Playing ME3 through again with the expanded galaxy mod, anyone else get a load of crashes?
Playing ME3... is there any other sidequest other than Grimsom Academy that has to be completed ASAP? I'm thinking of leaving most sidequests on the side before Kaidan join... just to see what he has to say in them. Will sidequests available before the Citadel attack still be there after for example?
Grissom Academy is one, the others are the Tuchanka Bomb side-missions (The Primarch's Son) before curing the genophage or they go away.
The final set of progression sensitive side-missions are the Geth Fighter Squadron mission and Rescuing Admiral Koris mission. You have to do those before attacking the Reaper Base on Rannoch.
Otherwise the only other content with a timer is a bunch of the Citadel "Collect this item for War Assets" missions which you have to do and return to the Citadel before Priority Tuchanka's finale.
I remember you gotta do Miranda's side thing early or she dies later.Playing ME3... is there any other sidequest other than Grimsom Academy that has to be completed ASAP? I'm thinking of leaving most sidequests on the side before Kaidan join... just to see what he has to say in them. Will sidequests available before the Citadel attack still be there after for example?
Though I am impressed they had an alternate fate for Jack... even if there's barely any time spent on it, even if you romanced her. Would have loved to have seen the concept expand a bit, even if few people would see it.
Same thing happened with Morinth. Glad they gave her SOME closure if you picked her, even if it's not much...
I remember you gotta do Miranda's side thing early or she dies later.
There are at least 3 emails where Miranda asks you to meet her in ME3. Very annoying.
I didn't mind on my first playthrough since my shep was romancing her. But when I was playing a character who wasn't romancing her, it became very evident she was afforded a level of exposure most other ME2 squadmates weren't lol.
Was casually browsing youtube to see if the main theme from the concert had been uploaded at all by someone and instead I fell down a rabbit hole of people taking the music from trailers so far and separating the dialogue to make them more listenable.
My favourite has to be the gameplay trailer soundtrack but slowed down. The synth is more noticeable at a slower speed, goosebumps to say the least. I'm expecting the soundtrack for the game to be godtier if this and the Nexus videos are example of what we can expect.
The Mass Effect community always finds ways to impress.
That sounds very nice. A bit too much like "IN YOUR FACE SPACE EPIC TRAILER ELECTRONIC AWESOME ORCHESTRAL OPERA" but I'm betting we will have some more subtle ones.
Other thought: The drunk Tali scene really doesn't work if Miranda has survived, because it's so clearly supposed to be Tali mourning her, but she's fine in my game.
Also, in terms of personality, Ashley fucking sucks in ME3 compared to Kaiden. I'm really noticing it this time. She has basically nothing to say in between missions, and there's basically almost no interaction with the other crew members.
Eh, it still works even if Miranda survived, imo. It's just Tali dealing with her own daddy issues.Turns out that despite me checking on everyone after every OTHER mission, I somehow missed the Liara/Javik confrontation after Thessia, so I missed the drunk Tali berating Javik scene. Shame, maybe I'll catch it next time.
Other thought: The drunk Tali scene really doesn't work if Miranda has survived, because it's so clearly supposed to be Tali mourning her, but she's fine in my game.
I know this point has been hammered home a ton, but it's really hitting me again: It's interesting how despite ME2 being a game all about gathering a squad and making you care about them, not a single squadmember created for ME2 is playable in ME3, barring the Citadel combat challenges. I really wonder if anyone at Bioware brought up that point.
Meanwhile, as of Citadel, the entirety of your ME1 squad is available. That cracks me up.
Turns out that despite me checking on everyone after every OTHER mission, I somehow missed the Liara/Javik confrontation after Thessia, so I missed the drunk Tali berating Javik scene. Shame, maybe I'll catch it next time.
Oh man, Liara and Javik scene is among the best. And I'll argue that Thessia was one of the best missions in ME3 next to Tunchunka. Especially if you have Liara and Javik
Eh, it still works even if Miranda survived, imo. It's just Tali dealing with her own daddy issues.
Well to be fair the video isn't a one-for-one representation of the trailer music. He/she has taken a little liberty mixing it a bit towards the end (the part I suspect you weren't a fan of) and slowing it down in some parts but mostly everything is as it was in the trailer.
I'm just a fan of the ME1 Synth/Interstellar space epic vibe they seem to be going for. Assuming this is in-fact John Paesano's work, I feel like everything is in good hands.
Look at the comments, the first one is from the composer. It's not John Paesano (at least for the trailer).
I'll defend Ashley just a tad on this.Also, in terms of personality, Ashley fucking sucks in ME3 compared to Kaiden. I'm really noticing it this time. She has basically nothing to say in between missions, and there's basically almost no interaction with the other crew members.
That's how I saw it. It certainly has more impact if Miranda dies and Tali mourns her, but she was always struggling with her own daddy issues, and HER dad is the focus of her drinking in ME3 even if Miranda dies. She reflects on her own problematic relationship with her father, how miserable and unloved she felt growing up, and then the guilt and shame in comparing that to the crap Miranda endured and how it puts her problems in perspective.Eh, it still works even if Miranda survived, imo. It's just Tali dealing with her own daddy issues.
As for the ME2 squadmates thing, I've read several times that BioWare were cursing themselves during developing ME3 for having put the big-stakes suicide mission in the middle of the trilogy.
Oh man, Liara and Javik scene is among the best. And I'll argue that Thessia was one of the best missions in ME3 next to Tunchunka. Especially if you have Liara and Javik
Yeah the last few seconds were annoyed me a bit, and sounded really amateurish compared to the rest.Well to be fair the video isn't a one-for-one representation of the trailer music. He/she has taken a little liberty mixing it a bit towards the end (the part I suspect you weren't a fan of) and slowing it down in some parts but mostly everything is as it was in the trailer.
I'm just a fan of the ME1 Synth/Interstellar space epic vibe they seem to be going for. Assuming this is in-fact John Paesano's work, I feel like everything is in good hands.
Joe Paesano is the lead music guy? I though Sam Hulick was in charge again for producing 99% of the soundtrack.
It tells everyone right there on the squad mate select screen. How did you not see it?
I mean, there's an info button describing armor for your squad mates. I clicked it the first time I saw it.You only see it by clicking on the Info button no? I rarely have to click there, so... easy to miss.
Oh hey, Jamie Clayton. She plays the trans woman in Sense8, fitting given she is trans.
However, I just realized it's possible to go through the first game without ever recruiting Garrus.
They even put in alternate dialogue when you encounter him in Mass Effect 2 if you didn't recruit him in ME1.
Something I've always wondered but never tried: What is the bare minimum squad you can get in Mass Effect 1?
I know that you can skip Garrus and Wrex, and it seems like there's dialogue to refuse to recruit Tali, but I never picked it. I assume Liara is required, based on the story needs.
IRRC, Liara, Kaiden, Ashley is the bare minimum. Although, I do believe you can protest Ashley joining your crew but you end up having to take her.
You can protest taking Tali as well iirc, but Anderson still puts her on your crew.
Yeah, Tali is mandatory.
It is funny by Citadel to see the differences of who is still around if you get a really unlucky run.
I've never not kept Wrex alive so I'm curious how the Citadel DLC plays without him. What replaces that scene where he jumps onto the shuttle?
It is funny by Citadel to see the differences of who is still around if you get a really unlucky run.
I've never not kept Wrex alive so I'm curious how the Citadel DLC plays without him. What replaces that scene where he jumps onto the shuttle?
Look at all those interesting charactersYeah, Tali is mandatory.
It is funny by Citadel to see the differences of who is still around if you get a really unlucky run.