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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Cool Smoke Luke

Sitch and Adam have some guests so if you skip past the 10mins trump talk at the beginning they get into a great 3hr conversation about every part of the show, what works what doesn't etc.. bearing in mind neither Sitch or Adam care all that much about the source material ..


Gold Member
Any truth to Elon's tweets?

If we use the comparison that Morgoth destroying the trees was akin to 9/11 (for americans) and the war against him and continued chase of Sauron is kinda like the hunt for Bin Laden, then having all the elves OTHER than Galadriel get "bored" and want to go home after finding tangible evidence of enemy forces kinda like if a Special Forces A-team found a cave with a bunch of Al Queda stuff in it and just said, "nah, OBL hasn't been seen for years, let's hang it up". The point is that these are almost RELIGIOUS warriors that are now quitting as a way to try to make Galadriel, apparently the only one to really give a shit about dead elves, seem "stronger". Sloppy! So I kinda see Elon's point, she seems like the only one really vested in fighting on and she is HELLA dismissive of anyone elses lived experiences or opinions about it.

Arondir or whatever his name is never actually DOES anything, he makes some mooney eyes at a lady but they are so chaste it could almost pass as a friendship. Normally I would say that her asian looking son indicates she was from a distant land (that might not share the local fear/hatred of the occupying(?) elves) or at least had a previous dalliance with a passing stranger from a far off land (thus she was more open and welcoming than the other locals) but no, she is from a village a short stroll from where she ended up and her sons father is barely even hinted at. The color wheel casting makes it hard to tell if the son is exotic or just normal for that area. This is another way color wheel casting fails at simple visual storytelling.

So is he as potent and embittered as Galadriel? Is he even a contemporary of the initial war? Hard to say because he is so stoic and given so little to say. But the assumption is that he, if he had ANY COMPETENCE in his job, simply MUST have known this woman as a child if he's been patrolling the area, quizzing locals about strange events, for EIGHT DECADES.

I'm actually gonna back down from my critique of color wheel casting of the Harfoots. (for the time being) If they are a widely migratory bunch that periodically interact with other Harfoots to purposefully intermingle, then it could make biologic sense for their village diversity. I hope that's how they do it because it would be AWESOME to show this secretive society living right underfoot of everyone else.

I thought the raft scene was funny. How quickly that indian lady turned from "lets help her!" to "she's the cause of all this!!" was soooo quick. Women always turn on each other the fastest :p Those visuals were dope. Regardless of my compliants about the story, I hope there is a 4k BR release of this show just for demo purposes.


Gold Member
I am a piece of shit.
Cracking Up Lol GIF
Turgid. If this wasn't lord of the rings I'd be out already. Wasn't even any fun stuff to laugh at this week and as for the protohobbits and the whole fall behind get left behind thing. Nice sense of community there guys. What a bunch of cunts. 4/10. Mostly for the visuals.



Halbrand has massive anger issues and wants to beat up the assholes on the corner... finally a character I can relate to!

Fantastic episode. The Harfoots part isn't bad in itself, but we mostly want to see more about Numenor. Really beautiful setting. The whole scene with the water ration was really good. Still a bit skeptical about the choice of Isildur's actor, I'm waiting to see more. Emma Watson has two strong arguments in any case.

Well, on the other hand, screw you for
killing Simon Merrells..
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Kev Kev

Númenor was glorious.

The architecture, the scenery, the wardrobes, the mariners, the ships, that stunning shot of that white, blue eyed horse Galadriel was riding down the beach, and so much more. It all looked nearly exactly like I have pictured it in my head all these years. So well done, and a long time coming. Never thought we'd get such an epic, accurate depiction of Númenor on screen. Never thought we'd see the island on screen at all. But here it is, finally.

Excellent episode. The storylines are still meandering a bit, but they are doing a good job of focusing them in more and more with each new episode. There are so many epic conclusions being foreshadowed in every scene, it has my head swirling with ideas of where they are going to take the series.

It's always sad to see elves die, if not just because many of them have lived for centuries, but also because I wanted to learn more about them. They are creating truly interesting characters that I like and care about, even though many of them are brand new and not in the books.

The fight scenes are exciting and well done, better than that first encounter with the snow troll, for sure (although I do think they are slightly lacking in the choreography department). There is just enough mystery being sewed into each episode to keep things interesting for those of us who already know how this all ends. The music is fantastic and matching the scenes and settings perfectly. There is just enough gore and violence to make me go, "Oh shit!!" at times (Halbrand breaking that guys wrist, for example), but not too much as to make it gratuitous (the LoTR trilogy also did this well). The Harfoot storyline and their "tribe" bring plenty of heart and charm to the show, which was obviously abundant in the original trilogy, and much needed in a Tolkien setting, of course. It's funny at the right times, and emotional/deep when it needs to be.

They are hitting the nail on the head with nearly every scene. To say I am impressed and surprised by how good this is would be an understatement. It feels so much like the LoTR and is so deserved to be a part of the LoTR cinematic compendium.

