That is Brazil (I think), they are notorious for taxes on imports.
Yep. I live in Brazil.
We have a 60% tax fee on all imports. Plus some states have additional taxes up to 20% (my state does not charge them for imports, but the state UPS and other carriers are located charge them, so I have to pay if I choose their services) plust additional fees from transport/storage that the companies usually charge. They sum up around 95% of the price of the item including original postage (tax is over the postage).
The taxation over normal mail is by sampling, not all packages are scanned/verified. For small packages like games they never bother to check. That is why I choose normal mail.
A courier like UPS has special agreements with Brazilian aduana to speed up delivery (so they can make the 48h target delivery). Using this agreement, they have to collect and pay the taxes by themselves. So they calculate and charge the customer the taxes. The taxes are already paied by them at the time you receive the package, that comes with an invoice for you to pay to the carrier. Failure to pay this invoice is a huge mistake and subject to legal actions.
Edited: for anyone in US NCSX seems to be a nice choise, considering time to delivery the goods and price.