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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC |OT| More Olivier Than Ever


No fucking kiddin man. I just started reading all day about all the post game Skell builds... It sounds like hours and hours of hunting down monster parts for augments... Shit you could spend another 50+ hours hunting materials SO that you can finish all the post game missions that involve killing super monsters.

Yeah, I'm going to take a break from all that.

I really do want to 100% that game, it's one of my favorite GOAT , but I want to play other games and maybe come back to it later, 95 hours is a good value for a game that I paid $60 for.

Sort of off topic but I don't want anyone to be intimidated by X: There are only a few hexes on each map that involve killing one of the monsters you'll need a level 60 Skell for. 2-3 at most. You can get the materials for killing the Telethia just by collecting tickets while playing online as you go through everything else. Which will take quite a while, probably about 30-40 hours or so. There's a ton of great content in the postgame, with a bunch of the best sidequests only becoming available after you clear the main story. Even if you just stick to sidequests, no mission in the game should require a level 60 Skell I think (maybe one stage of the Divine Noppon quest).

Even after all that, the grinding isn't so bad. You can spend 50+ hours building a bunch of perfect skells, sure. But if you just want 100% hex completion all you really need is a single Ares 90 with some augments that all shouldn't take too long to get. Some superbosses are easier with other Skells, but the Telethia is the only one of the hardest 4-5 enemies in the game you need to kill to fill out your map and the Ares can one-shot almost anything else.
Sort of off topic but I don't want anyone to be intimidated by X: There are only a few hexes on each map that involve killing one of the monsters you'll need a level 60 Skell for. 2-3 at most. You can get the materials for killing the Telethia just by collecting tickets while playing online as you go through everything else. Which will take quite a while, probably about 30-40 hours or so. There's a ton of great content in the postgame, with a bunch of the best sidequests only becoming available after you clear the main story. Even if you just stick to sidequests, no mission in the game should require a level 60 Skell I think (maybe one stage of the Divine Noppon quest).

Even after all that, the grinding isn't so bad. You can spend 50+ hours building a bunch of perfect skells, sure. But if you just want 100% hex completion all you really need is a single Ares 90 with some augments that all shouldn't take too long to get. Some superbosses are easier with other Skells, but the Telethia is the only one of the hardest 4-5 enemies in the game you need to kill to fill out your map and the Ares can one-shot almost anything else.
i intend on gangbanging it with 4 lv90 Ares eventually
25% dmg done with mine = 100% dmg done with 4 of em


Unconfirmed Member
Why do I never hear many people talk about Third Chapter? Does it come off as more of a miniature story following Second Chapter?

Probably a lot of little things that add up. The talk/rumor about it being a "fan disc" type thing. The fact it's often described as an "epilogue/inbetween game." The fact it's apparently structured pretty differently than other games in the series. It's probably also the least interesting unlocalized entry to talk about, because prior to either playing it or spoiling yourself on its contents it's a pretty mysterious game.

I doubt you will find many Trails players who aren't interested in 3rd though, and those that aren't probably don't quite realize just what 3rd is or how important it is to the overall story throughout the series.
Probably a lot of little things that add up. The talk/rumor about it being a "fan disc" type thing. The fact it's often described as an "epilogue/inbetween game." The fact it's apparently structured pretty differently than other games in the series. It's probably also the least interesting unlocalized entry to talk about, because prior to either playing it or spoiling yourself on its contents it's a pretty mysterious game.

I doubt you will find many Trails players who aren't interested in 3rd though, and those that aren't probably don't quite realize just what 3rd is or how important it is to the overall story throughout the series.

heres how i rank importance in Trails games
is Ouroboros involved?
then its fucking important


Probably a lot of little things that add up. The talk/rumor about it being a "fan disc" type thing. The fact it's often described as an "epilogue/inbetween game." The fact it's apparently structured pretty differently than other games in the series. It's probably also the least interesting unlocalized entry to talk about, because prior to either playing it or spoiling yourself on its contents it's a pretty mysterious game.

I doubt you will find many Trails players who aren't interested in 3rd though, and those that aren't probably don't quite realize just what 3rd is or how important it is to the overall story throughout the series.

I see, thanks. Yeah, I just recall more translation "buzz" to the idea of Trails FC and SC. It seems to have kind of mellowed now that SC is here, so I was just curious. Of course, I mostly say that as a light bystander. I'd look forward to seeing how it turns out as an epilogue certainly.


Why do I never hear many people talk about Third Chapter? Does it come off as more of a miniature story following Second Chapter?
Hmm? There has been a lot of Third talk lately, especially with dem people who are currently translating parts of it and putting the vids on Youtube every now & then. People's interest towards Third has grown substantially if they'we watched some of those vids, since there's so much intriguing world-building & lore-stuff in those.


90% of what I hear about 3rd is the Star Doors, to the point where I wonder if that's really such a significant part of the game.
Probably mainly a story arc to flesh out Kevin and wrap up some loose-ish ends for other characters not important enough to the overarching narrative.

I'd love to see Third come over, but I can content myself with juicy Star Door translations (thanks to Gu4n and Floofy for that by the way!)