I can't wait for more!
Episode 3 was worse than 1 & 2 for me. I found myself wishing it would end so I could go to bed. I'm going to stick it through the whole season but this is becoming a slog. I really don't have anything positive to say except the show has nice visuals. I feel like the dwarves are going to carry this show for me, and their absence was sorely missed in this episode.

Kev Kev

Episode 3 was worse than 1 & 2 for me. I found myself wishing it would end so I could go to bed. I'm going to stick it through the whole season but this is becoming a slog. I really don't have anything positive to say except the show has nice visuals. I feel like the dwarves are going to carry this show for me, and their absence was sorely missed in this episode.
You're goin to continue watching a show you think is terrible...

Charlie Day Reaction GIF


Gold Member
For fun I went back and reread the appendices from my exquisite 50th ann copy of LOTR. I THINK I can follow the shows overall plot from those, but if they can use stuff from the apps but specifically CAN NOT use any of the elaboration of said things found in the Silmarillion or other writings, wow, what a limitation!

They have access to lots of names but will have to almost deliberately change stuff to avoid something that could be found elsewhere? Like I don't think the apps imply Sauron is in hiding, or being hunted by Galadriel, etc. I'm guessing the dwarves have discovered mithril in that chest and that will lead to unearthing the Balrog but maybe they will jump ahead to the Arkenstone?

For the record, just reading the apps makes me want to read it ALL! Damn I miss Tolkien's writings.


So I just watched all three episodes. All in all, better than I expected. I thought this would be trash like season 8 of GoT, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is without a doubt the best looking piece of entertainment ever put on TV. Music and costumes are decent too. Right now I would give it a 7/10.

The biggest weaknesses so far:

-Galadriel’s personality. She’s not very likable so far, and I hope she gets some character development.
-Some of the dialogue feels like the writers were trying way too hard to sound profound and deep. That analogy
with the stone and the boat at the beginning of the first episode was just retarded lol.
-It’s a bit slow, and not much has actually happened so far. Considering this season only has 8 episodes, I hope
the plot picks up from now on.
-Bizarre racial casting choices. That dwarf princess in particular looks ridiculously out of place (even though her
character wasn’t that bad); it’s actually very distracting. It’s especially funny considering there already are
different races in Middle Earth, but for some reason those races all have sub-races that look just like normal
human races. So you have white elves and black elves, white dwarves and black dwarves etc. But for some
reason no Asian or Arab dwarves and elves? Honestly, I would’ve preferred it if they’d made all the dwarves (or
all the Harfoots) black or Asian or whatever, that would’ve at least been consistent.

Anyway, what are the chances that Galadriel and Halbrand hook up? While she isn’t very likable so far, I wouldn’t be opposed to a sex scene with Galadriel.:messenger_smirking: That woman clearly needs a dick in her life. Btw, is Halbrand being you-know-who actually confirmed, or is that just speculation? I’m not that familiar with the lore, so I don’t exactly know what he was up to during the second age.

Edit: I have to say, that scene where Isildur’s sister got accepted into the builder’s guild or whatever it’s called felt extremely out of place, like a girl celebrating that she got accepted into college or something lol. Her father should be concerned with arranging a good marriage for her instead of sending her to fantasy!college. That was kinda cringe tbh.
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Ulysses 31

Anyway, what are the chances that Galadriel and Halbrand hook up? While she isn’t very likable so far, I wouldn’t be opposed to a sex scene with Galadriel.:messenger_smirking: That woman clearly needs a dick in her life. Btw, is Halbrand being you-know-who actually confirmed, or is that just speculation? I’m not that familiar with the lore, so I don’t exactly know what he was up to during the second age.

Edit: I have to say, that scene where Isildur’s sister got accepted into the builder’s guild or whatever it’s called felt extremely out of place, like a girl celebrating that she got accepted into college or something lol. Her father should be concerned with arranging a good marriage for her instead of sending her to fantasy!college. That was kinda cringe tbh.
If they do it ain't gonna last for long, rumor is that season one ends with Halbrand revealing that he's Sauron.
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Numenor looked amazing overall.

I dunno if it was just me but I felt Greek vibes in it.
More Atlantis than Avalon.

The music for Numenor gives the sense of going out to sea. It draws from the near present then raises and sails the sunken land to its apex bringing the listener along then lets history unwind as the scene comes to shore.

The theme of the Stranger as Adar emerges confirms some thoughts about Blue Wizards hearkening back to the prelude.


My and my wife must be watching a different show..

It's just so painfully boring, everyone is either stupid or an asshole. Not buying the numenorian pettiness, these people lived for hundreds of years, to assume they'd be as narrow minded and assholish as us humans is a bit daft to me.

And the hobbits and their 'fall behind and we'll keep moving instead of helping, and remember you in a circle' bullshit...

This show is written by people who haven't lived. People who don't understand human psyche. It's written by people who yearn to create prose and powerful metaphors, but fail at both.

It's pretty, okay, sure, but what does it matter when the story and dialogue is so painfully abysmal? The actors are struggling to deliver with the drivel they're given.

Also, anyone else getting nightmarish aphex twin vibes from Galadriel's smile while riding the horse?


My and my wife must be watching a different show..

