Just confirmed the Tempest is full time Scout and Research Vessel: no weaponry (I wasn't sure if they meant no guns, or just no main gun).
I'm ok with this, as long as some ships in the AI have weaponry, I can handle the jandel (Kiwi expression)![]()
And that's why I don't have much hopes for MEA. Scouting and exploration doesn't require weapons, right? Common sense is crying.
And that's why I don't have much hopes for MEA. Scouting and exploration doesn't require weapons, right? Common sense is crying.
With the way they've described, the Tempest is one of the fastest ships out there to the point where it can just outrun many situations. Certainly makes sense then that it'd have to sacrifice firepower for the sake of speed.
And with how massive the Nexus is and how many people there are, there most certainly have to be ships with the express purpose of combat that would probably be much better at it.
Fair enough but the Normandy(s) were also designed to be top of the line, military ships with the best engineers working on it and the in case of Normandy 2, practically unlimited resources thrown at it.The Normandy and Normandy 2 were also some of the fastest ships out there...
That is a fair point lol, I didn't even think of that.How can you know if it's the fastest ship out there when you don't know anything about the place it's exploring? This is just one of these moments where I really wish that MEA had a different lead writer.
With the way they've described, the Tempest is one of the fastest ships out there to the point where it can just outrun many situations. Certainly makes sense then that it'd have to sacrifice firepower for the sake of speed.
And with how massive the Nexus is and how many people there are, there most certainly have to be ships with the express purpose of combat that would probably be much better at it.
How can you know if it's the fastest ship out there when you don't know anything about the place it's exploring? This is just one of these moments where I really wish that MEA had a different lead writer.
And that's why I don't have much hopes for MEA. Scouting and exploration doesn't require weapons, right? Common sense is crying.
The thing is, the Normandy was a stealth ship. Combat was the last thing on our minds.
However the Tempest isn't a stealth ship right? How are we going to avoid combat anyhow?
Without any sufficient shields, we're in Collector OHK territory.
Those Constitution class starships might as well be war machines given their capability. Any Andromedan defense scanning one up will just go "Holy Shit" and escalate.I know right? The Enterprise was a Scouting and Exploration vessel, too. You know what it had? Phasers and photon torpedoes. Why? Because encroaching on an alien's territory can be deadly.
Maybe we can upgrade Tempest during the game? Kinda like ME2 upgrading normandys shields, weapons etc.
God I hope not. A lot of the upgrades for the Normandy in ME2 had no effect on the actual game, only on the final mission and even that effect is mainly just restricted to how cutscenes played out and whether you lost anybody. And the ones that did just slightly reduced the tedium of mining for resources.
I'm personally fine with the ship's capabilities not even being a factor in terms of gameplay rather than adding an arbitrary way to make it important.
I think the funniest part about that first contact protocol image (The Voyager Plaque) is the reference diagram of Earths solar system.
"Hey if any of you aliens discover this, it's our old home. It's 600 years away in another galaxy but you're welcome to try and reach us."
You are aware that's the voyager plaque, right?
In the real world, we're able to effectively know this due to our knowledge of physics, and the universal physical constant. Who knows, maybe there is a similar physical constant in regards to element zero. Or maybe they were just saying "the fastest ship when compared to all the ships we've made".
Also, you do realize we're still only speculating here, right? I'm not sure why you're already shitting on MEA's lead writer when we haven't even played the game yet, much less read the game's codex.
Common sense? We're already talking about a video game where we're flying at superluminal speeds to a nearby galaxy to talk with different alien races. Common sense has already flown out of the window. All that really counts is what is believable in-universe, and what is plausible. I find it to be entirely plausible for them to make the decision to make the pathfinder's ship exploratory and research-focused only, seeing as giving your emissary's ship a big-ass gun kind of defeats the notion of "we come in peace".
They did use the words "light, stealthy, ..." in the last video, but I'm not sure if that necessarily means it's a "stealth ship". As for shields, I'm sure there will be shields.
Well TBH it seems like the sort of detail gamers will not pay much attention to unless it becomes a plot hole for main story later.
I think they said no kinetic barriers.
We're not speculating as the screenshot of the tweet leaves little room for speculation and it just so happens that it's the tweet from MEA's lead writer. You know something is off when you have to defend decisions like this with a "wait till you read the Codex" option. I don't want to read some obscure justification for the lack of weapons on the exploration vessel as I just find this stupid, plain and simple. No amount of Codex explanations will help here because, yeah, common sense.
What? You think it's unreasonable to wait for the game to come out before condemning the lead writer? If you're going to be that bullheaded about it, what are you even trying to accomplish here?
There is nothing "not common sense" about any of that, unless you're just completely unwilling to give even a single inch. Like I've said before, we all know that the main impetus for not giving the ship weapons was more than likely for gameplay reasons / narrative reasons, and not from a consideration of what made the most sense. But aside from that, it is completely within the realm of plausibility that they'd want the Tempest to be as non-threatening as possible, and that they wouldn't want it to stick around and fight as much as they'd want it to get back to the Nexus as fast as possible, so that they'd be able to engage the rest of the fleet present there. Like, do you genuinely and honestly disagree that this reasoning is even remotely possible?
And that's even discounting the possibility that they might have a reason to not suspect too much resistance when they arrive there. In a universe where you're already able to go faster than the speed of light while also discounting time dilation, pretty much anything is possible.
I think it's unreasonable to continue this conversation as you clearly don't hear what I'm saying.
