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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


I normally root for the good guys but this show makes me want to see them fail at every turn. Thankfully this episode delivered in that respect.

The writing and acting continues to be a joke.

I’ll get this off my chest then leave.

The way they frame Galadriel to be so majestic is hilarious. People looking so jaw dropped at her and all that nonsense. She has no presence or charisma whatsoever it just comes off weird.

Selfish Galadriel in shock at the mt doom whilst people help others who are dying? Some commander she is.

I thought the Numenoreans were supposed to be apex warriors or something? What a bunch of pussies. No sense of strength or skill from them at all. If I was Galadriel I’d of just left Numenor and gone somewhere else for an army.

I guess the jokes on me because continue to suffer watching it but it’s such a beautiful disaster.


That battle felt weirdly small. On one hand we see shots from the air to show us how big the orc army is, but during the battle itself we never see more than a few dozen orcs at the same time. This felt more like a skirmish, instead of the epic battles we saw in the PJ movies.

But it’s not just the battle that felt small, but that whole plotline. Halbrand is the rightful king of… a handful of ramshackle huts? Where are the cities? Why are the villagers from that one village the only humans we ever see in the southlands? Where did that billion dollar budget go?

Also, Bronwyn should’ve died. When she was hit by those arrows I was at first (pleasantly) surprised that they’d kill one of the main characters. But then I groaned when the elf carried her into the building; in that moment I knew she would survive. The show desperately needs to raise the stakes; right now it’s pretty obvious that all the major characters have plot armor.

Also, I don’t think water makes a volcano erupt lol. I thought it would just create a lot of steam which then turns into clouds to cover the sun; instead the whole thing explodes for some reason?

I also wonder how Galadriel and the others will survive this pyroclastic cloud. If next episode starts with all the characters just stumbling around coughing, covered in ash, but otherwise fine, I’m gonna riot.


ידע זה כוח
right now it’s pretty obvious that all the major characters have plot armor.

I also wonder how Galadriel and the others will survive this pyroclastic cloud. If next episode starts with all the characters just stumbling around coughing, covered in ash, but otherwise fine, I’m gonna riot.
You know exactly what's gonna happen.

I thought the episode was ok. I did vomit in my mouth a little every time she went to the sides of the horse, and then a full burst of vomit when she said the salt water crap. They really need to stop with the idioms, I just saw the PJ movies (again) and I don't remember having any of that.

I did like the ending a lot, it didn't make a whole lot of sense, but it was cool to see how Mt Doom came to be. I personally would have finished the season with that.
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I also wonder how Galadriel and the others will survive this pyroclastic cloud. If next episode starts with all the characters just stumbling around coughing, covered in ash, but otherwise fine, I’m gonna riot.
You know that will happen, they will probably stay in the same fucking village.


Gold Member
Not gonna lie I stopped watching halfway through episode 4 cause there’s just nothing happening.

Seems like a huge fight happened and I have to see it for myself. I was hoping the last few episodes will spike the action since it’s pretty close to the end.

I hope it gets better. I keep sending my father the episodes not knowing if it’s good or not and I’m kinda embarrassed if what is discussed in the thread is the general theme of the last few episodes. This thread is the only one where I get my opinion of the show and it’s kinda grim.


If there is a shit posting clown formula or equation that lets me compare Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy directly to the epic fantasy '80s Conan the Barbarian movie, and the crappier Hobbit trilogy to the crappier Conan the Destroyer movie.

I think it would equate The Rings of Power to the Conan the Adventurer TV series, or maybe something more figuratively retarded, upbeat, and effervescent like The Adventures of Sinbad.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I haven't watched the new EP yet but would like to point out that strictly speaking you haven't seen the ships beneath the waterline, so theoretically there could be a huge watertight cargo hold underneath
I can look at that ship in the shot and tell it is a light berth.


Gold Member
If there is a shit posting clown formula or equation that lets me compare Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy directly to the epic fantasy '80s Conan the Barbarian movie, and the crappier Hobbit trilogy to the crappier Conan the Destroyer movie.

