[Introducing hero points] Hi everyone, I'm Eiji Aonuma, producer of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.
I'm here to let you know that we're distributing a new update to the game starting today! With this update, heroes who finish a level in Online Play that they didn't vote for (or voted "I can't decide!") will now be awarded "hero points".
Collecting lots of these points will enable a righteous hero to receive just the right materials to create outfits that they don't have yet, to help them fill in the gaps in their collection! It's a system designed to make outfits easier to make the more you play!
Also, depending on your point total, that shabbiest of shabby outfits, the "Bear Minimum Digs" (also known as simply the "Bear Minimum"), may become supercharged! I can bear-ly contain my excitement!!! It's just a little token of my appreciation for all the hardworking righteous heroes out there.
And of course, heroes who play levels to completion in Local Play will also get hero points, so I hope this helps everyone enjoy Tri Force Heroes even more this Holiday season and in the coming year!
That's all for now - have a great New Year, everyone, and don't forget to play some The Legend of Zelda games in 2016!