And Sky FC wasnt the same way? Lol
If you hate the downtime talk because you hate the characters and the story than so be it. But please don't act like just because you dislike something, its objectively bad and we're all just shrugging it off. We all have our issues with the game, but there are many (including myself) that enjoy Cold Steel's characters.
Personally i can't stand Persona and its characters and story but im not running around telling everyone they're wrong for enjoying it and are just shrugging off it's issues.
Why are you so hung up on the train station cutscene. They take like two minutes lol.
As for your adventure thing, like i say a lot, context is really important. A traditional adventure works for something smaller and more connected like the country of Liberl. But Erebonia is massive and would take days to walk from one city to another. You can't go for the same type of traditional adventure theme in a country that's much more involved in politics and the military. I thought it was a very smart decision to have the game take place in a military academy as it gives the narrative an excuse to have characters group up and the field studys serve as a reason to explore a large number of areas in Erebonia, while having them involved in the political struggles throughout the game.
The game is still mostly based on going on an adventure, with the field studys being the core component of your class. Its just also mixed in with life sim aspects as well.
it was good from beginning to end, yes. i'm not telling you what to enjoy. you can enjoy the biggest turd and i won't care. i just explained why it's bloated and boring, that's it. you never explained what's so great about all that spam. the train cutscenes are just examples. they go on endlessly about nothing for no reason.
it wasn't very adventurous to me. you were either in your school or right next to town. it was all too safe. i think i've said all i wanted to say. not my fault some people only focus on negative elements.