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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


I am just not getting this combat. What am I doing wrong? I feel like I have to 'button mash' against these red moblin dudes. The only way to get in a hit is to swing wildly with abandon. I try swinging the sword in the direction he's not blocking, but he instantly changes stances. I'm about to enter the second dungeon and I want to get this straightened out before it gets to be too much of a problem.
Do a feint. Held the sword in a direction like you are ready to strike and wait 2 seconds then strike in the orthogonal direction.

Or if you are at a certain distance charge the sword and hit the moblin than do a finishing move.

Or you could try to stun him with the shield.

and so on.

Now if only I could get the Wiimote to consistently respond to my straight stabs for trying to hit those spinning spiders...I've gotten hit by those things way more than I should because of my jab being read as a swipe.
Yeah that's the only problem I have, control-wise, with SS.


It's just frustrating. Zelda is one of my favorite franchises. I don't want to abandon this one due to its dumb control choices.
Oh, yeah. Please tell me there isn't a scavenger hunt before every temple.


I always wait for them to swing and shield block.

They adjust too quickly for me to try to fake them out directionally

They adjust too quickly for my Wii swipe to be accurately read.

On a related note, is there any way to attack with one motion when your sword is sheathed? Or do you have have to swipe once to take it out and swipe again to attack?


It's just frustrating. Zelda is one of my favorite franchises. I don't want to abandon this one due to its dumb control choices.

I'm with you. It sucks. I keep turning it back on cause I'm hooked on the game but within 5 min. I'm raging at these silly controls.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I just wait for an opening and then hit him with some side swipes. If you have a shield, waggle your left hand to block just as he's striking. If there is a group of them do the spin attack thing. That's what's been working for me.

Now if only I could get the Wiimote to consistently respond to my straight stabs for trying to hit those spinning spiders...I've gotten hit by those things way more than I should because of my jab being read as a swipe.

Yeah, the stab one is a bit odd. I think there is some context sensitivity to it, because against some later enemies and a boss that you explicitly have to stab I never once had it fail, but against the spiders where a slash might still be a valid move it seemed a bit inconsistent.
They adjust too quickly for my Wii swipe to be accurately read.

On a related note, is there any way to attack with one motion when your sword is sheathed? Or do you have have to swipe once to take it out and swipe again to attack?

I'm pretty sure Link swings whether it's sheathed or not, just a slight delay in the animation when it's sheathed? Haven't touched it in a little while, though.


Pretty sure you can do this without ripping the games to a hard drive. Just boot it with Gecko OS and maybe Riivolution (I've only used this to change Brawl music and NSMBW levels)

Yep, I'm just using Gecko and playing it on my original disc.
Can't wait to try those cheats to remove all those annoying Fi notifications.

Shame that I have to do that to be able to enjoy the game fully, but so glad somebody went through the trouble to change that stuff.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
They have very drawn out attack patterns, you can attack them when they're about to hit you


you can spam skyward strike (which is what I did, LOL)


spam the spin slash and hope for the best


joe mentioned, shield parrying is almost always the way to go.


Run up, slash like an idiot WITHOUT Z targeting, and watch as they never block and die.



Run up, slash like an idiot WITHOUT Z targeting, and watch as they never block and die.

Funny you say that. I recently discovered that the waggle equivalent of button mashing-waving your right hand around like an idiot-works far better than actually trying to use accurate motions. I'm killing shit now.


I hate skyward strike early on. It takes too long to charge up.

The only enemy that really, really gave me trouble were those lizard things with the big armored arm. I had no idea how to kill them at first and they would just rock me over and over again until I got lucky.

Now I just swing at their unarmored side which does no damage but it makes them duck and laugh at me so I stab them in the eye. I have no idea if Im doing it right but it shuts them up so all is good.


Ok so. I'm gonna go right ahead and say that this game has the absolute worst minigame ever in a Zelda game. Absolutely terrible, and it exemplifies most of the things wrong with this game in such a short time too.

