You can definitely make some great ones. Depends on how much you put into it.
She is supposed to be smirking here.
Man the character creation screws up the animations huh?
Unless I'm remembering incorrectly.
You can definitely make some great ones. Depends on how much you put into it.
Has EA ever done a GotY version? I know they sure as fuck haven't done it for the Mass Effect games, and I doubt they'll do it for MEA.Watching a bunch of videos, I'm going to wait. I'll get EA access and play some MP, but I think the game needs work. You know there'll be a GotY edition. It's EA. Gameplay looks solid though, I'll probably really enjoy playing it. It's just the cutscene animations that take me out of it.
They did one for Inquisition.Has EA ever done a GotY version? I know they sure as fuck haven't done it for the Mass Effect games, and I doubt they'll do it for MEA.
Has EA ever done a GotY version? I know they sure as fuck haven't done it for the Mass Effect games, and I doubt they'll do it for MEA.
She is supposed to be smirking here.
Man the character creation screws up the animations huh?
Unless I'm remembering incorrectly.
RPS's John Walker with an scathing impression on the first few hours.
Worth noting that he hasn't played Inquisition, by the looks of it.
But some of the stuff he mentions is legitimately worrisome... Like, the example of Gil's dialogue is baaaad. "I tend to live the way I work: kinda feel it, do it. Not a lot of close ties, no real sense of purpose."
RPS's John Walker with an scathing impression on the first few hours.
Worth noting that he hasn't played Inquisition, by the looks of it.
Some of the flirting dialogue options
Side quests feel like something from a 2004 Korean MMO. Just complete nothingness, running from map icon to map icon, scanning objects with your scanner when told to, and then AI companion SAM letting you know that, yup, the source of the defects has been found/animal has been captured/toddler reunited with rabid tiger, despite your actually doing nothing relevant to the tissue-thin narrative.
Oh, damn, that sounds quite awful. So DAI x MMO quest design is back, writing is terrible and the interface is plain bad.RPS's John Walker with an scathing impression on the first few hours.
Worth noting that he hasn't played Inquisition, by the looks of it.
Haha when female Ryder try to hit on the gay guy. Her weird facial animation doesn't help,
This from John's Walker preview worry me:
Honestly after reading it, it seems totally left field from everything I've read today from other outlets.RPS's John Walker with an scathing impression on the first few hours.
Worth noting that he hasn't played Inquisition, by the looks of it.
Well, there is marketing and there is reality I guess especially if this isn't their A-team. Most of the dialogue in the streams/videos did look pretty suspect.The segment from John Walker about quests is puzzling as Bioware made a specific marketing point as to say they took inspirations from The Witcher 3's sidequests after looking at what didn't work in DA:I
The segment from John Walker about quests is puzzling as Bioware made a specific marketing point as to say they took inspirations from The Witcher 3's sidequests after looking at what didn't work in DA:I
Some of the flirting dialogue options
He described INSIDE as "an empty, procedural, albeit often beautiful platform game with not a single original idea in its belt" and called the ending "utterly dreadful."
Yeah I don't gel with this dude's views at all lol
Honestly after reading it, it seems totally left field from everything I've read today from other outlets.
He described INSIDE as "an empty, procedural, albeit often beautiful platform game with not a single original idea in its belt" and called the ending "utterly dreadful."
Yeah I don't gel with this dude's views at all lol
He described INSIDE as "an empty, procedural, albeit often beautiful platform game with not a single original idea in its belt" and called the ending "utterly dreadful."
Yeah I don't gel with this dude's views at all lol
By the way, people, just an FYI: the OT isn't going up until the 20th. I still have some work on it and I'm waiting for some final input from my collaborators. Someone can make a discussion thread for the EA access trial if they want, not sure if anyone claimed that yet.
"Within minutes of starting theres a cutscene in which a soldier type is shooting an already entirely dead corpse, and someone else has to say, Hey, hey, take it easy, and he fires off a few more shots and declares himself satisfied. I cant even imagine how anyone can feel okay with writing that into a script without experiencing enough shame to just get up, walk away, and keep walking until they fall off of or into something."
What the fuck lol...that was Liam and the scene was perfectly fine...Jesus.
my friend would like to know too.Can we hook up with Suvi the way we could flirt/hook up with Kelly? Asking for a friend...
Also, is anyone having trouble getting the pre-load started? Can't seem to find an option for it. When I open the menu on my purchased list, it doesn't give me an option to download the game when I select it, only the option to download the pre-order bonus DLC.
The same thing happened to me on PS4. I decided to restart the console, then it started downloading friend would like to know too.
Also, is anyone having trouble getting the pre-load started? Can't seem to find an option for it. When I open the menu on my purchased list, it doesn't give me an option to download the game when I select it, only the option to download the pre-order bonus DLC.
Mine just started automatically. I was surprised because preloads don't usually start until the Sunday before release.
The same thing happened to me on PS4. I decided to restart the console, then it started downloading automatically.
As for the "unrevealed character" tweet, sounds like that's just Jaal. He doesn't show up until after the unembargoed portion.
I have no problems following or navigating the UI. YMMV.Walker's comments about the UI are what worry me. Oh well, I'll find out when it unlocks on Origin Access.
Oh shit. Nice!This one ?
When his article doesn't fit GAF's narrative though:It is John Walker. Sometimes he comes off as contrarian just to be contrarian. But, his preview fits Neogaf's narrative so expect to see it quoted a bunch with either "uh oh" or dead.jpg
Some of the flirting dialogue options