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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


So I just finished up the game today, overall an amazing experience. Final time was just over 45 hours, I pretty much did everything except finding all the heart pieces and
Doing the Thunder Dragon's silent realm game
. Hard to say if its my favorite 3D Zelda, I'd need to some time to think about that, and perhaps a 2nd play through before deciding. It's certainly up there though, they are all extremely good in my eyes honestly. Some thoughts:

- The artstyle was lovely, I wouldn't mind them continuing with this one. With improved graphical features I bet the could do something really impressive with this style on the WiiU. It's the right mix of cartoony and realism I think, and it reminded me very much of the colorful style of ALttP.

- Personally I thought the opening was one of the most enjoyable in the series, it takes some time to leave Skyloft, but at the same time the story and characters are presented well, as is the setting. It's a different feeling from TP I think.

- With regards to the hand holding, I'm kind of mixed. At times it can be very intrusive, particularly when things are over explained and it becomes annoying in dungeons where I thought they would almost give you the answer before allowing you to explore and do it yourself. Fi telling me I'm low on hearts/battery is fine, but its problematic when you cant avoid hearing her tell you a million times over thanks to the beeping she makes every few minutes if you continue to be low on batteries or hearts. Speaking of which they also need to get rid of the beeping from the actual heart meter, its pretty unnecessary and distracting. There were times when I felt things needed an explanation and I'm glad it was given, but in the future i think it would be better to just allow the player to consult Fi(or w/e helper they have) as they see fit rather than being interrupted. Overall it wasn't a big deal, but its something they need to fix because it gets in the way of simply playing the game.

- Fi as a character I enjoyed, it's too bad that she will get a terrible wrap due to how she is used. Would have liked a little more development for her but oh well.

- With regards to dungeon design, I would say that it's stronger than say WW, but not as good as TP(which I think is the pinnacle of dungeon design so far in Zelda). Dungeons 3,4,and 6 were certainly the best of the lot, with lots of interesting puzzles and navigation throughout. I was disappointed in the last dungeon.
Not really a fan of the moving rooms thing, it didn't feel sufficiently "epic" for a final dungeon honestly. There not being a boss was pretty lame as well, it was just too simple.
. I think on some level the dungeons are hurt when too much is given away in terms or what to do, which happened at times.

- Boss battles were pretty stellar as usual, I particularly enjoyed the boss of the 4th dungeon
using the whip to tear off limbs and then getting to use that giant sword was a blast
but one thing that really bugged me was
them using Ghirahim in place of bosses for 2 of the dungeons, that was pretty disappointing. Would have preferred they kept those encounters separate, perhaps as mini-boss fights, and created true bosses for those dungeons.
The final two boss fights were pretty great, and in fact I think that final battle is probably one of my favorite Zelda fights ever, since the story lead into it so well. Certainly better than TP in that regard. Would have liked it to last a little longer.

-Story was pretty solid, it was a bit too straightforward and I thought it lacked a bit of mystery so to speak. The characters were excellent though, they added a lot to the environment and the story. They need to work on the over explaining of plot elements, I feel like the cutscenes are wasted sometimes by this. Also the text scrolls way to slowly, they need to add options for this, because it causes the game to drag at times.

- The ending along with the credits, was probably my favorite since ALttP. Loved the music they used for the credits. Really knocked it out of the park there.

- Speaking of music, it was great, but not as good as I thought it would be. Some tracks are unremarkable, at the same time there are some fantastic ones in there as well. I think I would like to listen to the full OST to get a better idea, but it was certainly no SMG1&2, which is kind of what i was hoping for out of the orchestra. A step above Twilight Princess, but I think OoT is still king when it comes to 3D Zelda music.

- For motion controls, they certainly added to the experience, and were mostly well implemented but there are some issues to be worked out if they continue in that direction. The sword fighting was very engaging, I also really liked using motion for the items. Flying was solid, actually enjoyed that a lot. Swimming I'm a bit mixed on, but I never really had any issues with it. They are probably as good as it gets so far, in terms of motion gaming. On that note, the idea that "oh regular controller is better" is not something I think really applies when trying to figure out if a motion control game works well. There are certain problems like the device not always getting your movements right, or having to recenter the cursor, or some slight response issues, that are inherit to current motion gaming. Judging it against a normal controller is disingenuous, and I saw it come up a few times in reviews, it should be judged against its peers. Should dual analog games be constantly compared to a mouse and keyboard setup, and should that be used as a critique for every console game? No. So I dont think its fair to review a game by comparing to a completely different control method. If you dont like motion controls, that's totally fine, I just find it annoying because it becomes difficult to tell if people are saying "well these motion controls arn't as well implemented as X game on the Wii/Kinect/Move" or if they are just saying "motion controls suck." The latter is not as helpful, particularly in reviews.

