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The Lord of the Rings Online |OT| F2P lets everyone simply walk into Mordor


Can someone explain what skirmishes are? I think they are group-oriented instances? Is it just a standard dungeon or various objectives?
Oh God, I just realized! I'm in Europe and playing on US servers. I bought Moria from a European store! SHIT, I'm fucked aren't I :'(


ToddG15 said:
Can someone explain what skirmishes are? I think they are group-oriented instances? Is it just a standard dungeon or various objectives?

Skirmishes are small instances, that scale with your level and the amount of fellowship members. They can be done solo, 3-man, 6-man and 12-man. Each skirmish also has semi-random encounters.

When you start the Skirmish tutorial, you'll be introduced to your Ally, which is a NPC that follows you around the skirmish. Your Ally has a class and skills - the classes are the typical stuff like DPS, tank or healer. You can change your Ally's class between Skirmishes, so you can pretty much customize how you want it to play.

Each skirmish grants Skirmish Marks, which are a different currency, used to buy class upgrades, as well as skills for your Ally. You can also use your Marks to buy gear for your character - typically the gear is slightly below what crafted gear would give you, but better than random items, making them a nice source of gear if you can't craft your own or don't have enough money to scour the AH.

You can also get a bunch of nice crafting recipes with Skirmish Marks - for example, gathering professions get recipes that do conversions in bulk - 25 at a time. So instead of spending a ton of time smelting 25 pieces of ore, you can just use the bulk recipe and do 25 at a time with a single craft, saving a TON of time. :)

To be honest, I love the skirmishes so much that I have a hard time concentrating on doing quests (mainly for rep) instead of doing skirmishes all day. They're a TON of fun, diverse, offer quite a challenge - when I hit 24, the basic skirmish I'd been doing a few times a day got quite harder and I needed to approach fights differently than I'd been doing. I used to just focus on lieutenant mobs and let my ally kill the others, but now if I do that my ally typically dies and I have 3 even level mobs, including one that is MUCH stronger than the others, focus on me. :) So now I have to coordinate with my Ally to kill off the adds then focus on the lieutenant. Each Lieutenant also has special abilities starting at a certain point, so you need actual strategy to defeat them instead of standard brute force. For example, I've encountered huge trolls that had a weird aura that made them completely invulnerable for 20 seconds (and those bastards hit hard!) so I had to start kiting them around a little bit while before their aura goes down so that I can kick their ass later.

Seriously.. I love em. :)


ToddG15 said:
Thanks for the writeup! Sounds like fun. Is it level 20 to get access to them?

Yep. Once you turn 20 you'll get a letter in the mail that gives you a quest to start the skirmish tutorial.


GDJustin said:
This thread needs way more pics.

Me rockin out on my Harp, now a lvl 17 minstrel, pity some of the WoW trolls have snuck thier way in, thank goodness for /ignore.



Not enough surly dwarves! Also this game looks pretty good for running in emulation on a Mac (even in this shrunk down shot).



So the link earlier is private nowm because some asshat went in there and deleted everything. Anyone in the GAF kinship, send me an ingame mail and I'll send you an invite to your email.

Wow. Tiny pic compresses the image so much.




I think I'm gonna start a Minstrel. Gotta use those extra slots for something!

(and now that pretty much everything is soloable, why the heck not?)


Borgnine said:
I haven't been there yet but is there supposed to be a town to the left there? Usually when you see ye olde motocross circuit it means your draw distance is set too low (this happens with Bree a lot)... but you can see that building even further in the distance. I hope it's not just ugly.

I'll see it soon enough I hope, once these Rangers quit their dillydallying.
No town. There are a couple of small enemy outposts of a few buildings, but those are further out than the building and generally hidden behind hills. The only real town is the one in the previous pic.
Well, there's one more, but I think that one's kind of supposed to be a surprise.

Enedwaith is pretty empty. It's mostly just grasslands, though there is a sizable swamp area to the southwest (not visible from where I was standing) and an area to the west with some rocky red terrain, but mostly it's just rolling hills and grass. Still there are some fantastic quest lines down there. Good story stuff in the main "epic" quest and several other quest areas.


Can LOTRO veterans recommend a few quest packs? I'd like to buy 2-3 packs if I continue to enjoy the game as much as I have been.


Subconscious Brolonging
ElJuice said:
Can LOTRO veterans recommend a few quest packs? I'd like to buy 2-3 packs if I continue to enjoy the game as much as I have been.

Lone-Lands and Evendim would do you right (including the quests you get for free, these would get you into the upper 30's, plus they're very well done). After that, things kind of spread out, so I don't know. Forochel and Eregion are amazing questing zones, but they're lvl 45 and up. I'd probably just buy Lone-Lands and Evendim and if you're still into the game by that point, consider buying a few more.


Spire said:
Lone-Lands and Evendim would do you right (including the quests you get for free, these would get you into the upper 30's, plus they're very well done). After that, things kind of spread out, so I don't know. Forochel and Eregion are amazing questing zones, but they're lvl 45 and up. I'd probably just buy Lone-Lands and Evendim and if you're still into the game by that point, consider buying a few more.

Sounds good, thanks. I was also eyeballing Angmar since it seems to have a lot of content, but I'll cross that bridge when/if I get to it.


