Do a feint. Held the sword in a direction like you are ready to strike and wait 2 seconds then strike in the orthogonal direction.I am just not getting this combat. What am I doing wrong? I feel like I have to 'button mash' against these red moblin dudes. The only way to get in a hit is to swing wildly with abandon. I try swinging the sword in the direction he's not blocking, but he instantly changes stances. I'm about to enter the second dungeon and I want to get this straightened out before it gets to be too much of a problem.
Yeah that's the only problem I have, control-wise, with SS.Now if only I could get the Wiimote to consistently respond to my straight stabs for trying to hit those spinning spiders...I've gotten hit by those things way more than I should because of my jab being read as a swipe.
I always wait for them to swing and shield block.
They adjust too quickly for me to try to fake them out directionally
It's just frustrating. Zelda is one of my favorite franchises. I don't want to abandon this one due to its dumb control choices.
I just wait for an opening and then hit him with some side swipes. If you have a shield, waggle your left hand to block just as he's striking. If there is a group of them do the spin attack thing. That's what's been working for me.
Now if only I could get the Wiimote to consistently respond to my straight stabs for trying to hit those spinning spiders...I've gotten hit by those things way more than I should because of my jab being read as a swipe.
They adjust too quickly for my Wii swipe to be accurately read.
On a related note, is there any way to attack with one motion when your sword is sheathed? Or do you have have to swipe once to take it out and swipe again to attack?
Pretty sure you can do this without ripping the games to a hard drive. Just boot it with Gecko OS and maybe Riivolution (I've only used this to change Brawl music and NSMBW levels)
They have very drawn out attack patterns, you can attack them when they're about to hit you
you can spam skyward strike (which is what I did, LOL)
spam the spin slash and hope for the best
joe mentioned, shield parrying is almost always the way to go.
Run up, slash like an idiot WITHOUT Z targeting, and watch as they never block and die.
Ok so. I'm gonna go right ahead and say that this game has the absolute worst minigame ever in a Zelda game. Absolutely terrible, and it exemplifies most of the things wrong with this game in such a short time too.
The ring game. Make no mistake, I have no trouble controlling Link as he falls, and can nail all five rings pretty much every time, but getting in that spinning 50 spot is like pulling teeth. To top it all off it's a massive money drain. And then, insult added to injury, every time I go to try again I have to go through ridiculously slow text of him taunting me for my failure and then blabbing about the game while my TV makes this YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY soundbite at me.
No.I finished theto get the optionalboss rush modeDoes this item carry over if you start a brand new file or is it only forHylian Shield.?Hero Mode
LOL it's no so hard once you understand that it's not based on luck. When you pass through the fifth ring look at the spinning wheel immediately to see the location of the 50 spot. Then, rather than following it, aim for the spot it's going to be (for me it was more or less always a quarter a head clockwise). After a few tries you will get it.
Oh I got it, and I never said it was based on luck. Obviously the final position is predictable. But getting there is agonizing and not at all fun.
Any reason to do the Bug Heaven minigame?
You'll do it for a character specific sidequest. You'll know when. Otherwise nope, the only reward is bugs.
I hate skyward strike early on. It takes too long to charge up.
The only enemy that really, really gave me trouble were those lizard things with the big armored arm. I had no idea how to kill them at first and they would just rock me over and over again until I got lucky.
Now I just swing at their unarmored side which does no damage but it makes them duck and laugh at me so I stab them in the eye. I have no idea if Im doing it right but it shuts them up so all is good.
Hey guys. Quick question which I feel like I already know the answer to. I was a dumbass and didn't get the gold remote bundle pack when I could have because I was hoping for a better deal and now I can't find it at all. I honestly didn't believe they'd ship so few copies. Does anyone know where I can get one for cheaper than $100.00 or does anyone have an extra one they were holding onto that wouldn't mind selling it to me?
Sorry for the interruption.
The one thing I never got about the first boss fightI can never fake him out. I hold my sword to the right, his hand follows, I try to switch directions but he blocks/grabs the sword. Bokoblins are the same. His reaction time is too fast for me
When he stops moving his hand is when you want to make your move. It took me a while to figure that out, but once I did, he really wasn't that hard.
If there one thing this game is really strict about, it makes damn sure you know what you're doing. One wrong move and the game will punish you for it.
This is the most I've died in a Zelda game since the 2D games and I totally love it for that fact.
If you've already encountered the bug, Nintendo will fix your save file. There are two options for this. For those with an internet connection, Nintendo will distribute a program. Details will be announced later. For those without an internet connection, Nintendo wants you to them send your SD card or Wii system.
Worst minigame is rollgoal, not that freakin fun fun island minigame.
Rollgoal is awesome! On the GC version anyway.
Please tell me that's going to be released in English.