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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


So, I have a question for all the level headed and honest people out there. I'm considering buying the game today and would like to hear a couple opinions first. Is it likely I will enjoy this game?

My background is that I love stealth games. Personally, I didn't like the first TLOU at all. I wasn't compelled by the gameplay or the story. I'm not really compelled by the story here either, though I don't completely hate what I saw in the spoilers.

I'm interested in buying this basically just for the gameplay. I want to explore and stealth kill people in a AAA game. Is the satisfaction of stealth and brutal melee kills enough for the purchase do you think?
Gameplay is top notch. Don't know what people expect from a TPS. The level design is very open. Some times you are in a building with multiple stories. Other times you are in an open area, like a suburban neighborhood with multiple buildings. You can crawl beneath cars or hide in long grass. Melee combat is satisfying and very visceral. But is it worth 70 bucks? Considering how much work and polish they put in yes but on the other hand it is a single player game. I played it in 2 days and im not the type of guy to replay games a lot. I wish it had some other modes, like a horde mode. Maybe they will give us some. If you can wait (which i couldn't :D ) then wait.
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Lol at people who think this game is agenda fueled. Not once did I feel like anything was overly forced. I mean personally if I was Ellie I wouldn't trust Dina since who the FUCK walks out of a relationship then straight into another one less than a week later?

Everything else was fine though.
my fan theory since the dance trailer was that Dina was plotting something, i guess i was wrong ...but i haven't finished the game yet ! :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Neo Member
It's pretty funny the way this game tries to manipulate the player, even during gameplay sections. Listening to the WLF crying over their poor attack puppies was one thing, but the Seraphites shouting out their friends names?!

"Noooo! She killed Jimmy!!!"

Well yeah. Jimmy strung someone up by the neck, cut their stomach open & pulled out their guts while they twitched & kicked. Jimmy took an arrow in the eye & good riddance.

Fuck sake game.

Worst crime of all? Hardly. But yes, bigot sandwiches is one of the stupidest scenes I ever watched in any serious story. Game or movie. The scene was written & delivered with a straight face. It's comical. It will be deservedly mocked for a long time to come.


I wonder how Ellie from part 1 would've reacted to the dude who said something offensive to her.

What are you getting at, it's a narrative, do you want people not to call out to their fallen friends and comrades.
You sound like you want this tough person characters that just kills and not show emotions.
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
This is my honest review in a specific part of the game and it’s gonna be different so bear with me ..

at the beginning I would like to thank everyone at ND specially the actors they did great act and delivered the feelings .In video games things got different it’s never about how fun it will be but now it’s about “ could you stand in front of that story ? Even if it was brutal? “ that was what ND did with this game . The game started with a reminder what Joel did in the past when he decided to ignore the fact that there will be a vaccine to end the suffering of humanity but he saved his little kiddo Ellie and killed everyone in that hospital .

I’m gonna approach this differently.. not going to get into a lot details but points ..

The animation the visuals the combat blah blah blah we all knew that ND will deliver the best so no need to argue about it but what really catch me is the way the did it , recently I put my opinion about the game and i said “ remarkable “ but never said everything was perfect! . I believe Naughty Dog made a mistake in a away that most of us didn’t recognize or blinded by how beautiful the game was .. I know most of you are destroying the game the director for two points , I’m not gonna talk about all of them because I don’t care about it if that girl became a man or that man became a girl I never had interest to think about it specially in a game like this with a heavy story . So let us go to Joel shall we ?

“ Could have been better “

writing a story is a good thing , writing a good story is great but writing and producing a well written story is just wonderful.. that what I felt from the first game but That changed with part 2 . Still the story is good but not great

“ Joel Fate was the ugliest choice in gaming history “

  • The man lost his daughter during the outbreak , not infected but killed by a soldier

  • the world changed for worse and everyone struggling to live

  • the man found a little girl who didn’t see much from life and supposed to bring her to a group called fireflies

  • the journey with her made him a father to her a daughter to him in a away they couldn’t see

  • fireflies took her for a surgery without even talking to her or waiting to wake up ( willing to kill a little girl for a vaccine you don’t know if it’s going to work ? )

  • the man stood and say no he doesn’t want to lose another daughter so he killed everyone whom wanted to touch her then took her and left the hospital

  • the man lied to the kiddo about it

So .. A heavy connection has been built not only between the two characters but between us and the man who did all of this , he does care about the world but the world for him was Ellie

I get it he killed Abby’s father .. I don’t have a problem with Joel being dead ( if they insist to kill him ) I have a problem with the way he died .. killing a character you build with love and care in a room filled with more than 6 men watching a girl torturing the man with a golf club ! ending the character in that way doesn’t make sense and make me wonder .. did something happen ? . I took that to my heart and continued the game to the end .. It was a great journey so many intense moments.
Showing the side of Abby is nice but that doesn’t justify what she did or let me phrase it correctly .. doesn’t justify what ND did with the game with the main character..

