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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


You have been trying to dismiss criticism ever since the first information of the show started to come out and you have gone on record saying you have never read the books. You have no damn clue what you are talking about 99.9% of the time in this thread and everyone can see it. You defend media shills, pretend like you know what you are talking about, dismiss anyone who is critical with no basis of understanding *why* people are critical, and then try to talk down to people from your high horse like you are better than others.

Fuck out of here with that. It is perfectly OK to like this show, but you don’t have to try and lie and weasel your way in defending why you like it to dismiss anyone you disagree with.

Where have I dismissed it?
Where have I dismissed it?
High School Reaction GIF by Film Society of Lincoln Center


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The Rings of Power debuted at #1 for its first week in the streaming charts, the second-best performing Amazon premiere after Reacher:

Not a surprise really - it's Lord of the Rings. If the numbers remain steady I guess the market has spoken and the brass probably won't see any incentive to change up the formula. Ah well, cheers to those still enjoying it.
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Quote me where I dismissed someone critiquing this show based on the actual show.

I know you aren’t this stupid, Sol. Almost every post of yours has been done in an effort to dismiss criticism and defend the show. Literally everyone can see it. You aren’t being smart or coy - stop with this idiotic ignorance tactic.
"Unless they keep trying to antagonize you just ignore their comments. And if they do keep bugging you"

i think what BadBurger BadBurger was saying was you can respect other peoples opinions but if they keep trying to get a rise out of you then put them on ignore. It's not a matter of ignoring people because they have a different opinion from you. It's if they try fucking shove it down your throat or are trying to piss you off.

Except the people who are championing the show are refusing to discuss the merits that they think the show has. They’d rather just shut down the discussion with “I don’t understand people who hate watch this” type of posts.
Read my post again, I said it's fine to keep the haters in this thread, I don't have a problem with it. Did you misread that sentence?

And also, read my older posts again, there are many people in this thread and other parts of the internet who keep saying this show is destroying Tolkien lore. They provide absolutely zero evidence of this at all or it's surface level shit like skin colour.
This must be pure trolling at this stage.
The Rings of Power debuted at #1 for its first week in the streaming charts, the second-best performing Amazon premiere after Reacher:

Not a surprise really - it's Lord of the Rings. If the numbers remain steady I guess the market has spoken and the brass probably won't see any incentive to change up the formula. Ah well, cheers to those still enjoying it.
How does this work when Rings of Power was released on the 2nd of September?


What does that even mean? Can you compare lines from this show and lines in the LOTRs trilogy and show the difference?

The kids acting was fairly poor but I was fine with the brothers acting.

Defend it?
We simply don't care about it. We are watching the show and judging it's quality as we watch it. We don't need numbers to tell us if it's good or not. The only people that care are the ones with a weird agenda against the show.

The only complaints I have is the prologue scene with Galadrial and her brother. Also as mentioned above by @NecrosaroIII the scene with Galadrial and Elrond is a bit prolonged.

I really like all the characters and relationships introduced so far. The scene with Elrond and Durin was both comedic and had emotional weight, perfectly balanced.

Again, I don't understand the complaints with dialogue until someone does a comparison and teaches me. I mean, we haven't had anything as ridiculous as "toss me" yet.

Man, The people rating this meh/10 or 1/10 must have some absolutely incredible and stellar TV shows that they are hiding from society.

I put this shows plot on equal footing to House of Dragons, not much has happened in either show. Character drama edges ahead in House of Dragons. Visuals and audio are easily and by far the best in Rings of Power.

Boys have been shown to be arseholes in many movies in cinema history. Do you hate every single film that contains a scene like this?

RE the elves wanting to go home, that scene wasn't about them being cowards. Every single other elf had returned home based on the rules laid out by the king, they were wanting to follow orders and Galadriel's quest was fruitless up to that point. The scene was more about how obsessed Galadriel was and what an arsehole she was being, not caring about other lives at that point in time.

Watch the cave troll scene again, you are making up fiction in your head. The first elf that sees the troll shouts out that fact but there is no fear in his eyes. He is not weak, he is being smart, his only weapon is a bow and arrow and he is too close to let loose. He returns to his fellow soldiers to get better positioning.

No one ever called Legalos a Mary Sue, they just thought it was cool seeing him wreck shit. Shame a woman can't do the same thing.

I said my piece about the Daemon scene in the HotD thread. It didn't work for me.

