2. has an electric shit-ton of knowledge base you'll need for later.
I want to quote this and add a quick anecdote to this about the 'knowledge base' bit...
Yotaka, and I have been playing this series since FC first came out in Japan in 2004. It wasn't until last year that we (and Guan) came across some tiny two line bit of NPC dialogue that is likely to be very very big to the lore of the series overall.
The two of us still can't believe that, as many times as we have both played FC, we never ever spotted this little bitty throw away line.
Not just FC, but each game in the Kiseki series is very much like this. There's a very quiet 'under the radar' influence of 3rd throughout Cold Steel and Cold Steel II. If you hadn't played 3rd, you won't see them... but I'd say that people who are familiar with that game would be willing to flip a table over having these things pointed out to them.
And that's only part of it.