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The majority of new characters this gen have been...


Gold Member
just like when everybody wants every character to be hot...I want a balding older character with glasses one day lol or a not so hot female. Not everybody is hot in real life.
I think Mortal Kombat nailed it long before wokeism was a thing. Old, young, sexy, ugly, fantasy, robots there was a character for everybody.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
i have notice that as well. And most of them are not even attractive.
Im playing a video game, i want attractive people please
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I really like when a female lead is well written, Control, The Last of Us, Returnal, Baldur's Gate 3 come to mind, there are lots of examples where female characters shine on it's own without the need of a plumber or a bald dudebro coming into rescue. I think that's a good sign of the games industry maturity nowadays. I'm not talking about female empowerment, but playing with a female character that can stand a game on its own without being overly sexualized. Jesse Faden, Ellie, Selene, Shadowheart. These are names that I'll remember for decades.


I'd be interested to know what the percentage split is between female and male gamers if you remove mobile gaming. So more consoles and PC. Is that data out there?
I agree, it's bullshit, but to be fair to gta 6, you play as the boyfriend too.

It's like gta 5, but just with the couple,it was just the promotional material, we'll see more of the dude by launch.
As long as the game is good then I don't really care. My issue is that it often seems to strangely correspond with the game not being as good. Whether that be for Forspoken or Outlaws. You wouldn't even think the same dev that made Final Fantasy 15 made Forspoken. Could be all a coincidence but it's like they spend too much time on non game related things.
Damn... when I read the thread title my first thought was "that can't be true".... then I went though my PS5 library and damn... it is actually true! Only non-sequel game with a new main protagonist without the option for a female one is FFXVI.


I want characters that fit the setting. Women would not be "adventuring" in ancient Greece, medieval Europe, feudal Japan and basically any other setting that is not recent times, especially alone. I know that and it breaks my immersion.

If they at least try some Kill Bill style for Ghost it could be alright, since that character was not just randomly a woman, but was pregnant etc. But we all know they are just force feeding us superficial diversity.
I don't care about the gender, but writing became mostly just bloated instead of better. Even games that do not even need writing, eg NfS Unbound, of course with female leads..., are just cringe trash in that department. The current gen of bloatware writers are overpaid to the max. Edit: So women are now more reprensented but I dislike almost all of them. Good job. smh
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  • Praise the Sun
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One of the green rats
See this is another bad side effect of wokism . Now people are on edge whenever a female is a lead character where as it would have been nothing otherwise. In the 8 and 16 bit days female and kid player characters were even common place.
It wasn't until Sony and MS brought all the dude bros to gaming that it became nothing but bald marines everywhere.
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See this is another bad side effect of wokism . Now people are on edge whenever a female is a lead character where as it would have been nothing otherwise. In the 8 and 16 bit days female and kid player characters were even common place.
It wasn't until Sony and MS brought all the dude bros to gaming that it became nothing but bald marines everywhere.
Oh no not the dude bros!

Nobody liked shit like halo, gears of war, metal gear etc.

I agree with you on wokism, but dude bros aren't the problem, and I say this as someone who played ff6, the walking dead games, tomb raider etc.

The problem is when the purple/green haired women got involved and started demanding games for them


Game developers Type G: It's about empowerment and representation. For too long men ha-
Game developers Type O: I'm just making a game bro 🤷‍♂️
Game developers Type A: I love women. :messenger_smiling:
Game developers,Yoko Taro: lemme get that zip file :messenger_face_steam:

Where does your favorite studio fall on the spectrum?
It's getting more and more difficult to play a white male these days ^^
Ehhhh, off the top of my head we got wolverine, silent hill 2 remake, kingdom come 2 (fuck yeah), Indiana Jones, spider man 3, ..... I mean, there's still white dudes leading games

I know what you mean, but shouldn't be intellectually dishonest about it


Ehhhh, off the top of my head we got wolverine, silent hill 2 remake, kingdom come 2 (fuck yeah), Indiana Jones, spider man 3, ..... I mean, there's still white dudes leading games

I know what you mean, but shouldn't be intellectually dishonest about it
Yeah but it's becoming rarer. SH2 is a remake and Wolverine/Indiana Jones are adaptations. As far as I remember, miles morales will take the lead from now on in spiderman.


As long as there's a good story I don't really care.

But I do think there are some stories (Selene in Returnal) that demand a female lead and others (God of War) where it makes less sense.

I remain absolutely thrilled with the sheer volume, if not percentage, of excellent stuff coming out constantly.
Yeah but it's becoming rarer. SH2 is a remake and Wolverine/Indiana Jones are adaptations. As far as I remember, miles morales will take the lead from now on in spiderman.
I hadn't thought about that Spiderman 3 you're probably right..

Death stranding is coming, the new mafia game is going to back to Sicily, I'm sure there are more.

I'm just saying fuck their infiltration, but saying you can't play as a white dude in games now is a bit disingenuous.

It certainly doesn't match the demographics though.


