I gatta say I'm a total sucker for these hd upgrades and remakes. I love collecting games and just have to have the best, most feature complete, definitive version of a game. It taps into that part of my old school game brain from back in the snes/genesis days when gamers argued which one had the better color palate and was closest to the arcade version (snes was always other than good old Neo Geo!), and now this brain lives on as frame rate, resolution, and aliasing technique analysis, etc.
I personally support this type of game upgrade/re-release and think it's good for the industry. I say let devs use these games as a test bed for upgrading their existing engines or to try out their new ones, use them as an opportunity to more fully realize their original visions, as a way to bring in players who may have missed otherwise great games, or as a way to fund your next full game and test demand for your old ips.
For all the complaints I hear, mostly about the cost, I say ignore the nay sayers and keep em coming. If you don't like don't buy em! I for one can't wait to re-experience TLOU and will pay full price to do so. I just hope they throw as much at the ps4 as possible!
By the way I see these 'hd versions' as existing on a scale and their value should be based as such-
1. Simple HD Upgrades. These games should be significantly cheaper than original software or sold in collections. If they are sold at full price it may fee like a rip off. This includes most of what they did last gen with ps2/psp to ps3 ports, and so far this gen include games like Flower HD or trine 2 (both simple respectable hd upgrades of already beautiful games, like having a new pair of glasses)
2. Enhanced HD Upgraded Games are the next step up and should be offered at mid level but discounted prices. Examples are Tomb Raider (used as a way for devs to play with upgraded/new engine features, tres fx and enhanced lighting, high res textures, etc) and the upcoming Pixel Junk Ultimate (games with upgraded art assets, better/enhanced physics, better/new lighting).
3. Then you have the best of these which are Full Remakes; which can be priced at whatever the devs feel like depending on the type of the game and extent of the remake budget. Some examples include RE remake for gamecube (mostly the same game with all new re-imagined art and slightly enhanced gameplay), tomb raider anniversary (re-imagined original with enhanced graphics and fully modernized gameplay), the upcoming Oddworld (best type of remake with full graphics overhaul but still extremely true to original art and gameplay), and Binding of Issac (an 8 bit to 16 bit upgrade!!!)
0. Ranking as the worst/lowest of these are what I call 'Bastardizations', which they can ask what ever they want for but no one should ever buy. An example is the recent flashback game. These remakes somehow miss all the magical elements that made the originals so great, diminish the originals value due to their very existence, and effectively chew up and spit out child hood memories.
My personal request list-
Metroid Prime 1-3 HD collection (full hd with upgraded lighting, art, etc, pretty pretty please)
Super Metroid ultimate HD 2.5d remade edition (thinking the new oddworld as a template)
Ghouls n Ghosts and Super ghouls and Ghosts super HD remade 2.5 edition
Red Dead HD
Journey (obviously coming although maybe delayed to become vr upgrade instead)
Killzone 2 (seriously, it's their best game so far, 1080p 60 fps would be great!)
Mario Galaxy HD collection
ICO/Shadow remake