I think it would equate The Rings of Power to the Conan the Adventurer TV series, or maybe something more figuratively retarded, upbeat, and effervescent like The Adventures of Sinbad.
In order for me to accept your analogy I need to know WHICH Conan the Adventurer show you are referring to.

Choose wisely, there is only 1 correct answer :p
I liked that ending except why that old suddenly had the sword and why the fuck would he use it and how the fuck would he know how to use it?

Hope everyone in the end that was in the firestorm is actually dead though.
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Gold Member
I have only seen the cartoon one and loved it, not seen the other one

But seriously, watch this intro and then consider that was about PEAK TV fantasy quality for like 20 years alongside Xena and Hercules, till we got Spartacus and then Game of Thrones. So before anyone lumps Rings of Power into this cheese, consider your words wisely :p

I may dog RoP, perhaps unfairly at times, but I do remember my fantasy roots and am grateful they are in the past!

RoP made in the 90's would have had Galadriel looking like this:



This is so offensively poorly written. What the fuck are the writers thinking?

You grab the thing that the evil dude tried to run off it, and you don't even unwrap it to check what the fuck it is or if it's there? God damn the stupidity of these writers maddens me.

They had so many chances to make the show more interesting this episode. Raise the stakes, show that shit matters.

Fucking kill Bronwyn or Arondil instrad of pretending to while we all know you're not going to because the writers are spineless cowards too in love with their shitty characters to let them die and make it fucking intetesting.

Fuck this garbage.

Amazon deserve to be flogged for putting these amateures in charge.


If King Miriel insist on going why only bring 3 ships? That looked like a suicide mission for her. She's too important. I swear the ships have the Tardis technology, how else did they fit all those horses!:messenger_tears_of_joy:

They had the best position to defend from Orcs but they leave the Tower? And it looked like there was only one path out of the Tower, how did they get pass the Orcs?

How is Bronwyn now likedna seasoned fighter, she's just a healer!! These Orcs can't fight!:messenger_grinning_sweat:


Why did the Numenorians go to the human village in the first place? did they hear about the orcs attacking that area? I don't remember.

But seriously, watch this intro and then consider that was about PEAK TV fantasy quality for like 20 years alongside Xena and Hercules, till we got Spartacus and then Game of Thrones. So before anyone lumps Rings of Power into this cheese, consider your words wisely :p

I may dog RoP, perhaps unfairly at times, but I do remember my fantasy roots and am grateful they are in the past!

RoP made in the 90's would have had Galadriel looking like this:


also Callisto's evil smile is 1000 better than current year Galadriel's creepy smile
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Gold Member

But seriously, watch this intro and then consider that was about PEAK TV fantasy quality for like 20 years alongside Xena and Hercules, till we got Spartacus and then Game of Thrones. So before anyone lumps Rings of Power into this cheese, consider your words wisely :p

I may dog RoP, perhaps unfairly at times, but I do remember my fantasy roots and am grateful they are in the past!

RoP made in the 90's would have had Galadriel looking like this:


"Improvement???" indeed

I liked most of the cheep late nineties fantasy stuff


Oh, it's worse really, the boats have small cabins, but when they film inside then, it's apparently medium-sized stables.

It's like filming a 2 room house from the outside, then walking inside and it's a mansion. The showrunners either didn't think this through when they filmed it and couldn't go back and fix it, or they just don't give a shit and hope people won't notice. Either way, it's a good reason why people dislike the show, it is riddled with amateurish stuff like this.
This is prequel to Doctor Who, Tardis tech from Middle Earth confirmed!!


This is so offensively poorly written. What the fuck are the writers thinking?

You grab the thing that the evil dude tried to run off it, and you don't even unwrap it to check what the fuck it is or if it's there? God damn the stupidity of these writers maddens me.

They had so many chances to make the show more interesting this episode. Raise the stakes, show that shit matters.

Fucking kill Bronwyn or Arondil instrad of pretending to while we all know you're not going to because the writers are spineless cowards too in love with their shitty characters to let them die and make it fucking intetesting.

Fuck this garbage.

