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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you



Unconfirmed Member
Being able to see people through walls: I sleep

Women with muscles: REAL SHIT

This is funny, but man she is big. She's like Arnie at his peak. It is honestly weird to look at. Maybe not as weird as seeing through walls, but still...
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so you guys wont change difficulty separate parts to make it unique for yourself ? those where best options for me to make it as i like it to be for my playstyle.


Dreams in Digital
OK, so I'm going through it again on NG+ and I'm starting to put together what it is that I find 'off'. It's going to take a while to get through it again but my initial thoughts are: Many people have said it's too long but I disagree. It's not that it's too long, it's that there are many scenes that didn't need to exist and there are scenes that needed to be added.

It is obvious which sections were cut from the final game. Clearly we were meant to play as Joel with Tommy as his sidekick. Neil deliberately cut the scene together in one of the trailers to make it look as if Joel was going to be a major part of the gameplay. That was dishonest and unforgivable. He knows all too well that Joel is loved equally as much as Ellie. With a major game section added, a chance to dig deeper into Joel and Tommy's past and present, the scene in which Joel dies would have resonated much better.

Something people need to understand about the 'woke' agenda that Neil unequivocally employed when writing this script is it's NOT about lesbians or the inclusion of any other gender, it's about 'using' them to make points and to moralise. These new progressives are children in my eyes, compared to the true progresses of my generation. We true progressives think nothing at all about sexuality or gender. They're just part of the tapestry of life. When we say 'I don't care about whether you are gay', they take it that we mean 'we don't care about gay people'. That is in no way what we mean. We mean, we, the true progressives, have grown up surrounded by all manner of people and EVERYONE, no matter what label you choose to label yourself with, are seen as just another individual. It's the character of that person that matters. You only have good people and bad people ... end of.

What stands out from 'woke' writing is the amount of gravity these new progressives but on things that are not at all that grave to most people. The gay and lesbian friends I've mixed with over the years would laugh at these progressives and their wafer thin skins. It's something they never encountered when I was with them and it's something they've never spoken about in all the years I've known them. They're just regularly people with wonderful minds that just happen to be gay. Being gay isn't their identity, but with these new progressives it IS and ALL that matters. When you have a progressive writing a script, they can't help themselves but to shoe horn in something about bigotry or the mental anguish they 'suffer' at the hands of 'the bigots'.

TLOU2 is a perfect example of how you create characters that the majority of people do not relate to or don't want to relate to, even gay, lesbian or whatever gender, race, religion they may be. Normal people (that's those that just live their lives and get on with it regardless of label) do not care about all of this nonsense. Because of that, they live happy lives and see little negativity towards them. They're not 'looking for it'. They don't see themselves as victims and so there's no 'drama' in their lives. New progresses see the drama they seek out, heightened by an artificially elevated sense of outrage. It's this you see ruining all media at the moment and it was immediately present in this game. It wasn't in the first but it took centre stage in this game right for the off.

The scene were Ellie walks through Jackson, enters the bar and the guy apologises is there for one reason only: to show Ellie as a victim. It did not enhance the story, it did not deepen Ellie's character, it just served to show what we true progressives dislike about 'woke' writing. It was at 'bigot' and 'bigot sandwich that I suddenly realised, Neil was not going to handle sexuality in this game as well as he did in the first. He drew attention to it as if he was making a point to all of us low life, scum bag bigots out here. The problem is, it's THAT we don't like but Neil we see it as reason to continue, to 'educate' those of us who don't care whether someone is gay.

There are so many other things but that'll do for now.


This is funny, but man she is big. She's like Arnie at his peak. It is honestly weird to look at. Maybe not as weird as seeing through walls, but still...
Druckmann clearly has an obsession with muscular women. Notice that since the Stadium level she constantly flexes her muscles as one of her idle animations and of course her top does't have any sleeves (until one of the later levels).
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Gold Member
I’m enjoying it more now. Fair play, the mechanics *are* better and the game can be a blast to play.

It’s a pity the characters are so awful. Ellie is an insufferable teenage. I think I might prefer Abby, at least she doesn’t moan as much.

