The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes ; As a massive Zelda fan, I didn't know exactly what to expect from TFH. I've never been super into MP Zelda and I just didn't know how much replayability the dungeons would hold. The answer, honestly, is not that much. Patches have improved this some but the purest experience the game has to offer is when a team of three adventurers totally unfamiliar with what a level has to offer struggle and succeed together. That's a great, great feeling. There are trolls though, and poor connections (maybe my fault at times, I'm honestly unsure), and the loot system while mostly genius is a bit too reliant on replaying levels and if you know the solution to a level and don't have all the time in the world to play games...or honestly even if you's just not that exciting to replay a 2D Zelda level unless you missed some significant area your first time through and that's just not something that's going to happen in this game the way it's structured.
But! "Noooooo!!!" is hilarious. Cheering is hilarious. All the emojis are amazing. Those two are my faves. When teamwork works, it really, really works. The bosses are ridiculously on point and a lot of the levels themselves off new mechanics heretofore unseen in the series as far as I remember. The costumes are super clever and creative and often very cute. No point spoiling any of those here, but I will say that if I jumped into the game again I might consider SP just for my own peace of mind. Because when you get a lot of trolls or bad runs--that coupled with the frustrating voting system with levels--it really feels a bit aggravating. You can tell I'm torn about the game. There's a lot of quality there. I just wish there was a consistently great way to experience it. If you have access to two other people with 3DS's who want to play it with you, that's gotta be the best way to go. I've heard polarizing things about SP but I think I'd consider it before strongly recommending online with randoms, depending on your level of frustration tolerance. Oh, and the OST is supremely awesome.