I posted this on the official Xseed forums, but I figured I share with the GAF community also:
I just finished FC and just wanted to post my general (none spoiler) thoughts - hopefully it's not a bother posting them here as this seems to be the best place to
FC specific related thoughts:
- I pre-ordered/purchased the original LE psp version of TitS (like I do with most xseed games), along with purchasing the digital psp/vita version and recently the pc version from the steam summer sale. Partly out of PC version being more convenient (playing at work - alt tab out when I need too hah....) and to purely support Xseed like always.
- When I first purchased the LE psp version, I quickly got to the beginning of chapter 3 - but after hearing all of the red flags (at the time) of SC in translation hell, when/if it gets released, etc, I decided to hold off on continuing on until closer to SC release. Don't get me wrong, I love TitS like any good man (or even female!) would ... thats Trials in the Sky so get your head out of the gutter!
- Also up to chapter 3, there wasn't really much "OMG MINDBLOWING" plot going on yet (I'll get to that next point), so I felt that I wasn't walking away from the middle of anything major and figured I pick it back up again from the beginning at at later point close to SC release.
- So I'll be honest, as someone who purposely kept ignorance of any story knowledge of the later games (I hate spoilers), I felt the pacing was a bit horrible as I was playing through the game. Each chapter even felt like an independent episode or chapter. However, by the time I got to the end - I get it - and masterfully done. At the end of the day, I DO appreciate that they took the time to properly build the setting and characters, and not rush through the aspect of them. This game serves as a "double prelude" to both the Estelle/Joshua SKY duo-logy and also the prelude to the entire 7 + ongoing game setting. In the long run, especially after getting the opportunity to play the later games hopefully soon, I will appreciate that they took the time to properly map out the setting in FC.
- Going deeper into the story aspect and how I said each chapter felt like an independent episode - again masterfully done of how some of the "weird" aspects thrown in here and there start to make sense and come apparent by the end of the game. It's one of those deals where you stick with it and get rewarded with a "huge payoff" in the end.
- So by the end of the game, I wasn't "OMG IM COMPLETELY MIND$#%#'D" LIKE 999/VLR (and man those games got me thinking months on end after...and still thinking about them #4infinity), but I was more than satisfied with the ending and felt that it was worth pushing through the not so plot heavy/exciting aspects of the game.
- A lot of the "plot twists" I did guess correctly (who was the princess, and the very last scene between Estelle and Joshua, the plot twist right before that), but I felt that was a lucky guess on my part. I still had the "wow that really happened" feeling after going through it.
- The SC preview movie after the credits .... lol. I'll say this - thankfully I finished this game before SC is coming out. I feel for the people who completed FC years ago and still waiting for SC to come out. What a C. tease if there ever was one.
- I leave the game feeling that I desperately want to play SC. Tom - PLEASE release this soon so we can get through SC before CS comes out
- The before the prelude begins part / ending of FC, relationship of Joshua and Daddy Bright, Joshua's past alluded to at the begining of the game, Scherazard and the tarot cards. No comment other than just pointing these out without being spoilerific.
- I can't wait to learn more about Schera's past. Seems like there is a much bigger story there.
- BONUS: while finding the hidden entrance in the north sewers...I was waiting for Dogi to blast through the wall from the other side.... heh heh
Thoughts outside the FC/SC games:
- I am fully behind the fan support for TC to be translated at some point when resources are available to do so at Xseed. Here's my perspective. If xseed released SC then STOPPED, I understand that they decided to move on for business (and sanity) reasons. However, now that you are releasing CS I and II, there is no turning back. I selfishly expect full support of all LoH VI through VIII games to be released over time.
- That being said, looking at how "unofficially confirmed" sales are and fan support, along with support within Xseed, I have a feeling that is their plan internally at this point
- So at the risk of being a hypocrite, I DID look into more of the future games and roughly what they are about without going into spoiler territory after I completed FC. TC sounds like the bridge game that leads to important events for both Crossbell and Erebonian sagas. I am VERY interested in playing through TC.
- I LOVE the fact that the Crossbell and Erebonian sagas happen more or less at the same time. I was told without spoilers that things do cross over and different points of views of characters on certain events will happen between the two sagas. Please don't mind the drool coming from my mouth from hearing that.
- The biggest thing I love from the last chapter of FC was that there is MUCH bigger things at play that expand into the entire ongoing series. All I got to say is I love you Falcom.
- I don't know the answer to this and don't want to be "answered", but I hope some/all the important characters tie into the later games. I'm already becoming very fond of quite a few of them, more than I should
I think I covered most of everything that I had to get off my chest so to speak after completing this game. My absolute condolences for anyone who had to read through my gibberish that I just spewed all over in this post