Amazon deserve to be flogged for putting these amateures in charge.
How did Halbrand get in from to charge at Adar from the front when it was clear he was in still in the village would've been way behind the chase. 🤷‍♂️

But seriously, watch this intro and then consider that was about PEAK TV fantasy quality for like 20 years alongside Xena and Hercules, till we got Spartacus and then Game of Thrones. So before anyone lumps Rings of Power into this cheese, consider your words wisely :p

I may dog RoP, perhaps unfairly at times, but I do remember my fantasy roots and am grateful they are in the past!

RoP made in the 90's would have had Galadriel looking like this:


Definitely an improvement - more range.

Expensive TV shows weren’t much of a thing before streaming. You can compare sci-fi TV shows as well and they look cheap compared to today’s TV shows.


Gold Member
Definitely an improvement - more range.

Expensive TV shows weren’t much of a thing before streaming. You can compare sci-fi TV shows as well and they look cheap compared to today’s TV shows.
Oh, there were DEFINITELY expensive ve shows back in the day, hell Friends cost a million per episode for EACH of the six stars. But for genre, yeah, budgets tended to be low. Still, I recall shows like Space:Above and Beyond and certainly Firefly were quite costly.


Why did the Numenorians go to the human village in the first place? did they hear about the orcs attacking that area? I don't remember.

Because they fell victim to this show's greatest writing contribution to fantasy as a whole. The subtle notion that somebody who is perhaps mentally retarded like ASOIAF's Hodor can eventually achieve flippant teenager levels of expression and persuasion, after several thousand years of being alive like Galadriel.



I just hope we don't get any more childish wannabe-folk singing out of the bald ewoks before this show ends.
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Why did the Numenorians go to the human village in the first place? did they hear about the orcs attacking that area? I don't remember.
Because they fell victim to this show's greatest writing contribution to fantasy as a whole. The subtle notion that somebody who is perhaps mentally retarded like ASOIAF's Hodor can eventually achieve flippant teenager levels of expression and persuasion, after several thousand years of being alive like Galadriel.



I just hope we don't get any more childish wannabe-folk singing out of the bald ewoks before this show ends.
Halbrand told Galadriel first episode


I can look at that ship and tell it is a light berth.
Famous last words of H.L. Dockwood, right before he shot his rifle at the control tower of a german U-boat

So yeah this new episode is pretty awesome so far. We've got:
- Plenty of action, cool fights, stunts and confrontations, but they don't shy away from the grim and gruesome aspects of war
- Numenor to the rescue!
- Galadriel being nice to Isildur on deck at sunrise
- Super dark and creepy confrontation between Galadriel and Orc commander, where he (rightly) tells her to look in the mirror when she goes genocidal on his ass, which is an interesting (and dark) prefiguration of her later having a magic mirror.
- [edit] ... and I didn't even get to the cliffhanger yet! Holy shit!

Random point:

Isn't it amazing how closely the orks, pardon, uruks, resemble the orks in the PJ movies, I'm constantly seeing orks and thinking hey he was in LOTR at the battle of Gondor
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Trying to finish ep 4.

After an extended sequence of excruciating slow motion archery for no apparent reason, Single Mom and Co. escape the forest. The orcs stay at the edge of the forest and refuse to pursue another inch, thanks to the lack of cover from sunlight out in the open field.

Orcs are vampires now? :messenger_neutral: The sun just makes them queasy.


Trying to finish ep 4.

After an extended sequence of excruciating slow motion archery for no apparent reason, Single Mom and Co. escape the forest. The orcs stay at the edge of the forest and refuse to pursue another inch, thanks to the lack of cover from sunlight out in the open field.

Orcs are vampires now? :messenger_neutral: The sun just makes them queasy.
I’m pretty sure they always hated the sun. Orcs in LOTR we’re different breed. Urak-hai. But I do think they fucked that up in the trilogy at some points. Or I see it as they’re just an earlier breed not yet used to it. ( My take anyways)
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I’m pretty sure they always hated the sun. Orcs in LOTR we’re different breed. Urak-hai. But I do think they fucked that up in the trilogy at some points.