90% of what I hear about 3rd is the Star Doors, to the point where I wonder if that's really such a significant part of the game.
It is a significant part of the game -- going through all Doors once takes approximately 15-20 hours (based on this calculation:
the Doors are split in long doors (5x ~2 hours), shorter doors (15x 10 mins up to an hour) and mini-games (5x)
). And while what happens in the Doors is not related to the main story in the game, it ties in with every other game and has undoubtedly foreshadowed something we won't get to see until the Calvard arc; we just don't know it yet.

As much I'd love to talk about the main story, the reason you hear so little about it is simply because of spoilers. Length-wise, I'd say it takes about 40-50 hours.
It is a significant part of the game -- going through all Doors once takes approximately 15-20 hours (based on this calculation:
the Doors are split in long doors (5x ~2 hours), shorter doors (15x 10 mins up to an hour) and mini-games (5x)
). And while what happens in the Doors is not related to the main story in the game, it ties in with every other game and has undoubtedly foreshadowed something we won't get to see until the Calvard arc; we just don't know it yet.

As much I'd love to talk about the main story, the reason you hear so little about it is simply because of spoilers. Length-wise, I'd say it takes about 40-50 hours.

Trails has the same problem Danganronpa has
its so plot heavy that you cant talk about too much without spoiling something
Finally finished trails in the sky. A pretty damn good game. Sc had a few issues in how they developed the characters but it's done enough for me to follow the overall series from now on. Loved the last additional party members you attained. I want a Cassius bright prequel now.
They definitely do some things to bump up Estelle's perceived "badass level." It's a shame they also go and ruin some of it with the
Gilbert fight outcome
in chapter 6.

They should have changed the scene if Estelle won the fight, instead of pulling some "lol we weren't actually trying, now we'll power up" bullshit just so the rest of the scene with Joshua could remain intact. It takes one of her biggest moments over the course of the two games and completely ruins it, forcing her to rely on someone else to succeed. That's a terrible "reward" for pushing Estelle to victory. Either way she still needed Joshua to escape, so it's not like that part of the event would be weakened if she didn't also rely on him to save her from the attacking Jaeger goons.

Among my annoyances with the storytelling, that was probably the one single thing that irked me the most out of everything.

Well considering
b rank estelle is canon I assume the variation of that fight where Estelle has managed to not die but not win is the actual canon way that scene is meant to play and not the win/lose variants


Well considering
b rank estelle is canon I assume the variation of that fight where Estelle has managed to not die but not win is the actual canon way that scene is meant to play and not the win/lose variants

You're telling me my
All BP A-Rank Estelle
is a lie?!



Well considering
b rank estelle is canon I assume the variation of that fight where Estelle has managed to not die but not win is the actual canon way that scene is meant to play and not the win/lose variants
Well mine
won that fight and still ended B rank. She probably just flubbed a dumb early game question that kept A rank forever out of her reach.

Also fuck Gilbert. At a minimum I'd hope canon is she took him down but the real Jaegers gave her trouble.
theirs no way she canonicly lost to that chump
hell i bet with some training any of us could kick his ass
his voice is the most pansy ass voice ive ever heard


How much do I have to remember about the first game to enjoy this one? I played the first one when it came out on PSP. I don't remember many of the specifics besides the big twist at the end.


How much do I have to remember about the first game to enjoy this one? I played the first one when it came out on PSP. I don't remember many of the specifics besides the big twist at the end.
It can improve the game quite a bit, but there's a Let's Play in the OP you can use to refresh your memory on the first game.


Hey I just finished Trails First Chapter! Like, just then! I loved the shit out of that charming little game. Can't wait to jump into SC especially with the cliffhanger ending but not too sure about diving back into such familiar territory for another 60 hours. I think I'll go play Y's or something to break it up.


Hey I just finished Trails First Chapter! Like, just then! I loved the shit out of that charming little game. Can't wait to jump into SC especially with the cliffhanger ending but not too sure about diving back into such familiar territory for another 60 hours. I think I'll go play Y's or something to break it up.

I sorta recommend this. I played them months apart and felt some of the fatigue. Though, I oddly didn't mind the greatly recycled areas. This is some thing that usually peeves me off, but it all works well in the context.
I sorta recommend this. I played them months apart and felt some of the fatigue. Though, I oddly didn't mind the greatly recycled areas. This is some thing that usually peeves me off, but it all works well in the context.
Same here, I would be skeptical of a 100+ hour RPG (FC+SC) that "recycles the same areas" but it makes sense for the story. It's as much about the country of Liberl and the regular people living their lives as it is about the main characters and the larger continent-spanning story. And revisiting these towns is all part of you getting to know the people and places, creating relationships and making sure you have a stake in it, as a player and as Estelle and co.


The latest patch fixed some of the achievements. I was able to get Penguin De Samba and Blue Knight, and my counters for Master Chef and Master Fisher seem to be working now, but I'll have to catch all the fish again.
Any word on whether this patch got pulled? My game still has a bugged Master Chef achievement and I looked over the update history for the game on Steam and don't see any patches to speak of. Plus, I don't recall downloading any patches (or having any auto-download in the background).

I know some folks noted crashing issues post-update, so I'm wondering if the patch got taken down for that reason.