It’s a pity as they’ve abandoned the horror element - there are moments when the game can almost feel Half-life esque.

And Joel definitely voted Republican.


This game made some really bold and unique narrative choices. I’m really impressed with its complexity and nuance.

It seems the review bombing seems to be from hearing the leaks and assuming the game has some sjw agenda? To those people, seriously fuck you. I hate extreme leftist shit as much as anyone with a brain but this game does NOT pander to that. It is so much smarter and deeper than that and those elements are seamlessly integrated are are NOT the whole focus of the story, you little autistic cunts. You’re gonna scare game developers back into regressive stories where the big strong dude saves the princess. Do you seriously have no interest in experimenting with narrative format? If narratives never did that, we’d still be watching formulaic little Wizard of Oz clones or fucking whatever you dipshits.

Don’t get me wrong either, I’ll hear someone out if they have genuine well-thought criticism to the story but I’ve searched for it all over the internet for the last few hours and the all criticisms i’ve found sound like they’re written by an 8th grader who never even played it.

(just checked trophies, 1.9% of people have actually beaten the game, yet metacritic has received a record 24,000 user reviews. Yeah, those numbers don’t add up.)

I'm all for diversity and representation, but come on.....this game heavily panders, shoving its ideology and agenda in your face repeatedly.

A lesbian main character, one bi supporting, one trans (Lev), an extremely androgynous antagonist to appeal to the trans community, a sex scene with her, a sex scene with Ellie and Dina, the "Dr. Uckman" superhero card that's"fighting for equality" and paints him as an villain for doing so, a rainbow crosswalk, two rainbow flags, a "Book of Gay" , and not to forget......."Bigot sandwiches", as the very first thing the game makes you do is go see a straight white guy (shocker) homophobic bigot to get an apology. Of which to no surprise, Ellie essentially in so many ways tells him to get fucked. So onwards to the second half, which I'm just starting.....The WLF home base where nearly every single female NPC character is extremely androgynous in its design, of which I can post examples if you'd like. They're nigh indiscernible from their male counterparts, because unfortunately in this day and age, we can't portray indicators of masculinity and femininity and show their traits respective to their sex. That'd just be too bigoted and intolerant to bear. This isn't including the scene with Lev, as I've not gotten to it yet, but of which I've heard involves some trans discussion.

Is that enough for you? If not, perhaps you should take a look at ND's past statements, actions, and affiliations, which throws even more evidence onto the pile. Any one of the above aforementioned inclusions, or even a few, wouldn't cause me to question anything. But taken altogether? To attempt to argue that no agenda or pandering is present here in light of all this is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest as fuck, and it's ludicrous to attack others for suspecting as much. TLoU II is bursting at the seams with it. I'm part of the LGBT community myself, and it is insulting to me how blatantly overt and exploitative it feels. The reason this angers me is because I wish to see the furtherance of its chosen ideal, and execution such as we see here accomplishes nothing but to harm that furtherance in the future.....look at the push-back it's created. That isn't indicative of bigots coming out en masse, it's indicative of hamfisted and amateurish execution by an off-the-hinges ideologue currently heading Naughty Dog who is actively harming the cause he purports to help. TLoU II is, IMO, an incredible achievement in the medium that's been blemished by ideology run amok. I'm loving it mechanically, atmosphere-wise, and while not even approaching the standards of the original, even the writing, story, and characters aren't as awful as people are claiming. I'd have no trouble if the characters were just there and the game didn't make these allusions as to why (like TLoU didn't, and was a game that curiously had no uproar even though it held similarly progressive elements, a point that those who argue there's no agenda at hand conveniently disregard). But it does, and not only allusions, but the very designs of characters have been dictated by ideology outside of the game's fiction, to a result that isn't very concordant to it.

How anyone could think there's no agenda and pandering here and keep a straight face blows my mind. And just to clarify: that I believe there's one at play doesn't mean I stand against what is being pushed by it. I welcome all diversity and representation. I highly enjoy playing as both Ellie and Abby, both female leads, and desire more of it. But I am livid that the manner Neil has chosen to approach and implement his respective ideologies with has created such an outcry and resistance, which is looking to make it harder for them to become more accepted in the future as people will remember this game and immediately jump to the worst of suspicions and conclusions.