- Stamina and Shield bars were a great inclusion in this game. Added a whole different dynamic to movement and combat, so I'm really glad they were added. Hope its something that sticks in the series now.

- The Silent Realm was pretty cool, I thought more could have been done with it though. Would have been nice if it mimicked the [/spoiler]stealth section in the volcano
rather than just running around and grabbing tears. It was a bit too simple.

- The backtracking and fetch quests were not really a problem for the most part. I enjoyed revisiting old areas in games, and I didn't feel like some of fetch quests were necessarily bad ones. However I thought that
making you carry the water all the way to the top of the volcano was really stupid. Total waste of time, which was unnecessary given how long the game is already.

- I was kind of disappointed with how the gratitude crystal quest ended, getting the crystals was really fun, and many of the early rewards were really useful, but the final reward was pointless.

There's some other things I have to say about the game, but I was also thinking about what needs to change in future Zelda's. I firmly believe that current core mechanics are still perfectly fine. I don't think the series needs any sort of radical changes, it certainly doesn't need to become an Elder Scrolls ripoff, or completely open world etc etc. I think there is room for some non-linearity, but it has to be done correctly so as not to sacrifice other aspects of the series.

Presentation is probably the biggest aspect in need of fixing/changes. Story and other elements being presented through text boxes with big red highlighting for important points just seems archaic at this point. Find a way to correctly add voice acting in the game, keep text boxes but get rid of the highlighting. Some level of hand holding is fine, but they really need to cut back on that. They also dont need to give us a description each time we pick up a collectable, its unnecessary. As I mentioned earlier, add options for text speed.

In terms of the world itself, as I mentioned it doesn't need to become open world, but the is room to create towns and areas that feel more alive. Skyloft is great, but it's a bit small. I think with the power of the WiiU, creating some sort of giant city with a large population but with a small number of key NPC's would go a long way to making the world more interesting.

I still believe that WW had the most well realized overworld. It was expansive, but there was still a lot to do on different islands in the sea. While I liked that SS focused heavily on the areas surrounding the dungeons, which made the journey to getting into those dungeons much more interesting, I thought it sacrificed too much with regards to the sky. There's really not a whole lot to do when you fly around, only a couple places to visit. Adding some interesting air battles, like the giant squid battles in WW, and having a couple more places like the pumpkin bar would have made the sky much more interesting. Going forward it would be nice if they struck a better balance between what SS did, and what WW did.


indeed, i noticed that i thought it was cool. i loved the characters in this game, especially the creepy merchant who gets sad when you walk away from his shop. now that i think about it, i wish i didnt rush the first 10 hours or so of the game. im sure i missed out on a lot of the dialogue. were there any sidequests or something with the little kid that always talks about catching bugs?

No him and his mother (the cook at bazaar) don't have side quests. It's weird though I thought we would get a cooking mini game or something.


but then it's things like the door to enter the first temple, theres a clue on a gravestone nearby that says look at where the bird is facing the sun and shoot.

I then spent the next hour firing from my slingshot at the sun, or flying around on my bird and landing on tiny islands to try and fire at the sun. :(

lol, that's hilarious! I wonder how you feel as a game designer when you watch someone playing your game like this. ;D
Oh, I'm glad Instro mentioned the ending, which I touched on slightly, but wanted to add -- I really loved seeing
the scenes of what Zelda and Impa were up to while you were trailing them. Made me wonder even more about what a game where you play as Impa or something would be like.


I just started playing and I hate this game.

Wayyy too much dialogue and you can't skip cutscenes like in TP??????

I played for two hours and accomplished nothing.

The flight controls feel way too loose.

Aiming without IR is fucking stupid.

Fucking Fi man, omg. After getting to the surface she talks to me about nothing. Then I kill two deku babas and there's another batch of dialogue! That's when I turned the game off.

But the worst was the cutscene when getting the skyward sword or whatever. They need a fucking 10 minute cutscene to say "hey bad shit is going down and you're the chosen one so go take care of it"? Goddamn.