Thinking of backing up my files, deleting the game from my Steam client and re-installing.


Can someone spoil what happened between mid chapter 7 to the final chapter for me?

I had some weird save issue on my vita and lost my data :(

Don't wanna go through again.

Nyoro SF

I think people rather share their save file with you than spoiling the best part of the game for you. Someone? :)

It's unfortunate he is on Vita because I have like 20 saves in that area on PC... I'm sure someone can help him though.

Demonfang I would also make a post in gamefaqs or do a search there to see if there are save files lying around you can use.


It's unfortunate he is on Vita because I have like 20 saves in that area on PC... I'm sure someone can help him though.

Demonfang I would also make a post in gamefaqs or do a search there to see if there are save files lying around you can use.

Thanks guys for being so helpful but really a plot summary would be fine ^_^
Trails in the Sky Second Chapter defeated(last night)
that last boss was a bitch
2 characters left and had to be a massive coward and snipe him with arts
then when he was almost dead said fuck it popped a zeram powder and Phantom Raided his ass to death
good ass game i tell ya
onward to Trails of Cold Steel
I feel I have to mention that SC's soundtrack is overall fantastic, and is a huge contributor to my enjoyment of the game.

FC's OST is good, but SC really knocks it out of the park.


Thanks guys for being so helpful but really a plot summary would be fine ^_^
If you really want to know a quick summary...
The good guys go around the four towers in Chapter 7 as you know, battle the Ouroboros enforcers on top of each towers, of course with the enforcers revealing a bit more of themselves in the meantime. Most important story being that Renne is that way because she was abandoned by her parents to some very bad people who abused her, until Ouroboros wanted the resources of that particular criminal organization and destroyed the organization & saved Renne at the same time, which made her think that Ouroboros is her "real" family and that she owes them for getting her out of that hellhole, so she does whatever is asked of her. The rest of the enforcers' stories were kinda meh in comparison.

Anyway, the enforcers were basically deactivating the towers which were the final "locks" for the Aureole. After going through all the towers, a huge floating city appears in the sky, Aureole. It causes a supermassive orbal shutdown phenomena that expands past Liberl's borders. Liberl is in chaos. Chapter 8 is mostly about dealing with that shit, going through all of Liberl. It befalls the bracers to go around taking these devices to every city that negate the orbal shutdown phenomena (in a very small scale) and at least allows the bracer guilds to communicate with each other (the army uses the same things too).

After you've done that, you're asked to go to the capital. Before getting there, the enforcers start a full-blown attack against Grancel in an attempt to take the queen & princess hostage. With some help from surprising & not-so-surprising people, you spoil those attempts, at least. But before they can celebrate that for too long, it comes to their attention that Erebonia (the country who tried to invade Liberl before) is amassing non-orbal tanks on Liberl's border. The bracers are sent there to act as a kind of neutral party in whatever happens there. At first, the Erebonians believe the orbal shutdown phenomena & Aureole are some new weapon Liberl is attempting to use against them, but with the help of Prince Olivier (yes, he's revealed to be one of the princes of Erebonia) and Estelle's father coming to the scene with that state-of-the-art airship (don't remember the name atm), which that genius professor has gotten to work despite the OSP, they manage to buy some time before Erebonia starts their "we are just making sure you aren't up to any funny business" invasion of Liberl.

Chapter 9 (final) is then about the crew of bracers & some other people flying up to the Aureole and spoiling whatever plans Weissman has there. Prior to getting to Weissman, you fight the enforcers again. Schera's old friend dies, Beublanc runs away, as does Zeke's friend, Renne fly's away on her mech after another talk with Estelle but it's implied she doesn't return to Ouroboros but goes somewhere where she can think for a while. Loewe & Joshua make up on top of the central tower, but Loewe sacrifices himself near the end in an attempt to create an opening for the good gang to beat Weissman.

During Chapter 9, it turns out Aureole was this kind of "paradise on Earth" type of deals where a kind of super-advanced AI took care of every person's needs & basically controlled everyone's lives. Except that kind of made people worse since they could indulge in all kind of corruptive-in-the-long-run behaviour (IIRC people became addicted to stuff etc.). In time, some people (including the ancestor of the current royal line) came to the conclusion that the Aureole wasn't a good thing, so they came up with a plan to get rid of the Aureole by shifting it into another dimension (since going head-on with it would be suicide due to the resources it controlled). They descended from the Aureole on to the surface of the planet and worked in secret. Even though the Aureole fought back after it figured out what those people were doing, they managed to succeed in their plan and suspended it in another dimension (the thing that happened in the end of the first FC was the first "lock" keeping Aureole trapped in that other dimension, the tetracyclic towers were the second line of defense against bringing it back). But yeah, now Ouroboros/Weissman brought it back. Weissman thought that the kind of ultimate rule that Aureole had would be swell, Estelle & co didn't. Final battle ensues. Weissman merges with the Aureole -> you still beat him. The flying city starts to fall apart and in the confusion Weissman still escapes. He doesn't get far before Kevin stops him & kills him, revealing in the meanwhile that he's a part of this kind of "black ops" unit of the Church who basically do the dirty work of the Church, like getting rid of horrible human beings like Weissman, if need be.

