Where do you go for your political commentary?Docwiz said:I read a lot of political commentary
Where do you go for your political commentary?Docwiz said:I read a lot of political commentary
Docwiz said:Pro Abortion
Pro Gay rights
Legalising drugs
Pro-Pornography (which some of you will be like WTH?)
What I like about Democrats is:
National Healthcare
Care for the Poor such as tax breaks
Minority support (support for hispanics and African Americans)
Docwiz said:oh, can you give me some obvious proof that the christian right has hijacked the Republicans?
see how silly that sounds, I don't need proof because I know that is true.
Docwiz said:oh, can you give me some obvious proof that the christian right has hijacked the Republicans?
see how silly that sounds, I don't need proof because I know that is true.
Drinky Crow said:Pro Abortion -- no, pro-choice. I'm against abortion, but for a woman's right to choose. I'd venture most 'liberals' feel the same way.
Pro Gay rights -- yes. Gay folk are human beings and deserve all the basic rights shared by 'heterosexuals'.
Legalising drugs -- some drugs. Can you demonstrate that marijuana is worse for you than, say, alcohol, beyond any reasonable doubt? And that legalizing drugs would have bad effect on society?
Anti-Christianity -- no, just anti government-sponsored evangelism. No-one wants ANYONE to stop being Christian; they just don't want their children exposed to one religion, and in many cases, one specific flavor of that religion as practiced by the instructor, especially if it countermands the teaching of their own religion or parents.
Pro-Pornography (which some of you will be like WTH?) -- nothing wrong with sexual urges. All pornography is not created equal, though, and the kind that exploits children or people against their will is demonstrably bad for society.
The liberal social stance is one of civil freedom: that a person thus inclined can go down to the store and buy weed and a few skin mags, marry his buddy on the weekend, and do a little life councilling with his recently-pregnant teenage sister. Likewise, a person thus inclined can go to their church and worship the God of their choosing, write long tracts about the evils of buying weed and skin mags and marrying dudes, and stand outside an abortion clinic to remind all the people that pass through its doors of their fiery fate. Everyone is happy, except folks like you who want to codify their peculiar and exclusive perspectives into law.
Once again, we see a common theme in your complaints -- that a refusal to endorse one of your beliefs is somehow magically identical to being against it. The public sphere is about commonality; about those things that are common to all people, by and large. Christianity is a very exclusive and specific thing, and it should not be endorsed or sponsored by the government. (And in case that continues to escape you, that does NOT mean it should be banned, or that people should not be allowed religious expression.)
Specific to your little link: why SHOULD God have a place in a PUBLIC school? Why should the goverment do the work of your church?
Docwiz said:God in their eyes should be illegal.
If the Democrats were putting up crazy-liberal candidates, I might vote for them more often. I wish a non-Christian would have a half chance as a major candidate. Then again, my far-left nut favorite of this year was Dennis Kucinich, a Catholic.Well thats great, but that isn't what it means now. You want to look back in the past, I would rather look towards the future. The left wing liberals also hijacked the Democratic party with whom I do like some ideas about the democrats including National Healthcare, but they can leave the left wing liberal stuff at home.
The liberal social stance is one of civil freedom: that a person thus inclined can go down to the store and buy weed and a few skin mags, marry his buddy on the weekend, and do a little life councilling with his recently-pregnant teenage sister. Likewise, a person thus inclined can go to their church and worship the God of their choosing, write long tracts about the evils of buying weed and skin mags and marrying dudes, and stand outside an abortion clinic to remind all the people that pass through its doors of their fiery fate. Everyone is happy, except folks like you who want to codify their peculiar and exclusive perspectives into law.
firex said:i'm running for president in a decade or two on the Goatse Party ticket. we don't have any real national plans except to put a pair of giant stone hands on each side of the grand canyon, but our slogan is "most politicians are gaping assholes anyway."
Pro Abortion -- no, pro-choice. I'm against abortion, but for a woman's right to choose. I'd venture most 'liberals' feel the same way.
Pro Gay rights -- yes. Gay folk are human beings and deserve all the basic rights shared by 'heterosexuals'.
Legalising drugs -- some drugs. Can you demonstrate that marijuana is worse for you than, say, alcohol, beyond any reasonable doubt? And that legalizing drugs would have bad effect on society?
Anti-Christianity -- no, just anti government-sponsored evangelism. No-one wants ANYONE to stop being Christian; they just don't want their children exposed to one religion, and in many cases, one specific flavor of that religion as practiced by the instructor, especially if it countermands the teaching of their own religion or parents.
Pro-Pornography (which some of you will be like WTH?) -- nothing wrong with sexual urges. All pornography is not created equal, though, and the kind that exploits children or people against their will is demonstrably bad for society.
