Novel Mike
I don't think Gaius is unliked as much as some find him bland and without much development or purpose in the story.
You can argue the same about Laura but most people tend to love Laura.
I don't think Gaius is unliked as much as some find him bland and without much development or purpose in the story.
You can argue the same about Laura but most people tend to love Laura.
I did that too, spent my free time with Crow and Sara whenever it let me because they're both awesome and I desperately wanted them in the party. There is a reason to increase their link level (invisible as it is) for a point right at the very end but I guess it's not as advantageous as the party members. I got most of those to level 5 anyway though so really just spend the time with the characters you're interested in, there's always ng+ to catch up on the others if you want to (as I'm trying to now).
Many bonding events add to the character notebook as you learn more about them. When it comes to waisting them not really, without spoiling anything getting enough events with those npcs does give you options later on for events with those characters.
My only beef with Gaius is that he is an awesome character who doesn't get to shine at all. Kind of like Agate and Olivier in FC in that regard, only instead of not being there for 90% of the game he's there but doesn't do anything
My only beef with Gaius is that he is an awesome character who doesn't get to shine at all. Kind of like Agate and Olivier in FC in that regard, only instead of not being there for 90% of the game he's there but doesn't do anything
I have faith that he will eventually have his time in the spotlight.
You can argue the same about Laura but most people tend to love Laura.
You can argue the same about Laura but most people tend to love Laura.
My reaction when people keep the discussion going in a cycle, again, ignoring when even an XSEED staffer stepped in to offer a different view of the character....
I've seen this come up multiple times, and I've seen people get ignored over it every time.
Every time this has come up, I have said the same thing Hatsuu just said- this is because I highly suspect that Falcom's introducing Gaius for something else later on in the future. Easier to get his background going now rather than cram it all in later.
There's not much to ignore, it's just not all that relevant to what was done with his character in CS1.
"A character doesn't get much plot development in game #1 because he probably has a bigger role in game #whatever," isn't relevant to the discussion?
Okay. Sure.
My reaction when people keep the discussion going in a cycle, again, ignoring when even an XSEED staffer stepped in to offer a different view of the character....
I've seen this come up multiple times, and I've seen people get ignored over it every time.
Every time this has come up, I have said the same thing Hatsuu just said- this is because I highly suspect that Falcom's introducing Gaius for something else later on in the future. Easier to get his background going now rather than cram it all in later.
Why this bothers you I cannot understand.
But until that moment comes, all we can do is speculate about things, or say what we'd like to see from Gaius. I think most people just really want to see more of Gaius (because he's a cool character and a likable guy).
What bothers me is that this isn't wanting a discussion, it's wanting a circlejerk. When people provide a discussion, you don't just ignore comments about the subject completely, acting like they were never made in the first place. To me, all it looks like is you're looking for people to validate your own worries and to hell with the people who have a different viewpoint.
This is the reason why I keep bringing it up. I would like discussion, but each time it comes up, it becomes pretty clear to me that people don't want the same kind of discussion. This is actually something that people who have followed the English and Japanese releases can actually discuss together for once, since there's still stuff going on.
There's little to discuss over it because it's based on knowledge that English players don't have yet. The bitterness here is real bizarre.
This is the reason why I keep bringing it up. I would like discussion, but each time it comes up, it becomes pretty clear to me that people don't want the same kind of discussion. This is actually something that people who have followed the English and Japanese releases can actually discuss together for once, since there's still stuff going on.
I don't think anyone is arguing against this. I'm certainly not. A lot of us can only speak for what happens in this game. If anything, I'm glad to hear he might have a bigger role down the line."A character doesn't get much plot development in game #1 because he probably has a bigger role in game #whatever," isn't relevant to the discussion?
Okay. Sure.
About all we really have to go on just based on the western releases is, which is potentially interesting, but I don't know if I can really speculate too much about that without knowing anymore about what that actually means (maybe once the 3rd is released over here I can formulate a theory on that).Gaius seems to have some sort of reaction to areas where the higher elements are active
Be sure to watch the last chapter or so of Cold Steel after you beat SC if possible, before going into CS2.This ^
I started with Cold Steel then went back to FC and am now on CH2 on SC.
