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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The series isn't 1 star levels of bad in my opinion. The visuals and production levels are stunning and it's probably the best looking TV series ever made.

I found it average and just didn't enjoy it at all. This isn't a show for me and I'm a huge Tolkien fan, which could be part of the reason why I'm not enjoying it, but it's not 1 star levels of terrible.


Gold Member
"Dialogue" - Stilted and nonsensical

"But the ship has a secret, for unlike the stone, her gaze is not downward but up, fixed upon the light that guides her whispering of grander things than the darkness ever new.”
"This place is so evil, our torches give off no warmth."
"The skies are strange." weohohohoooooo *spoopy*
"We stay true to each other, with our hearts even bigger than our feet.” ahahahaha

My favorite: "It is said the wine of victory is sweetest for those in whose bitter trials it has fermented."

"Dialect" - GaladrrRRrrRiellleeee

If I would take a shot every time they change the pronunciation of GaladRiel, MoRdoR or SauRon, I'd be off my tits before half-time.

"Costumes" - Wearing a nightgown to the aftermath of a battle

Corpses, death and blood can't ruin my style.



So much overacting as the actors stumble over their stilted dialogues.




Never-ending exposition and multiple storylines happening all at once is not the way how Tolkien told his tales. Nothing has room to breathe, characters just get tossed around, no immersion whatsoever. Galadriel doing frikin' sword tricks after killing the ice troll is just awful, dumb and has no place in a Tolkien setting. This isn't Ninja Turtles, who is she trying to show off?


Every character is so derivative and totally fails to stand on its own. They would be nothing without the material they cannot touch upon or Jackson's movies, for example the Harfoots are basically just female Sam and Frodo. The Shakespearian forbidden love story is just dumb and doesn't really belong in a Tolkien story. The action scenes are fake, weightless and frivolous. The Michael Bay'esque rotating establishing shots belong in a Transformer movie, not a LOTR show.

"Plotholes" - More holes then cheese
  • Galadriel is supposed to have a husband and a daughter and do you know who Elrond marries? Yeah...
  • Galadriel's father is Finarfin the youngest son of the High King of the Noldor Finwe. No kid would bully her, especially not in frikkin' Aman (meaning the blessed land, free from evil).
  • The piling of the helmets is something done by the Orcs.
  • Elves don’t really die, their souls travel back to the Halls of Mandos where they may be reborn. They have no fear of death.
  • Galadriel is actually under the Curse of Mandos because of her defiance of the Valar and the Kinslaying. She is not allowed to return across the Sea to Valinor.

The show might be just good enough for some random fantasy tale, but it totally fails Tolkien and his work.
You forgot the genius dialogue where the wise elf king send away his best warrior with all the will to fight (compared to anyone else apparently) because " her searching for evil can awake evil..." excuse.

I probably lost half of my brain cells after such a strong dialogue.

Kev Kev

I don't have a horse in the Tolkien lore vs Amazon preachy bullshit argument, as long as it's suitably entertaining then that's good enough for me. This isn't.

It's turgid, boring, absolutely soulless. The writing, so far, is among the worst I've come across (yes, I've watched Falcon and the Winter Soldier). The characters are flat and one dimensional - except Galadriel who is both a Karen and a Mary Sue. Almost nothing of tremendous interest is actually happening and the show keeps expositioning everything that actually does like it's some sort of deep and meaningful thing - when it's all just fluff.

It's not a 1/10 experience so far, the show's technicalities alone push it up, but it's just not a good show and I can't see myself trudging through another what, 5 seasons, of this bland, poorly scripted borefest.
So what’s an example of a good TV show to you?


You forgot the genius dialogue where the wise elf king send away his best warrior with all the will to fight (compared to anyone else apparently) because " her searching for evil can awake evil..." excuse.

I probably lost half of my brain cells after such a strong dialogue.
That was a head scratcher moment for me too! I’m confused of the timeline, I thought Galadriel was banned from entering Valinor?