Back to Estelle & Co. While they are escaping, they get separated from the rest. They try to find another way to the airship but before that all their ways forward are destroyed. They think they will die, have a sweet moment with each other. The structure beneath them collapses, they start falling from the sky, only to be caught by Cassius who is riding the dragon we saw earlier in the game. The end.

That's about the gist of the larger storyline from chapter 7 forward. Writing about smaller details would make it way too long.


damn son

I would have just linked a let's play that continues on from that point. Hopefully one where the host isn't jabbering on during gameplay every 10 seconds.


If you really want to know a quick summary...
The good guys go around the four towers in Chapter 7 as you know, battle the Ouroboros enforcers on top of each towers, of course with the enforcers revealing a bit more of themselves in the meantime. Most important story being that Renne is that way because she was abandoned by her parents to some very bad people who abused her, until Ouroboros wanted the resources of that particular criminal organization and destroyed the organization & saved Renne at the same time, which made her think that Ouroboros is her "real" family and that she owes them for getting her out of that hellhole, so she does whatever is asked of her. The rest of the enforcers' stories were kinda meh in comparison.

Anyway, the enforcers were basically deactivating the towers which were the final "locks" for the Aureole. After going through all the towers, a huge floating city appears in the sky, Aureole. It causes a supermassive orbal shutdown phenomena that expands past Liberl's borders. Liberl is in chaos. Chapter 8 is mostly about dealing with that shit, going through all of Liberl. It befalls the bracers to go around taking these devices to every city that negate the orbal shutdown phenomena (in a very small scale) and at least allows the bracer guilds to communicate with each other (the army uses the same things too).

After you've done that, you're asked to go to the capital. Before getting there, the enforcers start a full-blown attack against Grancel in an attempt to take the queen & princess hostage. With some help from surprising & not-so-surprising people, you spoil those attempts, at least. But before they can celebrate that for too long, it comes to their attention that Erebonia (the country who tried to invade Liberl before) is amassing non-orbal tanks on Liberl's border. The bracers are sent there to act as a kind of neutral party in whatever happens there. At first, the Erebonians believe the orbal shutdown phenomena & Aureole are some new weapon Liberl is attempting to use against them, but with the help of Prince Olivier (yes, he's revealed to be one of the princes of Erebonia) and Estelle's father coming to the scene with that state-of-the-art airship (don't remember the name atm), which that genius professor has gotten to work despite the OSP, they manage to buy some time before Erebonia starts their "we are just making sure you aren't up to any funny business" invasion of Liberl.

Chapter 9 (final) is then about the crew of bracers & some other people flying up to the Aureole and spoiling whatever plans Weissman has there. Prior to getting to Weissman, you fight the enforcers again. Schera's old friend dies, Beublanc runs away, as does Zeke's friend, Renne fly's away on her mech after another talk with Estelle but it's implied she doesn't return to Ouroboros but goes somewhere where she can think for a while. Loewe & Joshua make up on top of the central tower, but Loewe sacrifices himself near the end in an attempt to create an opening for the good gang to beat Weissman.

During Chapter 9, it turns out Aureole was this kind of "paradise on Earth" type of deals where a kind of super-advanced AI took care of every person's needs & basically controlled everyone's lives. Except that kind of made people worse since they could indulge in all kind of corruptive-in-the-long-run behaviour (IIRC people became addicted to stuff etc.). In time, some people (including the ancestor of the current royal line) came to the conclusion that the Aureole wasn't a good thing, so they came up with a plan to get rid of the Aureole by shifting it into another dimension (since going head-on with it would be suicide due to the resources it controlled). They descended from the Aureole on to the surface of the planet and worked in secret. Even though the Aureole fought back after it figured out what those people were doing, they managed to succeed in their plan and suspended it in another dimension (the thing that happened in the end of the first FC was the first "lock" keeping Aureole trapped in that other dimension, the tetracyclic towers were the second line of defense against bringing it back). But yeah, now Ouroboros/Weissman brought it back. Weissman thought that the kind of ultimate rule that Aureole had would be swell, Estelle & co didn't. Final battle ensues. Weissman merges with the Aureole -> you still beat him. The flying city starts to fall apart and in the confusion Weissman still escapes. He doesn't get far before Kevin stops him & kills him, revealing in the meanwhile that he's a part of this kind of "black ops" unit of the Church who basically do the dirty work of the Church, like getting rid of horrible human beings like Weissman, if need be.

Back to Estelle & Co. While they are escaping, they get separated from the rest. They try to find another way to the airship but before that all their ways forward are destroyed. They think they will die, have a sweet moment with each other. The structure beneath them collapses, they start falling from the sky, only to be caught by Cassius who is riding the dragon we saw earlier in the game. The end.

That's about the gist of the larger storyline from chapter 7 forward. Writing about smaller details would make it way too long.

Really appreciate it! Thank you so much. Trails of cold steel here I come.


damn son

I would have just linked a let's play that continues on from that point. Hopefully one where the host isn't jabbering on during gameplay every 10 seconds.
It's why I tend to like the text based ones more. Also because I'm more likely to find the commentary funny.