There are so many scenes where Legolas takes no hits what so ever and there are elves all around him struggling and getting killed.........
The troll scene is a 2 minute quick action beat, if even that long. It's over before you blink and it's there to set up Galadriel as a fearless leader.
The battle in HotD is long, drawn out, poorly shot with cameras too close and makes no logical sense in context to the 2-3 year gap.

Did you watch episode 2? The pacing slows right down. Episode 1 is like the prologue episode, like the first 10 minutes of the LOTR films.

Who gives a shit what Elon Musk thinks. Watch the show and form your own opinion.

Well I hope that Amazon have a nice plot twist envisioned for Halbrand than. I'd rather they didn't retread similar ground.

I mentioned Galadriel in my post.......
She isn't the nicest person no, does that make her a poorly written character? No, not in my eyes.

I actually asked a question in my post, if she had interacted with mankind since the defeat of Morgoth. Knowing that mankind helped him, if she hasn't interacted with them for a long time it makes sense for her not to trust them or want to be near them.

Whether it's been 20 days or 2000 years since Morgoth, it won't matter to her. As pointed out by Elrond in episode 2, the 20 year gap since seeing Durin felt like a blink of the eye.

I also mentioned I'm not entirely happy with the lost king story and I mentioned that not much happened with the Nori story.

As for the Warg, the CGI, lighting and eye reflections all looked incredible and the design is far better than the one from the LOTR trilogy. If it looked crap to you, maybe don't watch shitty quality downloads on your phone.

I'm sorry if me not screaming at the tip of my lungs how shit this show is makes me a shill.

There is nothing that looks cartoony about the Warg, it's eyes are bulging and crazy looking, Chihuahuas eyes bulge out as well. Even the materials of the Warg look realistic, LOTRs Warg CGI looked bad even at release.

And again, if Galadriel spent thousands of years with her own kind and generally got what she wanted, her demands with the humans make sense.

It's so they don't have to introduce new human characters every episode.

But Numenor hasn't fallen and the rings haven't been created yet. As long as the rings are forged before Numenors destruction, they haven't messed up the time line yet. Right?

Hasn't she basically been hunting for Sauron for the entire 2nd Age in the Rings of Power show? How would she learn about diplomacy if she's been a soldier in command for hundreds/thousands of years?

I don't think the Elves would need to speak to people at villages to try and track down Sauron. Did you see where they were at the start of episode 1, thousands of kilometers away from any other intelligent life form. They are stronger than humans, can survive more more deadly wounds than humans, can handle more extreme temperatures than humans and can probably last much longer without food.

It's not the scenario I'm telling you, the orcs in Bronwyn's town are one of the first sightings of orcs in thousands of years.
At the start of the second age, majority of the population believe there are no more orcs, no more Sauron, no more Morgoth. Three to four hundred years after the start of the second age, we'd already be 4-5 generations in with the humans. And maybe at that point in time Galadriel did talk to humans, but by the 5th generation of humans, at that point in time, if humans haven't had any information about orcs/Sauron, why would you continue to waste your time with them?

It's easy to assume she would have spent far more time on her own with her soldiers than she did with humans. The time she spent with humans would have been a fraction of her lifespan.
Hence, why I'm saying she is bad at diplomacy, because she has barely had to use those skills.

I know how the ring works but the movie and/or Tolkien aren't good with following through on the power of the ring. If the ring has an instant effect, Isildur shouldn't have been able to walk all the way up the mountain to the mouth of the volcano, he should have turned away straight away. And again, like I suggested, Elrond doesn't have to directly touch the ring.

Hell, if Elrond knows how powerful the ring is, it shouldn't have been just Isildur and himself that walked up the mountain. No one should have been holding it directly, it should have been wrapped up in something.

Disreegarding my posts that contain my thoughts on the episodes, Corey Olsen and Amazon rascism crap, these are the majority of my posts quoting other users.
How is any of that just dismissing people? I discuss my thoughts and logic based on things that come up about the show.
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Disreegarding my posts that contain my thoughts on the episodes, Corey Olsen and Amazon rascism crap, these are the majority of my posts quoting other users.
How is any of that just dismissing people? I discuss my thoughts and logic based on things that come up about the show.
In the post before that one you wrote:

“And also, read my older posts again, there are many people in this thread and other parts of the internet who keep saying this show is destroying Tolkien lore. They provide absolutely zero evidence of this at all or it's surface level shit like skin colour.”

