So, I'm emerassed to say that I feel stuck in seasons. I just beatthe dungeon with the magnet gloves. I went to the ruins in the northwest but I don't know what to do there.
Yay I finally finished Seasons, in 25 hours compared to 15 hours of Link's Awakening. I guess there is more content or I just wandered a lot more.
Off to beat Ages now!
Where do you see how long you've played? Dumb question I'm sure.
I don't understand the dancing minigame in Ages. The instructions give you two actions, however in the minigame you apparently need 3? I thought one of them would simply be doing nothing (when the Goron kneels down or some shit) but then I lose immediately.
Not feeling lots of content between the dungeons here, they also just had to repeat that annoying forest maze for some reason... :/ I thought I was little burnt out at first, but Seasons was really just much more fun (And also had a better map design so far)
This game feels just like Links Awakening. I can't believe I never played this when it came out originally!
I too just finished Oracle of Season. Goddamn that last boss! I had to get the red ring (with a guide of course), because I could barely make it to his final form. Well, with the ring, it was almost too easy :/ I needed the help of a guide several times throughout the game, but that's just the norm with me and the Zelda series.
I enjoyed the game very much, just like every 2D Zelda. However, I feel kind of saturated right now, so I won't get Ages in the near future. But OoS was definitely worth 5 bucks.
Didn't know about the red ring,What does it do exactly? I thought the final form was pretty easy once I knew what to do, I also used the save state feature which made the boss fights a bit easier.
activity log
I ended up not grabbing these so far due to credit card woes. Long story short I cant use my CC and need to buy eShop cards, cheapest being $20, bleh.
I might grab one soon to get picross-e and maybe pick up Ages.
Seasons then Ages.I'm sure this question is somewhere in the thread, but which order is it most beneficial to play the games in?
Seasons then Ages.[img]
Definitely has influences from
You can feel the Capcom.[/QUOTE]
Holy shit, that is the coolest boss I've ever seen in Zelda. And I haven't gotten to it yet. Sucks to have that spoiled. Ah well.
Yeah, I'm only half way through Seasons, but I can tell that I'll want a break. I'm loving the game, but I can only play so much at once. I'll enjoy Ages more if I take a break. I think I'm going to play some action game, then Persona 4 Golden, and then get to Ages.I still haven't started the 4th dungeon in Ages. A bit burned out after playing Seasons. Is there really a big difference when playing a linked game?
That is... weird.Sorry to bump up an old thread, but I'm trying to play both Seasons and Ages. Started with Seasons first, and just beat it, and then started Ages.
For whatever reason, Ages doesn't have restore points on the Virtual Console menu. It only has an option to resume and reset.
Does anyone else have this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
To help out a bit:
Here's what I'm seeing on my VC menu on Seasons.
Here's what I'm seeing for my VC menu on Ages.
Start + R + X toggles the restore point function. Why it can't just default on I don't know.
Filing this away for future reference. Thank you.Start + R + X toggles the restore point function. Why it can't just default on I don't know.
Holy shit. I always take a massive beating when going through this gauntlet. I had no idea this was so simple! Amazing gif!I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
Sword & Shield is a triumph in dungeon design. It's fantastic. Up there with the mighty Eagle's Tower from Link's Awakening.The last dungeon in Seasons () is far too frustrating, as is Onox (Sword and Shield Maze).his dragon form, at least