Glad I went into farming! Pipe-weed is surprisingly cool. And it sells very well too.


Also I ran into a slightly off mount bug. In case you can't tell, I'm smoking a pipe under there. :lol



Is there an auction house add on similar to WOW? I've seen huge price disparities between various items on the AH and not sure what the "right" price is.


Got my elven hunter up to level 15 or 16 last night. The game has now become a lot more fun because I managed to find a cool new bow that also looks different (that's something that never happened in WoW at such a low level - there all the bows looked exactly the same).

The game is getting to be more fun now, I have a set of nice melee skills and three staple ranged skills that can bring down most foes quite quickly. Fighting multiple enemies of the same level is still complicated and when there are three mobs, taking down the last one can be really close HP-wise.

At level 15 the game told me that I can now go and get a hobby, but I had learned and trained fishing already before that. So it kind of seemed redundant.

Still questing around the beginning elf areas, slowly clearing my way to go and continue the tailoring trade skill quest far away in Bree or somewhere.


ToddG15 said:
Is there an auction house add on similar to WOW? I've seen huge price disparities between various items on the AH and not sure what the "right" price is.

Not that I know of, and I don't think it's possible right now anyway - the API doesn't allow looking at AH results, nor does it allow stuff like it.

Maybe in the future.. who knows?

In the meantime, just look at how much things are worth, and balance accordingly. Or price to sell.

Everything I get that isn't vendor trash goes there, priced to sell. I make money :)


TimeKillr said:
Not that I know of, and I don't think it's possible right now anyway - the API doesn't allow looking at AH results, nor does it allow stuff like it.

Maybe in the future.. who knows?

In the meantime, just look at how much things are worth, and balance accordingly. Or price to sell.

Everything I get that isn't vendor trash goes there, priced to sell. I make money :)
Yah, that's what I did yesterday, just took what prices were listed and pro-rated the price, but I'm not sure if it will actually sell or not. That's why I was hoping for some kind of program/interface that could track all that stuff for me. :)


ToddG15 said:
Yah, that's what I did yesterday, just took what prices were listed and pro-rated the price, but I'm not sure if it will actually sell or not. That's why I was hoping for some kind of program/interface that could track all that stuff for me. :)

If you want to be sure it sells, seriously, price cut.

It always works in WoW and stuff, and typically if it's stuff you gathered/looted, it's almost pure profit. :)

Of course, it's generally not good for the market in the long term (it'll drive prices down) but for the moment it's good because there are SOOO many f2pers that it doesn't matter.


Subconscious Brolonging
commissar said:
This is against my better judgement, but I'll give it a shot.

Are the shots in the OP from the high res texture version?


Is there an auction house add on similar to WOW? I've seen huge price disparities between various items on the AH and not sure what the "right" price is.

Not right now, although I'd excect one in the very near future.


Question for those that purchased Mines of Moria. How do I redeem my key and get the upgrade? Went into the account page, inserted my key and now they are asking for a payment plan.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Kerrinck said:
Question for those that purchased Mines of Moria. How do I redeem my key and get the upgrade? Went into the account page, inserted my key and now they are asking for a payment plan.

Can you just choose to use a pre-paid card? That's what I did.


aidan said:
Can you just choose to use a pre-paid card? That's what I did.

Thanks, that did the trick.
Do you know when we get the 500 points from upgrading to Mines? Just checked my account and it still has 0 points.
After upgrading to MoM do I have to download it too? Got 10gb+ client now, installer is called MirkwoodSetup, I assume it has everything or?


Nolimit_SS said:
After upgrading to MoM do I have to download it too? Got 10gb+ client now, installer is called MirkwoodSetup, I assume it has everything or?

Nah it downloads everything. So if you upgrade to Mirkwood after Mines of Moria it'll just be entering a key in your account.


Cool Smoke Luke
little bit of advice for new players
everytime you get a new deed that asks to kill some monsters there is gonna be an advanced version when you finish it you will want to do.

For example wolf slayer in shire kill 30 wolfs.. advanced kill 60 wolfs
these are unique to the region your in so killing wolfs in bree doesn't count towards shire ect.
However the final rewards all stack if the advanced reward is Zeal +1 that adds to the total for your Virtues.

I've been backtracking clearing out all the old deeds i skipped while i was leveling..and wish i had just did them while i got exp for the mobs
Will the DDO cards that give Turbine Points work on this game as well? I've read somewhere recently that they worked. Can anyone confirm that?
Can anyone recommend a site where I can buy a US Mines of Moria key?
I've found some myself but all these sites look kind of dodgy so I'd like Gaf input.


VoteForPedro said:
Can anyone recommend a site where I can buy a US Mines of Moria key?
I've found some myself but all these sites look kind of dodgy so I'd like Gaf input.
I bought mine from Amazon. There's an amazon approved 3rd party selling it, though I just spent an extra dollar and got it straight from amazon.
But was it a box or a key? Cause I'm in Europe and I would rather not pay for shipping (I don't know if Amazon ships to Europe either)


Haven't played much the past couple days because I haven't had the time.

I still haven't seen anyone from the GAF Kinship on to get an invite. :( I added those people who can invite, but we don't seem to have similar play times.
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