Gold Member
See this is another bad side effect of wokism . Now people are on edge whenever a female is a lead character where as it would have been nothing otherwise. In the 8 and 16 bit days female and kid player characters were even common place.
It wasn't until Sony and MS brought all the dude bros to gaming that it became nothing but bald marines everywhere.
Both side sucks.

People that wants everything to be inclusive regardless of the creators idea and people that gets offended by anything that is outside of their expectations.

On the Yote thread there are even people claiming that they can't play with female characters, because it's an immersion breaker thing for them.

Indeed, it seems that the ps360 gen with the generic dude characters with the brown/grey/piss filters fucked many people aesthetics.
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Just adding women into games is not going to bring girls to games. Just like Lucas Films assumes adding more female characters in Star Wars is going to attract new viewers of the female persuasion. It has to feel more natural than it does forced. My wife won't be watching or playing shit just because she feels represented in games and movies.
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Worst. Gen. Ever.
I do 75% retro gaming now and the rest on PC. The games industry is ruined.

Idk if you're serious, but the industry is far from ruined. Within the next year we'll be seeing sooo many new games and new characters. This generation will be doing fine when it's all said and done.


Not a coincidence at all, there has been a major move in the videogames industry (mainly in the west) for better female representation...I just wish it didn't require making the mo-cap actress' uglier and boring as toast...

hopefully we can get strong and well written women leads and move past this over correction by remembering what made ladies like Sarah Connor (before her shitty reboot) and Riply so awesome to begin with

My hopes aren't high though as this infests the gaming development
crushed noo GIF


Gold Member
This is something I like actually, I like variety, what I don't like is:
  • Women are just men with boobs in terms of personality, even flatter and unidimensional in that sense
  • Most or all seem to have same "toxic masculinity"
  • All of them are uglify... I don't care about ugly woman or too masculine looking, that's just how things are and it's ok just for creative freedom, but ALL of them? That's uncomfortable considering the political motivations
  • Women used to be the "fast light characters" or when they were the tanky one, it was a surprise, now they just play the same than men, removing them from their strength/weakness balance compared to men
  • Men are used as useless meet sacks these days "just because"... they tend to look and act weak, like there are men like those that can use other strength but they're just used as jokes which is cringy af
  • Designs are not only uglier, but also ugly af on their own, pretty unattractive (and I don't mean sex appeal, I mean style) but this is something that applies to any sex, it's just that it hit woman worse because they had the best designs in the past most of the time
Other than that, I'll almost always prefer female designs, they tend to look cooler... At least in the past.
I dunno. I play a lot of games myself and don't really see it that way. I guess if you only play a handful then sure, lets go with the idea there's too many women.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
I don't think that's true, a lot of games are released each year and they are still filled to the brim with men, it's just that female only protagonists have become a bit more "accepted", so big releases are willing to take more risks in having them; there's also far more games that feature character creators now.
With AC syndicate ubisoft didn't even advertise evie as playable, I went to several pre-release events and she didn't exist at all on any of he marketing materials and she wasn't playable or referenced anywhere in the demos, even on the final cover of the game she's tucked away in the back as some goon, that's how afraid they were to get any pushback about having to plays as a female.
Turns out she's the actual assassin and a bit more important than jacob to the actual game, with odyssey they wanted kassandra to be the only playable character but the leads and marketing wouldn't allow it because "women don't sell".


Ironically, when I as a man play my games with a character creator, I always create like tig ole bitties and hips female. I always call her Batman.

My Batman is one bad bitch in Elden Ring.

I thought this was the same for everyone. When given the choice are yall not playing as Batman with tig ole bitties and birthing hips? I'll be honest I'm shocked by all this. Am I an alien right now, because to me this is my very nature?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Kinda sad that the best female designs are stuck on gacha games which aren't really my thing.


doggy style only
Many of them are so fugly they cant even be "abbied", like srsly granny from returnal is retirement home candidate, not a sex symbol, her sexual value is basically equivalent to bald 5feet dude that is 300lbs and lives in his van, with sexy female protag game could sell 2-3x more copies ezpz coz it wasnt bad game at all.


Many of them are so fugly they cant even be "abbied", like srsly granny from returnal is retirement home candidate, not a sex symbol, her sexual value is basically equivalent to bald 5feet dude that is 300lbs and lives in his van, with sexy female protag game could sell 2-3x more copies ezpz coz it wasnt bad game at all.

Selene got ass tho


Gold Member
While I kinda agree with you, to be fair, some readhead women, especially the english/nordic ones, tend to have that facial structure (a more squared jaw). And her new character model doesn't look that manly compared to the other 2 (Returnal and Fable) in that post.

Oy, don't you lump our elvish nordic beauties together with the continent separatists!

It's getting more and more difficult to play a white male these days ^^

I agree. Every time I play as a white guy I start to feel the overbearing weight of my privileges and I have to go out and apologize to both women and ethnic minorities in my community. Then I turn my gaze in the direction of Anita Sarkeesian's home and whisper "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".
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Fine with me if its a good story and the character fits- games can be molded.
Variety is of course nice and unfortunate trend chasing.

It bothers me less in gaming than it does in movies.
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