The liberal social stance is one of civil freedom: that a person thus inclined can go down to the store and buy weed and a few skin mags, marry his buddy on the weekend, and do a little life councilling with his recently-pregnant teenage sister. Likewise, a person thus inclined can go to their church and worship the God of their choosing, write long tracts about the evils of buying weed and skin mags and marrying dudes, and stand outside an abortion clinic to remind all the people that pass through its doors of their fiery fate. Everyone is happy, except folks like you who want to codify their peculiar and exclusive perspectives into law.
Specific to your little link: why SHOULD God have a place in a PUBLIC school? Why should the goverment do the work of your church?
Docwiz said:They should not have the right to marry because that is given from God and multiple of million of people feel the same way I do.
Docwiz said:The government doesn't have to. People are the church and they should be allowed to meet at school. Does the federal government own the school? No it doesn't. They used to meet at school and have Bible study, what is so different now?
So by getting scholarship because they are gay that gives them the same rights as everyone else? Could have fooled me. They are human beings and everyone should treat them as such, but they are getting a lot of rights that I don't get. They can get health insurance for them and their lovers and you can't get that for your girlfriend.
They should not have the right to marry because that is given from God and multiple of million of people feel the same way I do
Docwiz said:They should not have the right to marry because that is given from God and multiple of million of people feel the same way I do.
Docwiz said:The baby inside the mother is a living being of it's own accord. The mother has no right to decide what is for the babies life as she does for mine.
Docwiz said:So by getting scholarship because they are gay that gives them the same rights as everyone else?
Docwiz said:When I was in high school one of my friends got killed because of alcohol poisoning.
As for pot, well you can do anything you want but I still wouldn't be for it.
Docwiz said:Legalising drugs will just create more problems than there already are
Docwiz said:Please list all the deaths this year due to Christianity alone and then you can list all the drug deaths or deaths due in some way to some form of alcohol or drugs.
Docwiz said:Christianity preaches non selfish love and forgiveness and hope for all mankind.
I cannot imagine anyone wanting to turn that down.
Docwiz said:Porn does nothing but hurt people. It does not help and it makes normal people into sexual preditors.
Docwiz said:Without laws there is chaos and there is no justice and no accountability.
Docwiz said:The government doesn't have to. People are the church and they should be allowed to meet at school. Does the federal government own the school? No it doesn't. They used to meet at school and have Bible study, what is so different now?
CrimsonSkies said:It's amusing to see the majority of this board take the wrong positions on a lot of things. Please continue.
CrimsonSkies said:It's amusing to see the majority of this board take the wrong positions on a lot of things. Please continue.
Change "Christianity preaches" to "Liberalism proposes", and you've basically got how I feel. But that doesn't mean I want mandatory Air America hour in public schools.Docwiz said:Christianity preaches non selfish love and forgiveness and hope for all mankind.
I cannot imagine anyone wanting to turn that down.
Well I tell ya, Drinky Crow and Raoul Duke are certainly no help.-jinx- said:(I hear liberals are responsible for Nintendo slipping to #3, by the way.)
Docwiz said:Is it wrong to tell the truth even though other folks don't agree with you and that you are not trolling to get a rise out of anyone but that you are sick of others doing hating of Christianity or other religions and always putting down people who worship at churches because they think they are rednecks or hicks? Is this wrong? According to the TOS it isn't.
(skips first 4 pages of thread)radioheadrule83 said:I find it strange how lately the goalposts have been moved. If you're not with the far right, Christian moral value loving, defenders of the free world, you're a leftie/commie/liberal as far as some people are concerned... when in fact 5 to 10 years ago these people being labeled as liberals would have been thought of as pretty central... kinda part of that whole Third Way thing B. Clinton and T. Blair are into. A pragmatic approach.
You can't have libertarian conservative/republican supporters any more. Or a non-socialist/compromising democrat/socialist/labour supporter. Where did this black and white view of things come from?
Or am I missing something and getting it all wrong?,..
Spot on post for the most part. I'll just interject that "that whole Third Way thing" was in fact responsible for some of the worst aspects of globalization and privitization. Read "The Best Democracy Money can Buy" by Greg Palast for more info(trust me, it's worth the scratch).radioheadrule83 said:I find it strange how lately the goalposts have been moved. If you're not with the far right, Christian moral value loving, defenders of the free world, you're a leftie/commie/liberal as far as some people are concerned... when in fact 5 to 10 years ago these people being labeled as liberals would have been thought of as pretty central... kinda part of that whole Third Way thing B. Clinton and T. Blair are into. A pragmatic approach.
You can't have libertarian conservative/republican supporters any more. Or a non-socialist/compromising democrat/socialist/labour supporter. Where did this black and white view of things come from?
Or am I missing something and getting it all wrong?,..
Raoul Duke said:Oh, and then sell your gamecube. It's all over.![]()
Raoul Duke said:Spot on post for the most part. I'll just interject that "that whole Third Way thing" was in fact responsible for some of the worst aspects of globalization and privitization. Read "The Best Democracy Money can Buy" by Greg Palast for more info(trust me, it's worth the scratch).
Oh, and then sell your gamecube. It's all over.![]()