If you're funding a project this big, it means you're like the Space Bill Gates, How did you get this rich? Did you invent the space IBM? If you're that rich, it means you had an impact in the world. What was that impact?
You guys really went ham with ME3 multi. Puts me to shame. I'm afraid to look at the playtime for people in the top 1%.
I haven't played since 2014, and I'm still at this :
Yes, I guess I played a lot between 2012 & 2014.
You need to go play it for 32 more minutes.
The stupid amount of detail that the writer had to put into Mass Effect was one of the many things that made it so great. If you want to create such a vast and detailed unuiverse you have to put in an insane amount of thought, one that you consider useless nitpicking, and that I consider mandatory.
I mean what are you going to say to Tolkien (RIP) and GRR MARTIN when you meet them? Dude y u so nitpicky?
I said that my questions are nothing in the scale of things, and I appreciate taking the time to answer them, but we'd better argue about the specific reasons numerically after they come out. (That, and I'm bored ツ )
Although, I have to say, rich people do it cause of boredom? I mean, come on, if you were a rich person or a scientist there is no reason to be bored in a galaxy filled with so many technological wonders you don't understand and so many investment opportunities, even with other species. We're controlling space-time here.
Hey, we have a life outside of black ops and we visited the Citadel regularly. Not even a single ad about it man. They way Bioware made it sound, it seemed like this was a pretty huge deal. Like going to the moon for the first time kind of deal.
If you're funding a project this big, it means you're like the Space Bill Gates, How did you get this rich? Did you invent the space IBM? If you're that rich, it means you had an impact in the world. What was that impact?
I haven't played since 2014, and I'm still at this :
Yes, I guess I played a lot between 2012 & 2014.
We know from the orientation video that the project's founder,.Jan Garson (sp?), is actually along for the ride on the Nexus... so I'm pretty sure these questions will be addressed in-game
Haha, I wonder what pissed him off so much to want to leave it all behind.
I feel like you don't quite appreciate how monstrously large galactic civilization is. Each species is a civilization of trillions spread across galactic space. The idea that there might be projects that people didn't pay much attention to is what makes all this plausible.Hey, we have a life outside of black ops and we visited the Citadel regularly. Not even a single ad about it man. They way Bioware made it sound, it seemed like this was a pretty huge deal. Like going to the moon for the first time kind of deal.
If you're funding a project this big, it means you're like the Space Bill Gates, How did you get this rich? Did you invent the space IBM? If you're that rich, it means you had an impact in the world. What was that impact?
Mass Effect was born out of inconsistencies, and I say this as someone who is also needlessly pedantic about certain inconsistencies. The whole hook of Mass Effect and the associated timeline makes no sense. Humans are far too widespread with massive established colonies, with far too greater population, resources, and funding, to be plausible within the canonical timeline of discovering the relays, encountering extraterrestrials, establishing colonies, and the beginning of the first game. It's a ludicrous, implausible amount of progress over an extremely short period of time.
And that's ignoring all the other silly shit, notably Cerberus and their magical space bucks. Honestly that could be applied to a lot of the species; actual economics and progress of colonies/construction/fleets/space is never properly considered or mapped out.
So yeah. While the Andromeda Initiative lacks a lot of plausibility from external logic, I don't really see it at odds with the series established internal logic. That being a lack thereof.
And I thought I played too much ME3 MP. Still proud of my Lone Wolf achievement.
Don't forget that there is at least 14764 crazier people than me(on PC at least). That's nothing.![]()
And I thought I played too much ME3 MP. Still proud of my Lone Wolf achievement.
It's a shame that Krogans were the weakest classes in MP (other than Battlemaster).
If you're funding a project this big, it means you're like the Space Bill Gates, How did you get this rich? Did you invent the space IBM? If you're that rich, it means you had an impact in the world. What was that impact?
To answer two questions concerning the camera in dialogue and pause/play in combat:
-There are some instances where there's "DAI cam" (camera is zoomed out while in conversation), but nowhere near as plentiful in the game
-You can pause combat to change weapons or use consumables but powers are hotkeyed for quick use to support the flow of combat and squad commands are issued in real time.
The controller mod is so great. I didn't install it because I was doing good with keyboard/mouse, but then I realized there was something I missed sorely : vibration. I didn't think for one second that the mod could support it so I never installed it, but earlier today I checked just to be sure and lo and behold, full vibration support. That's an amazing mod (talking about ME1, but I'll definitely install the controller mods for 2 and 3).