Let's be clear.


The orc-band began to descend a narrow ravine leading down into the misty plain below. Merry and Pippin, separated by a dozen Orcs or more, climbed down with them. At the bottom they stepped on to grass, and the hearts of the hobbits rose. ‘Now straight on!’ shouted Uglúk. ‘West and a little north. Follow Lugdush.’

‘But what are we going to do at sunrise?’ said some of the Northerners.

‘Go on running,’ said Uglúk. ‘What do you think? Sit on the grass and wait for the Whiteskins to join the picnic?’

‘But we can’t run in the sunlight.’

‘You’ll run with me behind you,’ said Uglúk. ‘Run! Or you’ll never see your beloved holes again. By the White Hand! What’s the use of sending out mountain-maggots on a trip, only half trained. Run, curse you! Run while night lasts!’

Then the whole company began to run with the long loping strides of Orcs. They kept no order, thrusting, jostling, and cursing; yet their speed was very great. Each hobbit had a guard of three. Pippin was far back in the line. He wondered how long he would be able to go on at this pace: he had had no food since the morning. One of his guards had a whip. But at present the orc-liquor was still hot in him. His wits, too, were wide-awake.

The Hobbit:

It was still ajar, but a goblin had pushed it nearly to. Bilbo struggled but he could not move it. He tried to squeeze through the crack. He squeezed and squeezed, and he stuck! It was awful. His buttons had got wedged on the edge of the door and the door-post. He could see outside into the open air: there were a few steps running down into a narrow valley between tall mountains; the sun came out from behind a cloud and shone bright on the outside of the door-but he could not get through.

Suddenly one of the goblins inside shouted: "There is a shadow by the door. Something is outside!" Bilbo's heart jumped into his mouth. He gave a terrific squirm. Buttons burst off in all directions. He was through, with a torn coat and waistcoat, leaping down the steps like a goat, while bewildered goblins were still picking up his nice brass buttons on the doorstep.

Of course they soon came down after him, hooting and hallooing, and hunting among the trees. But they don't like the sun: it makes their legs wobble and their heads giddy. They could not find Bilbo with the ring on, slipping in and out of the shadow of the trees, running quick and quiet, and keeping out of the sun; so soon they went back grumbling and cursing to guard the door. Bilbo had escaped.

Orcs dislike the sunlight, and it weakens them. But they'll tolerate it if motivated.

RoP is getting this wrong, like everything else.


But it had to take weeks if not months before the Numenorians arrived. If he knew there were orcs in that village, and that they were already there, that means the humans must have stayed in that elf tower for a very long time. I don't understand the timeline here.
Also, how did they know which village to rush to?


Let's be clear.


The Hobbit:

Orcs dislike the sunlight, and it weakens them. But they'll tolerate it if motivated.

RoP is getting this wrong, like everything else.
These are second age orca though. They’re supposed to be different. At least that was the intention of the writers. https://screenrant.com/lotr-show-rings-power-orcs-changes-differences-explained/

That’s what I figured they were going for. Not sure how Tolkien wrote of them in second age though.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
These are second age orca though. They’re supposed to be different. At least that was the intention of the writers. https://screenrant.com/lotr-show-rings-power-orcs-changes-differences-explained/

That’s what I figured they were going for. Not sure how Tolkien wrote of them in second age though.
Still a mistake from a lore standpoint I think. Supernatural elements of the world, including the evil aspects, were more powerful in the First and Second Ages, not less powerful. The history of Middle-Earth is designed to trend from mythology toward reality over time.


Let's be clear.


The Hobbit:

Orcs dislike the sunlight, and it weakens them. But they'll tolerate it if motivated.

RoP is getting this wrong, like everything else.

Is there anything about orcs and sunlight in the 1st and 2nd age specifically?


I know i complained about the diversity hires cast but holy shit, Galadriel is much worse. She is so unlikable and annoying.
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Still a mistake from a lore standpoint I think. Supernatural elements of the world, including the evil aspects, were more powerful in the First and Second Ages, not less powerful. The history of Middle-Earth is designed to trend from mythology toward reality over time.
But orcs are scared of light because they were born into darkness. They were never supposed to built for sunlight. This is an earlier age when they’re less adapted to it. Have not yet evolved. Like the harfoots to hobbits situation.