So thanks Neil, keep up the good work. People will immediately push back when they see something being pushed, and that is largely Druckmann's fault because it's precisely what he is doing. You'd have to be blind not to see it.
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OK, so I'm going through it again on NG+ and I'm starting to put together what it is that I find 'off'. It's going to take a while to get through it again but my initial thoughts are: Many people have said it's too long but I disagree. It's not that it's too long, it's that there are many scenes that didn't need to exist and there are scenes that needed to be added.

It is obvious which sections were cut from the final game. Clearly we were meant to play as Joel with Tommy as his sidekick. Neil deliberately cut the scene together in one of the trailers to make it look as if Joel was going to be a major part of the gameplay. That was dishonest and unforgivable. He knows all too well that Joel is loved equally as much as Ellie. With a major game section added, a chance to dig deeper into Joel and Tommy's past and present, the scene in which Joel dies would have resonated much better.

Something people need to understand about the 'woke' agenda that Neil unequivocally employed when writing this script is it's NOT about lesbians or the inclusion of any other gender, it's about 'using' them to make points and to moralise. These new progressives are children in my eyes, compared to the true progresses of my generation. We true progressives think nothing at all about sexuality or gender. They're just part of the tapestry of life. When we say 'I don't care about whether you are gay', they take it that we mean 'we don't care about gay people'. That is in no way what we mean. We mean, we, the true progressives, have grown up surrounded by all manner of people and EVERYONE, no matter what label you choose to label yourself with, are seen as just another individual. It's the character of that person that matters. You only have good people and bad people ... end of.

What stands out from 'woke' writing is the amount of gravity these new progressives but on things that are not at all that grave to most people. The gay and lesbian friends I've mixed with over the years would laugh at these progressives and their wafer thin skins. It's something they never encountered when I was with them and it's something they've never spoken about in all the years I've known them. They're just regularly people with wonderful minds that just happen to be gay. Being gay isn't their identity, but with these new progressives it IS and ALL that matters. When you have a progressive writing a script, they can't help themselves but to shoe horn in something about bigotry or the mental anguish they 'suffer' at the hands of 'the bigots'.

TLOU2 is a perfect example of how you create characters that the majority of people do not relate to or don't want to relate to, even gay, lesbian or whatever gender, race, religion they may be. Normal people (that's those that just live their lives and get on with it regardless of label) do not care about all of this nonsense. Because of that, they live happy lives and see little negativity towards them. They're not 'looking for it'. They don't see themselves as victims and so there's no 'drama' in their lives. New progresses see the drama they seek out, heightened by an artificially elevated sense of outrage. It's this you see ruining all media at the moment and it was immediately present in this game. It wasn't in the first but it took centre stage in this game right for the off.

The scene were Ellie walks through Jackson, enters the bar and the guy apologises is there for one reason only: to show Ellie as a victim. It did not enhance the story, it did not deepen Ellie's character, it just served to show what we true progressives dislike about 'woke' writing. It was at 'bigot' and 'bigot sandwich that I suddenly realised, Neil was not going to handle sexuality in this game as well as he did in the first. He drew attention to it as if he was making a point to all of us low life, scum bag bigots out here. The problem is, it's THAT we don't like but Neil we see it as reason to continue, to 'educate' those of us who don't care whether someone is gay.

There are so many other things but that'll do for now.
Great post. I am eagerly waiting for continuation of it in your next post.


Gold Member
I’m really enjoying it, but I’m looking forward to finishing it. So much attention to it with the ending and so much popularity. Even GameStop is sending out employee reaction videos and asking people to “share their TLoU stories”.


It’s a pity as they’ve abandoned the horror element - there are moments when the game can almost feel Half-life esque.

Have we been playing different games? As from my point of view I feel there's been a great amount of horror inspired sections and the tension in this game only adds to the elements already at play.

