Other than one of the earliest trailers showing Link fishing and catching said fish?
Nah I was aware of the other fishing methods but fishing with a fishing pole would be cool. The game is so huge that I am hoping that it's in there somewhere. lol
Other than one of the earliest trailers showing Link fishing and catching said fish?
In this preview, the guy shows the screen select, and you can see in his save files the name of a very familiar place:
Hmmm, the game is great don't get me wrong, but holy shit dial down those expectations
I've watched a french preview and the journalist talked about how the game was taking a shit ton of things from Shadow of the Colossus and now my hype thrusters have fucking exploded.
The problem with SS is that it feels more like a 3D platformer with puzzles than an adventure game. Too generic at times
The new "races" were annoying and just there to explain the controls,Fi was a glorified tutorial.
Girahim was a not menacing lackey. Demise was boring and ancient Hyrule was undeveloped except for the cute robots.
The only character they give space was Zelda herself,but she was not enough to carry the game,the main was cool though,unlike Twilight Princess
Why is it that Zelda getting positive preview impressions is discounted as being part of some general cycle that assumes that Zelda games are objectively overrated?
With how hard people are saying the game is.
I'm wondering what the DLC hard mode thingy is.
Some Twitter comments:
Oh hellopotential waifu
What's with all these Nintendo fans overrating Zelda?! ☺️Some Twitter comments:
I love this proposal
With how hard people are saying the game is.
I'm wondering what the DLC hard mode thingy is.
The problem with SS is that it feels more like a 3D platformer with puzzles than an adventure game. Too generic at times
Skyward sword was a great game. The constant item reminders and fi notifications were SUPER annoying. The backtracking to the same areas 2 or 3 times and the same boss battle over and over as well weren't great
But if you don't think about that the rest of the game was really good.
So easy allies makes me wonder is this like Zelda Souls? They say that you die a lot.
Is it harder than Nioh?
All of these glowing and hyperbolic impressions of Breath of the Wild remind me EXACTLY of the previews of Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword before and during their release. Every fucking person claimed each one was the greatest Zelda game since Ocarina of Time only for the backlash to hit HARD six months later. It feels like the same shit all over again.
Nah, it's gonna great. My initial worry was that all this go anywhere, do anything, climb everything was just there to tout the technical accomplishments of achieving more freedom. I was really blasé about it since you know its 2017, open world is hardly a tagline at this point. But now I see how important emergent gameplay is and how all these systems serve a purpose, nah...I think it's gonna be great.Nervous in the sense that they make my expectations sky rocket![]()
Wow didnt know I was in a Skyward Sword thread.
Can somebody amswer me this: is there music in towns and villages? I mean real themes like in other Zelda towns in the older game and not just the few piano pieces of atmospheric ambient music like in the overworld.
I'm in Olympia, Washington
I am with you. It had some great moments and several of the series' best dungeons.Skyward sword was a great game. The constant item reminders and fi notifications were SUPER annoying. The backtracking to the same areas 2 or 3 times and the same boss battle over and over as well weren't great
But if you don't think about that the rest of the game was really good.
So are there any impressions of the Wii U version?
Oh hellopotential waifu
So are there any impressions of the Wii U version?
Not sent to press. Probably won't see anything until release or just before release.
No gaemsSome Twitter comments:
Can someone confirm the tunic and hat are canon in the game?
I am with you. It had some great moments and several of the series' best dungeons.
I loved that about it though. It felt like it had more game design in the environments.
I'm perfectly okay with a big open world like in Breath, but I loved Skyward's design to bits. It felt fun to me and the environments were super varied.
Had anyone counted the pixels yet? Game still running at 900p?
Who is that BY2K guy???Some Twitter comments:
Lovely combat compilation from Gamespot. Nothing spoilery really.
Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are both great games, so I'm not really seeing the issue.
I loved traversing Faron Woods, Eldin Volcano, and Lanayru Desert more than any place in any other 3D Zelda game. They were filled with things to do(I love bug catching) and I loved opening up new areas every time the story led to revisiting them.
The threads titles are to similar. I can see myself clicking in the wrong one.
Absolutely. They were supremely well designed. I think the mindset is that they weren't "open" like the sky but that's just a hub to connect Skyloft and the main areas down below together. It's like how Ocarina was Hyrule Field which was just a big mostly empty circle with Lon Lon Ranch that connected the branching areas together.
Hmmm, the game is great don't get me wrong, but holy shit dial down those expectations
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that particular post is just commenting on how strange the overarching reception of these titles can be.
In recent years these games have released to amazing critical reception and very positive initial fan impressions, but once the smoke clears they seem to develop a loud and active hatedom that gives off the notion that they're actually really awful games.
The Zelda cycle and all that jazz.