They've been frustratingly quiet and elusive on the topic. I get that they probably want it to be a special announcement with a developer diary-like video but I'd feel so much better if we knew now.
I'm trying to remember the media boost that ME2 had... it was insane.
Incredible trailers. All those Blur Studios trailers. The "meet the cast" videos that just kept coming and coming. All the behind the scenes stuff.
They would announce someone and get us excited for them, then have a video dedicated to a voice actor, or the composers, or the designers, and going into extensive detail of the mechanics and set-up for the game.
It felt like the best marketing breadcrumb trail for a game possibly last gen. Never enough to fully spoil the experience, but plenty enough and frequently enough to satisfy and whet our appetites. It was meaty stuff, but never fully filling.
It's been two years, multiple E3s, and a recent N7 Day, and it's still nowhere near what ME2 was doing... but I'm not sure if that's because ME2 crammed it all in towards the end (I don't think that's the case) or whether they were just better at dishing out worthwhile content.