It's just so painfully boring, everyone is either stupid or an asshole. Not buying the numenorian pettiness, these people lived for hundreds of years, to assume they'd be as narrow minded and assholish as us humans is a bit daft to me.

And the hobbits and their 'fall behind and we'll keep moving instead of helping, and remember you in a circle' bullshit...

This show is written by people who haven't lived. People who don't understand human psyche. It's written by people who yearn to create prose and powerful metaphors, but fail at both.

It's pretty, okay, sure, but what does it matter when the story and dialogue is so painfully abysmal? The actors are struggling to deliver with the drivel they're given.

Also, anyone else getting nightmarish aphex twin vibes from Galadriel's smile while riding the horse?

My and my wife must be watching a different show..

It's just so painfully boring, everyone is either stupid or an asshole. Not buying the numenorian pettiness, these people lived for hundreds of years, to assume they'd be as narrow minded and assholish as us humans is a bit daft to me.

And the hobbits and their 'fall behind and we'll keep moving instead of helping, and remember you in a circle' bullshit...

This show is written by people who haven't lived. People who don't understand human psyche. It's written by people who yearn to create prose and powerful metaphors, but fail at both.

It's pretty, okay, sure, but what does it matter when the story and dialogue is so painfully abysmal? The actors are struggling to deliver with the drivel they're given.

Also, anyone else getting nightmarish aphex twin vibes from Galadriel's smile while riding the horse?
I have to agree. The motivation and culture of these groups makes no sense to me and I've been chalking it up to not knowing the lore. The whole Numenor storyline in episode 3 has me scratching my head. Galadriel gave her usual exposition dump when entering the city but I still don't understand their reaction to her. Telling her she can't leave, but then agreeing to think about it for a few days, but then accusing the captain of treason for bringing her here and subsequently forcing him to guard her as penalty? Wat.

The Harfoots abandoning people who fall behind is just plain shitty - aren't we supposed to be rooting for these people? The whole time I was watching the "circle jerk of remembrance" I was like wtf......complete cognitive dissonance.

I totally forgot about Galadriel on the horse lol. Yes I totally felt that

Hari Seldon

I have to agree. The motivation and culture of these groups makes no sense to me and I've been chalking it up to not knowing the lore. The whole Numenor storyline in episode 3 has me scratching my head. Galadriel gave her usual exposition dump when entering the city but I still don't understand their reaction to her. Telling her she can't leave, but then agreeing to think about it for a few days, but then accusing the captain of treason for bringing her here and subsequently forcing him to guard her as penalty? Wat.

The Harfoots abandoning people who fall behind is just plain shitty - aren't we supposed to be rooting for these people? The whole time I was watching the "circle jerk of remembrance" I was like wtf......complete cognitive dissonance.

I totally forgot about Galadriel on the horse lol. Yes I totally felt that
I haven't seen Ep 3 yet but IIRC at this point in the lore the Numenoreans are highly jealous of the Elves and their immortality (well some of them are).


Gold Member
Just watched all 3 its not shit but its not fantastic either. Find it strange the amount of weight some of you guys put in other peoples opinions (YT).

The pacing is all off but it looks fantastic and i think im in. Compared to the wheel of time (which i lasted 2 episodes) this is a masterpiece.

6.5/10 so far but i sub to prime already so who cares?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Just watched episode 3. Might throw in the towel now. I'm just not into it and there's no point wasting my time.


I have to agree. The motivation and culture of these groups makes no sense to me and I've been chalking it up to not knowing the lore. The whole Numenor storyline in episode 3 has me scratching my head. Galadriel gave her usual exposition dump when entering the city but I still don't understand their reaction to her. Telling her she can't leave, but then agreeing to think about it for a few days, but then accusing the captain of treason for bringing her here and subsequently forcing him to guard her as penalty? Wat.

The Harfoots abandoning people who fall behind is just plain shitty - aren't we supposed to be rooting for these people? The whole time I was watching the "circle jerk of remembrance" I was like wtf......complete cognitive dissonance.

I totally forgot about Galadriel on the horse lol. Yes I totally felt that
Not only that, but Galadriel, who by this time is 1000s of years old, acts with the kind of juvenile hostility you might expect from a teenager. She enters a foreign land, after being saved on the open sea I might add, and is nothing but hostile. She has no time for these lower vermin, and she doesn't even have grace and dignity to explain what she thinks is going on before getting bitchy with them. She's just an insufferable asshole.

Who the fuck in their right minds would pay any heed to her?

And we're supposed to root for this loon? If she holds hostility, if elves hold hostility towards the numenorians, the show would do well to communicate that before portraying their main character as a sociopath.
Just watched all 3 its not shit but its not fantastic either. Find it strange the amount of weight some of you guys put in other peoples opinions (YT).

The pacing is all off but it looks fantastic and i think im in. Compared to the wheel of time (which i lasted 2 episodes) this is a masterpiece.

6.5/10 so far but i sub to prime already so who cares?

That's the main thing isn't it? It looks great!

Do people really watch things because the look good? I don't care how it looks if the story isn't there. And I care more about esthetics than most.

So why do I watch this? I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan. It means a lot to me. I just need to see where it goes and what they do with it. Can't help it.

Call me weal, I don't care.
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