Well, if you lose a boss fight, you get the option to press the 2 button to skip it. It';s something. :/

It took me a few minutes to get used to the bird flying controls, but they make sense once you understand the mechanics and remain aware of how you're holding the controller. Same can be said for skydiving. Keeping the Wii remote in its default position (the way you normally hold the controller with the nunchuck) will keep Link steady and fall slowly, tilting left or right will cause Link to drift in those directions. Tilting the Wii remote vertically (IR pointer at the ground) will cause Link to fall faster and if its perfectly vertical, Link will go into a diving stance. In most cases, you'll have to utilize a combinaton of these to land on the place you want.

I completely agree that the IR pointer is more satisfying to use for aiming. Motionplus is accurate, but just feels slightly unwieldy for lack of a better word. I couldn't shake the feeling that it's a bit awkward the way you have to move your forearm to point at the screen.

Yep. Fi sucks hard. Her "guidance" is a waste of time and insulting to the player's intelligence throughout the entire game. Prepare to deal with it unless you plan on using codes to disable it. I plan on doing it on my 2nd playthrough.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Why are you listening to Fi's battery/health warnings? Those are optional. It's like saying "Fi keeps interrupting me and telling me what my play time is!!". No she doesn't. If you have 1 heart, you're doing nothing special and the Fi icon lights up, you should know after the 1st time it happens that she'll tell you about your health if you press the Fi button. Same with the batteries.

The text the first time you pick up an item/bug is mildly annoying, but just like Fi, it's very overblown. I do tend to just pause the game with the home button and leave the Wii on, so I don't start a 'new session' every time I want to play for 10 minutes and have to get those text boxes for every new bug.

I agree a little bit with the shopkeepers though. Other than the Item Check girl, they all pretty much say the same things over and over and even though it's not many seconds that you lose, it could have been a little smoother.

All in all though people are making too much of these things. Maybe I'm just more patient of a person, and I like to be sucked into the universe of Zelda and take my time, not just rush through everything, but I think the game moves faster and smoother than a lot of other Zeldas.

Fi's head obstructs and stays in your HUD if you don't call her. "Optional" in a sense, sure, but I'm using Pro HUD for a reason.

The text the first time you pick up an item isn't overblown at all. It's truly terrible. There's 36 or so items to pick up, and EVERY SINGLE TIME you restart they all notify you again. My general session time naturally ended by the time I finally got into a swing of picking up items without getting notified, so it was always short lived. People complained a lot about the rupees doing this in TP, but in comparison that happens 3 times(for 5, 10, 20 rupees), and is a single text box. In SS it happens far more, and the menu opening just takes too long for something so frequent. This also can happen in midbattle, when I have multiple enemies and get pulled out of the fight because I picked up my 22nd monster claw, well...I don't even know how to fully express how dumbfounded I am about it.


Oh, I'm glad Instro mentioned the ending, which I touched on slightly, but wanted to add -- I really loved seeing
the scenes of what Zelda and Impa were up to while you were trailing them. Made me wonder even more about what a game where you play as Impa or something would be like.

That bit was awesome. Nice touch to add in.


Fi's head obstructs and stays in your HUD if you don't call her. "Optional" in a sense, sure, but I'm using Pro HUD for a reason.

The text the first time you pick up an item isn't overblown at all. It's truly terrible. There's 36 or so items to pick up, and EVERY SINGLE TIME you restart they all notify you again. My general session time naturally ended by the time I finally got into a swing of picking up items without getting notified, so it was always short lived. People complained a lot about the rupees doing this in TP, but in comparison that happens 3 times(for 5, 10, 20 rupees), and is a single text box. In SS it happens far more, and the menu opening just takes too long for something so frequent. This also can happen in midbattle, when I have multiple enemies and get pulled out of the fight because I picked up my 22nd monster claw, well...I don't even know how to fully express how dumbfounded I am about it.

It's sad how something so minor can be so instrusive to the gameplay.


Fi's head obstructs and stays in your HUD if you don't call her. "Optional" in a sense, sure, but I'm using Pro HUD for a reason.

The text the first time you pick up an item isn't overblown at all. It's truly terrible. There's 36 or so items to pick up, and EVERY SINGLE TIME you restart they all notify you again. My general session time naturally ended by the time I finally got into a swing of picking up items without getting notified, so it was always short lived. People complained a lot about the rupees doing this in TP, but in comparison that happens 3 times(for 5, 10, 20 rupees), and is a single text box. In SS it happens far more, and the menu opening just takes too long for something so frequent. This also can happen in midbattle, when I have multiple enemies and get pulled out of the fight because I picked up my 22nd monster claw, well...I don't even know how to fully express how dumbfounded I am about it.

