Holy shit I was in the top 19% on the multiplayer rankings, lol. Didn't expect that.
Holy shit I was in the top 19% on the multiplayer rankings, lol. Didn't expect that.
Holy shit I was in the top 19% on the multiplayer rankings, lol. Didn't expect that.
I know that the Andromeda Initiative supposedly has nothing to do with avoiding the Reapers... but I kinda feel like it still does.
Maybe originally it was all about exploration, but then someone in charge found out about the possible impending extinction of all advanced life in the galaxy and that's why the mission launched when it did. Maybe the Ryder secret they've referred to is that Papa knew about the Reapers and that's why he insisted his family be part of the mission.
I know that the Andromeda Initiative supposedly has nothing to do with avoiding the Reapers... but I kinda feel like it still does.
Maybe originally it was all about exploration, but then someone in charge found out about the possible impending extinction of all advanced life in the galaxy and that's why the mission launched when it did. Maybe the Ryder secret they've referred to is that Papa knew about the Reapers and that's why he insisted his family be part of the mission.
I think it's legitimately just an exploration initiative and has nothing to do with the reapers. Considering it's born from the people who first went through the Charon relay, I wouldn't be surprised if the same mindset went into Ai.
It's just surreally fortuitous timing, you know? Just before a race of machines hellbent on the destruction of civilization hits the milky way, the Council funds a mission to send people to Andromeda in a series of Arks, but that's just a coincidence?
It's just surreally fortuitous timing, you know? Just before a race of machines hellbent on the destruction of civilization hits the milky way, the Council funds a mission to send people to Andromeda in a series of Arks, but that's just a coincidence?
I think it's legitimately just an exploration initiative and has nothing to do with the reapers. Considering it's born from the people who first went through the Charon relay, I wouldn't be surprised if the same mindset went into Ai.
Thank you for keeping it real, I feel so alone in this thread sometimes.I see no way that the Andromeda Initiative will ever hold up to scrutiny from a continuity and plot logic perspective.
There'll be some fluff to help us suspend disbelief but real talk: it's all hand-waving to quietly reboot the whole franchise and get away from ME3's ending.
It's not elegant or smart but I'll live with it for the sake of a clean slate and a new adventure without baggage.
Thank you for keeping it real, I feel so alone in this thread sometimes.
Andromeda is a soft reboot, the only way they can go after the corner they wrote themselves in ME3. It feels so weird seeing others trying to pretend so hard that the continuity is fine and logical.
The timespan from finding relays to the reapers entering the scene is really thin. Like... 20 years or something no?
It's almost as If someone is trying to avoid something.
I don't get how people have a problem with the reason. This isn't necessarily even in the top 10 initiatives going on the galaxy, it's seemingly solely driven by a visionary rich person with existing tech that isn't being used due to mass relays being easily available, and the galaxy is big enough for exploratory missions to happen without everyone being aware or giving a shit.
People's disbelief in this stretches credulity more than an entrepreneur funding a one-way space mission.
Because it is fine and logical.
No it isn't. Good writing can't exist if you throw in whatever plot device you want. It takes care, time and detail to make all these new elements exist inside that universe and feel connected and realistic.I don't get how people have a problem with the reason. This isn't necessarily even in the top 10 initiatives going on the galaxy, it's seemingly solely driven by a visionary rich person with existing tech that isn't being used due to mass relays being easily available, and the galaxy is big enough for exploratory missions to happen without everyone being aware or giving a shit.
People's disbelief in this stretches credulity more than an entrepreneur funding a one-way space mission.
Because it is fine and logical.
All of this stuff is outrageously nitpicky though. Like, one sentence answers:No it isn't. Good writing can't exist if you throw in whatever plot device you want. It takes care, time and detail to make all these new elements exist inside that universe and feel connected and realistic.
Who are these rich people? -> Wealthy financiers and philanthropists looking to fund either a very long term investment or a unique scientific opportunity.
How did they get rich? -> Inheritance or possibly hard work and smart investing, but probably not.
Are they responsible for creating other tech in the ME universe? -> Generally not, I'd imagine, ME tech is fairly stagnant.
How did they acquire these top engineers? -> With money.
Where were they during the construction of the Crucible? -> Probably hiding in a bunker or working on the crucible (in the case of the Engineers) since the Andromeda Initiative launches before ME3.
How is everyone ok with sharing top technological secrets with the human race who is being bullied by most races? -> Spirit of scientific discovery, or possibly money.
How did these insanely rich people acquire such idealistic natures? -> Boredom.
How are Quarians and Krogans going to pay for such a massive project? -> They're not.
What do their people have to say about this? -> "That's cool, I guess."