One little detail no one payed attention to it is when the doctor asked by Marlene if this was his daughter would he do it ? Would he justify the act then ? Of course he didn’t reply to that question Because his daughter wasn’t in that bed . And he didn’t lose a daughter so trying to match the two characters is no use and not fair , that Joel ending wasn’t the best choice in games .

At the end I want to say this :

A gift card for birthday decorated beautifully from outside , I gave it to my daughter then told her “ don’t open it until your birthday tomorrow “
I really put so much effort for the decorations and she loved it and want to hang it on the wall too .. the tomorrow came and she opened the card and found nothing !

“ Why nothing ? “ She said

I told her .. “ this is life “


If I have to describe the game ( the first part and the part 2 ) it would be like this


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

Fuck that "big win" safe. Thought it was the picture of their big fish catch. But it was a tiny lottery ticket texture. Fuck.

Jesus Christ... this game makes me do A LOT of shit that I don’t give a fuck about. Getting more and more disappointed by the story the more I progress through it.

If you talkin about the 2nd half then yeah it took a LONG time for me to give a fuck about those characters. Eventually a couple of them rubbed off on me, and the levels get fuckin crazy.
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What are you getting at, it's a narrative, do you want people not to call out to their fallen friends and comrades.
You sound like you want this tough person characters that just kills and not show emotions.

I think what he's getting at is characters are written with very little self awareness in regards to the grand scheme of things.

For example, having two adults sleep with a newborn infant in a bed is incredibly reckless and dangerous yet no one seems to point this out.

Or Ellie just riding her horse into the middle of a street just to get ambushed, completely ignoring lessons from the first game. Even as the player, you know that just riding a horse into an open area that can easily get you ambushed is a bad fucking idea.

Fuck that "big win" safe. Thought it was the picture of their big fish catch. But it was a tiny lottery ticket texture. Fuck.

If you talkin about the 2nd half then yeah it took a LONG time for me to give a fuck about those characters. Eventually a couple of them rubbed off on me, and the levels get fuckin crazy.

Thought the same thing at first. When I got the error I went back to look at any sticky note or writing and found it.


Neo Member
I think what he's getting at is characters are written with very little self awareness in regards to the grand scheme of things.

For example, having two adults sleep with a newborn infant in a bed is incredibly reckless and dangerous yet no one seems to point this out.

Or Ellie just riding her horse into the middle of a street just to get ambushed, completely ignoring lessons from the first game. Even as the player, you know that just riding a horse into an open area that can easily get you ambushed is a bad fucking idea.


You do know that millions of baby's sleep with there child in their bed, it's probably safer when you can have a infected attack at any time.
You also act like the horse was there the whole time when in fact it was only on the firsts day of Seattle where they were still coming to grips with the WLF killing outsiders no questions asked. Remember they came from a city where people are allowed to move freely
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nope, not yet.
Nope, which is bullshit.

That being said, we know future updates are coming. Grounded mode, multiplayer, singleplayer dlc a la left behind. The option will come eventually.

So the gameplay is strictly intertwined with the mechanic, unlike the first one where it was a crutch for casuals? What I mean is, certain parts of the game would be far to difficult to pass without?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
So the gameplay is strictly intertwined with the mechanic, unlike the first one where it was a crutch for casuals? What I mean is, certain parts of the game would be far to difficult to pass without?

Some areas have like 20 fuckin guards but no, its 100% doable without xray. I think they kept it cuz of how its intertwined into the UPGRADE system. In some ways, no xray mode makes it easier for those players to upgrade other stuff. So maybe they didnt have time to implement.


Fuck this game man. I just finished and after 7 fucking years, you just watch that everything is screwing up in every damn chapter. Absolutely this is a game I will not want to remember again. There is nothing else to say.


If you talkin about the 2nd half then yeah it took a LONG time for me to give a fuck about those characters. Eventually a couple of them rubbed off on me, and the levels get fuckin crazy.
I don’t know how long you mean, but...
... I just feel down into the pool from the crane with that little Asian kid (don’t even know her/his fucking name) and all I think about is how much I hate playing as Abby. I mean, wtf? She kills Joel with a golf club and now I’m supposed to start caring about her? Fuck that. This game started off great as a revenge story a la Kill Bill, but now I just want it to end. Oh, and on top of that you’re supposed to start caring about these little brainwashed bastards? No, not falling for that shit. Sorry, but ND fucked up this time, hate to say it.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I don’t know how long you mean, but...
... I just feel down into the pool from the crane with that little Asian kid (don’t even know her/his fucking name) and all I think about is how much I hate playing as Abby. I mean, wtf? She kills Joel with a golf club and now I’m supposed to start caring about her? Fuck that. This game started off great as a revenge story a la Kill Bill, but now I just want it to end. Oh, and on top of that you’re supposed to start caring about these little brainwashed bastards? No, not falling for that shit. Sorry, but ND fucked up this time, hate to say it.