Ultimate DQ Fan
Thanks for the replies.
I just find it weird to care about all this stuff in Tolkien's head if he never bothered to actually write it in a fictional story. As an example, I'm sure that Lucas has all these other ideas in his head about the Star Wars universe but it doesn't matter because he never made any movies about those ideas. In fact, Star Wars fandom was happy to embrace the fan-fiction that was the EU, some passionate people choose that fan-fiction over the official sequels we got, even though it's not from Lucas' own head.

Oh. He wrote it "in fictional stories" as you say. Plenty of times. As I said, there are several versions of many of the stories he wrote. Many complete drafts. But they weren't published in his lifetime. There is a version he was almost content with that he wanted published alongside lotr in the 50w, but his publisher didn't know what to kaoe of it and rejected it. So he kept working on it


How could anyone possibly read Tolkien and come away with the understanding that the sort of people he loved the most were alpha men who lust for power, wealth, technology and mastery over nature?


Perpetually Offended
Everyone's looking for validation of their opinion. You're not so different from the people watching "ragetubers."
I don't watch ragetubers or get my opinions from anyone other than myself. So yeah, I'm different. I watch John Campea because his shows are usually informative on stuff going on in the Industry... Movies and TV...

That's QUITE different from getting my opinion from someone else.


The criticisms are moronic because that is the same hot take dumb shit people were saying about the trailers. So if that is the extent of your criticism then you did not watch the show and are just culture-warring, or you did watch the show but are refusing to provide any examples.
Galadriel for example talks almost solely in "trailer speech". If you do not know what this is or fail to see it I can't help you. There's a ton of examples of this throughout the show already. This has nothing to do with "culture warring" and is instead just you failing to accept that not everyone is clapping like a seal every time a thing happens on screen.
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I don't watch ragetubers or get my opinions from anyone other than myself. So yeah, I'm different. I watch John Campea because his shows are usually informative on stuff going on in the Industry... Movies and TV...

That's QUITE different from getting my opinion from someone else.
You're pretty full of yourself aren't you?

People who brag about their own intellectual levels while putting other people down (based on nothing but their own hubris I might add) are in my experience generally assholes not worth wasting time on.


Galadriel for example talks almost solely in "trailer speech". If you do not know what this is or fail to see it I can't help you. There's a ton of examples of this throughout the show already. This has nothing to do with "culture warring" and just you failing to accept that not everyone is clapping like a seal every time a thing happens on screen.
That whole thing with Nori asking what else is out there as pretty much the first words coming out of her mouth is also really poor writing.

A good writer would build the character up a bit. Show her life, show how mundane it is and then have her pop that question.

Instead the first thing the show does is demonstrate how fun and quirky the hobbits are by showing off some admittingly pretty cool ways they hide from others.


Galadriel for example talks almost solely in "trailer speech". If you do not know what this is or fail to see it I can't help you. There's a ton of examples of this throughout the show already. This has nothing to do with "culture warring" and just you failing to accept that not everyone is clapping like a seal every time a thing happens on screen.

I genuinely have no idea how these people don't see how terrible the dialogue is. There were times when I was cringing at the melodramatic bullshit I was hearing, it's like bad Tolkien fanfiction.
It’s pretty mediocre - I thought the second episode was better than the first tho - will stick with it for now to see what happens. I’m confused on Galadriel ditching the boat at the end of the first ep - how was she gonna swim all the way back to middle earth? Like what is the thought process


Perpetually Offended
You're pretty full of yourself aren't you?

People who brag about their own intellectual levels while putting other people down (based on nothing but their own hubris I might add) are in my experience generally assholes not worth wasting time on.

Where did I do all of what you said?

The only thing I've said is that I watch something and form my own opinion about it. How does that equate to 'brag about their own intellectual levels"? And where did I put someone down? Like seriously... How?

Because I don't kowtow to someone or agree with them? Because have my own thoughts? Because I don't rage or belittle others?