In a way, you get reverse references from stuff you may recognize from Cold Steel. It's quite fun actually. You also don't really get spoiled the plot on it. Just a few things but the plot and how it works out, you don't really get spoiled on.
I must say (SPOILERS for FC/SC/CS aka don't quote this post unless you've gotten to the end of Cold Steel and CH2 or more in SC):
I now wonder what people thought when they first saw Bleublanc in Cold Steel. I had no idea who he really was since I hadn't played FC/SC so I enjoyed finding out as CS went on but I imagine it was a "Ah, It's Phantom Thief B" type of moment for those who have finished the Sky games.
While for me while playing FC and seeing the side quest with Phantom Thief B and then facing him in SC. I knew who Phantom Thief B was right away so in a way, it was a reference for me coming from Cold Steel.
Kinda cool regardless of if you do FC/SC first or Cold Steel first.
I've seen other people who have only played the English games also pick up things likewhat happened with him at the Nosferatu battle.
There really are a lot of small and subtle things with him to look for in CS. While the overall theory about him definitely plays off of at least knowing about stuff in 3rd, I've seen most of the clues (with the exception of one) towards the big theory are all things that have been picked up on by English-only players.
A developed character doesn't need development. That makes him boring to most, and unique to me.
Exactly. Like I said before, Gaius could very well be the protagonist of Cold Steel III, for which the first two games merely served as introduction to him.I really like Gaius as a character since he's so well adjusted. In general, I kinda like that Falcom doesn't always give the spotlight to every single character just because they're present, though. A character may show up and be introduced, barely have anything to do with the story or the games they're in--maybe they're brought up once in a while in conversations or something outside of that, but that's it--then they suddenly become relevant because that's when they actually need to be relevant. Except, like, instead of only being introduced when relevant, they're already an established character who doesn't feel thrown in for kicks and then forgotten once their role is finished. Makes everyone, even minor characters, feel less like plot devices, I guess? I think Trails in general manages to do this pretty well even with their story elements, so when a character doesn't seem to stand out, I kinda tend to look at it as "they're not relevant yet and their time to shine will come" or...something. Obviously isn't meant to be with every character, and I'm fine with that as well.
That little ramble doesn't directly relate to Gaius or anything--just for of a thought for the Trails series and how it handles its less prominent characters in general.
A developed character doesn't need development.
But that's in there, just not pronounced - just the way he is. Take, for example, chapter 5.No attention is drawn to that action, but it's certainly there. Powerful on its own, meaningful in light of the series as a whole.As soon as Nosferatu appears, he jumps back to protect the children.
All of that would be "development", even if it wouldn't be changing his character at all. That's the sort of stuff I'd like to see more of from Gaius. More scenes where the culture clash he has plays into the story, more delving into his spiritual beliefs, given how important they clearly are to him, and some scenes with him interacting with more people and seeing what other sort of relationships he has.
Me too. Fortunately, the arc isn't over yet.Eh, people aren't asking for him to have a tragic past and a bunch of drama. I'd have liked some more character interactions from him and less time spent as background scenery. I liked Gaius fine, he just didn't have enough moments spread through the game.
Me too. Fortunately, the arc isn't over yet.
Eh, people aren't asking for him to have a tragic past and a bunch of drama. I'd have liked some more character interactions from him and less time spent as background scenery. I liked Gaius fine, he just didn't have enough moments spread through the game.
I really like Gaius as a character since he's so well adjusted. In general, I kinda like that Falcom doesn't always give the spotlight to every single character just because they're present, though. A character may show up and be introduced, barely have anything to do with the story or the games they're in--maybe they're brought up once in a while in conversations or something outside of that, but that's it--then they suddenly become relevant because that's when they actually need to be relevant. Except, like, instead of only being introduced when relevant, they're already an established character who doesn't feel thrown in for kicks and then forgotten once their role is finished. Makes everyone, even minor characters, feel less like plot devices, I guess? I think Trails in general manages to do this pretty well even with their story elements, so when a character doesn't seem to stand out, I kinda tend to look at it as "they're not relevant yet and their time to shine will come" or...something. Obviously isn't meant to be with every character, and I'm fine with that as well.
