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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


I like everything about the gameplay of this game. The story is a shit fucking show. Trash. Garbage. Joel, who was a badass character in the first game, is put aside as if he never existed - oh but I forgot, The fucking flashbacks, Or I should say, Flashbacks: The Game.

Man, I really feel bad for all the pissed fans :messenger_beaming:

Oh, and Naughty Dog manipulated all the trailers to make you think the game is about a Journey again, with Joel. Damn, where is Sony to check wtf ND is doing :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Excuse me, but i predicted the so called surprise twist that you complain right after the first teaser, you needed 3 neurons and some common sense to predicted it.
Im about to finish the game, saved the last few moments for tomorrow.

The last few hours are pretty intense and quite amazing, would have loved to see a bit more exploration on mental health on the last few hours, maybe play with that and whats real and what isnt would have been nice, but really happy with these last few moments.


I finished TLoU2 last night.
Everything about this game deserves an award. Such technical achievements deserve the highest acknowledgements.

The story deserves a Razzie.

It was a tale of two halves co-written by M. Neil Shyamalan.
One half was a meaningless chore. (Abby)
The other half was secretly a meaningless chore the entire time. (Ellie)

Thumbs down.



Mirrors my feelings on the game.

The game wants you to care too much about too many people. Leads to feeling unfocused etc.


VOILA, game complete!!

This will grow on me over time and I will respect it more as said time passes.

Right now, though, it lives in the shadow of its almost-great predecessor, and is impressive, but too reliant on its (genuinely compelling) gameplay and self-seriousness to weave something as cohesive as it is poignant and delicate.

Its ridiculously gung-ho narrative motivations has deeper roots, but it doesn't translate too well 'in-the-moment'. It's something that has to sink into you.

This game will go down in history as a landmark in AAA development.

Again, right now, it feels a bit too much like quality quantity over quantifiable quality -- and TLOU1's ending proves yet again that it never needed anything beyond the perfect cut to credits it sent whirling at your face once said and done.

In its wake, TLOUPII has in its long sheathe a scatterbrained and much more transparent story.

However, because of it, I feel for Ellie and Joel in a deeper way than would be possible were just the first to exist. You take the good with the bad, and then you live on. Because even the most debilitating events in our lives reveal some conveniently profound lesson later on, whether we wished to have learned it that way, or not. It is now an unmistakable part of us. And that was what ND crafted most apparently with the creation of this game: something unmistakable, one that's part of both TLOU canon and video game history alike. And if you have any interest in either of those things, this is as essential as Shadow of the Colossus, Mother 2, GTA: San Andreas, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World. Play it, and see what you think. You'll see. It has ways of making you talk.
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On the home stretch now I think. Should have this beat today. I think I'll be pretty comfortable including it my top 5 for the gen when I'm done. I'll need to let that simmer cos recency bias, but its been pretty fucking great

Just finished the game and I honestly don't understand the negativity it gets. Absolutely loved it.

From what i can gather its people who think whatever 'message' the game is trying to convey is more important, then you you know, gameplay, presentation, level design, sound etc. And/or people who just hate what they did with the story. Abby bad/Joel good stuff. Opinions and all that, but I think the storys largely been pretty damn good, along with those others things I mentioned being best in class or very close to it.

And lol at 'worst game of the gen'. I'm not giving a video with that kinda clickbait title a click, but I think its fair to say thats objectively not true.


One of my friends is constantly asking me where I am in the game now because he can't wait for me to be disappointed in the game.

I'm 16 hours in. Just started seattle day 3 and still enjoying every moment of it.

I don't get the obsession of people trying to force the narrative that this game sucks and that we will all hate it.

Another friend is snickering on Facebook replying "wait till you play it" whenever a mutual friend posts that he/she just bought the game and can't wait to enjoy it as tlou 1 was their game of the year.

What's wrong with people now?


Not REALLY a spoiler as it refers to the vibe rather than anything plot-related specifically, but spoilered just in case:

Remember the epilogue to RDRII?

I feel like TLOUPII is That: The Game
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No way to restart a encounter after killing the last enemy right? I just ended up using every last bullet and resource i had in a fight and wanted to restart it to see if i could do better ....


