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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Thanks, but I ended up just using this

Would have preferred a more realistic version but hey, it gets the job done. I wanted to keep the squadmate theme

Big Nikus

I've spent more than an hour re-creating my Shepard from my 360 playthrough, to start a new one on PC. I went from the TV screen to the PC screen until it was perfect.

I'm good to go. It's the first time I'm playing the trilogy in english. I'm gonna be a bit confused with a few names (Salarians are Galariens in french, I don't know why they changed that... edit: actually, Salarians kinda sounds like an insult in french, so that must be it).


Going to start a fresh playthrough of all the games hopefully tomorrow. I only started the series at 2 on PS3 so I never played the series in order before. I forgot most of the lore from Dragon Age in the gap between DA2 and Inquisition so I plan on preventing this with Mass Effect.

Can someone provide any tips for the first game? I was told I needed to play new game plus in ME1 to get the most out of ME2. Is there any truth to this?


Is there a ME1 equivalent of this?

Didn't really find anything through google, would bring me to similar images but those had 2 and 3 squadmates

I mean it did have the best cover in the series and featured default squad on it in a more tasteful and composed manner


wtf at ME2 getting changed from beautiful art to like a bad photoshop blurry screenshot taken from the CGI commercial?

this is awful

this was pretty lame in that it was like genericized rock n rolla melee angry Shepard which is opposite of the tonality presented of ME1 Shepard but ok


Going to start a fresh playthrough of all the games hopefully tomorrow. I only started the series at 2 on PS3 so I never played the series in order before. I forgot most of the lore from Dragon Age in the gap between DA2 and Inquisition so I plan on preventing this with Mass Effect.

Can someone provide any tips for the first game? I was told I needed to play new game plus in ME1 to get the most out of ME2. Is there any truth to this?

I mean you get like little bonuses but I'd say don't play through twice in a row close just to force the new game plus. That seems like it would spoil the game experiences. Just play each through once and enjoy.

But if you are really desperate to max out, Soldier is super overpowered in ME1 and ME2. Like in ME1, heavy armor and an upgraded sniper/assault rifle combo should slap everything down after a while. In ME2, his special move is like invincibility basically. It's also the class Default Shep is in the marketing if you prefer to have your character match the artwork and trailers like me.


Going to start a fresh playthrough of all the games hopefully tomorrow. I only started the series at 2 on PS3 so I never played the series in order before. I forgot most of the lore from Dragon Age in the gap between DA2 and Inquisition so I plan on preventing this with Mass Effect.

Can someone provide any tips for the first game? I was told I needed to play new game plus in ME1 to get the most out of ME2. Is there any truth to this?
If you're on PC for ME1 use keybindings to make your middle click a toggle for 10x game speed. Makes certain sections like Mako and elevators and walking around the Citadel bearable.
I agree. It's going to be interesting to see how companions are written without Weekes moving forward.

I'm definitely going to miss him, but these things are generally more of a collaborative effort than people assume. Writing rooms are a thing for a reason. I'm sure it'll be fine.
New Mass Effect novel called Andromeda Initiative out in August by N.K. Jemisin. Haven't read any of her stuff but it seems she's the real deal, with Hugo award nominations and all. Three more novels planned after that, not by her I don't think.

Likely this explains a lot of the backstory behind the project.
i never read any of the ME books. are they good?


It's funny, ME2 had the worst default cover art, but the limited edition cover is the best in the whole series.


Let's hope they get it right for all versions of Andromeda...


It's funny, ME2 had the worst default cover art, but the limited edition cover is the best in the whole series.


Let's hope they get it right for all versions of Andromeda...
Eh, it's the best of the LE covers, but all of the LE covers were worse than the ME1 and fan ME2/3 covers. Why didn't they make it so the steel book looked like N7 directly on some metal? Why have it be some weird angled out of focus picture? Steel book is perfect for having the art make use of the actual metal as if the steel book is the object itself if you get my meaning


I've never gotten all of the disdain for the ME2 cover art vs. the other version, but those fan covers are really, really good.
The ME2 cover passed people off because it totally lacked any mood, setting, or atmosphere like the original ME2 art had, replacing it with a cheap shooter looking screenshot from the CGI tv commercial with a blast of orange and no context or clear setting
I don't really mind the ME2 cover but when they announced the game I had imagined the cover being something similar to the first game. With the exception of Thane, nothing about the cover really lets you know it's a sci-fi game.