It seems you that you didn’t include that one because you didn’t include posts that include the racism talk. The problem is that the racism talk is how you dismiss the criticisms. I suggest we all start fresh.


Gold Member
The Rings of Power debuted at #1 for its first week in the streaming charts, the second-best performing Amazon premiere after Reacher:


Not a surprise really - it's Lord of the Rings. If the numbers remain steady I guess the market has spoken and the brass probably won't see any incentive to change up the formula. Ah well, cheers to those still enjoying it.
I though Terminal list was thier best opener. Good on Reacher though, that show was also great.

Edit: TL hit 1.6 billion minutes, so just a hair shy of Reachers 1.8.

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Disreegarding my posts that contain my thoughts on the episodes, Corey Olsen and Amazon rascism crap, these are the majority of my posts quoting other users.
How is any of that just dismissing people? I discuss my thoughts and logic based on things that come up about the show.
No point in posting here. No discussion to be had unless your part of the 10-15 people hate watching it. Can’t even discuss what you like about the show without “ it’s fine if you like trash” type comments.

I’ve read mostly all of Tolkien’s work and I find the show pretty good so far. Is it the greatest thing ever? No. But some posters here will try and convince you it’s the worst show ever made while watching it every week. Says more about them really.

I mean it’s not like we’re flooded with amazing fantasy shows to even compare it to. GOT and HOD ate top tier but besides that what else is out there that shits on this? Not much.

There are many people enjoying this show but they bounced from this thread long time ago. No point to engage here as it’s become a hate watch thread. With most people openly stating that’s why they’re watching it. The same people that were magically gonna know it was gonna be shit from the moment it was even announced. Can’t take their criticism seriously and takes away discussion from genuine criticism.

Going through most of their post history shows they spend more time engaging in stuff they dislike instead of the stuff that interests them. It’s weird as fuck
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No point in posting here. No discussion to be had unless your part of the 10-15 people hate watching it. Can’t even discuss what you like about the show without “ it’s fine if you like trash” type comments.

I’ve read mostly all of Tolkien’s work and I find the show pretty good so far. Is it the greatest thing ever? No. But some posters here will try and convince you it’s the worst show ever made while watching it every week. Says more about them really.

I mean it’s not like we’re flooded with amazing fantasy shows to even compare it to. GOT and HOD ate top tier but besides that what else is out there that shits on this? Not much.

There are many people enjoying this show but they bounced from this thread long time ago. No point to engage here as it’s become a hate watch thread. With most people openly stating that’s why they’re watching it. The same people that were magically gonna know it was gonna be shit from the moment it was even announced. Can’t take their criticism seriously and takes away discussion from genuine criticism.

Going through most of their post history shows they spend more time engaging in stuff they dislike instead of the stuff that interests them. It’s weird as fuck

I agree that this is not the best place to discuss the show. I've found that the TheOneRing community is a pretty good place to discuss the show. A lot of level headed discussion and critiquing going on there.
No point in posting here. No discussion to be had unless your part of the 10-15 people hate watching it. Can’t even discuss what you like about the show without “ it’s fine if you like trash” type comments.

I’ve read mostly all of Tolkien’s work and I find the show pretty good so far. Is it the greatest thing ever? No. But some posters here will try and convince you it’s the worst show ever made while watching it every week. Says more about them really.

I mean it’s not like we’re flooded with amazing fantasy shows to even compare it to. GOT and HOD ate top tier but besides that what else is out there that shits on this? Not much.

There are many people enjoying this show but they bounced from this thread long time ago. No point to engage here as it’s become a hate watch thread. With most people openly stating that’s why they’re watching it. The same people that were magically gonna know it was gonna be shit from the moment it was even announced. Can’t take their criticism seriously and takes away discussion from genuine criticism.

Going through most of their post history shows they spend more time engaging in stuff they dislike instead of the stuff that interests them. It’s weird as fuck
Another post of someone refusing to discuss the show but claiming that people do not want to discuss and are just hating on it. I’m sure people on reee are loving the show. You could try there.


So, Sauron disguised himself as a lost king of the Southlands so he can seduce Galadriel?

Yeah, sure, whatever.

I think I'm done talking about this show. I just don't really care anymore. I know there are people who like it, but it's just not for me.

I think I might have at least tolerated it though if they got better production values. At least make things feel more epic and not so small-scaled.
But after this episode I don't have any more hope that things are going to improve much in that area.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
"Unless they keep trying to antagonize you just ignore their comments. And if they do keep bugging you"

i think what BadBurger BadBurger was saying was you can respect other peoples opinions but if they keep trying to get a rise out of you then put them on ignore. It's not a matter of ignoring people because they have a different opinion from you. It's if they try fucking shove it down your throat or are trying to piss you off.