About changing weapons while running away. I don’t need to do it often but when I have to it’s like, lol at this clunky control setup.


Can’t Git Gud
Not REALLY a spoiler as it refers to the vibe rather than anything plot-related specifically, but spoilered just in case:

Remember the epilogue to RDRII?

I feel like TLOUPII is That: The Game
Yeah. But rdr2 is almost twice as long and I did not liked playing it. I just loved the Main character and his arc. I thought, the whole epilogue was pointless in rdr2 and the game should've ended strongly where it ended.
TLOU2 should have been edited around a bit and paced better but in general, I think it's still more focused and impactfll experience. More comparable to Death Stranding too imo.


I finished this game days ago and it still hasn't left my mind. I can't stop thinking about it.

Can't decide whether this or GOW will by my GOTG so far...



I wish all games had this. It should be a regular inclusion like photo mode.
It does have a bit of a slow start yeah.
In terms of gameplay, specifically the combat encounters, it does improve quite significantly. Some of the later setpieces and environments are awesome.
Have you finished? What do you think of the mode encounters?
One of my friends is constantly asking me where I am in the game now because he can't wait for me to be disappointed in the game.

I'm 16 hours in. Just started seattle day 3 and still enjoying every moment of it.
So, still playing as Ellie? I think most didn’t have a problem with the game up until the main shift, which you’re approaching.


I'm really impressed with the desing of the levels and how they are interactive set pieces, the adapts you so well.
Your wanna run? sure, let's make this into a chase sequence. You wanna fight? go ahead, wan to stealth ? sure why not. Feels so seamless that makes you question if you are being directed or the game is responding to you.
Mild spoilers warning i guess, flash back of the hotel. I thought for sure i was dead, but i felt that even my actions were directed by the game.
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Gold Member
One of my friends is constantly asking me where I am in the game now because he can't wait for me to be disappointed in the game.

I'm 16 hours in. Just started seattle day 3 and still enjoying every moment of it.

I don't get the obsession of people trying to force the narrative that this game sucks and that we will all hate it.

Another friend is snickering on Facebook replying "wait till you play it" whenever a mutual friend posts that he/she just bought the game and can't wait to enjoy it as tlou 1 was their game of the year.

What's wrong with people now?
16 hours and seattle day 3??
Lol i'm over 20 h and still at day 2 :ROFLMAO:


VOILA, game complete!!

This will grow on me over time and I will respect it more as said time passes.

Right now, though, it lives in the shadow of its almost-great predecessor, and is impressive, but too reliant on its (genuinely compelling) gameplay and self-seriousness to weave something as cohesive as it is poignant and delicate.

Its ridiculously gung-ho narrative motivations has deeper roots, but it doesn't translate too well 'in-the-moment'. It's something that has to sink into you.
This is very true. I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m fairly close I think. Last night when I stopped playing I was pissed, but it has sinked in over night, and now I really want to get back into it and see how it ends. It’s been like this several times during the playthrough.

Just as you said as well, it will grow on me too over time, and it’s very possible I’ll end up getting the platinum.


If you are slow, i'm straight up retarded :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I'm playing on survivor and exploring every nock and cranny, also i restart many encounters to test the enemy ia with different circumstances.

First tlou lasted 24h during the first run for the same reason.
20 something hours, day 2, haven't reached the hospital yet...
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Unconfirmed Member
That's me past the halfway point & I'm now considering whether I just drop this & move on.

I've had fun with the combat. The overall presentation of the game, in terms of art, environment, game feel, sound design, etc... is just spectacular. Sadly, the story (the most important thing here, for me) is dumber than a bag of rocks. The characters are uniformly dull & uninteresting. It has one theme & is relentlessly droning on it like someone plucking a single, open guitar string over & over & over & over again. There has been more than one unintentionally comical scene that has completely spoiled any kind of serious tone the game was trying to convey. It's just not working, at all.

I think maybe that's about it for me. Paid full price & gave it a chance, but this simply doesn't hold a candle to part 1, in any measurable way, & it's not even doing it's own thing in a way that urges me to go on. Maybe I'll finish the story, eventually, but I think I'll definitely move on from this thread anyway & let you guys enjoy it. Wish I could've been excitedly debating the ins & outs with you all, like I wanted to, but this just isn't for me.