If I think someone is arguing in bad faith about something, I call it out if I want to. Isn't that what most people are doing on GAF?


When people keep posting videos from TheQuartering or Critical Drinker or whatever else and just say "see? This guy said thing and I agree with thing because he laid it out"... That's not forming your own opinion.

TheQuartering is imo a grifter that often offers nothing to the discussion but people like Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic have their biases and admit that but always back up their arguments with examples and careful analysis. You're biased too, it doesn't mean we should automatically dismiss all your posts.
When people keep posting videos from TheQuartering or Critical Drinker or whatever else and just say "see? This guy said thing and I agree with thing because he laid it out"... That's not forming your own opinion.
You don't know where these people got their opinion from. Just assuming they lap up everything these ragetubers put out because they posted their video(s) is disingenuous.


Can't say I was disappointed as i didn't have high hopes.

Visually it's gorgeous.
Music is pretty nice too. Nothing really stands out but it's good work.

The writing feels like its from a early 20 something fan fic.
Characters are all cookie cut. Nothing interesting. Seen it all before in other shows.
The Woman playing Galadriel can't act.

jim GIF


Where did I do all of what you said?

The only thing I've said is that I watch something and form my own opinion about it. How does that equate to 'brag about their own intellectual levels"? And where did I put someone down? Like seriously... How?

Because I don't kowtow to someone or agree with them? Because have my own thoughts? Because I don't rage or belittle others?

If I think someone is arguing in bad faith about something, I call it out if I want to. Isn't that what most people are doing on GAF?

You keep saying you form your own opinions, followed by saying other people just adopt (this is where you put others down, by assuming they don't form their own opinions, in essence, you're calling them sheep).

The message you are sending, intentional or not, is that your opinion is better because you formed it on your own. So what does that mean? Can only mean one thing, that you think the rest of us don't.

So if that's not your intention, I suggest you rephrase.

Or you know, stop telling us how you form your own opinions. We all do that, you're not special.

And a couple of people posting a video from somewhere doesn't mean that video formed their opinion. It could be as simple as, hey, this guy says what I'm thinking, but he's better with words.

Argue the show, not who's got the most valid opinion.


It’s pretty mediocre - I thought the second episode was better than the first tho - will stick with it for now to see what happens. I’m confused on Galadriel ditching the boat at the end of the first ep - how was she gonna swim all the way back to middle earth? Like what is the thought process
This was my biggest WTF moment too, feels like someone watched The Northman and thought hey I can do that too! And it was already pretty dumb in The Northman IMHO.

Otherwise I didn't think it was too bad, I enjoyed most of it.


Gold Member
Not for me. Fell asleep after the first 20 minutes.

Sure i might have been a little tired, but the take home message is that what I saw wasnt enticing enough to return for more
This was my biggest WTF moment too, feels like someone watched The Northman and thought hey I can do that too! And it was already pretty dumb in The Northman IMHO.

Otherwise I didn't think it was too bad, I enjoyed most of it.
The Northman it at least seemed like land was relatively close, like it was in sight - this it was like “huh?” Cus they’d been in the boat for a while


The main impression I have of this show and the first thing I remember every time I think of it is Galadriel's weird face twitch. I guess that says something about the show.
The main impression I have of this show and the first thing I remember every time I think of it is Galadriel's weird face twitch. I guess that says something about the show.
i have no idea wtf you mean and i love morfydd clark so watch her very closely :messenger_winking:
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Gold Member
I'm sure it'll end up being a visually spectacular show with mediocre writing, but "good enough" overall to continue onward. If anything we'll get cool looking battle scenes.

But Lord of the Rings is something that's very near and dear to my rear. My father read me the Hobbit when I was 5 years old, and the Lord of the Rings movies were a defining point in my childhood. I've come to respect and admire Tolkien, his life, and his work over the years. With the Rings of Power, I feel like the creators have taken far too many liberties with Tolkien's world and it rubs me the wrong way. From what I can tell they've made Galadriel unlikeable right outta the gate, the elves don't look like elves, the dialogue ranges from fine to laughable, journalists will not shut up about the diversity, Amazon has been very shady with removing negative reviews on IMDB, everyone is calling out the Halbrand/Sauron twist from a mile away, they've condensed centuries of history into a few decades and in a way that doesn't make sense, and etc etc.