I get there's more emphasis on Humans than Infected this time round, but there were a lot of scenes that surpasses that Hotel Basement scene in the first game imo.


Gold Member
Have we been playing different games? As from my point of view I feel there's been a great amount of horror inspired sections and the tension in this game only adds to the elements already at play.

I get there's more emphasis on Humans than Infected this time round, but there were a lot of scenes that surpasses that Hotel Basement scene in the first game imo.

Agree - you might be further along than me so not sure how it develops.

In short, I really enjoy shooting zombies. I suspect my overall enjoyment of the game will depend on that balance.
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I have not finished the game, but It is awesome, the first part that is kind of open world was a little slow on the story but after that the story pick ups its pace, I will probably finish it today. It was a mistake for me to start it on moderate next gameplay will be on the highest difficulty setting, the game is kind of hard but I have tons and tons of ammo and bombs, which it makes it a little on the easy side. The hotel part is fucking AWESOME and the verticallity of the levels are really something else.
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REE Machine

How many women realistically look like that in real life? Maybe a few body builders and that's about it. There's no women even close to that level of henchness in my gym and we have 100s of members.

Imagine how difficult it would be to get that big or maintain in a post apocalyptic world. Has she got a private gym set up somewhere? Is she eating 5 dears a day?

Clearly a pro-trans message and an attempt to blur men and women's physique.
A women being built is not a pro trans message she isnt even trans, christ the labels people throw out here are moronic
Built woman = trans.
And you have a computer look it up theres anlot of women like that.

a game thats realistic....the same amount of realism that in a post apocalyptic game joel can get a rebar in his abdomen,and make a full recovery and beat up a bunch of
Men who arent hurt and survive


I’m really enjoying it, but I’m looking forward to finishing it. So much attention to it with the ending and so much popularity. Even GameStop is sending out employee reaction videos and asking people to “share their TLoU stories”.

Huh, ain't that somethin'!

Well, gotta capitalize on it somehow. :p


Just wanted to pop in here quick to wish all of you a good and fun time with the game! I'm not interested in it personally but that doesn't mean I can't wish all of you who like it a good time! Fuck hating on shit just because you don't like it!

That's all. I'll be off, playing golf.

REE Machine

i got to the part where Joel died, i knew it was coming because I got spoiler but I still wasnt prepared for it. The leaks obviously were false by people saying it happened near the end of the game but when Joel saved Abby I knew shit was going down. Ill give my detailed thoughts in a lil while but all I have to say is
It needed to happen, Joel has to go and early in the game, there was no other way to do it and without expanding the narrative to not drag the revenge story out. Joel was my fav character, but im glad he atleast got to see Ellie before he passed

Ryuji Goda

Just finished day 3 and now started playing

as Abby. Really good character. It almost feels like a different game.
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Gold Member
Huh, ain't that somethin'!

Well, gotta capitalize on it somehow. :p

I wonder why they don’t act this way for an 8 or a solid 9/10? It’s a great game, but I feel like it’ll be another BioShock Infinite. Large initial fan base and a slow burn leaving the building.

Those whistle blowers :messenger_confounded:


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just finished day 3 and now started playing

as Abby. Really good character. It almost feels like a different game.
What? I
play them exactly the same...
mind explaining how they differ?


I'm gonna go further than that. As far as I can tell not only is not a game promoting an SJW agenda, I'd say it is specifically advocating the against that agenda.

In this game there are a lot of female characters and non-white males portrayed often in positions of power. And everything is screwed up - the most despicable acts in the game are not done by white men.

The men given character development in this game (i.e. not the generic enemies) - specifically white men - are in fact the "quiet" heroes. They're all stoic, loyal and less about the violence than the various other characters. Those white guys are the voice of reason and moderation.

If anything this to me is jarring. About 2/3rds of the way through the game I'd guess and so far I'm shocked by the fact all the bad shit happening seems be down to non-white males... the lack of white men portrayed in a negative light is the standout thing to me - it's more like anti-SJW propaganda at this stage lol.
Exactly, If you look at most SJWs they hate the both sides stuff. They divide society into oppressors and the oppressed and the oppressor are always the bad guys no matter what. This game love it or hate very much humanizes all sides of these conflicts in the game. It shows you two sides to almost everything.