Nyoro SF

My summary of Chapters 7 to the end:

Chapter 7: Vince "Weissman" McMahon sends his compadres to the towers to finally unlock the ultimate wrestling ring known as the Aureole (The Shining Ring), the place of champions where the society of ZWEI (Zemuria Wrestling Empire Incorporated) created so much hype that it caused a civilization to become catatonic and forced the remaining population that thought pro wrestling was still fake to the surface.

As per the typical slimy rules of the wrestling underworld, Weissman commanded his Enforcers at the towers to jobber the hell out of Estelle's team, who want nothing more than to take down Weissman and his cronies in a royal rumble, but can't help but deal themselves into sandbagged 4v1 fights over and over. Weissman finally unlocks the ring (God Bless the Ring).

The appearance of the Aureole causes complete shutdown of all broadcasts with only a remaining 24/7 TV commercial throughout the continent telling everyone to get ready to tune in to the staged final battle against Liberl's Brace Guild where Weissman plans to take over wrestling on the entire Zemurian content with only his rules allowed. North Ambria is salty but can't do anything. Erebonia removed nearly all their Brace Guilds and has no more skilled wrestlers to participate.

Chapter 8: Deciding to make a bigger name for themselves on the streets of Liberl and to prevent from being sandbagged again, Estelle decides that they're going to do a Rocky training marathon by running around Liberl in a circle in less than half an hour and checking in at the Brace Guilds to build up the hype among the population while working on their underdog reputation.

Erebonia is angry at being excluded by Weissman from participating in the grand stage he has set despite forcefully removing all the pro wrestlers from their country over the past year and decides to attempt a hostile takeover of Liberl's enterprises by buying all of Liberl's sheep stock. This fails.

To prove that he means business, Weissman sends his Enforcers to beat up Liberl's legendary wrestlers as a show of force. Queen Alicia, formerly known as "Liberl Lethality", Philip, otherwise known as "Battle Butler", and the Duke, informally titled "Duke", are placed under threat but the Enforcers are repelled by Cassius "The Divine Dandy" and Colonel "Vice President" Richard.

The Queen charters a jet for the crew because the honor and glory of Liberl's squad is dependent on Estelle and her ability to drop kick. Erebonia wants a piece of the action by sending in their last remaining prize fighter Olivert, who had been previously using an alias Olivier to disguise himself as a mysterious fighter with no origin to learn from Liberl's best wrestlers. Tita and Kloe join in as cheer girls and Joshua is the stoic mascot to bring in the teen male Liberl fanbase.

Chapter 9: After crash landing because Weissman forgot to install an airstrip at his new enterprise, Estelle and company make their way to the Aureole on the Liber-ARC, where they proceed to battle against Weissman's Enforcers and get sandbagged; AGAIN. Vince "Weissman" McMahon is so caught up in his own evil fantasies that he demands that his underlings stylishly sandbag again to make him look good.

Joshua calls out Loewe, who is Weissman's prize fighter, to a 1 on 1 due to their past beef. Loewe attempts to sandbag at first but Joshua forces him to fight for real after hitting him with his special move "Black Fang". They then make up and solve their differences, doing huge damage to Weissman's TV ratings. Loewe realizes it was Weissman all along who ran his original gym (Hamel) into the ground and caused his girlfriend who worked at the front desk to get fired, which forced her to drop out of college. Terrible.

The Liberl squad finally make their way to Weissman where they fight a protracted battle but Estelle manages to catch Weissman off-guard with a Stone Cold Est-unner mid-teleport. Weissman refuses to accept getting hit, not realizing that constantly sending his Enforcers to sandbag caused his own skills to get rusty. Joshua pretends to turn heel so that he can give his crew another opening while Weissman's guard is down and it works.

Weissman is pissed at losing the first round, so he roids up and tries to take on Estelle and co. in a new match but gets his butt kicked despite using more underhanded tactics such as pulling the ring out from under people. After he runs to backstage Kevin reveals himself and points out that Weissman's levels of salt at his loss far exceed those for a normal human. Weissman then turns into a literal pillar of salt on live Zemurian television.

The Aureole begins to crash towards the ground now that Weissman's ego is no longer causing it to float. Estelle and Joshua resolve to clean up the world of pro wrestling, engaging in one last grapple before falling to the ground and having their descent broken by Cassius, the once-retired pro who can catch two human bodies falling at terminal velocity from 30,000 feet no problem.

This is what happens when you're finished with all of your projects at work and are incredibly bored.
I'll give myself 5 bison dollars for every meme I used.
Writing quality: 4/10, Editing: 2 passes.
My summary of Chapters 7 to the end:

Chapter 7: Vince "Weissman" McMahon sends his compadres to the towers to finally unlock the ultimate wrestling ring known as the Aureole (The Shining Ring), the place of champions where the society of the ZWEI (Zemuria Wrestling Empire Inc) created so much hype that it caused a civilization to become catatonic from the hype and forced the remaining population that thought pro wrestling was still fake to the surface.

As per the typical slimy rules of the wrestling underworld, Weissman commanded his Enforcers at the towers to jobber the hell out of Estelle and co., who want nothing more than to take down Weissman and his cronies in a royal rumble, but can't help but deal themselves into sandbagged 4v1 fights over and over. Weissman finally unlocks the ring (God Bless the Ring).