So far House of the Dragon has been fulfilling the fantasy show itch, and I'm about to start the Beserk series for the first time. So it's not like I'm starved for anything fantasy related.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

Like I've said previously, I know almost nothing about Lord of the Rings except the very basics.

Is he correct about those characters?


Gold Member
This is a blatant lie, if you study the scene it's obvious that she smelled a fart and she's trying to be as subtle about it as possible
Somethime you think you are ready for a cringe line until you actually have to act in front of a camera.


So far House of the Dragon has been fulfilling the fantasy show itch

I went in and watched both shows with no expectations whatsoever but I was really positively surprised by HOTD - it follows the source material much more faithfully.

Part of the issue with LOTR:RoP is that Amazon does not have the rights to Silmarillion so they have to make do with the appendices.


Gold Member
As someone who has been a big Tolkien fan since I can remember, I'm actually enjoying the show. This is nothing like the portrayals I've been hearing about.

I can't imagine how difficult it would be to make something like this and not anger someone regarding something.


Gold Member
I've been able to watch most of ep1 and WOW, does it look fantastic. While I appreciate their desire to make as many scenes as possible look like a John Howe painting, it is a bit distracting at times, especially with how the elves get posed.

The dialogue though.......whoooof. All circular nonsense written to SOUND thoughtful but just prattle. Especially that "I've seen too much to go back home", "I've seen things too", "You haven't seen what I'VE SEEN!" nonsense. If you can't articulate your reasoning in clear english then you don't have a really good reason when no one listens to you. Her entire mission seems predicated on a random symbol on her bro and finding that symbol ONCE (?) on a table in an abandoned castle at the edge of the world.

I liked the elf ranger dude (Arninor?) more than I thought, though now I gotta wonder how many human maids he grooms from childhood to fulfil his fetish and watches them die as he grooms another. He's been stalking that little village for EIGHTY YEARS???

As for the Harfoots, I'm on the fence with that one. The whimsey is endearing (and WOW, that village looked good!) but it hits the same issues as Wheel of Time with Two-Rivers...."we are secretive, reclusive, isolated folk, that just so happen to be REALLY multi-cultural!". They should have just picked a group, like all Filipino or indigenous brazil, whatever, and ran with that. They also don't FEEL small, the fruit and veggies they had didn't seem that outsized. Though at this point other than that comical wolf/warg thing I've not seen them with anyone for contrast.


Perpetually Offended
You keep saying you form your own opinions, followed by saying other people just adopt (this is where you put others down, by assuming they don't form their own opinions, in essence, you're calling them sheep).

The message you are sending, intentional or not, is that your opinion is better because you formed it on your own. So what does that mean? Can only mean one thing, that you think the rest of us don't.

So if that's not your intention, I suggest you rephrase.

Or you know, stop telling us how you form your own opinions. We all do that, you're not special.

And a couple of people posting a video from somewhere doesn't mean that video formed their opinion. It could be as simple as, hey, this guy says what I'm thinking, but he's better with words.

Argue the show, not who's got the most valid opinion.

My argument about the videos was was that there are people in this thread who haven't even watched the show (by their own admissions) getting their opinions based on what other people said in the videos they posted. Just seemed disingenuous. But that's my thoughts and not a definitive thing.

Anyway, about the show itself, my one criticism of the show is that there are only 8 episodes and I don't know how we're going to get to any resolutions of hanging threads we have so far. I just hope we don't have a rushed last 2 episodes this season.


I dont know whats happening here but watched this first on PS5 prime app and now rewatched it on LG TV's own app and man does the TV look miles crisper then PS5. Cant find any settings that would cause this so it must be the app.
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