The ring game. Make no mistake, I have no trouble controlling Link as he falls, and can nail all five rings pretty much every time, but getting in that spinning 50 spot is like pulling teeth. To top it all off it's a massive money drain. And then, insult added to injury, every time I go to try again I have to go through ridiculously slow text of him taunting me for my failure and then blabbing about the game while my TV makes this YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY soundbite at me.


LOL it's no so hard once you understand that it's not based on luck. When you pass through the fifth ring look at the spinning wheel immediately to see the location of the 50 spot. Then, rather than following it, aim for the spot it's going to be (for me it was more or less always a quarter a head clockwise). After a few tries you will get it.

Now for ugly mini games.. I think you'll know when you play it.

I finished the
boss rush mode
to get the optional
Hylian Shield.
Does this item carry over if you start a brand new file or is it only for
Hero Mode


LOL it's no so hard once you understand that it's not based on luck. When you pass through the fifth ring look at the spinning wheel immediately to see the location of the 50 spot. Then, rather than following it, aim for the spot it's going to be (for me it was more or less always a quarter a head clockwise). After a few tries you will get it.

Oh I got it, and I never said it was based on luck. Obviously the final position is predictable. But getting there is agonizing and not at all fun.


Maturity, bitches.
Tested the codes with Riivolution and they work. The advantage here is that you'll be able to use cheats without ripping the game and unlike Gecko, the playtime in recorded correctly. Also Riivolution can override files at load time which is handy for changing things like music so if you want to listen to "Raining Men" while running around Skyloft you can.

Pretty simple, download the file located here and follow the instructions.


I liked using the bug net. It caught me by surprise at first, as I was just flicking my wrist and it wasn't working. It was like "ooooh I really have to swing this net properly, don't I?"
Showed how great M+ is.
I think the frustration with the controls is that people just want to waggle and create an effect. The precision required to master is what most people don't wish to learn. Instead of taking the time to learn and master something new like this they bash it instead. I JUST beat the game and the precision required to beat the final boss blew me away and made me ecstatic that Nintendo has confirmed motion controls for future Zelda titles. Combat was vastly improved on and enemies given new life with M+. I did not even make the connection with the person with the purple bracelet reveal at the end, and the video playing during the credits made my day. It shows how it is not just you taking upon a journey here and it makes the game all that more involving. I took it slow and didnt rush with it like I did Twilight Princess and I can safely say it has more challenge, charm, variety, complexity, and is the best Zelda game to date. A pioneer in motion control combat on a main series that can only get better with each subsequent iteration.

Edit: What is
Hero Mode
At first I was really frustrated with the controls. But i realized the trouble was I was flailing and waggling the remote as hard and fast as I could. Those weird locked doors or stabbing were a pain in the ass. But when you get a hang of the timing and proper speed to do sword slashes, it controls like a dream. I might do a second playthrough (I'm currently around the 6th dungeon) just to see how much better going through with a proper handle on controls are (especially the first boss)

Also tried the codes just now. It sucks that Config Loader has a pretty bad UI for activating codes and cuts off long strings of text, otherwise it works great. I'd say the only minor gripe I was worried about is the "auto text" (the dialog that's automatically skipped with no button press) goes by a little too fast, otherwise it's great.


I hate skyward strike early on. It takes too long to charge up.

The only enemy that really, really gave me trouble were those lizard things with the big armored arm. I had no idea how to kill them at first and they would just rock me over and over again until I got lucky.

Now I just swing at their unarmored side which does no damage but it makes them duck and laugh at me so I stab them in the eye. I have no idea if Im doing it right but it shuts them up so all is good.

When they laugh at you, you can swing at them from a direction that their arm isn't covering, usually a horizontal slash works well for that. I haven't even tried stabbing so I didn't realize that works too, but once you understand what direction they're blocking in, they're pretty easy to take down.