I wonder where exactly they got the idea that people like reading the same shit repeatedly.
I finally finished this one off tonight and I really enjoyed it. I don't feel like going all out with my impressions but I'll just say that I think most of the complaints I had heard were way overblown. The game is somewhat slow paced compared to most modern games but I actually enjoyed that aspect of it. It felt interesting and relaxing to me throughout most of the game, and the pace picked up enough to keep things fresh. I do think there are a few minor annoyances but nothing to detract heavily from the experience.

I also loved the ending.
Just beat the fourth dungeon. It was quite clever. I liked
seeing redead bokoblins. Fi's comment about being animated by hatred and their love of inappropriate underwear was great.

Also, the love letter sidequest was great. What happens if you don't give the letter to Karane and hand it to the ghost in the bathroom instead?
Just beat the fourth dungeon. It was quite clever. I liked
seeing redead bokoblins. Fi's comment about being animated by hatred and their love of inappropriate underwear was great.

Also, the love letter sidequest was great. What happens if you don't give the letter to Karane and hand it to the ghost in the bathroom instead?

you ruin the short fat kids life forever as she thinks the love letter is from him and she pretty much lovingly haunts him every night.

did you give the letter to karane? what happens when you do?


Just beat the fourth dungeon. It was quite clever. I liked
seeing redead bokoblins. Fi's comment about being animated by hatred and their love of inappropriate underwear was great.

Also, the love letter sidequest was great. What happens if you don't give the letter to Karane and hand it to the ghost in the bathroom instead?

The ghost falls in love with Cawlin(sp?), haunts him at night. Karane and Pipit don't get together. I remember hearing something about Karane coming on to you a bit more as well in this route, not sure if that was true though.

you ruin the short fat kids life forever as she thinks the love letter is from him and she pretty much lovingly haunts him every night.

did you give the letter to karane? what happens when you do?

Basically you tell Pipit about the letter and he rushes over to confess to her, so then they are a couple after that and Cawlin is pissed. Basically Cawlin gets screwed either way lol.
Basically you tell Pipit about the letter and he rushes over to confess to her, so then they are a couple after that and Cawlin is pissed. Basically Cawlin gets screwed either way lol.

i would have loved to see her and pipit hook up though i thought she potentially had the hots for link too. i also thought there may have been a sidequest with her at night when shes trying to take a bath.

goddamnit i feel like a creepy shipper now


What about
Item shop lady? She starts liking you, I figured you were supposed to hitch her and Cawlin together but Cawlin seemed to be stuck in bitch mode for the rest of the game.


Got to dungeon 4 and quit. I don't getthe swim
Control complaints. It's similar to the bird flying, it
Mostly just small motions. Swimming
Has always sucked in games, and I
Think it works pretty well here


I'm stuck in the
Pirate ship
. I'm at the part where I need to start up two generators to free some prisoners. I've started the first, but can't figure out how to get into the room with the second. Any help here?
I'm stuck in the
Pirate ship
. I'm at the part where I need to start up two generators to free some prisoners. I've started the first, but can't figure out how to get into the room with the second. Any help here?

i forget the exact details, but you should be able to hit a switch through one of the fans outside. you can also hit switches to make the boat come up and down, and use a combination of that and timeshift stone manipulation


i forget the exact details, but you should be able to hit a switch through one of the fans outside. you can also hit switches to make the boat come up and down, and use a combination of that and timeshift stone manipulation

thanks, but that doesn't help my situation
What about
Item shop lady? She starts liking you, I figured you were supposed to hitch her and Cawlin together but Cawlin seemed to be stuck in bitch mode for the rest of the game.

I basically strung her along and got five gratitude crystals for telling her I like her. No idea what's gonna happen to her when Zelda gets back, haha.

Her dad complains to you that she found herself a "fella", but he doesn't know who it is.
thanks, but that doesn't help my situation

not sure which room you did first but for one of the rooms, theres a switch you can hit through the fan in the hallway, but you have to turn the timeshift crystal off so the fan doesnt run. this will open up one of the doors and its pretty straightforward once you go inside

for the second room you have to get on the little boat on the side of the ship while the crystal is turned "on". you want to get into this room with the crystal off so the electric barriers shut down. hit the switch on the boat to go up with it, shoot the timeshift crystal to turn it off then use the boat to come back down. you should be in the "present" and the electric barriers in that room will be disabled. then you just go inside, hit the timeshift from an opening in that room to power the generator and then stick your sword in

hope that helps and wasnt too confusing. i suck at explanations


I just finished the game at just over 41 hours of gameplay. What an excruciating experience.

