A lot of that has to do with the stupid amount of pandering government officials do to the Christian majority.This isn't generally what happens, though. The underlying claim isn't that males are in principle unqualified to speak on abortion because they lack uteri. People often confuse slogans for arguments.
The concern is that there is at least some reason to think that various rules that impact women's sexuality are partly or wholly motivated by a desire to control women's sexuality, even when such rules are sometimes publicly justified on different grounds. Certainly this is obviously the case for many historical policies. Complementarian thinking about gender was clearly really about giving men effective ownership of their wives. This is not to say that complementarians or pro-lifers are liars; they may be deceived about their own motivations.
Abortion restrictions are suspect because it is often the case that the same people supporting them are in favor of a bunch of other things that are more clearly about controlling female sexuality. Look at the overlap between abortion opponents and those who want abstinence-only sex ed and those who oppose subsidies for birth control. Even the history of abortion as a political issue in the US is pretty damning. Nobody other than devout Catholics cared particularly much until the leadership of the religious right decided that they had to back away from blatant racism as their main selling point.
So the idea isn't that abortion restrictions would be just fine if panels of pro-life speakers had women on them. No one doubts that there are at least five women in the pro-life movement who could have been persuaded to testify in front of Congress. Rather, the lack of women on the panel is merely indicative of the opinion that the pro-life movement has of women. If the religious right were actually such that women held roughly half of the leadership positions in it, it would probably not be nearly as anti-abortion. Not because women necessarily have better positions on abortion but because probably a lot of anti-abortion sentiment is actually motivated by the same sexism that keeps women from achieving prominence of the sort where they'd be natural choices for things like panels.