Peace :messenger_peace:


Have you finished? What do you think of the mode encounters?

Yeah I had finished it by Monday morning.
I only played on Hard and didn't spend insane amounts of time looking for collectibles (will pick those up now on New Game+)

I thought some of the late game encounters were incredible and a huge improvement on anything seen in the first game (from a purely gameplay perspective anyway).

I know you can replay individual chapters once you've finished the game but if there a way to just jump straight into specific encounters so that I can just replay the combat encounters?


Yeah I had finished it by Monday morning.
I only played on Hard and didn't spend insane amounts of time looking for collectibles (will pick those up now on New Game+)

I thought some of the late game encounters were incredible and a huge improvement on anything seen in the first game (from a purely gameplay perspective anyway).

I know you can replay individual chapters once you've finished the game but if there a way to just jump straight into specific encounters so that I can just replay the combat encounters?
No idea here , since i haven't finished it, but in U4 you can actually.


That's me past the halfway point & I'm now considering whether I just drop this & move on.

I've had fun with the combat. The overall presentation of the game, in terms of art, environment, game feel, sound design, etc... is just spectacular. Sadly, the story (the most important thing here, for me) is dumber than a bag of rocks. The characters are uniformly dull & uninteresting. It has one theme & is relentlessly droning on it like someone plucking a single, open guitar string over & over & over & over again. There has been more than one unintentionally comical scene that has completely spoiled any kind of serious tone the game was trying to convey. It's just not working, at all.

I think maybe that's about it for me. Paid full price & gave it a chance, but this simply doesn't hold a candle to part 1, in any measurable way, & it's not even doing it's own thing in a way that urges me to go on. Maybe I'll finish the story, eventually, but I think I'll definitely move on from this thread anyway & let you guys enjoy it. Wish I could've been excitedly debating the ins & outs with you all, like I wanted to, but this just isn't for me.

Peace :messenger_peace:
Finish the story. It will unlock all the encounters so you can enjoy them without having to slog through the train wreck of a narrative.

Though you need to select all your options you want in combat to hold over into the encounters (reticle type, hold to melee, etc), as while it does give you a few options before starting (auto aim), you’ll have to go into options each time a fight starts to tweak your preferences unless you had them saved in the story mode.
I know you can replay individual chapters once you've finished the game but if there a way to just jump straight into specific encounters so that I can just replay the combat encounters?
Yup. Just go into “Encounters” and you won’t need to bother with the story at all. Wish it came with a bit more options, but it’s a great feature to have nonetheless.

Now they just need an endless horde mode and it’ll be near perfect. Hopefully coming in a DLC or with the MP. 🙏
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For those who are familiar with the commercial/ad where Ellie says,
“I’m gonna find and I’m gonna kill every. last. one. of them”
Where and when does she say that in the game?

I’m 24 hours in and yet to hear it.

Was it solely for the ad?


To those who have finished the game: anyone got the...
... Playdead's Inside references? It's clear to me that they've took some inspiration from Inside when designing some areas and enemies, like the corn fields in the rain and, of course, the giant infected in the hospital, which is clearly inspired in the human blob from the end of Inside. I'd say even some music here and there reminded me of those from Inside
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Can’t Git Gud
To those who have finished the game: anyone got the...
... Playdead's Inside references? It's clear to me that they've took some inspiration from Inside when designing some areas and enemies, like the corn fields in the rain and, of course, the giant infected in the hospital, which is clearly inspired in the human blob from the end of Inside. I'd say even some music here and there reminded me of those from Inside
Yeah that enemy for sure. I gotta replay that game


Alright, so I'm over 20 hours in and there is one significant negative I've found in the game - the pacing. It actually hasn't been too bad for the most part, you will get flashbacks and narrative swaps throughout but they are usually very brief and can sometimes be a nice breather/change of pace before going back to main story. But there is one part I'm at now (anyone who has played through the game will know what I'm talking about) where it feels like the game has restarted during the story peak. I cannot fathom why they did this here as it has completely blown the tires out of the game. I'm still enjoying it mind you, but everything has just dropped right off.

Why they didn't cut this part up and splice it throughout the game is beyond me. It makes it feel like a slog right when things should have been ramping up.