This game did some things incredibly well. I thought that certain story aspects (Groose, final cutscene's little twist) were immaculate. Those were by far some of the best subplots in the series, bar none. The design of many of the gameplay was also very good. Not a whole lot of "new" in that regard, but timeshift stones/orbs led to some fairly clever puzzles. Concept of the final dungeon was also novel, if a little bit frustrating at times. Elements of the main plot, specifically
evolution of the sword into the Master Sword and obtaining the triforce
were quite nifty as well.

There were also a few mildly annoying things. Shops seemed clunky and took forever to purchase things, and i was further irked when
some of the goddess chests contained the items that I had bought
. I may be splitting hairs, but the locations seemed a bit repetitive to me as well. We had forest, volcano, desert, sky and that was more or less it. I mean, at least some of the other games had the plains of Hylian Field to break it up. Sky was not a good substitute. I also missed Epona and horseback combat in general. No real replacement offered up.

Now for the bad: The controls felt fucking awful. I can't count the number of times that I jumped off of cliffs without meaning to, and most of the motion control stuff felt awesome when it worked, but shit got thrown out of whack at the slightest provocation. I always championed Twilight Princess, and I still maintain that it was underrated in its time. I played twilight princess on the same console, but I never had problems with its motion controls. Twilight Princess kept it simple so it always, always worked when i wanted to do something. In SS, I often had to take several swings at things to get the alignment just right to make the right chop (fuck deku babas). It was bullshit. I knew what I had to do, but the controls were keeping me from doing it. I didn't feel more immersed, I felt more frustrated.

Tied into that is the shield thing. Shields that break? are you FUCKING kidding me? What kind of horseshit is this? I lost a shield three times, all three times when I needed it the most (obviously). I did my best to keep it at my side as much as possible, but there were times when I would accidentally bring it up and lose half of the stamina for free. Bullshit.
Worst offender was the fight with Demise, in which I seemed to keep timing the bash wrong, getting knocked over, and upon standing up my shield was finally brought back up. Threw off my timing for charging a skyward strike, losing me valuable hearts

Back to controls, flying was sometimes irksome but swimming was godawful. Jesus fucking christ what a clustfuck. Easily the worst water level I've ever played because of how unintuitive and difficult the swimming controls were.

Moving past controls, I wasn't very impressed with the items this time around. TP had some novel ideas in the magnetic boots, ball and chain, and especially the double clawshot. I was pleased to see that it was brought back, but it seemed to be at the expense of having a normal hookshot. Slingshot felt more useless than normal, arrows didn't enter in until far too late for my liking, and the other usable items were flying gimmick, shaking gimmick, bombs, an uninspired (mostly useless) dungeon item, and a fucking butterfly net.

Let's talk about this now. The collecting items was fucking terrible. Bugs would have been more tolerable if they didn't affect the upgrades as much (i felt like i was running around with useless potions, knowing that there were potions that function as I thought they ought to have, but I cba to find and catch these fucking bugs) but the item collecting was frustrating as hell. I never caught a bird (not for lack of trying) and I couldn't get the items I wanted because of it. Upon finding that I didn't have enough of something to upgrade it, I just got pissed off because this game expected me to scour the earth looking for fucking little skull tokens. Fuck that noise.

Worse was the fact that these bullshit little knick-knacks which added nothing to the experience were treated as rewards. I was trained by previous games to be excited when I found a chest in a dungeon, because I knew it would either contain quest-essential items or a fat rupee stack. Skyward sword has now killed that for me what with finding chests, watching the animation, hearing the music, and then see Link hold up a fucking Monster Horn. Really? Fucking really? That's supposed to be a reward? I don't FUCKING WANT IT. It's not intrinsically useful, and I can't even sell it for cash money in a reasonably easy way. Upgrades could have been great, but the huge variety of arbitrary items needed in arbitrary quantities was terrible. Easily my least favourite addition after the motion-plus controls.