That little ramble doesn't directly relate to Gaius or anything--just for of a thought for the Trails series and how it handles its less prominent characters in general.
Be sure to watch the last chapter or so of Cold Steel after you beat SC if possible, before going into CS2.
You'll be surprised at how different you'll interpret some of the dialogue and events that happen at the end of CS. My perspective on the events at the end of CS did a 180.
And now I'm sorry I even brought up Gaius again >.>
Seriously though, I love all of these characters they all mesh really really well. Sure the wind thing sounds weird but thats because hes the only person saying it. When people reference Aidios frequently no one seems to notice or be bothered at all by it, when its basically the same thing as Gaius referencing the wind, its only noticeable because no one else is doing it.
Hes a leveled, honest, caring, guy without any real family drama or hardships to overcome. He does have worries, he clearly overthinks things and worries about his family and the highlands, hes extremely quiet when the events of chapter 3 are unfolding and I think it shows how scared he actually is, hes terrified of his family and the highlands being swept up in a war ruining the peaceful life they have always enjoyed, he just never outright states it.
He's a great character in his own right, and honestly I think its much easier to notice these kind of things in a second (or in my current case, third) play through when you remember all the major details and can spot the minor ones easier.
And now I'm sorry I even brought up Gaius again >.>
As a general statement, I think that the thing that frustrates me about this and the other character discussions in this thread specifically is that I've been in discussions of a continuously-told series on multiple occasions. I mean, I suppose this may be the case of people in gaming, since Falcom's kind of taking a really different approach to telling a story than most other game series. None of them are serialized in this manner.
But I've been in book clubs where we've read sci-fi and fantasy novels that were 6-7 (or more) volumes in length, and not once did anyone in those groups assume that a character is exactly who they are, 100%, from that first story alone, and that's exactly what I'm getting from everyone's posts in this thread. Or looking at a TV series- you can't say that what you know in season 1 of Lost will still be relevant by the time season 2 ends.
Rean in CS1 is a different character than Rean in CS2, and will very likely be very different in the future there. Because character growth is not static, it's a dynamic thing that is constantly happening in a serialized story, and it's part of what makes the sequels so exciting- and hearing about one of the previous characters showing up again. It really makes you want to see how they've changed in the time, and see what kind of new changes they'll experience over that period of time.
I get so frustrated at this 'debate' (can we even call it a debate at this point?) because instead of promoting character discussion (which is THE BEST part of this kind of series), it's basically promoting a stagnant circlejerk, where everyone is just repeating the same things over and over and never once talking about what they could see from the future, or even want to see from the future.
You guys have admitted that you want to see growth from Gaius- yeah. Then what kind of growth do you want to see out of him?
So what is everybody's favorite and least favorite party character?
So what is everybody's favorite and least favorite party character?
I feel like Elliot is kind of in a similar boat with Gaius.
I don't think this is true. Or well... One might not need development, but there still needs to be something more interesting to a character than most of Gaius in CS1. While it's ok to have a well-developed character who isn't constantly going through some new melodramatic crisis that develops him/her further and it's ok to have some characters who take the backseat for a while, there's a reason why, say, a lot of TV writers try to mix up the status quo of as many characters season per season as possible, never letting central characters/protagonists even in larger ensembles stay put for too long once they and the audience have grown accustomed to whatever the current situation (sometimes it doesn't go well, but oftentimes it breathes new life into tv shows).A developed character doesn't need development.
So what is everybody's favorite and least favorite party character?
Gaius and the nords they resemble a little the gypsies to me, i think thats cool
So what is everybody's favorite and least favorite party character?
I feel like Elliot is kind of in a similar boat with Gaius.