Can’t Git Gud
Alright, so I'm over 20 hours in and there is one significant negative I've found in the game - the pacing. It actually hasn't been too bad for the most part, you will get flashbacks and narrative swaps throughout but they are usually very brief and can sometimes be a nice breather/change of pace before going back to main story. But there is one part I'm at now (anyone who has played through the game will know what I'm talking about) where it feels like the game has restarted during the story peak. I cannot fathom why they did this here as it has completely blown the tires out of the game. I'm still enjoying it mind you, but everything has just dropped right off.

Why they didn't cut this part up and splice it throughout the game is beyond me. It makes it feel like a slog right when things should have been ramping up.
I've found the pacing to be worse/slower in the first part of the game. Keep playing, that part I think is more dynamic and interesting.
Generally, the pacing in whole tlou2 is not the best. That's my main negative with it
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Fuck this game man. I just finished and after 7 fucking years, you just watch that everything is screwing up in every damn chapter. Absolutely this is a game I will not want to remember again. There is nothing else to say.
Lol yep. Yesterday I killed a dog's owner and the dog whimpered as it was walking around and as soon as it saw me, he charged and I had to shoot it in the head lol


Am I the only one who completed the game and then immediately went back and replayed the entire game again with the added context of both sides of the stories (without spoiling anything)? I almost always never replay a game. The last time I did this was Sekiro. I really enjoyed my second play through of the game. I am one of those who went in filled with toxicity and ready to hate the game. Some 10-12 hours later, the game won me over and convinced me that I was wrong. I could not see how the story could've played out any better. It had a satisfying closure. It was a brilliant experience IMO.
Am I the only one who completed the game and then immediately went back and replayed the entire game again with the added context of both sides of the stories (without spoiling anything)? I almost always never replay a game. The last time I did this was Sekiro. I really enjoyed my second play through of the game. I am one of those who went in filled with toxicity and ready to hate the game. Some 10-12 hours later, the game won me over and convinced me that I was wrong. I could not see how the story could've played out any better. It had a satisfying closure. It was a brilliant experience IMO.

I'm also playing again on NG+. But that slow start is a pain in the fucking ass.


Am I the only one who completed the game and then immediately went back and replayed the entire game again with the added context of both sides of the stories (without spoiling anything)? I almost always never replay a game. The last time I did this was Sekiro. I really enjoyed my second play through of the game. I am one of those who went in filled with toxicity and ready to hate the game. Some 10-12 hours later, the game won me over and convinced me that I was wrong. I could not see how the story could've played out any better. It had a satisfying closure. It was a brilliant experience IMO.

I immediately did New Game+ and agree, experiencing some of those earlier scenes and interactions, with the knowledge of what comes later, often really adds depth to them.

Even little subtle things, like the expression on a characters when they say or do something, take on new meaning once you've already digested the full story and have the full context.

Although I really enjoyed the game during my first playthrough I wasn't as in love with the story as I was the gameplay. On second playthrough I find my appreciation for the storyline is increasing as time goes on.

Finish the story. It will unlock all the encounters so you can enjoy them without having to slog through the train wreck of a narrative.

Though you need to select all your options you want in combat to hold over into the encounters (reticle type, hold to melee, etc), as while it does give you a few options before starting (auto aim), you’ll have to go into options each time a fight starts to tweak your preferences unless you had them saved in the story mode.

Yup. Just go into “Encounters” and you won’t need to bother with the story at all. Wish it came with a bit more options, but it’s a great feature to have nonetheless.

Oh no!
Because I started New Game+ I now only have access to the Encounters that I've played through on my New Game+ save.

I've gone into Load Game and can see a autosave backup from my original playthrough. If I load up this autosave backup from my first playthrough so that I can access all of the encounters, will I lose my New Game+ progress?
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I immediately did New Game+ and agree, experiencing some of those earlier scenes and interactions, with the knowledge of what comes later, often really adds depth to them.

Even little subtle things, like the expression on a characters when they say or do something, take on new meaning once you've already digested the full story and have the full context.

Although I really enjoyed the game during my first playthrough I wasn't as in love with the story as I was the gameplay. On second playthrough I find my appreciation for the storyline is increasing as time goes on.

