Cold Steel is a sequel to SC.![]()
Okay okay I see where this is going
FC ends at a pretty big cliffhanger and SC continues from it the morning after FC ends. You won't want to play anything else when you can continue the story from that point.
Also, these games aren't like some Mass Effects that have (somewhat superficial) consequences that are carried over from one game to another. You get some sepith/quartz and there are some NPCs in SC that will have a comment like "thanks for helping me the last time" if you did their sidequest in FC, otherwise it's not some choice & consequence kind of thing where you choose stuff and then those will alter how the sequels play out.
You can just download someone else's SC save file for Third on PC, nothing lost if you play the first two on Vita/PSP.
Alright that sounds pretty great, I can tell already I'll be pretty sunken into it once I'm actually in the whole thing, even the very beginning of FC had a few ah! moments already after playing the prologue of Cold Steel.
Hmm okay alright I'm somewhat relieved that is isn't full on Mass Effect like connectivity but I've settled on the PC version now, would be a bit awkward to switch later on as I wouldn't have a choice with TC anyway.
About Nyoro's post that convinced you to to play FC first. Pretty much all of that is SC and FC has little bearing bar the Bracer stuff. The overarching story and references about villains and more? All about SC
If you're plan was to maybe play FC and then go back to Cold Steel, you may as well just play Cold Steel now. SC is the important one.
I see, well let me explain this one about Cold Steel a bit. It's not like I don't want to play Trails in the Sky FC and SC (and TC) but I have a bit of a "Grandia Effect" with Sky FC.
Basically Grandia 1 on PSX is one of my games of all time but back when I rented Grandia as a kid I found the beginning a bit of a drag and almost returned the game straight away. Luckily I didn't though because as soon as I reached the part where you leave Parm I utterly fell in love with the game and couldn't put it down anymore, I literally devoured it from that point on. It's very early in the game too and I have that with alot of JRPGs.
Basically for me it's like riding a roller-coaster when the cart is being pulled up, I know the ride is going to be great I'm just a little impatient for it to start
Sky FC feels a bit like this for me, I don't find the beginning boring or a drag but Cold Steel threw me right in there and it basically watered my mouth and I'm like "Okay okay Sky FC let's start the ride!