Darkness no more
I wish they would have mixed some puzzles in when not fighting. There is a lot more exploration and walking then combat. It feels like I’m just pressing forward and mashing triangle for a lot of the game. It was ok for a bit since the graphics are stunning but started to get really boring. The characters aren’t really interesting and the story is stupid.

The combat is decent. The levels are really big and give you a lot of ways to approach things. I just wish the rest of the game was as good as the combat.
Exactly, If you look at most SJWs they hate the both sides stuff. They divide society into oppressors and the oppressed and the oppressor are always the bad guys no matter what. This game love it or hate very much humanizes all sides of these conflicts in the game. It shows you two sides to almost everything.

this is true, it is definitely a “both sides” narrative - not sjw at all. Unless you consider Different races, gay people, women and trans people being alive as “SJW”
Does she look anything like her?

Dina was based of a real person too and they changed her a lot.

Not to mention Abby was changed from her original design to be way more buffed. (Comparison of the original trailer and the more recent trailer)
They didn't change Dina Dina had a face model but that wasn't her body model just like Abby has a separate body model from her face model


They didn't change Dina Dina had a face model but that wasn't her body model just like Abby has a separate body model from her face model

Then I don't get your point. I commented on her body, you said it was based on a real women, but you're actually talking about her face model.


I will start now.. when most here are already done with it lol. Atleast I will finally hear the awesome gunshot sound.


looks like sony fucked up, maybe multiplayer will save the game

Not finished it yet but near the end and I think it's been a fun ride.

I'm not offended or put off by anything that's happened in the story so far but most importantly the game plays incredibly well.

If you liked the first game at all then the sequel is improved in every single way when it comes to gameplay.


Not finished it yet but near the end and I think it's been a fun ride.

I'm not offended or put off by anything that's happened in the story so far but most importantly the game plays incredibly well.

If you liked the first game at all then the sequel is improved in every single way when it comes to gameplay.
i'll give it a shot down the road, mostly interested in multiplayer

i scrubbed through the story on youtube and the like, seems abysmal but each their own
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i'll give it a shot down the road, mostly interested in multiplayer

i scrubbed through the story on youtube and the like, seems abysmal but each their own

Based on what I've seen so far the storyline isn't as good as the first game but it's not been outrageously bad or anything.
Gameplay is definitely better though and I always prefer gameplay over story in a game. Will definitely make for some fun multiplayer down the road.
Yes, and I doubt the woman she's modeled after looks anything like her.
what would be the point of modeling her after someone if you're not going to make her look that way for the record she does look like that we've seen the pictures in the thread. The whole point of using a body model is that the body looks like the model there might be some things you slightly tweaked but for the most part you're using that as the base. Either way it's not that interesting to argue with someone who uses ideas like "I doubt" instead of researching anything they argue about.
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I stand by everything I've said about the end of part 1, but I admit that this interpretation of Joel's words at the beginning of part 2 has merit. This is interesting, you could be on to something here.
Thanks but I'm not sure if I am now!
I'm bit further on now and it's a bit of a mess. I think Druckman could have some serious issues if he's proud of some of the writing here. It's one of the most deluded pieces of work I've seen in a long time.
I know I am in the minority here but I really wish ND would cut down the fat from their games a lot more. I really think both the UC and LOU series would be MUCH better games if they were 8 hours or so in length.

The Seattle open world bit is a really good example. The story is roaring full steam ahead from some genuinely great scenes and it all just comes crashing down to a halt because you are running around doing pointless errands in Seattle.

Putting the story on hold while I fuck around and explore works in Zelda because I really have no investment in the story in Zelda. I already know what will happen. I dont give a shit so I run around doing fun stuff. It doesnt work in LOU because I really am mostly playing for the story and the exploration part isnt really fun for me.

I had the same problem in LOU 1. Cut down the encounters and combat in that game by 1/3 and its a phenomenal game. Same for all the UC games.
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