ME3 is just shit. Generic protagonist looking tough on front cover that every shooter uses. Hell, not even just shooters because stuff like BloodBorne did it


There's a symmetry and balance I can appreciate in the ME1, ME2 (limited edition), ME3, fan ME2, fan ME3 covers that doesn't exist in the regular ME2 boxarts.
I think it used to work but not anymore. I remember trying to buy something recently on there using that method and it didn't even change languages

Unlucky. :/

EA, just discount them push the button. Urgh. Site-wide Origin sale, except for BioWare points / ME2, DA2, ME3 DLC. I'd pay $30-$40 for all the ME2 and ME3 DLC, but $80 is too much.

Going to start a new playthrough of ME1 next week. First time going Renegade. :D Ought to be fun.


Unconfirmed Member
So I finished Mass Effect 3 yesterday and all of its DLC ending my recent playthrough.

With the exception of the first game last year I haven't touched the series for 4 years since ME3 came out so it was great going back and doing a full runthrough again. These are more general thoughts and I won't be too spoilery as I'm sure new players don't want to know the ins and outs of my playthrough. I also played with mods and it was great to play all 3 games looking nice in 60fps.

Mass Effect 1 - still my favourite of the trilogy. I completely understand all the complaints against the game and they are well known but regardless of that I still love that feeling of 'adventure' it provides and mysteriousness due to being the first game of the series. I know the Mako sections are essentially just bouncing over cut and paste areas but it still kept me hooked and I couldn't help but love driving that bouncy fucker all over the place on my way to kick some more ass. The RPG mechanics I enjoy a lot as well even if they weren't as fully fleshed out as they could have been. It has my favourite story of the 3 games by far and Saren is a great villain. It also has the best soundtrack of the series. The DLC was OK, Bringing Down The Sky was decent enough but Pinnacle Station was a bit bollocks.

Mass Effect 2 - This would probably be my 'least' favourite of the trilogy and I say that as not disliking but basically being the least awesome. The best thing with ME2 is how strong its characters are and their loyalty missions with my favourite of the new characters being Mordin, Thane and Grunt. The main story is the weakest point of the game for me with the sense of urgency compared to the first game not really being there I felt or at least never feels as foreboding. It's not really bad and the final actual suicide mission is awesome but overall the main story never really hooked me as much as I thought it would. However Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man is definitely one of my favourite characters of the series and he was a great addition. Plays that 'main man of a shadowy organisation' really well.

Combat is definitely more streamlined and feels great but I must admit I wasn't a fan of removing the weapon mods and restricting weapons to certain character types was a bit too streamlined IMO. I'll be one of the very few folks to say this in this thread but I really do miss the openness of the Mako and going straight from mission to mission actually made me miss the downtime of trundling about on a planet to get to the next destination. I'm one of those strange folks that like negative space in games, it's one of the reasons I love games like Far Cry 2 so much. The Hammerhead wasn't a bad replacement but I miss my Mako. Everything feels so enclosed just jumping from mission to mission and I miss that feeling of exploration even if, quite frankly, it was just picking up random things on planets. However I don't really consider the scanning in ME2 to be much better tbh as a replacement, it quite frankly sucks.

DLC wise, the Lair Of The Shadow Broker DLC was superb and the best of the ME2 dlc. Liara's one of my favourite characters so it was great having a DLC devoted to her. Overlord was a fun distraction but didn't really feel needed and Arrival was cool, and started to show the effects of what had to be sacrificed to stop the Reapers. Project Firewalker was a fun distraction as well but again nothing really substantial.

Mass Effect 3 - This moved up from being my least favourite game in the series to being my second favourite. I really like the main story in this one a lot more compared to ME2. However the thing I still find disappointing with this is that
some of your choices essentially don't matter, or at least don't have as big an effect
The ending still isn't great but it didn't bother me as much this time due to knowing what was coming. The sense of urgency and desperation runs throughout the whole game, it almost felt a bit 'weird' going off to do sidequest stuff that didn't have as much to do with the main storyline at times.

Combat wise it has the best combat of the series by far. The amount of variety in enemies etc is great. I found myself getting killed a lot more in comparison to 2 and 3 but then that's just me being bad very likely :p Was great to have all the weapon slots back and I quite liked their way of altering your power cooldown with the more weapons you had equipped. Was a nice way of balancing things out or at least giving the player plenty of choice.

DLC wise, From Ashes has Javik and I feel like having him as DLC is one of the biggest injustices EA made with this game. He should have been in the main game as standard and it's really fun to hear his insight with a lot of stuff over the course of the game. Omega was great because I love Aria but again that's more of a fun sidestory and not really needed but definitely recommended if you like that character. Leviathan was superb and genuinely very interesting. Hearing more about the Reapers background added a lot to the game and I really wish we had seen the Leviathans during the end of the game fighting the Reapers.

