So looks like I can finally join in a few days. I just want know something:
Is it easy find people to play with in Co Op and VS in US? With it being region locked and the low amount of sales in Japan it is kinda worrying. I'd assume its still fairly easy since its new, but I'd be afraid of not being to get into a game a year from now.
Also in the coop game I remember hearing you can choose a section of maps, which may make finding partners worse. Does it switch to searching for any maps after awhile or no?
Been really hyped for this since its been revealed so I guess I got no choice but to take a chance and hope the online community doesn't die out.
Now that I think about it I was also kinda hyped to play Federation Force online. While Zelda should be ok for awhile I don't think FF would be the same considering its perception lol.
*Insert more random rumblings here*
Will see yall online soon!
Yeah I've been pretty much unable to play as well. So weird since the game ran very well the first few days for me.The game is unplayable in the US server.
Don't bother buying it really.
I can't finish 2 stages in an hour for the past 3 days.
Chase, whenever you have time next week to play after 6 EST please let me know.Yeah I've been pretty much unable to play as well. So weird since the game ran very well the first few days for me.
Alright thanks for the answers!I've had no trouble finding games with randoms.
Nope, you'll need to leave and select a different world when setting up your search for players. If you play with people on your friends list then you can choose any level you have unlocked.
Sounds like the Smash 3DS problem of "everyone needing good connection" so I guess it'll be like Smash and which I get good games and bad. Except its now 3 players instead of two. Well I managed 400 hours of Smash so I'll just keep searching for better games. Demo was too fun to pass up.The game is unplayable in the US server.
Don't bother buying it really.
I can't finish 2 stages in an hour for the past 3 days.
The game is unplayable in the US server.
Don't bother buying it really.
I can't finish 2 stages in an hour for the past 3 days.
Believe me, it's NOTHING like Smash.Sounds like the Smash 3DS problem of "everyone needing good connection" so I guess it'll be like Smash and which I get good games and bad. Except its now 3 players instead of two. Well I managed 400 hours of Smash so I'll just keep searching for better games. Demo was too fun to pass up.
With all due respect to your opinion, please pay the coliseum a 15 minute visit & write us your feedback : )I'm in the US and I haven't been having any problems so I think using the word unplayable is not right here.
I spent 8 hours on the game today, okey?
In 8 hours last week I cleared 4 of the 8 worlds with 2 fellow GAFers.
The 8 hours I spent today; I cleared exactly 5 Challenges + got 3 other items needed from previous stages.
Spent at least 2 hours in the coliseum, hardly completed 10 games without a quitter or a disconnect from one of the other 2 players.
My internet connection is perfect, everything is fine on my end.
This IS burning 40 $ on an UNPLAYABLE game for me.
Glad I spent last week with fellow GAFers playing this, but if you don't have friends to progress with in this game, it's a useless one.
Back when some gaming websites started spreading the news that the game is region-locked by IP, I contacted Nintendo & explained I'm a doctor on a volunteer mission in the Middle East..I don't doubt your experience and I certainly hope there is a solution out there for youno one likes to pay for something that doesn't work, if you have the time and inclination I'd certainly, at the very least, complain to Nintendo if I was in your shoes.
Will do. There should be a few nights next week where I'm able to play. I'll let you know!Chase, whenever you have time next week to play after 6 EST please let me know.
I'm about to break my 3DS here, I can't clear challenges, I can't grab an item.
The second they start losing or you pick a different challenge than their's they just quit.
I can't go on like this anymore.
This game just feels so...inconvenient.
Wanna look at a Materials list? Well you have to talk to an NPC
Want to block a player? Hold their Player Profile in an active game and hit A or B, then say Yes or No.
Want a specific item? Random drop after 5-15 minutes of play.
Want to change some settings? Save+Quit and change them on the main menu
Want to use the touch screen? Well, it doesn't do anything unless you talk to an NPC or are in-game.
Want to create a new costume? Well back out of a game and go make one.
Want to play with 2 players? Too bad. 1 or 3 only.
There are so many problems in this game. Every single one of them holds it back. Some are minor, some are huge. And the ones I listed don't even mention how POOR the netcode is in this game. Sometimes I wonder if they grabbed the netcode from Brawl and slapped it in there (I know that's not how it works, btw). It feels like this game was made in 3 months or so in some places, considering how much lack of thought there is in a lot of areas. Not to mention that some of things in the game, the Time Challenges in particular, NEED 3 players to complete. Single Player simply won't work.
This game can be so much fun when it works precisely when it needs to. The problem is that it simply doesn't. The Friend Tokens are another aspect that just feels like something that was done to punish players who don't have local friends. It's bullshit. If they delayed it 4-5 months, it could have been something much more than a mess.
Not to mention single player is unplayable and is frustrating for anyone going alone.
I've completed all of the challenges in multiple worlds in single player. It is far from unplayable.
I've completed all of the challenges in multiple worlds in single player. It is far from unplayable.
wow you have skills !
Couple questions:
1. Is it worth playing through single-player?
2. How does multi-player compare to FSA?
Oh, interesting. So basically from your POV it's better than FSA (which I liked a lot, even in SP).
I might have to give it a try sometime!
I wasn't trying to brag, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people claim that something they don;t think is fun is "unplayable".
Actually thinking back on FSA (I assume you mean Adventure on the Gamecube?) it might be a bit better in the single player department due to it's more traditional setup.
I've had like 5 disconnects in the last hour with randoms :-(
So are there any known issues with online with this? I just got this today and have tried playing two matches and both so far have ended with errors towards the end of the level. Not a great way to start off my experience with this game and am really discouraged so far.
Not to mention single player is unplayable and is frustrating for anyone going alone.
Been playing for an hour and I havent been able to complete a damn level in the Dunes. People keep disconnecting or failing on the vulture boss, not understanding the concept of counterweights..
No counterweights needed since you can kill the vulture boss while everyone stands in the center. Have someone use the boomeranger suit and throw the boomerang at it every time it lands.
No counterweights needed since you can kill the vulture boss while everyone stands in the center. Have someone use the boomeranger suit and throw the boomerang at it every time it lands.
Relying on a certain suit with randos isnt, well, reliable.
Huh? I had to run to the ledge even as a Boomeranger every time. Did you use that method? Does it really reach that far?!