AHHHGGGGGGG I start hating this game so much!!!!!!!!!!
I actually used to love the game. The fact that doesnt have voice chat it can be annoying but also really fun to see how the people comunicate with the icons and pointing with the sword to tell you what to do

. Its kind of a hieroglyph to try to guess what the other person that already play that level is trying to tell you. But once you get a good team that understand each other is great............ until the error conection comes!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been disconnected before but now is behond frustating. After a long time try to beat the final boss, where the stars align toguether to give me great team and everything is fun: 5 hearts less, and we just, what I imaging, have to hit one more to finish. The sword of my teamate ready to hit.... and: ERROR DISCONNECT... NOOOOO!!!
But the error disconnect problems I can more or less understand.... what I dont get is why there is no way to go back to this amyzing team that I found out of nowhere.Im sure they want it too! It doesnt return or let you the options to try to search for your unkown team... the 3ds doesnt even let you search with who you have played!
Im almost giving up the last boss... its getting really frustating the way this treat multiplayer with others
Is a EU is in the same position and want to finish just the boss let me know
EDIT: the last world is really frustating all of the dungeons.... its really hard to make the people understand what to do

I likly with my golden team that I will never see again was able to do the two I was missing... just the boss now...
You are EU too right? let me know when you want to do the last level