What's really baffling me is how this game has gotten so many perfect or near-perfect scores. The problems I listed don't seem like my problems, they seemed like problems with the game. TP delivered not something radical, but a solid, enjoyable game. SS's highs were higher, but the lows I listed above were so terrifically frustrating that it's shocking to me that this game could get so many 100% scores.

-two of the character arcs
-some dungeons
-some of the plot macguffins

-lack of unique locales
-no epona :(

-controls, specifically slash detection, swimming, and the shield
-felt like i was being challenged by the controls rather than the game.
-shield breaking
-all of those fucking collectibles that were needed for upgrades
-finding those fucking collectibles in dungeon chests instead of sweet loot

Would I recommend it? Yes. The highs justify the cost of admission twice over. But it's not going to make it on any personal "best games" lists because of the frustrating lows.


The ghost falls in love with Cawlin(sp?), haunts him at night. Karane and Pipit don't get together. I remember hearing something about Karane coming on to you a bit more as well in this route, not sure if that was true though.
Aww hell yeah. She's no Zelda but she's better than Item Girl.


Looking back, it looks like I forgot to mention three more things

four trials with collecting them tears
grew repetitive quickly. The first time was awesome and it blew my mind. Little did I know that it would feel like a chore by the final incarnation.

Didn't care for Zelda's design. Fugly bangs, sharp ears, weird face. Don't remember thinking that about TP zelda. Good thing Mina was adorable to make up for it.

The game looks old. I understand that the wii is basically a scooter compared to the monster trucks of the 360 and PS3, but they seem to just be aiming for the oot nostalgia instead of pushing the design forward. It's jarring to be able to count polygons again after playing games like Battlefield, Skyrim, and Dota2. If this continues, I'm afraid we'll never get a real next-gen Zelda title because the directors keep looking to the past.
The problems I listed don't seem like my problems, they seemed like problems with the game.

Can't say I agree. Personally the controls worked perfectly. Everything felt very natural. I was a bug (and bird) catching machine in the game. I only failed at catching something I wanted once or twice. And the only time I wanted to upgrade something and didn't have the materials was with tumbleweeds, and those were very easy to farm, just like most items in the game (other than things like Goddess Plumes). Equip the Treasure Medal and you're practically swimming in those things.

My shield broke once (because I wasn't paying attention to the meter) and never again. I thought it added a nice wrinkle to the combat and made me take more risks with the swordplay so as not to rely too much on the shield.

I found the flying and swimming to be incredibly intuitive and easy. I read that a lot of people have trouble with it but I can't understand it myself.

My issues with the game entirely came down to things like text speed, Fi being a bit of a bore, and the nothing-to-do sky world.

It's sort of frustrating to me that not everyone can have the same great experience I had with the game, but let me tell you personally that I completely understand how the game is getting perfect scores and adulation.
The ghost falls in love with Cawlin(sp?), haunts him at night. Karane and Pipit don't get together. I remember hearing something about Karane coming on to you a bit more as well in this route, not sure if that was true though.
If you talk to her after
she and Pipit get together, she'll say something about how handsome and dependable you're getting. She's saying it right in front of Pipit, so I think she's just being polite.
So one time Pipit
came storming out of his house after yelling at his mother because she paid me to clean her house. I feigned ignorance, thinking that it would be a forking sidequest like the love letter. He hasn't done anything since, and no matter how many times I talk to him, nothing changes. Have I lost out on some crystals?
I use my shield constantly and have never had one break, have never been to the upgrade shop to repair one, and have very, very rarely ever even had a purple potion on me (let alone actually used one).

So one time Pipit
came storming out of his house after yelling at his mother because she paid me to clean her house. I feigned ignorance, thinking that it would be a forking sidequest like the love letter. He hasn't done anything since, and no matter how many times I talk to him, nothing changes. Have I lost out on some crystals?
No. There are no missable items in the game at all. That particular event is just for flavor so far as I can tell. There is no actual quest here.
So one time Pipit
came storming out of his house after yelling at his mother because she paid me to clean her house. I feigned ignorance, thinking that it would be a forking sidequest like the love letter. He hasn't done anything since, and no matter how many times I talk to him, nothing changes. Have I lost out on some crystals?

nope. its just a bit of story on him. i think if you talk to him at night, hell tell you that his mother should have spent money buying food instead of paying you. pipit is poor and he does the night shift not out of heroism but because he needs the money.

found out how much i missed out while wiking these characters


I've only lost a wooden shield (burnt up) and steel shield (when I was still a noob). Once you master shield bash maintaining the shield's durability is an afterthought. After thinking about it, the only time I died was when
the statue in the 'water temple like place' crushed the zombies and myself.
Was a bullshit death >:[
No. There are no missable items in the game at all. That particular event is just for flavor so far as I can tell. There is no actual quest here.

nope. its just a bit of story on him. i think if you talk to him at night, hell tell you that his mother should have spent money buying food instead of paying you. pipit is poor and he does the night shift not out of heroism but because he needs the money.

found out how much i missed out while wiking these characters

Roger. Thanks!