Fair enough man. You find it to be bullshit which is a legitimate stance. Appreciate that you at least played the game for yourself unlike a lot of critics.


What’s dumb is not having an option to turn it off, like in the first game. What’s up with that, seriously?
Especially considering they should be well aware that the feature being ‘off’ was pivotal to elevating the original into a much better experience. Brain dead decisions like this shake confidence in the studio.


Sort off like not using the jump button?
Haven't used it or upgraded it. I think it can even make it more confusing if you rely much into it in fact. You need way more situational awarenes than before and NPCs are way smarter or more accuretly, they are more efficient than before at fighting you.
Survivor and not using xrays it's the way to go, i wonder if i can remap the torch to that button, i press it by accident when aiming sometimes .

On a different note, i wonder if my HDR is correctly calibrated because some houses in Seattle have rooms that are almost pitch black with your torch off. I've gotten a couple of jumps seeing wards only when next to them inside a dark house.

Anyone know any easy tool to calibrate? i haven't give it a go to the AVS forum files since it looks complicated.


What’s dumb is not having an option to turn it off, like in the first game. What’s up with that, seriously?
The option was not there at launch, i played the first one on survivor and refusing to using it as well if i recall correctly.

Edit:Maybe i'm wrong, couldn't find the exact update about it.
Edit2:Yes, i'm wrong, i'll leave this as evidence of my memory not being reliable.
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The nicest person on this forum
Maybe this just my experience but I found the listen mode in Part 2 very useless, it only works when enemy is vey close by and at that point I can already tell by the sound.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Maybe this just my experience but I found the listen mode in Part 2 very useless, it only works when enemy is vey close by and at that point I can already tell by the sound.

Theres an upgrade to increase the distance you detect enemies. But yes its totally optional.


Theres an upgrade to increase the distance you detect enemies. But yes its totally optional.
Yeah, you can make it show enemies more clearly, further and move faster while using it...i haven't put a single pill on that skill tree wich allowed me to went further in the crafting and stealth ones. Crafting more bombs, fast stealth kill and prone movement are awesome.


OK, so I played TLOU2 until the credits rolled.......I give it an 8 out of 10. It only got that high of a rating because of the excellent graphics.

This is one of those one-and-done experiences (much like God of War) that I call an "interactive graphical presentation" rather than a game. I mean, yeah, it has a new game+ and I suppose I could slog through it again to clean up the trophies I missed the first time through, but I'm not a trophy chaser and the game really wasn't anything all that special beyond the graphics.

Maybe if I get a free upgrade for it on the PS5 I'll play through it again, otherwise it gets deleted for now.
Almost same name, almost same post lol.



Fair enough man. You find it to be bullshit which is a legitimate stance. Appreciate that you at least played the game for yourself unlike a lot of critics.
I haven’t finished it yet so my verdict is not final, but yes, there’s a lot of bullshit going on, but I’ll come back to that when I’ve finished it. It plays great and looks incredible though, and the acting is first class, as usual with Naughty Dog.
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I'm at a loss for words I obviously can't say much in this thread but I was not expecting this at all at least not that early in the game. Overall the game loses a lot of momentum for me. Because of this happening so early in the game it’s hard to enjoy it as much. All I keep thinking about is, yeah....


I want to calibrate my HDR correctly because the colors look so much better with it ON but i'm doubting since there are places that are too dark. Can't find an easy setup for it :/
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I'm interested in buying this basically just for the gameplay. I want to explore and stealth kill people in a AAA game. Is the satisfaction of stealth and brutal melee kills enough for the purchase do you think?

It's not about stealth. And there are multiple places in game where you just cannot be stealthy at all.
I would say: no, you won't like it.


Ok, WTF, i now understand people bitching about the noise.

I was calibrating my OLED for HDR and decided to compare it with the SDR version of the game. The color pallet and everything it's obviously way better in HDR, like it's shocking, but what impressed me even more it's how fucking ugly the noise looks in SDR.

Like, i could not believe it, it looks very natural on HDR but in SDR looks almost like Silent HIll.

I'm pretty impressed now by how much better the game looks with HDR. I had a similar experience with Uncharted 4 tho, the color pallet seems to be made with HDR in mind in these games.

Edit: obviously i can't post picks, it can be shown but it's too complicated to bother.
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