The appearance of the Aureole causes complete shutdown of all broadcasts with only a remaining 24/7 TV commercial throughout the continent telling everyone to get ready to tune in to the staged final battle against Liberl's Brace Guild where Weissman plans to take over wrestling on the entire Zemurian content with only his rules allowed. North Ambria is salty but can't do anything.

Chapter 8: Deciding to make a name for themselves on the streets of Liberl and to prevent from being sandbagged again Estelle decides that they're going to do a Rocky training marathon by running around Liberl in a circle in less than half an hour and checking in at the Brace Guilds to build up the hype among the population and to also work on their underdog reputation.

The Queen charters a jet for the crew because the honor and glory of Liberl's squad is dependent on Estelle and her ability to drop kick. Plus Erebonia wants a piece of the action by sending in their prize fighter Olivert, who had been previously using an alias Olivier to disguise himself as a mysterious fighter. Tita and Kloe join in as cheer girls and Joshua is the stoic mascot to bring in the teen male Liberl fanbase.

Chapter 9: After crash landing because Weissman forgot to install an airstrip at his new enterprise, Estelle and company make their way to the Aureole on the Liber-ARC, where they proceed to battle against Weissman's Enforcers and get sandbagged; AGAIN. Vince "Weissman" McMahon is so caught up in his own evil fantasies that he demands that his underlings stylishly sandbag again to make him look good.

Joshua calls out Loewe, who is Weissman's prize fighter, to a 1 on 1. Loewe attempts to sandbag at first but Joshua forces him to fight back. They then make up and solve their differences, doing huge damage to Weissman's TV ratings. Loewe realizes it was Weissman all along who ran his original gym (Hamel) into the ground and caused his girlfriend who worked at the front desk to get fired, which forced her to drop out of college. Terrible.

The Liberl squad finally make their way to Weissman where they fight a long protracted battle but Estelle manages to catch Weissman off-guard with a Stone Cold Est-unner mid-teleport. Weissman refuses to accept getting hit, not realizing that constantly sending his Enforcers to sandbag caused his own skills to get rusty. Joshua pretends to turn heel so that he can give his crew another opening while Weissman's guard is down and it works.

Weissman is pissed at losing the first round and he roids up and tries to take on Estelle and co. in a new match but gets his butt kicked despite using more underhanded tactics. As he runs to backstage Kevin points out that his levels of salt at his loss exceed those for a typical human and he turns into a literal pillar of salt on live Zemurian television.

The Auringole crashes into the ground and Estelle and Joshua resolve to clean up the world of pro wrestling, engaging in one last grapple before falling to the ground and having their descent broken by Cassius, the once-retired pro who can catch two human bodies falling at terminal velocity from 30,000 feet no problem.

This is what happens when you're finished with all of your projects at work and are incredibly bored.
I'll give myself 5 bison dollars for every meme I used.
Writing quality: 4/10, Editing: I did one pass.

This is art.

No seriously, Estelle in VGCW when.
My summary of Chapters 7 to the end:

Chapter 7: Vince "Weissman" McMahon sends his compadres to the towers to finally unlock the ultimate wrestling ring known as the Aureole (The Shining Ring), the place of champions where the society of the ZWEI (Zemuria Wrestling Empire Inc) created so much hype that it caused a civilization to become catatonic from the hype and forced the remaining population that thought pro wrestling was still fake to the surface.

As per the typical slimy rules of the wrestling underworld, Weissman commanded his Enforcers at the towers to jobber the hell out of Estelle and co., who want nothing more than to take down Weissman and his cronies in a royal rumble, but can't help but deal themselves into sandbagged 4v1 fights over and over. Weissman finally unlocks the ring (God Bless the Ring).

The appearance of the Aureole causes complete shutdown of all broadcasts with only a remaining 24/7 TV commercial throughout the continent telling everyone to get ready to tune in to the staged final battle against Liberl's Brace Guild where Weissman plans to take over wrestling on the entire Zemurian content with only his rules allowed. North Ambria is salty but can't do anything.

Chapter 8: Deciding to make a name for themselves on the streets of Liberl and to prevent from being sandbagged again Estelle decides that they're going to do a Rocky training marathon by running around Liberl in a circle in less than half an hour and checking in at the Brace Guilds to build up the hype among the population and to also work on their underdog reputation.

The Queen charters a jet for the crew because the honor and glory of Liberl's squad is dependent on Estelle and her ability to drop kick. Plus Erebonia wants a piece of the action by sending in their prize fighter Olivert, who had been previously using an alias Olivier to disguise himself as a mysterious fighter. Tita and Kloe join in as cheer girls and Joshua is the stoic mascot to bring in the teen male Liberl fanbase.

Chapter 9: After crash landing because Weissman forgot to install an airstrip at his new enterprise, Estelle and company make their way to the Aureole on the Liber-ARC, where they proceed to battle against Weissman's Enforcers and get sandbagged; AGAIN. Vince "Weissman" McMahon is so caught up in his own evil fantasies that he demands that his underlings stylishly sandbag again to make him look good.