ME3 multi, here I come.
To answer two questions concerning the camera in dialogue and pause/play in combat:
-There are some instances where there's "DAI cam" (camera is zoomed out while in conversation), but nowhere near as plentiful in the game
-You can pause combat to change weapons or use consumables but powers are hotkeyed for quick use to support the flow of combat and squad commands are issued in real time.
What exactly is "DAI cam"? Like a regular ME conversation but with the camera way further behind? Like, worse than this?
What exactly is "DAI cam"? Like a regular ME conversation but with the camera way further behind? Like, worse than this?
Why have it at all? Mods "fixed" it for DA:I so hopefully they can for ME:A.
Like that but with a stupid-large FOV. Like if you try to talk to someone and the camera doesn't really change.
What exactly is "DAI cam"? Like a regular ME conversation but with the camera way further behind? Like, worse than this?
To allow more dialogues in the game while giving less work to the animators/cinematic guys ?
But... you can do this without with the zoomed-out cam. The "cinematic conversation camera mod" for DA:I isn't perfect but it largely resolves this. Part of my problem with it is I prefer to actually see who I'm talking to.
And I can say I am one of those (on PC). Don't know if that is something to be proud of though.Don't forget that there is at least 14764 crazier people than me(on PC at least). That's nothing.![]()
So, you don't equip specific powers for your squadmates here, but you can level up their abilities. They have more upgrade options than previous games. In Mass Effect 2 and 3, the squad were extra 'power batteries'. They were useless as entities but were valuable for an extra shot or overload.Asked in the other thread, but I thought I'd try and catch you here as well: what does realtime squad orders mean for setting up combos and number of available abilities? Unless you've got some kind of context-sensitive real-time menu you can pull up, I don't see how that'd work.
Unless its changed recently, it's along the lines of ME2/3. They have outfits that you can change as the designers like to give each squadmate their own unique look.Know anything about companions in terms of gear shinobi? Are we stuck with set costumes or do we get to assign them actual armour like in Mass Effect 1? I always loved the outfits in 2 and 3 that made companions look like they were wearing suitable attire like Liaras grey armour in 3 and Miranda's Cerberus armour in 2.
Unless its changed recently, it's along the lines of ME2/3. They have outfits that you can change as the designers like to give each squadmate their own unique look.
Heh, I haven't seen the whole game so I'm not sure...Do we have a Jack in space situation where they're just wearing whatever? Or are they wearing proper gear for vacuum?
.Mac Walters lightning round interview with GI.
Choice bits:
- Downloadable characters? To be determined
- Confirmed not part of a trilogy
- Confirmed no original crew members from ME are in the game
- Confirmed no Reapers in Andromeda
called it
- No fuel!
- No crew members or companions can die
I'm having trouble searching for it to confirm my suspicions, but in ME1 if you leave the Recruit Liara mission to 3rd out of the 3 main ones you get, does it give you alternate dialogue with Liara where she thinks you're an illusion or something? I recall that easter egg but not sure if it always does that dialogue or only in the case where you do that mission last. I did it last in my first playthrough back in the day.
The prominence of dad Ryder in the promotional materials (including the box art) and the fairly heavy casting of Clancy Brown only furthers my suspicion he's the antagonist of the story - it would be a nice twist if you don't inherit the Pathfinder mantle because he dies/disappears but because he's gone rogue and you're uniquely qualified to find/stop him. That would echo the upjumped good Spectre vs the seasoned bad Spectre storyline of the first game.
Might also be a reason the story is kept so vague: they want to preserve a twist.
Is it the trillionaire?Also this seems to be a common mistake going around. The woman all the way on the right is not Sara Ryder:
The prominence of dad Ryder in the promotional materials (including the box art) and the fairly heavy casting of Clancy Brown only furthers my suspicion he's the antagonist of the story - it would be a nice twist if you don't inherit the Pathfinder mantle because he dies/disappears but because he's gone rogue and you're uniquely qualified to find/stop him. That would echo the upjumped good Spectre vs the seasoned bad Spectre storyline of the first game.
Might also be a reason the story is kept so vague: they want to preserve a twist.
Heart of Darkness combined with the patented Mass Effect Daddy Issues ™.