Yep, that's exactly what I was saying - per what you quoted.

It has been a long while since it happened to me, but I see it with other conversations in these movie and TV threads. Some people seem to want to provoke others who enjoy things they don't, and do not respond nicely to calm attempts at dialectics. So it's best for everyone - you, them, the people reading the arguments of two grown-ass people about fictional beings - to just temporarily ignore them. To continue arguing about such trivial things would actually be the petty road.


To be fair, the ending was epic, and may it be that I'm getting used to the music, but I liked it better than past episodes, it gave an OG trilogy vibe.

Yeah, for the Sauron bit, it's still weird, all that secrecy and pronoun game, it's starting to get on my nerves. If he is Halbrand then I'm not feeling anything, for me there is no tension, maybe for that Galadriel part if they're taking a romantic route, he either is masking it that well or just for us viewers.

Too bad they didn't have the balls to at least reveal him now, guess it's gonna be in final minutes of the final episode cliche.

Oh and what the sword was for, I mean, it's a bit far fetched, that's a lot of maybes.


Gold Member
Yeah, for the Sauron bit, it's still weird, all that secrecy and pronoun game, it's starting to get on my nerves. If he is Halbrand then I'm not feeling anything, for me there is no tension, maybe for that Galadriel part if they're taking a romantic route, he either is masking it that well or just for us viewers.
I still say Halbrand is the Witch King. Makes more sense than him being Sauron.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This episode almost feels like the product of reshoots to me? Galadriel was actually likeable for a hot minute, they finally let the action breathe without endless slow motion, they finally went a little dark with how Father sent a bunch of their fellow villagers along with the orcs to kill each other. At the same time I still feel no connection to any of these characters, no tension, and I still don't care which new characters live or die.

I still can't say it feels like a production with such an insane budget outside of the visuals, but it was an improvement.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I told you those ships were huge. 8 horses in each ship.

Elf this town is not a tactical advantage over a giant fortified tower. The bridge into the town doesn’t even cross anything.

All the key nuemenorians lose their helmet during battle. :messenger_grinning:

Volcano at the end. Pretty great.
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I thought Shatner's rocket monologue to Bezos would be the most expensive melodrama Amazon could ever sink money into; but then I watched 6 episodes of Rings of Power.

I don't pay attention to the haters, I go into this every week with no expectations. It's so highly polished and expensive, yet fucking exceptionally stupid and awful. The biggest problem aside from the bald ewoks singing horrible songs last week, is that protagonist Galadriel behaves like a pissy teenage girl in every episode. Petulant and reactionary, nothing you would expect from an elf who is thousands of years old and supposed to be wise enough to command armies.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Just as I predicted Halbrand is Sauron. He is a craftsman and a smith. He is a hero and will deceive the elves to make the rings. I told you guys.


Gold Member
Just as I predicted Halbrand is Sauron. He is a craftsman and a smith. He is a hero and will deceive the elves to make the rings. I told you guys.
So his master plan was to sail to Numenor and he got sidetracked by the beast attack (was that meant for him?)? Or was that ship headed somewhere else and it was good fortune that threw Galadriel and the Numenor shop his way? Or he had no real plan and is making it up as he goes along?

There is a show I think these writers might need to watch a few times....

Ulysses 31

Just as I predicted Halbrand is Sauron. He is a craftsman and a smith. He is a hero and will deceive the elves to make the rings. I told you guys.
And now it turns out it was Galadriel pushing him to become Sauron once again when it seemed he was willing to settle down(unless that was all an act too).



Is it true? I haven't watched beyond episode 4.
Peter Jackson fucked up with his numbers in TTT too. “Eomer is riding North with two thousand men” when in reality he was with 50…

I’m pretty sure in the books he went recruiting but there was no indication in the movies and no way Gandalf would even know that.


Gold Member
I'm curious if this horse/boat mismatch is just a consequence of multiple effects teams and one didn't get the memo that the land battle was YUGE and that fleet had better shape up. Or the land battle guy got carried away with copy/paste in the MASSIVE program :p


"You can't quench your thirst with SALTWATER!".


This might be the episode that makes me stop watching. The horse situation was dumb enough, but everything feels tiny. They had thousands of orcs in the previous episode, and now they only attack in waves of 30 so they can manage to film it. It makes every fight feel small.