Joshua calls out Loewe, who is Weissman's prize fighter, to a 1 on 1. Loewe attempts to sandbag at first but Joshua forces him to fight back. They then make up and solve their differences, doing huge damage to Weissman's TV ratings. Loewe realizes it was Weissman all along who ran his original gym (Hamel) into the ground and caused his girlfriend who worked at the front desk to get fired, which forced her to drop out of college. Terrible.

The Liberl squad finally make their way to Weissman where they fight a long protracted battle but Estelle manages to catch Weissman off-guard with a Stone Cold Est-unner mid-teleport. Weissman refuses to accept getting hit, not realizing that constantly sending his Enforcers to sandbag caused his own skills to get rusty. Joshua pretends to turn heel so that he can give his crew another opening while Weissman's guard is down and it works.

Weissman is pissed at losing the first round and he roids up and tries to take on Estelle and co. in a new match but gets his butt kicked despite using more underhanded tactics. As he runs to backstage Kevin points out that his levels of salt at his loss exceed those for a typical human and he turns into a literal pillar of salt on live Zemurian television.

The Auringole crashes into the ground and Estelle and Joshua resolve to clean up the world of pro wrestling, engaging in one last grapple before falling to the ground and having their descent broken by Cassius, the once-retired pro who can catch two human bodies falling at terminal velocity from 30,000 feet no problem.

This is what happens when you're finished with all of your projects at work and are incredibly bored.
I'll give myself 5 bison dollars for every meme I used.
Writing quality: 4/10, Editing: I did one pass.

Hahaha you need to be bored more often!


So, I'm nearing the end of Chapter 6 (just got the FMV).
How much of game is left? Let's say I want to go for a Max BP run, so including all the sidequests in Chapter 8? 20 hour-ish or less?


So, I'm nearing the end of Chapter 6 (just got the FMV).
How much of game is left? Let's say I want to go for a Max BP run, so including all the sidequests in Chapter 8? 20 hour-ish or less?

The remaining chapters are pretty long, I'd say you're barely 2 thirds done at most.


Unconfirmed Member
In terms of BP there actually isn't a lot left. I don't remember there being any missable BP in 7, and the majority of the sidequests in 8 are just monster hunts. There is a decent amount of side content that isn't for BP though.

Still, they are long chapters. Especially if you do everything, and even more so if you do everything and don't know an optimal way to approach it resulting in lots of going back and forth.


My summary of Chapters 7 to the end:

Chapter 7: Vince "Weissman" McMahon sends his compadres to the towers to finally unlock the ultimate wrestling ring known as the Aureole (The Shining Ring), the place of champions where the society of ZWEI (Zemuria Wrestling Empire Incorporated) created so much hype that it caused a civilization to become catatonic and forced the remaining population that thought pro wrestling was still fake to the surface.

As per the typical slimy rules of the wrestling underworld, Weissman commanded his Enforcers at the towers to jobber the hell out of Estelle's team, who want nothing more than to take down Weissman and his cronies in a royal rumble, but can't help but deal themselves into sandbagged 4v1 fights over and over. Weissman finally unlocks the ring (God Bless the Ring).

The appearance of the Aureole causes complete shutdown of all broadcasts with only a remaining 24/7 TV commercial throughout the continent telling everyone to get ready to tune in to the staged final battle against Liberl's Brace Guild where Weissman plans to take over wrestling on the entire Zemurian content with only his rules allowed. North Ambria is salty but can't do anything. Erebonia removed nearly all their Brace Guilds and has no more skilled wrestlers to participate.

Chapter 8: Deciding to make a bigger name for themselves on the streets of Liberl and to prevent from being sandbagged again, Estelle decides that they're going to do a Rocky training marathon by running around Liberl in a circle in less than half an hour and checking in at the Brace Guilds to build up the hype among the population while working on their underdog reputation.

Erebonia is angry at being excluded by Weissman from participating in the grand stage he has set despite forcefully removing all the pro wrestlers from their country over the past year and decides to attempt a hostile takeover of Liberl's enterprises by buying all of Liberl's sheep stock. This fails.

To prove that he means business, Weissman sends his Enforcers to beat up Liberl's legendary wrestlers as a show of force. Queen Alicia, formerly known as "Liberl Lethality", Philip, otherwise known as "Battle Butler", and the Duke, informally titled "Duke", are placed under threat but the Enforcers are repelled by Cassius "The Divine Dandy" and Colonel "Vice President" Richard.

The Queen charters a jet for the crew because the honor and glory of Liberl's squad is dependent on Estelle and her ability to drop kick. Erebonia wants a piece of the action by sending in their last remaining prize fighter Olivert, who had been previously using an alias Olivier to disguise himself as a mysterious fighter with no origin to learn from Liberl's best wrestlers. Tita and Kloe join in as cheer girls and Joshua is the stoic mascot to bring in the teen male Liberl fanbase.

Chapter 9: After crash landing because Weissman forgot to install an airstrip at his new enterprise, Estelle and company make their way to the Aureole on the Liber-ARC, where they proceed to battle against Weissman's Enforcers and get sandbagged; AGAIN. Vince "Weissman" McMahon is so caught up in his own evil fantasies that he demands that his underlings stylishly sandbag again to make him look good.