I think we're just going to have to file the lack of guns in the same mental space as 'in less than 50 years humanity because equal in importance to species who have already been in space for centuries' and 'all weapons suddenly need ammo packs'.
The fact is, having your fleets main exploration and scouting ship have no guns at all on it is insane and self-evidently dumb. I'm convinced it's because otherwise it would look damn weird fighting on a planets surface when our ship could just nuke them from orbit. As EatChildren has said, the series is full of huge, gaping inconsistencies and illogical actions, this is just another one to swallow.
(The entire Andromeda initiative is completely insane and ludicrous as an idea as it's been presented now, so the lack of guns shouldn't be a concern next to that!).
You hated Halo 4 that much? Feel like we haven't seen enough of the writing to judge Schlerf yet.How can you know if it's the fastest ship out there when you don't know anything about the place it's exploring? This is just one of these moments where I really wish that MEA had a different lead writer.
The nexus video states that we'll be escorted by "combat pilots" until we reach the edge of our galaxy, but that we'll be "by ourselves, with only our kinetic barriers to shield us" while in dark space. But yeah, surely there will be some amount of ships on board for when they get there.
Makes me think though, has there ever been a spaceship battle in Mass Effect while the ships were in FTL mode?
I really couldn't give two shits that the Tempest has no firearms. Of all subversion of sensibilities, that really doesn't bother me in the slightest. I can quite comfortably buy the Tempest being just one of many very similar ships used primarily for scouting and recon missions under the Pathfinder's command, unarmed as it has no military crew or intended use in any combat situation.
non-combat vessels going into completely uncharted territory with a host of powerful alien races seems pretty intelligent
Codex to the rescueeeeeee
FTL combat is impossible, since sensors are limited to light speed. As such, at FTL ships are largely blind, and very, very difficult to hit if they're taking the slightest effort to evade pursuers.
Basically this. "I wouldn't have done it that way" isn't a plot hole, guys. The Tempest has no guns cause it's a strictly noncombat vessel. You may think that's unreasonable, but there it is.
They didn't know about the host of powerful alien races. Hell, *we* don't know about the powerful host of alien races, or even if there is one. We know about the Kett and the Remnant and we only barely know about those.non-combat vessels going into completely uncharted territory with a host of powerful alien races seems pretty intelligent
They didn't know about the host of powerful alien races.
M8 that's the arks.But I mean...there could be, right? Like in a universe that contains the Collectors, Geth, Krogan, the mothafuckin Reapers, maaaaaybe you might want to put some fuckin weapons on your transportation vehicle that carries everything you need to live when going into potentially hostile literally alien territory.
Just a thought.
"In a universe that contains the Collectors, Geth, Krogan, the mothafuckin Reapers" the Andromeda Initiative probably doesn't stand a chance against any half decent army and putting guns on a scout ship isn't going to change that.
Beside having dedicated scout/research ship isn't the most unheard-of strategy, especially for a peaceful civilian project
Think this is one of those things we'll just have to disagree on. I find the notion of not having a single ship mounted gun on the pathfinder ship one of the most illogical and insane concepts in the entire series, and that's saying something. I cannot imagine any circumstance, anywhere, where an exploration vessel of this type would deliberately have NO weapons on it. Especially as they could be used for other things as well as blowing aliens out of the sky.
But, as above, I presume it's a narrative / gameplay decision because now that our ship goes into planetary atmospheres it would just look bloody stupid to have us fighting alien gribblies whilst a ship with guns hovers overhead.
On that topic, I will be incredibly disappointed if we are fighting traditional mercs and ME races in this game. There is absolutely no justification for having any original game races or forces as enemies, and it would be unbelievably lazy to get to andromeda and then spend half the game fighting 'renegade krogan' and 'human mercs'.
Think this is one of those things we'll just have to disagree on. I find the notion of not having a single ship mounted gun on the pathfinder ship one of the most illogical and insane concepts in the entire series, and that's saying something. I cannot imagine any circumstance, anywhere, where an exploration vessel of this type would deliberately have NO weapons on it. Especially as they could be used for other things as well as blowing aliens out of the sky.
On that topic, I will be incredibly disappointed if we are fighting traditional mercs and ME races in this game. There is absolutely no justification for having any original game races or forces as enemies, and it would be unbelievably lazy to get to andromeda and then spend half the game fighting 'renegade krogan' and 'human mercs'.
Think this is one of those things we'll just have to disagree on. I find the notion of not having a single ship mounted gun on the pathfinder ship one of the most illogical and insane concepts in the entire series, and that's saying something. I cannot imagine any circumstance, anywhere, where an exploration vessel of this type would deliberately have NO weapons on it. Especially as they could be used for other things as well as blowing aliens out of the sky.
But, as above, I presume it's a narrative / gameplay decision because now that our ship goes into planetary atmospheres it would just look bloody stupid to have us fighting alien gribblies whilst a ship with guns hovers overhead.
On that topic, I will be incredibly disappointed if we are fighting traditional mercs and ME races in this game. There is absolutely no justification for having any original game races or forces as enemies, and it would be unbelievably lazy to get to andromeda and then spend half the game fighting 'renegade krogan' and 'human mercs'.
Codex to the rescueeeeeee
Basically this. "I wouldn't have done it that way" isn't a plot hole, guys. The Tempest has no guns cause it's a strictly noncombat vessel. You may think that's unreasonable, but there it is.