexual content since the 1991 game “Rings of Power” on the Sega Genesis. (Sorry, I censored the image)
Depends on what you like. My guess would be that the majority of gamers still like playing and interacting with characters that are at least above average looking.Most people are not attractive at all, then you have a smaller percent that are just average, and a even smaller percent that are attractive. So it's fairly realistic.
Because in many western countries we have this weird thing where blood, gore and violence = good, boobies = bad.
Christ. It’s going to be like The Crying Game.
We’ll be warming up for a little bit of sexy Bunga Bunga and then WHAM....erections everywhere.
Bet money now it will be a Trans thing.
Of course it does! Thats one of their big concentrations in this one!
Ellie will struggle kissing someone with this nose
um, She's beautiful and you're mean
um, She's beautiful and you're mean
not really. It comes down to not wanting to upset American mothers. entertainment with sexual content makes mothers uncomfortable. Seeing 11 year old Tommy fapping to gypta hookers or a nude MCU hero would mean no more MCU movies or console games in that house because, by in large, they determine those things. And it is not only sex. There is a level of violence that cannot be crossed as well, hence the rarity of corporate R movies.
so it comes down to the attitude of so-called soccer moms, companies wanting to make money, and the ppower america has when it comes to setting global media standards.
of course, if they knew rhe depraved shit Bing and Google serve up to children...
No, they did it to Devil May Cry 5 last year and it wasn't a minor. Sony's policies are inconsistent.Didnt Sony's censorship have to do with sexualisation of minors?
Clearly nudity isn't always a problem.
But you are agreeing with me.
Soccer moms aren't born with these ideas, like everyone else they are shaped by their surroundings and culture where they grew up. Regardless of the reasoning behind it, in many western countries we DO have a stronger aversion to sex and nudity than blood and gore. Look at how Mortal Kombat massively scaled back the sexiness of their female characters, but the gore was more intense than ever, or how Sony has increased their censorship to even cover up asses in non sexual contexts, but TLOUII seems to be going for more intense and realistic violence than any previous ND game.
Hmmm it could be possible...I don't think there will be tentacles in this game.
Boobs is one google search away anyway.Finally some God damn boobs
The Last of Us Part II is Naughty Dog's First Game to Feature Nudity and Sexual Content
The Last of Us Part II is set to be the first Naughty Dog title to feature Nudity and Sexual Content. What does that mean for the game?
Seems like we’re getting something more mature this time out from The Last of Us Part II. In imagery available via the official website for the sequel, you can see that the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) has awarded the upcoming title an M/17+ Rating. In itself, this isn’t major news for the series. This is the exact same rating given to The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Left Behind. Where it differs, however, is the accompanying content descriptors of the rating. Whereas The Last of Us has ‘Sexual Themes,’ Part II is tipped to have both ‘Sexual Content’ and ‘Nudity’.
The gulf between ‘Sexual Themes’ and ‘Sexual Content’ might seem minuscule, but there is a definite difference between the two:
Most people are not attractive at all, then you have a smaller percent that are just average, and a even smaller percent that are attractive. So it's fairly realistic.
Well if you want realistic you open tinder or go to the nearest club. I prefer when my fiction is above average![]()
She's a few standard deviations lower than average.
Lesbians are Us Part II: Even the Ugly Ones Get Laid
I always think of Horshack, Horshack actually looks better.