Joshua calls out Loewe, who is Weissman's prize fighter, to a 1 on 1 due to their past beef. Loewe attempts to sandbag at first but Joshua forces him to fight for real after hitting him with his special move "Black Fang". They then make up and solve their differences, doing huge damage to Weissman's TV ratings. Loewe realizes it was Weissman all along who ran his original gym (Hamel) into the ground and caused his girlfriend who worked at the front desk to get fired, which forced her to drop out of college. Terrible.

The Liberl squad finally make their way to Weissman where they fight a protracted battle but Estelle manages to catch Weissman off-guard with a Stone Cold Est-unner mid-teleport. Weissman refuses to accept getting hit, not realizing that constantly sending his Enforcers to sandbag caused his own skills to get rusty. Joshua pretends to turn heel so that he can give his crew another opening while Weissman's guard is down and it works.

Weissman is pissed at losing the first round, so he roids up and tries to take on Estelle and co. in a new match but gets his butt kicked despite using more underhanded tactics such as pulling the ring out from under people. After he runs to backstage Kevin reveals himself and points out that Weissman's levels of salt at his loss far exceed those for a normal human. Weissman then turns into a literal pillar of salt on live Zemurian television.

The Aureole begins to crash towards the ground now that Weissman's ego is no longer causing it to float. Estelle and Joshua resolve to clean up the world of pro wrestling, engaging in one last grapple before falling to the ground and having their descent broken by Cassius, the once-retired pro who can catch two human bodies falling at terminal velocity from 30,000 feet no problem.

This is what happens when you're finished with all of your projects at work and are incredibly bored.
I'll give myself 5 bison dollars for every meme I used.
Writing quality: 4/10, Editing: 2 passes.
Ah yes, you remembered one of the most important parts:
the salt. Which I'd like to say or show a gif out of spoilers for since you might not even make that logical jump without the context, but better safe than sorry, especially if other posters provide something resembling context.

Also watched through the anime. Yeah, nothing resembling a replacement for sure, and
no Weissman, no Ragnard, and (knew this in advance) no Liber-Ark.
Just watch
Laputa (again)
instead if you want a retelling of the game, but go for it if you want fan service with dubious priorities. Although, perhaps some of the calls were done so the anime can serve as an advertisement for the games rather than actually retell even one of them properly?

Nyoro SF

Ah yes, you remembered one of the most important parts:
the salt. Which I'd like to say or show a gif out of spoilers for since you might not even make that logical jump without the context, but better safe than sorry, especially if other posters provide something resembling context.

Also watched through the anime. Yeah, nothing resembling a replacement for sure, and
no Weissman, no Ragnard, and (knew this in advance) no Liber-Ark.
Just watch
Laputa (again)
instead if you want a retelling of the game, but go for it if you want fan service with dubious priorities. Although, perhaps some of the calls were done so the anime can serve as an advertisement for the games rather than actually retell even one of them properly?

(Trails the 3rd)
Since "salt" is now part of the common vernacular, I'd like to think that Falcom was ahead of the curve. Once people get this game in English, I expect the salt jokes to flow even farther.

I made a thinly veiled Metal Wolf Chaos joke in there, to make sure my story lives up to its niche status


I am sort of curious why XSEED has decided to skip out on the Steam Lunar New Year Sale. You would think that SC would benefit from even a 20% off sale with the number of eyes currently on the Steam Store.


I am sort of curious why XSEED has decided to skip out on the Steam Lunar New Year Sale. You would think that SC would benefit from even a 20% off sale with the number of eyes currently on the Steam Store.

So as not to disenfranchise those who bought it @ 20% off when the 50% sale comes around.

i don't know how Steam sales work... does the publisher/developer even have a say in the matter?

Nyoro SF

I am sort of curious why XSEED has decided to skip out on the Steam Lunar New Year Sale. You would think that SC would benefit from even a 20% off sale with the number of eyes currently on the Steam Store.

Probably because they want to slow burn it as long as possible.

That being said I'm still surprised they haven't bundled the two titles at a small discount. I dunno, that's a super-old, time-honored business strategy, digital platform or not.

So as not to disenfranchise those who bought it @ 20% off when the 50% sale comes around.

i don't know how Steam sales work... does the publisher/developer even have a say in the matter?

From what I know, it's all down to the publisher.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably because they want to slow burn it as long as possible.

That being said I'm still surprised they haven't bundled the two titles at a small discount. I dunno, that's a super-old, time-honored business strategy, digital platform or not.

From what I know, it's all down to the publisher.

Supposedly Valve doesn't encourage bundles anymore. Sort of like how they don't do multipacks anymore. Pretty sure they aren't gone, but they might phase them out.

Supposedly. That's just what I saw elsewhere, not totally sure it's true.

Anyway, I doubt they want it to slow burn, or at least not as slowly as it is. Steamspy numbers have barely budged since the holiday sale. A sale wouldn't hurt if only to get people talking about it.


I'm looking into purchasing a Vita. How well does this, as well as FC, run on the system?

Does the Vita upscale both of them quite well? Is extra pixelation or blurriness quite noticeable?
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