Understood, but they could have at least hinted at the existence here of non-combat reasons people like ME and DA games (and KOTOR etc farther back).
As I said above, Mass Effect died so that this could live. Mass Effect is my favorite series of all time (and that includes Andromeda). Therefore I'm salty. As I said, I'll cool off. But it's not gonna be today.
There's a reason why I'm spouting at length about this in the ME community thread and not else where. Because I realize I'm not being entirely rational.
If Sony and Nintendo show me some great stuff soon I'll cool off faster.
I'm 100% in your boat my friend.
painfully obvious that Mass Effect was thrown on the alter of sacrifice so that Anthem could live...and I'm 100% sure that's because EA knows 'games as a service' is where the big $$ is at now (like Destiny $$), and they wanted,
nay, needed to be in that game and told Edmonton what they wanted.
Giving Mass Effect Montreal one of the most beloved game franchises of all time to go and blunder their way through like amateurs makes me salty as hell, even
far more so now, that I see the amazing visuals and obvious effort that has gone into making Anthem (dev team numbers and $$ no doubt).
As a Destiny super-fan, I'm not seeing anything that makes me think 'Destiny-killer' in the slightest, I just hope that Mass Effect's sacrifice is worth it.
Why in the living frak they didn't just make a Mass Effect Online I don't know....proven loved IP, pour money and the A-team BioWare devs into it = $$$$$ if you ask me...SMH.