This brings me onto Citadel, probably my favourite piece of Mass Effect content and one of my favourite DLCs ever. I don't want to spoil anything as it's more fun knowing nothing about it but it was laugh out loud funny a lot of the time, great character interaction and ended in a very satisfying way. It also had quite a bit of content and I can see myself going back to the combat simulator to mess around with it. Some companies would charge you for that mode alone and only that mode.

ME3 Multiplayer - Not played much of it really but I tried quickly this morning and got into a match within 10 secs on PC. That's not indicative I guess of how healthy it is I guess but I'm going to spend more time with it. Does anyone else play it regularly on PC ? Is it still pretty active at all ? Just wondering :)

Anyway apologies for my random waffle, after spending so much time with the series in the last few weeks just wanted to type a bit about it!
New Mass Effect novel called Andromeda Initiative out in August by N.K. Jemisin. Haven't read any of her stuff but it seems she's the real deal, with Hugo award nominations and all. Three more novels planned after that, not by her I don't think.

Likely this explains a lot of the backstory behind the project.

So, has this been like "officially" officially confirmed?

Also, isn't this like a really big fucking deal, seeing as this seems like it would be the prologue to the game, essentially?

Sou Da

So, has this been like "officially" officially confirmed?

Also, isn't this like a really big fucking deal, seeing as this seems like it would be the prologue to the game, essentially?

It's confirmed by Jemisin and the publisher but there's no press release by Bioware or anything.
New Mass Effect novel called Andromeda Initiative out in August by N.K. Jemisin. Haven't read any of her stuff but it seems she's the real deal, with Hugo award nominations and all. Three more novels planned after that, not by her I don't think.

Likely this explains a lot of the backstory behind the project.
The author posted her thoughts about Mass Effect on her blog in 2014:


She's pretty funny, and has some thoughtful observations.


Book is listed on German amazon iirc.

Edit: I think I like this NK Jemisin,
Well, OK, I hated ME1, and could only bring myself to play it after skipping ahead to ME2 and falling in love with the universe. (What did I hate about ME1? Every Mako mission. The thin-as-paper characterization and the awful combat controls. That. Fucking. Mako.)
Thin as paper characterization? From the game that introduced me to Garrus, Wrex, Tali, Liara, Ashley, Saren, among others...I was engrossed all the way through. Yea I think I highly disagree with that, personally.


IMO paper thin is pretty apt for everyone in ME1 compared to their vast improvement in 2 with the exception of Wrex. Everyone else was pretty one dimensional in the game itself.
Thin as paper characterization? From the game that introduced me to Garrus, Wrex, Tali, Liara, Ashley, Saren, among others...I was engrossed all the way through. Yea I think I highly disagree with that, personally.

I mean, in all fairness, other than Wrex and maybe Ashely, all of those characters gained a GREAT deal of depth in ME2. Garrus in particular is like an entirely different person.
I mean, in all fairness, other than Wrex and maybe Ashely, all of those characters gained a GREAT deal of depth in ME2. Garrus in particular is like an entirely different person.
Well of course, one would hope so in a sequel, that's to be expected. I thought each character had unique characteristics, ideals, history, motivations, and a ton of other details surrounding each in my opinion. It's all subjective but "paper thin" is the farthest from how I would describe them.


IMO paper thin is pretty apt for everyone in ME1 compared to their vast improvement in 2 with the exception of Wrex. Everyone else was pretty one dimensional in the game itself.

Mass Effect 1 is my favorite game of all time, but I have to agree.

Characterization was pretty thin in it. Both ME2 and ME3 did characters much better.

The sole exception to all this may be Saren, but that's simply because I don't think there was a single villain that worked as well as him in the entire series.

Oh, and obligatory mention that Kai Leng was the most paper-thin character in the entire series. And that paper was just shit.


Leng was a good example of the relying too much on content outside the game to flesh out a character sufficiently. Like, Masked Empire is a great book that adds a lot to flesh out Inquisition, but it's not necessary.
Thin as paper characterization? From the game that introduced me to Garrus, Wrex, Tali, Liara, Ashley, Saren, among others...I was engrossed all the way through. Yea I think I highly disagree with that, personally.

Mass Effect fans that don't like the first game are like Star Wars fans who don't like George Lucas.

c'mon son
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