That’s the way I see it makes sense. Especially with their more younger barbaric look.


Gold Member
But orcs are scared of light because they were born into darkness. They were never supposed to built for sunlight. This is an earlier age when they’re less adapted to it. Have not yet evolved. Like the harfoots to hobbits situation.

That’s the way I see it makes sense. Especially with their more younger barbaric look.
Svared of light is not the same as "burn like a vamp" or "stop chasing them 20 feet away".

The blocking of that scene, with a razor sharp end to the forest and those guys just standing out in the open 30 feet away, is TERRIBLE. Sure there was a forest like that in LOTR but IIRC it was patrolled by an ent as well.
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right now it’s pretty obvious that all the major characters have plot armor
Other than the obvious characters because continuity that black elf and his gf have so much plot armor that they could fight Anchalagon, Carcharoth, Ungoliant and Gothmog with 10 balrogs and they'd keep saving each other's asses all the time.
Only way they could be in peril is if they somehow pissed off Galadriel.


Svared of light is not the same as "burn like a vamp" or "stop chasing them 20 feet away".

The ocking of that scene, with a razor sharp end to the forest and those guys just standing out in the open 30 feet away, is TERRIBLE. Sure there was a forest like that in LOTR but IIRC it was patrolled by an ent as well.
To me it just fits with look of a more primitive species of orc. There’s no real indication of how they’d fair in sunlight during the second age so there’s no real issue for me. Gandalf almost made them useless with light in ROTK as the nazgul fled and orcs stood there looking like they were burning. I could only image they’d take less to the sunlight thousands of years earlier when they were closer to their birth. When no sunlight was around


Gold Member
Other than the obvious characters because continuity that black elf and his gf have so much plot armor that they could fight Anchalagon, Carcharoth, Ungoliant and Gothmog with 10 balrogs and they'd keep saving each other's asses all the time.
Only way they could be in peril is if they somehow pissed off Galadriel.
Now I want a really meta game where the Idpol characters KNOW they have social justice on their side and can't die.

Your job as player is to shift the oppression pyramid around to expose previously protected classes to danger.

Assassins Creed:Cancel Culture , coming next fall :p


Gold Member
To me it just fits with look of a more primitive species of orc. There’s no real indication of how they’d fair in sunlight during the second age so there’s no real issue for me. Gandalf almost made them useless with light in ROTK as the nazgul fled and orcs stood there looking like they were burning. I could only image they’d take less to the sunlight thousands of years earlier when they were closer to their birth. When no sunlight was around
The sun is not the "Burning Hands" spell.

To suggest these orcs literally DIE in sunlight means they have riddled the entire southland with tunnels but decide to do some open air mining 'just cause'.

It's stupid in vampire movies too BTW.


The sun is not the "Burning Hands" spell.

To suggest these orcs literally DIE in sunlight means they have riddled the entire southland with tunnels but decide to do some open air mining 'just cause'.

It's stupid in vampire movies too BTW.
I haven’t seen the newest episode so I’m not sure. Do they literally die from the sun? I don’t know. Even if they do get burned there’s no indication from Tolkien that they wouldn’t at that time.

I sort of always like that weakness to them. Like how in the hobbit they used giant worms to build tunnels. Or in LOTR magic to create dark skies for travel etc. They just tying to add to that here by making it more of a weakness as they’re trying to portray a more primitive orc. I don’t mind it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
To me it just fits with look of a more primitive species of orc. There’s no real indication of how they’d fair in sunlight during the second age so there’s no real issue for me. Gandalf almost made them useless with light in ROTK as the nazgul fled and orcs stood there looking like they were burning. I could only image they’d take less to the sunlight thousands of years earlier when they were closer to their birth. When no sunlight was around
You're welcome to come up with your own headcanon if that makes you happy, but let's not conflate that with the actual Tolkien mythology.
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