Saw Boris and Doomriders tonight.
Doomriders were good as always. They played mostly stuff from Darkness Come Alive, but also did a few new songs that, well, sounded like Doomriders (and that's exactly what I was hoping for). The new album is called
Grand Blood and comes out 7/23 on Deathwish.
Boris played an interesting set, to say the least. I wasn't sure what to expect when the show was promoted as them playing Flood, because most of that album probably wouldn't translate well live. Well, they just played the heavy part in the middle, and it was fucking
awesome. They also played Huge (
yes), Attention Please, their cover of MBV's Sometimes, and a few other songs that I can't recall. Pretty good set.
I couldn't go to their show last night since I had a party to go to, but I'm kicking myself after hearing about what they played.