Why haven't we heard anything about this in ME1-2? -> We were a bit busy at the time, what with being dead when this thing launched.
The promotional material makes it sound like it's the next frontier. Does noone care about it? -> Nobody in the thin selection of people we meet in ME1-3, I suppose.
Why wasn't this technology used in the miliary, which is what happens with every technological advancement ever realistically? -> Because the military has better stuff, generally.
And these questions are nothing, they barely scratch the surface of things that would have to be accounted for to make this sound believable. -> Bring it.
Right now, the Ark feels like another Cerberus scenario. Organizations popping out of nowhere, with infinite amounts of money that have insane technology that noone has ever seen before. -> Where is this "insane technology" thing coming from? It's a bigass spaceship with bigass cryo bays and bigass fuel tanks.
I'm sorry but it's too damn obvious that Bioware is trying to run as far as they can.
That's fine, they messed up, they want a do-over. Do it, rip the band-aid fast and move on.
Because it IS fine and logical. There is an insane amount of nitpicking going on here. Sure it's somewhat convenient. But the suspension of disbelief needed is very mild.Thank you for keeping it real, I feel so alone in this thread sometimes.
Andromeda is a soft reboot, the only way they can go after the corner they wrote themselves in ME3. It feels so weird seeing others trying to pretend so hard that the continuity is fine and logical.
We're 600 years into the future though.I bet you all the marbles the game ends with the camera panning to the night sky, as Ryder and crew see massive burst of light from the mily Way Galaxy. Ala the ending of mass effect 3
How many years does it take for light from Milky Way to reach AndromedaWe're 600 years into the future though.
We're 600 years into the future though.
How many years does it take for light from Milky Way to reach Andromeda![]()
I never meant to "shut" anything down, just that as of now, that's what it's set for. A delay is always possible but as of literally a few days ago from some conversations I had, it's well on track and the game's done but it's massive so a lot of polish is needed to get it up to that level of commercial release.I was certain this was coming in March. But having them just say "Spring", as was said above, does kind of seem like the door is being left open to move it to say May. (Though I thought Shinobi implicitly shut that down last week, strongly implying March is/was correct.)
Andromeda is 2,538,000 light years away.
If you could travel at the speed of light (which you can't) it would take 2.54 million years to get there lol.
Holy shit I was in the top 19% on the multiplayer rankings, lol. Didn't expect that.
Yeah reading those stats was an eye opener, top 8% with 64 straight hours of multiplayer gametime. It's crazy knowing there are people out there I played with that had N7 ratings 3 or 4 times larger than mine.
I was in the top 9, lol.
Great fucking times.
My only worry about the multiplayer is the prestige system granting additional stats. In dragon age it meant the game was balanced around having a certain amount of promotions, which turned it into a huge, huge grind (each promotion was a tiny increase, but a hundred of them really added up).
Also, the fact their are Krogan present is dumb, lorewise. At the time of sending they are a race that is dying out, and viewed with disdain and suspicion by the rest of the galaxy. No-ones going to spare space on an unbelievably expensive, one shot arc to another galaxy just to take them along - and when they get there they will die out at some point anyways.
(I mean, the reason for sending the arcs in the first place is silly - we know there are millions of u explored worlds left in the galaxy as is, why would you go to another galaxy at all that expense and cost if you didn't think the reapers were coming?)
The stupid amount of detail that the writer had to put into Mass Effect was one of the many things that made it so great. If you want to create such a vast and detailed unuiverse you have to put in an insane amount of thought, one that you consider useless nitpicking, and that I consider mandatory.All of this stuff is outrageously nitpicky though. Like, one sentence answers:
Hey, we have a life outside of black ops and we visited the Citadel regularly. Not even a single ad about it man. They way Bioware made it sound, it seemed like this was a pretty huge deal. Like going to the moon for the first time kind of deal.lol, we meet like a hundred people out of trillions in citadel space smh
If you're funding a project this big, it means you're like the Space Bill Gates, How did you get this rich? Did you invent the space IBM? If you're that rich, it means you had an impact in the world. What was that impact?Where did rich people come from? Are you serious?
Even if trillions of Galactic citizens are in the dark about the project, we all played through several games involving the Galaxy's biggest movers and shakers with no awareness this initiative was underway.
Hell, we discussed the end of civilisation with the frigging Shadow Broker and even as the most informed person around, her best contingency plan was salting the Milky Way with time capsules instead of getting a record to the Andromeda colony. Again, some authorial hand-waving is perfectly fine if we get a wonderful new setting out of it but saying it's all perfectly and seamlessly integrated into the original world building is a stretch.
So yeah. While the Andromeda Initiative lacks a lot of plausibility from external logic, I don't really see it at odds with the series established internal logic. That being a lack thereof.