The opening with the tower tumbling down looked like something from a Ducktales episode.

And the village they escaped to, wasn't that the same village the orcs burned in the previous episode?

The botex lady, the "leader of the village", getting shot with a huge a fucking arrow, bleeding all over, and being completely fine in a matter of hours. And wasn't she shot more than once?

Too many cornball orcs with weak choreography when fighting.

In the next episode, everyone is apparently dead, they actually showed the volcano's smoke and lava enveloping the village and several people. All the humans will have inhaled that and died. Of course, they gonna magically survive, the showrunners wanted a dramatic scene so they ignore logic.

There were about 4 idiot speeches in the first 15 minutes, and the number of times someone screamed "STOP" as sometried to kill someone and they stopped with their swords on someone's throat, that must have happened 3-4 times.
Do people still have doubt's that Halbrand is Sauron? I ain't even watching this garbage and knew who he was the moment he showed up in the middle of nowhere.
To be fair, the ending was epic, and may it be that I'm getting used to the music, but I liked it better than past episodes, it gave an OG trilogy vibe.
The ending was good but it was ruined by Galadriel standing there like a dumbass. Everyone running for cover and helping others but not her. The attention has to be on her.



Is it true? I haven't watched beyond episode 4.
Oh, it's worse really, the boats have small cabins, but when they film inside then, it's apparently medium-sized stables.

It's like filming a 2 room house from the outside, then walking inside and it's a mansion. The showrunners either didn't think this through when they filmed it and couldn't go back and fix it, or they just don't give a shit and hope people won't notice. Either way, it's a good reason why people dislike the show, it is riddled with amateurish stuff like this.
Btw, is Adar an idiot? The whole village has roofs made of straw. The first thing I thought was that they would fire fire arrows to weed them out. And then we get this dumb big orc who brings his fist to a sword fight.

But at least the tunnel had a payoff. And the action meant no harfoot.

And for a moment there I thought that Bronwyn the Clean would die but nah, the authors aren’t that brave.

One more thing - when Elendil and Isildur were talking, I thought they have a good moment but they had to bring it back to Isildur’s mother. I’ve noticed that often when characters are talking, they’d bring in other characters to distract from a real interaction.

Also, that fucking idiotic talk from Bronwyn with Theo about having bad dreams. So cringey - a bit like the “why do boats float” talk nonsense.
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quite enjoyed that episode. wasn't expecting that to happen. is that the first time we saw Orodruin? maybe i missed it but i think they should've showed it off a bit more before this. i know it was mentioned but not sure i remember seeing it.

i didn't believe in the theory that a certain character was Sauron but this episode heavily hints at it. After watching it i read the leak by accident and so i guess the show is spoiled for me now. It confirms that

Halbrand is Sauron and the big reveal is at final episode where he offers Galadriel to join him. Harfoots are basically pointless except for pushing the meteor dude plot who is a blue wizard or potentially Gandalf which I think most people guessed including myself. The dwarf king dude doesn't let them mine the mithrill but Elrond's bff decides to mine it alone resulting in an accident...

despite being spoiled i'll still keep watching. It's a bit goofy and silly but i'll put it down to being S1 and it finding its footing. I hope S2 has more focus on Sauron. As for the Harfoots I hope that they give them a more serious role. I know Nori is kinda like the main character there but it should focus more on her and show less of the others because they are annoying as fuck. I hope meteor dude isn't Gandalf but it'll be interesting to see where his plot goes. I think it's quite obvious how the Durin/Elrond plot will end this season so maybe something new for Elrond in S2.

A few times in this episode where I had to laugh out loud.

Like when they tried to be too fancy and used wires so she could fly in and hit that one orc's toe.


Or some of the acting on some of the extras.

lmao that second gif looks so silly looking at it there. It looks like he gets an arrow in the back and takes a second to react but you can see he turns back when the first arrow hits and then turns around to scream when the second one hits him in the back.
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I told you those ships were huge. 8 horses in each ship.

Elf this town is not a tactical advantage over a giant fortified tower. The bridge into the town doesn’t even cross anything.

All the key nuemenorians lose their helmet during battle. :messenger_grinning:

Volcano at the end. Pretty great.
I haven't watched the new EP yet but would like to point out that strictly speaking you haven't seen the ships beneath the waterline, so theoretically there could be a huge watertight cargo hold underneath
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