Hey guys. Quick question which I feel like I already know the answer to. I was a dumbass and didn't get the gold remote bundle pack when I could have because I was hoping for a better deal and now I can't find it at all. I honestly didn't believe they'd ship so few copies. Does anyone know where I can get one for cheaper than $100.00 or does anyone have an extra one they were holding onto that wouldn't mind selling it to me?

Sorry for the interruption.


When I first started playing (god, it seems so long ago), I was so fustrated with the controls. Now, I totally love them.

Ghirahim schooled me hard the first time I fought him. However, once I settled down and started to understand the controls, it clicked.

I fought Ghirahim the second time and I thought he was going to kick my ass, but I've gotten so much better at the game and he was a piece of cake. Guy folded like a cheap deck of cards.

This is really shaping up to by one of my all time favorite Zelda games. I just love everything about it. The setting, the characters, everything.

If I get more Zelda's like this in the future, I'm going to be ecstatic.


The one thing I never got about the first boss fight
I can never fake him out. I hold my sword to the right, his hand follows, I try to switch directions but he blocks/grabs the sword. Bokoblins are the same. His reaction time is too fast for me

Hey guys. Quick question which I feel like I already know the answer to. I was a dumbass and didn't get the gold remote bundle pack when I could have because I was hoping for a better deal and now I can't find it at all. I honestly didn't believe they'd ship so few copies. Does anyone know where I can get one for cheaper than $100.00 or does anyone have an extra one they were holding onto that wouldn't mind selling it to me?

Sorry for the interruption.

There was a topic a couple weeks ago about someone who found some on clearance at Target...maybe you could get lucky


The one thing I never got about the first boss fight
I can never fake him out. I hold my sword to the right, his hand follows, I try to switch directions but he blocks/grabs the sword. Bokoblins are the same. His reaction time is too fast for me

When he stops moving his hand is when you want to make your move. It took me a while to figure that out, but once I did, he really wasn't that hard.

If there one thing this game is really strict about, it makes damn sure you know what you're doing. One wrong move and the game will punish you for it.

This is the most I've died in a Zelda game since the 2D games and I totally love it for that fact.


When he stops moving his hand is when you want to make your move. It took me a while to figure that out, but once I did, he really wasn't that hard.

If there one thing this game is really strict about, it makes damn sure you know what you're doing. One wrong move and the game will punish you for it.

This is the most I've died in a Zelda game since the 2D games and I totally love it for that fact.

I never died on my first playthrough, though fairies saved me a couple times if you count that.

I think I've died 3 times in Hero Mode. Twice to lizalfos. Taking one on is fine but the two at the same time, urgh.



Just used Google Translate, but it said to ensure that you don't experience the problem, go to the desert last. It also seemed to mention that they would fix the save file for you if you send an SD card with your save file to them (Or your whole damned Wii):

"We will fix the saved data by us. We apologize for the O手数 indeed, SD memory card containing a copy of the saved data to the following address (or Wii console), thank you so send us your いただきます.".

You can get a fix without having to restart and just play other games on your Wii while you wait two weeks or however long (which would be fine by me if I had gotten screwed by that glitch--no way I'd restart anytime soon otherwise). Hopefully something is issued by NOA soon.

Edit: Read further... A potential patch may be available as well? An actual translation would be preferred. Google again:

"Incidentally, I have an Internet connection to Wii, we plan to deliver the program to repair the saved data. We are currently preparing for delivery, and using details such as the delivery date as soon as they are received, will be announced at Nintendo's website."


I just need 3 more gratitude crystals and 1 more heart piece and I'll be ready to move on to finishing the last dungeon.



Hyrule Historia







I hate all the mini games D:

I beat the one in Bamboo Island and all I got was a
Goddess Plume
? Lame. I know it's not hard but I can't reach the 600 points in the Fledge mini game D: It's frustrating because I just can't do it and it looks so easy, ugh.

I also banned Fun Fun Island for now.

And yeah, that Zelda Encyclopedia, I need it in my life.
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