Oh no!
Because I started New Game+ I now only have access to the Encounters that I've played through on my New Game+ save.

I've gone into Load Game and can see a autosave backup from my original playthrough. If I load up this autosave backup from my first playthrough so that I can access all of the encounters, will I lose my New Game+ progress?
If you make a manual save of NG+, you can load that again after you're done playing with the encounters.


Oh no!
Because I started New Game+ I now only have access to the Encounters that I've played through on my New Game+ save.

I've gone into Load Game and can see a autosave backup from my original playthrough. If I load up this autosave backup from my first playthrough so that I can access all of the encounters, will I lose my New Game+ progress?

I had the exact same reaction, freaked out as well and thought I needed to replay the whole thing. Yeah, encounters are only available with the proper finished save. Just load your auto-save of the finished game and hard save it, then load it when needed.

I love the Encounters, but I really wish they gave you the option to play them with the NG+ upgrades. It sucks to be restricted on holsters, weapons, and all their upgrades. The point is combat, I don't know why they don't allow it. I'm playing through NG+ just to see if when I finish all the abilities will be unlocked in Encounters, but I'm playing the early ones (as they open as you complete the story) and don't see it, so......doubtful.


That's me past the halfway point & I'm now considering whether I just drop this & move on.

I've had fun with the combat. The overall presentation of the game, in terms of art, environment, game feel, sound design, etc... is just spectacular. Sadly, the story (the most important thing here, for me) is dumber than a bag of rocks. The characters are uniformly dull & uninteresting. It has one theme & is relentlessly droning on it like someone plucking a single, open guitar string over & over & over & over again. There has been more than one unintentionally comical scene that has completely spoiled any kind of serious tone the game was trying to convey. It's just not working, at all.

I think maybe that's about it for me. Paid full price & gave it a chance, but this simply doesn't hold a candle to part 1, in any measurable way, & it's not even doing it's own thing in a way that urges me to go on. Maybe I'll finish the story, eventually, but I think I'll definitely move on from this thread anyway & let you guys enjoy it. Wish I could've been excitedly debating the ins & outs with you all, like I wanted to, but this just isn't for me.

Peace :messenger_peace:
Don't do it! The best gameplay sections are after the halfway point. If you hate the story that much, skip cutscenes and rush through walking sections. I hated what happened halfway too, but the sections after that were some of the best horror sequences I've played this gen. The layout of the last section was also absolutely fantastic.



I had the exact same reaction, freaked out as well and thought I needed to replay the whole thing. Yeah, encounters are only available with the proper finished save. Just load your auto-save of the finished game and hard save it, then load it when needed.

I love the Encounters, but I really wish they gave you the option to play them with the NG+ upgrades. It sucks to be restricted on holsters, weapons, and all their upgrades. The point is combat, I don't know why they don't allow it. I'm playing through NG+ just to see if when I finish all the abilities will be unlocked in Encounters, but I'm playing the early ones (as they open as you complete the story) and don't see it, so......doubtful.

Ah that's a relief, I plan to tackle some tonight then.

It is however a huge shame that you can't use all of your unlocked weapons and upgrades in the encounters. Would definitely be fun to tackle them with all weapons and upgrades if you wanted to. Strange decision.


Just beat it. 33 hours on hard mode. If someone forced me to rate it out of a hundred, I'd say the current metacritic score is around what I'd give it. Ain't that some shit.

That final fight was brutal, especially when you still had the knife. I was literally wincing with every slash. I also kinda chuckled when Joel did his 'run in', which probably wasn't what they were going for, but he just looked so damn goofy. I'm still digesting what I think about Ellie letting her go, after all she'd been through. I feel like she mighta, shoulda finished the job, but I need to think on that some more.

Also, fuck Dina. Didn't like her too much to begin with, but fucking off and not even leaving a note or some shit, letting Ellie know where she might've gone just in case she made it back. Pretty cold blooded even if the last chat they had was considered a break up. Something to be resolved in the inevitable part 3 I suppose.

Anyway, this'll take some beating for my personal GOTY. Cyberpunk will likely give it more then a good run later in the year I'm guessing, but either way though, I win.

And lastly, Abby> Ellie. Fite me
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