I'm stuck in the
Pirate ship
. I'm at the part where I need to start up two generators to free some prisoners. I've started the first, but can't figure out how to get into the room with the second. Any help here?
thanks, but that doesn't help my situation
You see that small boat hanging on the deck when you first got on the ship? There's a spot which you can shoot to lower. I got stuck on this part as well.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Just finished the third dungeon. I think this game just clicked for me. The following cutscene sequence and
boss fight
was the same sort of "fuck yea" moment that made me fall in love with the Zelda series in the first place.

- Fi has shut up. I honestly have no qualms with her anymore. Sure, she still has no personality but he's no more intrusive than Navi or Tatl, and being no Midna is nothing to be ashamed of.
- Third dungeon boss fight was simple but actually pretty cool. I thought the
magic leaf blower item
was hilariously lame when I first got it, but they really did come up with some pretty neat uses for it.
- Link's growth from sleepy farm boy to hero seems better executed here compared to in TP. Awesome.

It was a little tedious to go through the whole
Lanaryu Desert and then use many of the same mechanics for the mines
, but this last sequence made it all worthwhile. I had to pull myself away afterwards.


I'm around 61 hours in and just redid the last dungeon after foolishly saving over the wrong play file. I'll finish it tomorrow.
nope. its just a bit of story on him. i think if you talk to him at night, hell tell you that his mother should have spent money buying food instead of paying you. pipit is poor and he does the night shift not out of heroism but because he needs the money.

found out how much i missed out while wiking these characters

I got that to trigger too!
It makes me feel sorry for Pipit though, since he seems to want to be responsible and step up as man of the house etc. but his mum keeps pissing their money (and his knight academy tuition) away because she's too lazy to clean.

He's getting mad over 20 rupees. Makes me wish I could donate some rupees to him or something.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Just beat the
Ancient Cistern
. That was probably my favorite boss so far. The
is such a clever use of motion controls. I feel like
Indiana Jones


That swimming part
collecting tadtones in the flooded forest for the water dragon
didn't really bother me. Each grouping was a little different and it was a short enough section. Don't know why people bitch about that so much.


I can understand, but do not necessarily agree, with a lot of hate for the game.

But the Silent Realm was great and I hope Nintendo outright ignores everyone complaining about it.

Agree. I think I've made it clear that this isn't my favorite game, but I was surprised at how fun all the stealth sections were.

That swimming part
collecting tadtones in the flooded forest for the water dragon
didn't really bother me. Each grouping was a little different and it was a short enough section. Don't know why people bitch about that so much.

Yep. That part took like 5 minutes tops. It wasn't OMGAWESOME, but it certainly wasn't bad or boring to me.


The whole seqeuences were Fi dances and sings are fucking creepy. The noise and they way she moves her mouth is the stuff of nightmares.


..what? People who are experiencing that must be pressing the Fi button constantly. Past the first couple of hours, where she only interrupts you once in a while, she almost never comes out unless I ask her to. Which I do every now and then to let her give me some info on enemies/npcs.

The comparisons to Navi are kinda telling. She was also not annoying at all. Well, the "hey!" sound was a bit irritating, but Navi almost never says anything unless you press the Navi-button.
I know right! :T

Can I turn off any of the UI elements? Bigass controller/nunchuck on screen is beginning to annoy me.

After a certain point in the game (after getting the Goddess Sword) Fi will tell you that you can change the interface. After she tells you, you can go into the 1 button menu and there is a button and the bottom left corner that can change the interface. Pro removes the entire Wii Remote and nunchuk parts and leaves you with only your hearts, shield meter, rupees, stamina meter, and your equipped item.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hey guys, I'm trying to remember/figure out the song of the first harp song you learn. The one that you learn next to / from the
old lady time or w/e she is called

I want to say that it's THIS song, but I want the full version ( also I'm not actually sure if that's the one, the one I think of is more melodic/faster )
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